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Name: ________________________________ Period:__________ Date:______________

Native Americans & Custer’s Last Stand Quiz

1. What cavalry is George Armstrong Custer leading in the search of Native American tribes? (3 pts)

2. What is the name of the Native American tribe that Custer fights with at Little Bighorn? (3 pts)

3. Name one of the tribe leaders who is present at the Battle of Little Bighorn. (3 pts)

4. Who did Custer try to take as hostages in order to avoid being attacked? (2 pts)

5. What was found in the Black Hills that led the U.S. Government to take back the land? (2 pts)

6. What is the name of the Bureau that placed Native Americans on reservations? (2 pts)

7. What massacre in 1890 led to the deaths of over 250 Lakota? (3 pts)

8. This Apache’s surrender signaled the end of the Indian Wars in the Southwest. (2 pt)
a. Wovoka
b. Tecumseh
c. Geronimo
d. Red Cloud

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