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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Pre/Observation/Post Cycle Form (POP)

Revised 4.20.17

Directions for Preparation for POP Cycle

1. New Teacher (NT) and Mentor (ME) identify date for lesson observation and set dates/times for pre- and post-observation conferences.
2. Minimum three days before lesson delivery, NT prepares POP Cycle Form.
3. NT completes Section 1: New Teacher Information, lesson plan, and Section 2, Part A NT Reflection.
4. NT emails POP Cycle Form and Lesson Plan to ME.
Directions for Pre-Observation
5. Minimum 48 hours before lesson delivery, ME reviews Lesson Plan and Section 2, Part A: New Teacher Reflection; completes Section 2, Part B: ME Feedback.
6. ME shares feedback with NT during pre-observation conference. Lesson plan is adjusted as needed and finalized for delivery.
Directions for Observation and Preparation for Post-Observation Conference
7. During lesson delivery, ME completes Section 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery, noting both Teacher Actions and Student Actions.
8. Prior to Post-Observation Conference, NT reflects on lesson outcomes and completes Part 3B: NT Reflection on Lesson Delivery.
Post Observation Conference Directions:
1. Within 48 hours, NT and ME share notes; discuss lesson observations and outcomes; complete Section 4. All parts should be transcribed into one document and submitted to course instructor.
Information is used for ILP.

Section 1: New Teacher Information

New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Chelsea Beauregard ELA 8
Mentor Email School/District Date

Jose Fonseca California Virtual Academy 10/9/20

Content Standard Lesson Objectives Unit Topic Lesson Title

RI.8.1 Cite textual

Students will be able to
evidence that most identify 3 key parts of the
strongly supports an story that show how
analysis of what the perceptions of Anne Anne Frank Anne Frank: Citing Evidence
text says explicitly as changed over their time in
the Annex with 80%
well as inferences from
the text.
CSTP Element(s) Focus for POP Cycle (In semesters 2, 3, 4, copy pertinent elements from ILP for POP Cycle focus.)

1 - Emerging 2 - Exploring 3 - Applying 4 - Integrating 5 – Innovating

NT pedagogical skills are newly formed Skills are developing as NT Skills are applied as NT makes Skills are refined as NT combines Skills are polished as NT expands ability
and just coming into prominence investigates and examines increased relevant and suitable elements into a cohesive and unified to add new methods and strategies
pedagogical practices use of pedagogical choices pedagogical repertoire into pedagogical repertoire

CSTP Element Initial Rating Rating Description (Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2.)

Experiments with virtual learning environments that support

Creating physical or virtual student learning. Structures for interaction are taught.
learning environments that
promote student learning, Students use resources provided to interact with each other to
Exploring/Ex understand or complete learning tasks.
2.2 reflect diversity, and ploring
encourage constructive and Currently, students use breakout rooms together to try to
productive interactions complete assignments. I would like to see more student
among students interaction in this setting aside from just getting the work
Section 2: Pre-Observation Conference
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice

My third focus student is shy

and often afraid to use the
microphone. I would like to
The largest EL need for the help give her the support and
book is having the vocabulary encouragement to use the
My IEP student has ADHD and
front-loaded for them. microphone. I will do this by
needs help focusing. I try to
Focus Students
Students will be provided with giving her only a partner to
ensure we are not doing any
· Summarize critical needs and vocabulary words/definitions work with in breakout rooms
how you will address them one activity such as direct
during this lesson. throughout reading the story which can allow her to feel
instruction for too long, and
to help aid understanding. less pressured to participate
provide frequent check ins and
Concepts and new words in since there is only one other
chances for student interaction
lesson will be covered/front- student instead of the whole
to help keep students engaged.
loaded prior to students class listening. I will also give
beginning partner work. her opportunities to
participate in other ways
when needed so she does not
get overwhelmed.

Part A: NT Reflection
Part B: ME Feedback
Use questions to guide reflection on the lesson
Provide feedback on lesson plan reflection.

I will be focusing on promoting a learning

environment that promotes student
learning and encourages productive
interactions among students. My goal this
year is to get more students comfortable Increasing student interaction in
Inquiry Focus/Special Emphasis
speaking on the microphone and
· What is your inquiry focus and/or special small groups where the student
emphasis? interacting with one another, which is a
· How will you incorporate the inquiry focus
and/or special emphasis into the lesson? challenge in an online environment. I have
could feel safer should eventually
· What specific feedback do you want from your
been trying to give students opportunities translate to more participation while
to work in smaller group settings where is in the entire class.
may be less frightening to speak since the
whole class is not listening. I would like
feedback on how to continue to promote
this type of class culture.
The EL strategies of frontloading
Feedback regarding practices to vocabulary and checking for
help get them engaged and understanding throughout the lesson
learning in an online setting. We could also assist a student with
Inquiry Focus/Students
· What specific feedback regarding your focus
discussed some EL strategies, are ADHD. In addition, for this student
students do you want from your ME? there more that you think are you should monitor how long can
necessary? What strategies can be you can hold his/her attention and if
used to help hold student focus for needed give frequent, short breaks
students with ADHD? for the student to walk, stretch,
move away from camera.

Having short individual interactions

with the student that the student
Specific Feedback
· What additional specific feedback do you want does not perceive as an evaluation.
Strategies to encourage microphone usage.
from your ME regarding lesson
implementation? For example, by having the student
check in and tell you how the day is

Opening: Warm Up asking students to

consider all the ways Anne has changed
throughout the story. Students can add to
whiteboard, chat, or use microphone to
discuss answers.
Body: Begin with short direct instruction on
the inner vs outer self (how Anne perceives
herself vs how others perceive her).
Students will have a chance to discuss what
they think the difference between the two
Instructional Planning is. I will then model how to find evidence of
· How is the lesson structured (opening, body,
and closing)? how Anne perceives herself from a passage
· What varied teaching strategies and
differentiated instruction will help students
in the story. Students will then work with Good lesson structure.
meet lesson goals? partners to identify other key moments in
· What progress monitoring strategies will be
used? How will results inform instruction? the story that give insight to both how
Anne views herself and how others may
view her. Students will provide evidence
from the story to prove their ideas by filling
out a graphic organizer together.
Closing: Students will share their ideas with
the whole group and complete an exit
ticket before leaving.

Progress monitoring: frequent check in’s,

teacher monitoring during partner work
A big thing we discuss along with this book
is the fact that Anne is the same age as
many of the students. This helps them to
really put themselves in her shoes and
empathize with what she is going through
Student Engagement/Learning because it is hard for them to imagine Establishing a connection between
· How will you make the lesson relevant to all the
going through the same thing today. This the students and Anne based on
· How will students show progress towards also helps students relate to Anne and her their similar ages is a good strategy
master of lesson objectives?
feelings/themes of growing up because to make lesson relevant.
they are all going through it as well.
Students will demonstrate progress toward
objectives by their work on the graphic
organizer as well as check ins throughout
the lesson.

Students are reminded of the online tools

rules at the beginning of chat. They know
they need to be respectful and use tools
appropriately or they could lose the tool
If students begin to use tools incorrectly
Classroom Management
· How will you maintain a positive learning (for example, chatting with friends instead Regular reminders of expected
environment with a welcoming climate of
caring, respect, and fairness?
of using the chat to ask/answer questions) I behaviors are very important. Also,
· Identify specific classroom procedures and will usually give a quick warning (either make sure to celebrate appropriate
strategies for preventing/redirecting
challenging behaviors.
verbally or in a private message depending behaviors.
on the circumstance). If it continues,
students lose the privilege. I can take away
privilege from individual students as well as
the whole class which helps to monitor and
keep everyone on track and the
environment positive.

Students will answer an exit ticket to show

their understanding of the lesson material.
I will be assessing their graphic organizers Appropriate way to close lesson.
to look for student understanding of the Make sure to give positive
Closure objective. This lesson is preparing them
· How will you close your lesson? feedback, specially to those who
toward writing their first analysis essay of
· How will you assess student learning and
prepare them for the next lesson? the year, so based on how they do with struggle ( find a point to celebrate).
identifying key moments and finding Great idea of using this lesson as a
reliable evidence, I can plan my next lesson measure of class levels.
to continue working on those skills or move
on to more in depth analysis skills.

Section 3: Observation of Lesson Delivery

Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Teacher Actions Student Actions Lesson Delivery

Student groups answered worksheet questions that Students completed the worksheets and were able to ask
EXAMPLE When teacher reviewed worksheet, she asked additional
included all levels of Bloom’s (“Identify 6 problem-solving questions. Most groups needed revisions for their questions;
CSTP 1: Engaging All Students questions of analysis and evaluation (“which problem-
strategies; pick two strategies and identify at least one comparison/contrast was the most common analysis
· In what ways were solving strategy do you prefer? How could you create a
similarity and one difference between them”). Groups then question. I need to give them a Bloom’s question stems
students engaged? math problem that could be solved with this strategy?”)
selected a strategy and created two math problems to handout next time.
exchange tomorrow.

Creating physical or virtual learning Students were able to find

environments that promote student
learning, reflect diversity, and encourage examples from the story,
constructive and productive interactions but many were not able to
among students
Students worked in small groups relating finish in the short class
Specific Feedback
· What information can
NT encouraged students to participate in Anne’s experience to their own. Students time. In the future I would
multiple way, both as part of a group and interacted with the teacher using
you provide the NT
regarding requested individually. There was opportunity to different formats (microphone, chat, maybe focus where they are
special feedback? contribute anonymously. visual organizer) searching for examples to a
NT explained class activities well and
posted written instructions. certain number of pages so
Microphone use was offered to all they don’t feel as
students in the large as well as breakout
rooms. NT was well organized and overwhelmed looking
expected all students to participate. through the whole book.

Students were given a

variety of ways to engage
including chat, whiteboard,
and microphone. Students
CSTP 1: Engaging All were asked to volunteer
Students Students added their warm up feed on
· In what ways were Students were asked to complete a warm the screen, everyone had an opportunity throughout the lesson to
students engaged?
How were students not
up activity at the start of the lesson and to see other’s input. read, answer questions, etc.
continued to be engaged in different Students were called by name when not
· How did students activities. Students were able to responding to teacher instruction (raise I provided an opportunity
contribute to their
contribute using different modalities. your hand) for all students to
· How did teacher and/or
students monitor Students were asked to raise their hands, Students were asked to volunteer to read participate, regardless of
· How were the focus
a good way to check engagement. out loud a passage from the text how nervous or shy they
presented online.
students engaged and
supported throughout
may be because some
the lesson? answering methods were
anonymous to the class. I
found many students
participated in these
anonymous methods.

I gave students
opportunities to work with
CSTP 2: Effective NT called students by name, welcoming Students participated in the chat room, me as well as together to
them to the lesson and thanking them for for example by comparing their behavior
Learning Environment
· How did students and their participation. in public and private, and then relating further their own learning. I
teacher contribute to NT added her instructions on the chat this to Anne’s behavior. provided praise when
an effective learning room for student to confirm or review NT
instructions. necessary to help promote
the strong learning
NT presented a well timed lesson that
CSTP 3: Organizing
was easy to follow. NT broke the lesson I began with having
Subject Matter
· What actions of the NT into segments that were easier to process Students showed that they could follow students relate their own
by students. the lesson without difficulty by experiences to what they
contributed to student
assimilation of subject
providing written as well as verbal
· How did students
NT asked student to think how their own feedback. read about in Anne Frank’s
experiences compared to the experiences Student were observed adding layers of
construct knowledge of
subject matter? of Anne (i.e. how do they act different knowledge as the lesson progressed.
diary. This made it easier
· What misconceptions
did students have and
when people are around?) for them to understand and
Students were given a choice of how to No misconceptions were noted.
how were they
addressed by the participate. grasp the material as we
teacher? moved forward.

I broke the lesson up into

NT contributed to student learning by different parts so the
association current situation experienced students could grasp one
by students (pandemic) to the sense of
CSTP 4: Learning
Experiences Students were provided with visual isolation experienced by Anne. NT concept at a time before
· How were students supports, and feedback during emphasized the similarities as well as moving on to breakout
supported through instruction. Student participated by differences between the experiences.
reading passages from the text, engaging work. Students participated
· How did students
in breakout rooms. NT presented NT created a breakout room where through chat, whiteboard,
participate? information clearly breaking down into students were asked to complete a
· How did the NT smaller pieces and frequently asking for graphic organizer. and microphone as well as
contribute to student feedback. Instructions were provided verbally and partner work in breakout
rooms where they
completed a graphic

I made myself available to

the students while they
were completing their
CSTP 5: Assessing By asking all students to raise their hands breakout assignment by
Student Learning
· How did students
in the chat room, NT verified that they
Students participated by posting on a going from room to room
were actively listening to the
achievement of lesson presentation. NT asked specific students
discussion board without having to and offering help when
identify themselves. A great way to
objectives? to raise their hands.
assess class progress and allow for needed. I could see quickly
· In what ways did
students struggle or
NT asked students for an exit ticket a the
individual students to share their views which groups understood
demonstrate limited safely, respecting their privacy.
understanding? end of the lesson. Studens were expected the task and which needed
· What teacher actions to summarize lesson before leaving.
contributed to student more guidance as I went
from room to room.
Students also completed an
exit ticket when leaving to
assess understanding.

Section 4: Post Observation Conference

I felt like students did understand the idea of how Anne has changed throughout the
story, but they did not have time to identify all three examples from the story in the
To what degree did
students achieve lesson
short class time. The way our online school live classes are set it, it makes it hard to
objectives? continue assignments to the next day because it does not save student work from the
previous day. Instead, I am continuing to work on this concept with students and
assessing their final understanding of the objective through their final essays.

Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice

This student did well with

the breakout room. In
addition to only having
I noticed in this lesson this
one partner, in the days
student struggled with the
leading up to the lesson I
This student did not partner work aspect. He
was sure to pair her with
actually come to the class. does not like working with
people she was
She has an opportunity to other students and will not
comfortable with. This
To what degree did focus
watch the class recording answer them, but then get
students achieve lesson got her more used to the
objectives? and send me the exit ticket, frustrated when they tell
microphone and by the
but has not yet so she is not me they aren’t sure if he is
time she got to the lesson
able to be assessed. She there. He needed extra
she did great. Her group
will be assessed via her support in his breakout
did not finish the
essay submission. room to help get him
organizer, but she was
working with the other
able to answer the exit
ticket and had a good
understanding of the

Next time I would make the assignment more focused. Students were overwhelmed
What would you do trying to search the whole text for examples in a short time frame. I would maybe
differently next time?
give them specific diary entries to look through to specific page ranges to help
narrow their focus and allow them to quickly find the information they need.

1. Students were given many opportunities to participate, and I saw most, if not all,
students participate at some point throughout the lesson because of the varying
What were three top
Lesson Strengths? 2. By relating the material to students’ lives, I believe they were more engaged and
understood the lesson that much more.
3. Many students correctly answered the exit ticket, showing that they understood
the material being taught.
1. Not enough time to finish the graphic organizer, Students need a more focused
task or more time to complete it.
2. More encouragement for students to use the microphones. I love offering a variety
of ways for students to participate, but sometimes that can cause students to
become afraid of the microphones and not want to use them during breakout work.
What were three top areas I’d like to see more collaboration between students in breakout rooms which can
for improvement?
be achieved by getting them more comfortable on mic.
3. Part of the purpose of this lesson is to prepare students for an essay, I noticed (in a
later lesson) when I finally told the students about the essay that they became
completely overwhelmed. I would maybe tell them sooner (maybe even in this
lesson) that the essay is our ultimate goal. This may even help students engage
more earlier because they know it is all to help them with that essay later.

What are next steps?

We will be starting a unit of short stories after the break, I will use the feedback from
this lesson to help fuel my lessons in the next unit.
Other Comments/Notes

All parts of this form should be transcribed (typed; not hand-written) into a single document and submitted to course instructor.
Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized on the NT ILP as appropriate.

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