Wood Turning and Laquer Craft

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wood turning and laquer CRaft

regions the craft Etikoppaka in Andhra Pradesh, Ernakulam, Chennapatna, Chitra-
craft process .cutting
koot, Davanagere, Medak, Sheopur in Madhya Pradesh ,Sankheda, in .turning and shaping
is prevelant in:: :- Udapur Varanasi Dholka, Gujarat .sand papering.
the wood turning-lacquer craft involve both natural and synethetic
materials,the industry is therefore dependent on forests for primary ma- .varnishing.
terials-he wood of the hale tree or other species like teak, oak, ebony,
materials used assembly of elements.'
lac produced by .transporting
the insect adn
leaves or synthetic
materials used are
paints and pigments
The lacquerware industry stage: people
began as a household craft
to fulfill the economical and
storing 1one craftsmen involved
cultural needs of the com-
influencing factors muinity. Toys, Boxes, utilitarian cutting 1one craftsmen involved
and their outcomes products like bowls, spice jars,
idols of God & Goddesses were turning and shaping two-three craftsmen involved
made in the south indian com-
munities.ghodiyo, lacquered sand papering 1one craftsmen involved
furniture small drums in the
northern parts of india no of people re- lacquering 1one craftsmen involved

quired during painting two craftsmen involved

differents stages
varnishing 1one craftsmen involved
The most important tool for lac-turnery is the lathe. Hand saws, axes are
used to prepare the wood. A variety of cutting tools are used to shape
assembly two-three craftsmen involved
tools used the turning wood. These include chisels, gauges and snappers. Sandpaper
is also used.
packaging two craftsmen involved

transporting 1one craftsmen involved

there is very little in terms of explorations that

these crafts people have done,. few explorations
have been done in the forms of cradles,,,,, staicase
analysis: railings but its still in its primitive traditional style.
laquerware production has diversified i response
to changing markets while these craftsmen are
still continuing with traditional artifacts.to sus-
tain this craft it needs to keep up with the chang-
ing trends and market demands and explore the
possibility of being a space making craft.
to create a mod-
ular system of
storage using
wood turning
or easy assembly
and transporta-

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