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Reading: Blog post pages 58, 59

A Read this text.

(Lê este texto.)

CLB5NEE © Porto Editora

MY BLOG Home  About  Templates  Sample Page

Manchester fan
From London, but living in Manchester

Go to your room!
About me
When my mum gets angry at me, she says “go to
Hello, I’m Charlie.
your room”.
I’m 11 years old and I’m a
I like spending time in my room because it’s my
I’m on a wheelchair and I
like dancing. I also enjoy favourite place in the house. I can listen to music
reading and writing.
or watch films on my computer.
There’s a big desk below the window where I do
my homework and my favourite books are on the
Dictionary: bookcase. I love reading comics.
angry – zangado(a)
So, when my mother says “go to your room”, I
messy – desarrumado
to spend time – passar tempo
smile. It’s my special place!
to smile – sorrir

B Choose the best option according to the text.

(Escolhe a melhor opção de acordo com o texto.)

1. What type of text is it? a) An email. b) A blog post.

2. Who wrote it? a) Charlie. b) Sally.
3. The text is about… a) Charlie’s house. b) Charlie’s bedroom.
4. Charlie’s special place is… a) the kitchen. b) his bedroom.

Describe your special place in the house.

(Descreve o teu lugar especial em casa.)

MY BLOG Home  About  Templates  Sample Page

My special place!
I like spending time in the because it’s my favourite
place in the house. I can .
There and .


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