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Luc Santos

Professor Moore

Reflection on Political Science 1100

Writing about the 13th amendment was one of the most beneficial aspects to this course for
myself. While I believe I do seek information and educate myself, finding a deeper knowledge
about the 13th amendment, how it came to be and understand exactly why and how so many
African Americans suffered was very good for myself to know and understand at a deeper level.

I believe this assignment and course came at the perfect time. It aligned with the information that
I was learning about the constitution and the U.S history in my History 2710 class. A lot of the
information complemented each other and helped me to see things from the Political science
perspective, as well as the U.S History side.

This assignment complemented my intellectual growth by giving me a new and deeper

understand of how unfair the United States was, how horribly African Americans were treated
and the battles that they had to fight in order to have the simplest rights as a black person. The
racial discrimination that was done and the inequality that was present was disgusting, and I am
forever thankful for the 13th amendment which continued to lead to more equality and rights for
black people.

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