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Michael Orzechowski

Lisa Rutherford

English 15

13 December 2020

The War on Abortion

The issue of abortion has been a major concern in our country for a very long time.

Abortion is one of the most controversial topics that is in our country today. Abortion is one

thing in this country that should be illegal. Abortion should be illegal in the United States due to

the baby’s and mother’s physical and emotional pain when being aborted, the indication that

abortion is murder, and the religous aspect that says that abortion goes against God’s will.

The first reason why abortion should be illegal in our country is that the baby and mother

endure both physical and emotional pain when abortion occurs. According to the Charlotte

Lozier Institute, babies can feel pain when being aborted. There have been studies that have

revealed that hormonal stress responses, functional neural connections, and sensory receptors

indicate that there is pain in the embryo. The Charlotte Lozier Institute states, “The published

scientific literature shows that unborn babies can experience pain at 20 weeks gestational age

(20 weeks LMP, since Last Menstrual Period, the fetal age estimate used by most obstetricians)

or earlier”(Can Babies Feel Pain When Being Aborted). These studies have disproved the

theories that say that babies do not feel pain when being aborted. That source established that

the babies feel pain when being aborted, but the mothers also do too. When a woman is

aborting her child, it is a very emotional experience and most people do not take it very well.

According to the Abby Johnson book, The Walls Are Talking: Former: Abortion Clinic Workers

Tell Their Story, she witnessed the effects the abortion had on the mothers, as well as other

people who observed the incident. These two sources both show the pain that is involved in

abortion. The first source was about the baby's physical pain, and the second source was
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about the mothers’ emotional pain. These sources both show that abortion causes a lot of pain

in this country and should be made illegal.

The second reason that abortion should be illegal in the United States is that abortion is

murder. According to the American Magazine, fetuses are considered to be human beings, and

murdering other humans is wrong. This source is against abortion and has many quotes from

some important philosophers that are also against abortion. One of the quotes from this source

is, ““The most compelling argument against abortion remains what it has been for decades:

directly killing innocent human beings is gravely unjust.”(Articles Against Abortion). Another

source I have is The Guardian. The Guardian talks about what other states are doing about the

abortion issue. It talks about how some states have already started to make laws which make

abortions illegal in certain states. This source stated, “ “Last week, Georgia became the fourth

state to pass a so-called “heartbeat” abortion ban in 2019” (Could Abortion Become Illegal In

America). Both of the sources above are about why the people fo the United States believe that

abortion should be illegal. Both sources show what is really wrong about abortion, and how

many people also believe abortion should be illegal.

The third reason why abortion should be illegal in the United States, is that it goes

against God’s will. According to the Religious Institute, abortion goes against the word of God

by going against the Fifth Commandment. The Fifth Commandment is, “You shall not

murder,”(What the Bible Says About Abortion), which also supports the point above that

abortion is murder. The Religious Institute states, “God’s Fifth Commandment is clear, “You

shall not murder” (What The Bible Says About Abortion). This quote shows that abortion goes

against God’s will in the Bible. The other source that talks about how abortion goes against

God’s will is the Jesuit Review. This is a Catholic organization that is coming out and saying

that abortion is wrong and should not be legal in the United States. The Jesuit Review said,

“There is something contradictory in a society that claims to be protective of the vulnerable but

shows a callous indifference to the fate of human beings before the moment of birth”(Articles
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Against Abortion). The two sources above show how abortion goes against God’s will, and that

other religous institutions are also against abortion.

Although abortions are mostly all bad, some people believe there are a few positive

points to it. In one of my sources, the American Journal of Nursing, it talks about how making

abortions illegal can endanger more lives. It said that by making abortions illegal, it could make

woman do illegal abortions which have a higher chance of killing the woman and the baby. In

another source, The School of Medicine, it talks about how women should have the right to

decide if they want to abort their child or not. This site says that the mother has to make the

choices for the baby. However, if people believe that the mother should have the right to decide

if she wants a child or not, then shouldn’t the baby have the right to life?

For a long time in our country, abortion has been a major issue. There are many things

that are wrong with abortion including that the babies feel pain when being aborted, abortion is

murder, and abortion goes against God’s will. I also understand why people fight for pro choice

by including that information in this paper. However, I believe that someone needs to fight for

the unborn babies' lives. This is why abortion should be illegal in the United States.
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Work Cited Page

“Abortion.”School of Medicine, University of Missouri, 2020.

“Articles Against Abortion.”America The Jesuit Review, America Magazine, 2020.


“Can Babies Feel Pain When Being Aborted.”Charlotte Lozier Institute, Lozier Institute,


“Could Abortion Become Illegal in America.”The Guardian, Guardian News and Media,



Haugeberg, Karissa. Woman Against Abortion Inside the Largest Moral Reform

Movement of the Twentieth Century. University of Illinois Press, May 2017.

“How Will Recent Abortion Legislation Affect Women’s Health?” American Journal of

Nursing, 2019.


Johnson, Abby.The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their

Stories. Ignatius Press.2016.

“What The Bible Says About Abortion.”Religious Institute, Religous Institute, 2020.

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