Civil War Test 2

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Name: Period: Date:

Civil War Test (1863-1865)

1. Who is in charge of ALL Union troops from 1864 to the end of the war? (2

2. What general is most associated with a “war of attrition?” (2 points)

3. What general is most associated with a “total war?” (2 points)

4. Where does Robert E. Lee surrender? (2 points)

5. Why does Grant shift his attack from Richmond to Petersburg? (What does
Petersburg have?) (1 point)
6. What phase of the Anaconda Plan is the Union trying to complete in the
Overland Campaign? (2 points)

7. What killed ¾ (75%) of all African-American soldiers in the Civil War? (2


8. What southern city is under siege from 1864-1865? (2 points)

9. True or False (circle one): Robert E. Lee had plenty of troops to spare. (1

10. What new type of warfare do we see used in the Civil War, particularly
around Petersburg. (2 points)
11. What is one example of the Union using technology to their advantage? (2

Match the terms with their definition. Place the letter next to the
term by its correct definition. (7 points)

12. ____ One of the first black regiments to be formed

A. Total War
13. ____ Series of battles throughout Virginia in
1864, intended to destroy Lee's army B. Attrition warfare
and take the Confederate capital
C. 54th Mass. Infantry
14. ____ Capital of the Confederate States of America
D. Siege
15. ____ Union strategy for defeating the Confederacy
at the beginning of the American Civil War E. Overland Campaign

16. ____ A trench or system of trenches dug by F. Anaconda Plan

troops to provide shelter from enemy fire
G. Richmond, VA
17. ____ A military strategy that attempts to
win a war by wearing down the enemy to
the point of collapse through continuous losses

18. ____ A war that is unrestricted

19. Arrange the following events in the order that they happened on the
timeline. Place the letter next to each event above the timeline. (8 points)

July 1863 Spring 1864 June 1864 April 1865

A. Siege of Pertersburg begins

B. Robert E. Lee surrenders
C. Battle of Gettysburg
D. Overland Campaign begins

20. In a few sentences, what does Gen. William T. Sherman do on his March to the
Sea? (5 points)











21. In your opinion, was the use of attrition warfare and total war worth the
victory? If so, explain why you believe it was worth it and why. If not,
explain why you believe it was not worth it. Consider the damage done by the
two when explaining your thoughts. Use complete, well written sentences in
your response. (10 points)


















Word Bank

General Ulysses S. Grant Pontoon Bridge

General Philip Sheridan Balloons

General Robert E. Lee Supply Lines

General William T. Sherman Railroads

Colonel Gould Shaw Petersburg

Appomattox Courthouse Richmond

Fort Stedman Atlanta

Cold Harbor Savannah

Overland Campaign Montgomery

Richmond-Petersburg Campaign Maryland

Trench warfare Infection and Disease

Attrition Warfare Segregated

Total War Capture Confederate Capital

Repeating Carbine Cavalry

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