D. Criminal Psychology C. R.A. 6509

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This is the study of crimes must be in relation with the existing criminal law with in the territory or
A. It is nationalistic C. it is a Social science
B. It is dynamic D. Criminal Demography
2. The Study of mental and behavioral disorder in relation to criminology.
A. Law C. Criminal Sociology
B. Victimology D. Criminal Psychology
3. A Republic Act creating the board examiners for criminologists in the Philippines and for other purpose.
A. R.A. 9503 C. R.A. 6509
B. R.A. 6506 D. R.A. 9506
4. An Attempt at scientific analysis of the causes of crime.
A. Criminology C. Sociology Law
B. Penology D. Criminal Etiology
5. This is including the fundamental of Criminology Juvenile Delinquency, Human behavior, and crisis
managements, ethics and community relation and criminal justice system.
A. Criminalistics C. Criminal ecology
B. Criminal Sociology D. Ballistics
6. Deals with the institution and non-institution correctional system of approach.
A. Correction C. Criminal Sociology
B. A social science D. Criminalistics
7. The study of the relationship between criminality and population.
A. Victimology C. Criminal demography
B. Criminologists D. Criminal Demography
8. The criminology changes as socials condition changes. It is related with advancement of other sciences
that have been applied to it.
A. It is interdisciplinary C. it is an applied science
B. It is Dynamics D.it is a social science
9. The concerned with the rehabilitation and treatment of offenders.
A. Sociology of Law C. Criminal Etiology
B. Penology D. Criminalistics
10. This is application of medical science to elucidate legal problems.
A. Chemistry C. Questioned document examination
B. Dactylographer D. Forensic medicine
11. An attempt at scientific analysis of the conditions under which penal or criminal laws develop as a
process of formal social control.
A. Sociology of law C. Criminal Etiology
B. Crime control D. Sociology
12. The application of chemical principles in the solution of the problems that arise in connection with the
administration of justice.
A. Economics C. Forensic Chemical
B. Criminalistics D. Polygraphy
13. The findings or knowledge obtained in the study of crimes and criminal behaviors is used to resolve the
crime problem and treatment of criminals.
A. It is an applied Science C. Theology
B. Criminal ecology D. Criminal Law and Jurisprudence
14. In as much as crime is a social creation that exists in a society being a social phenomenon, its study must
be considered a part of social science.
A. an social science C. Criminal psychical
B. public administration D. Dynamic
15. Its cover the study of the revised penal code and its amendments, and other laws that are penal in nature
criminal procedure and Law on evidence.
A. Criminal Law and Jurisprudence C. Criminal physical anthropology
B. Crimes D. Criminal Etiology
16. It is Section of criminology is any person who is a graduate of Degree of Bachelor of Science in
Criminology, who has passed the Examination for criminologists and is registered as such by the Board.
A. Section 1 C. Section 22
B. Section 23 D. Section 24
17. These are criminals who commit crime due to insignificant reasons that push them to do at given
A. Occasional criminals C. insane criminals
B. Passionate criminals D. Habitual criminals
18. This study of human mind and behavior disorders in relation to criminality.
A. Criminal psychology C. Education
B. Sociology D. Criminal ecology
19. These are individuals who are easily influenced by great emotions like fit and anger.
A. Criminaloids C. Dynamics
B. Passionate criminals D. Pseudo Criminals
20. He is the founder of Classical School?
A. Jeremy Bentham C. Cesare Beccaria
B. Cesare Lomroso D. Auguste Comte
21. These have no organic criminal tendency, but in the course of their lives they have developed some foul
habits that force them into criminality.
A. Habitual criminals C. Occasional criminals
B. Lascivious criminals D. Epileptic criminals
22. This school of criminology is a modification of classical theory: it believed that certain factors such as
insanity will inhibit the exercise of free will.
A. Neo-Classical School C. Positivist
B. Classical School D. Hedonism
23. He is considered the founder of positivist school and sociology.
A. Rafaelle Garofalo C. August Comte
B. Cesare Lombroso D. Charles Darwin’s
24. This kind of classified the criminals who are satisfied from vengeance or revenge.
A. Murderers C. Violet criminals
B. Thieves D. Lascivious criminals
25. The criminals who commit crime because they are affected by epilepsy.
A. Criminal epidemiology C. Insane criminals
B. Pseudo criminals D. Epileptic Criminals
26. He is one of the largest contributors to biological positivism and founder of the Italian School of
A. Auguste Comte C. Enrico Ferri
B. Cesare Lombroso D. Rafaelle Garofalo
27. This is a person who believed that the behavior of people with regard to their choice of action is based
hedonism, the pleasure pain principle.
A. Cesare Beccaria C. Jeremy Bentham
B. Charles Darwin’s D. August Comte
28. This is the book of Beccaria’s which was based on the assumption that people freely choose that they do
and are responsible for the consequences of their behavior.
A. On Crimes and Punishment C. Criminalistics Books
B. The books of Criminality D. none of the above
29. They focused on the constitutional approach to crime, advocating that structure or physical
characteristics of an individual determine that person’s behavior.
A. Classical C. Positivist
B. Lacassagne School D. NeoClassical
30. He known as the Father of modern criminology.
A. Rafaelle Garofalo C. Enrico Ferri
B. Auguste Comte D. Cesare Lombroso
31. This is the principle that human beings can choose those actions that give pleasure and avoid those that
bring pain.
A. Determinism C. Hedonism
B. Positivist D. Utilizarianism
32. Cesare Lombrso, Enrico Ferri and Rafaella Garofalo they are called __________ because of their belief
in evolution as contrasted to biblical interpretation of the origin of man and woman.
A. Holy three C. the holy trio
B. Unholy three D. none of the above
33. The person who commit very serious crimes.
A. Violet criminals C. Murderers
B. Lascivious criminals D. thieves
34. This are following Lombroso’s major contributions to positivist criminology except of one
A. The person developed of a criminal typology
B. The application of the experimental or scientific method to the study of the criminal.
C. The Theory of atavism
D. The application of statistical techniques
35. These refer to individuals who are born a genetic predilection toward criminality
A. Born Criminals C. scientific study
B. Pseudo criminals D. legalistic Crime
36. This is theory of Lombroso that criminals were developed from primitive or subhuman individuals
characterized by some inferior mental and physical characteristics.
A. theory of the born criminals C. theory of man’s evolution
B. theory of atavism D. theory of atavistic stigmata
37. Is the science which studies crime, forms of criminal behavior, the causes of crime the definition of
criminality and the societal reaction to criminal activity?
A. Criminologists C. Criminology
B. Criminalistics D. Criminology
38. The Principle Division of criminology by Edwin Sutherland, Except.
A. Sociology of Law C. Scientific analysis of the causes of crime
B. Criminal Etiology D. Crime control
39. The basis of criminal liability is human free will, and the purpose of penalty is retribution.
A. Positivists C determinism
B. Neo Classical D. Classical
40. What are the three segments can broke up of Positivism.
A. Biological, psychology and social Positivism
B. Sociology of Law, Crime Control and Scientific analysis of the causes of crime.
C. Criminal Etiology, Sociology of Law and Penology
D. Law, Sociology and Medicine
41. The criminal distinct ___ and___ common to the race and region from which the criminal came.
A. Size and Shape C. race and region
B. Physical and mental D emotion and physical
42. Person a commit crimes against chastity.
A. Lascivious Criminal C. Thieves
B. Auguste Comte D. Cesare Lombroso
43. They are the founded of Cartographic school of criminology.
A. Adophe quetelet and Andre Michel Guerry
B. Cesare Beccaria, Jeremy Bentham and Auguste Comte
C. Cesare Lombrso, Enrico Ferri and Rafaella Garofalo
D. None of the above
44. He believed that criminals could not be held morally responsible because they did not choose to commit
crimes but rather were driven to commit them by conditions in their lives.
A. Auguste Comte C. Raffaele Garofalo
B. Enrico Ferri D. Enrico Ferri
45. The study of criminology has three principal division Tradio, 1999 expect
A. Law C. Penology
B. Sociology D. Criminal Etiology
46. Study of the relationship between environment and criminality
A. Criminal Etiology C. Criminal Epidemiology
B. Criminal Ecology D. none of the above
47. These are those who commit crimes due to abnormalities or psychological disorder.
A. Pseudo Criminals C. Insane Criminals
B. Criminaloids D. Habitual criminals
48. Which the following are the assumption key of a positivist school of thought?
A. To describe criminals behavior
B. Control the criminal behavior
C. The arrest or suspected Law Violators
D. Crime is frequently caused by Multiple factors
49. Study of criminality in relation to spatial distribution in a community
A. Criminal Epidemiology C. Victimology
B. Criminal Demography D. Criminal demography
50. What is Questioned Document Examination?
A. The science of lie detection examination C. the science of fingerprinting
B. Study of disputed document D. none of the above

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