Daphne's Diary English Edition - April 2021

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aa eee number 5- 2021 - UK, Ireland £ 6,99- AUS $15.25 DIY - INTERIOR ~ VINTAGE - GARDEN - RECIPES - TRIPS - MINDFULNESS 4 label- + stickers | fe vintage | Fj from Sweden) 7..-/ Wy garden | . ili. ‘cia 680-AUS 1826 = ° Il Ak - be ae S DIAR) oo fy ah | fe C re \\ ii. SS ZY’ SS S\N : Q . <. a hy { oy ay A R ‘oy OE SPICY ask week | made some soup bul, when | as finished, it dido' taste right ob all, cas 0 bit of a shame, bul Usese things happen. | couldn't think here (id gone orang, until | discovered Unat I'd put, Loo Lablespoons of chilli powder in, instead of Li2o Lablespoans of paprika, cas axtramaly spiy! Making mistakes is a great soay Lo learn, My mother aloays told us Unal mistakes don't oakley. In fad, she often said she as proud o Lanai oom alee net perfectionism roade things harder than they needed Lo be, | never ceally gat it, nobody likes Lo fail. But Urese days | completely understand aihal she a5 getting at, When you lel go of your fear of raking mistakes, you can leage so much by just Yhaving a go al Uhings, And it definitely makes life rouch easier and much more (un, Does I'm beying bo pass my mother's wisdom on bo ‘Barney and Gnne. | used bo get a bit frustrated hen | made a mistake, bul the Loo of her aloays seem Lo Lake ik rouch harder, At seroal for example. Anne as some Lasts coming up at she's having trouble sleeping because of them, really don't wank Lo get anylhing rong, Mu she keeps saying. “Everyone's going ta Chink "ro stupid of Unal | didn't study herd enough,” We are living in a bime in ahich we share our hole lives on socal media, Everything looks perfedt on other people's profiles, Bul Lhen again Sho Gould post a picture of a soup Unek did't barn oul right. on Instagearn) Thal’s exaclly slhal.| Ley e tell Aone. Everyone rakes mistakes, and Unat's dually 4 good Uning, People oho don't make mistakes usually don't make anything at ell So there's na nead bo be scared, She just gives me a look as if Lo say, yeah urn, Unet's easy enough to say. But | do hope W's all going io and that it will help her, Because | Uniok, erillren and young people have a really hard Lime hese days. Everyone else's life looks great bo them, When | get one of those looks from Anne, there's only one Uning for it:| give her « great big hug and we head to the kitzhen bo bake Something delicious Logether. Maybe an apple pie. \Pee'te unlucky, oF should Uhal be lucky, ae might end up publing nutmeg in instead of

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