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This chapter includes rationale, theoretical background, theoretical

framework, statement of the problem, scope and limitations and significance of

the study.


Corona virus pandemic not only affected our daily life routine but also our

e-commerce. E-commerce. With the implementation of health protocols,

community lockdowns and social distancing, most of the shops are closed due to

the pandemic. Due to the ongoing pandemic, this pave way to online shopping

that gave shoppers another way of buying goods.

Online shopping is the activity of buying products or services over the

internet. It means going online, landing on seller’s website, selecting something

and arranging for its delivery. The buyer either pays for the goods or services

online via credit or debit card or upon delivery. Online shopping has been around

for twenty five years and has grown in popularity over time.

The advantages of online shopping is that it serves as an alternative.

Shoppers get to shop freely from various websites. Shopping online saves time

and effort because shoppers can shop everywhere and anywhere depending on

their convenience. Online shopping prevents shoppers from experiencing

pressure shopping, which sales representatives follow the shoppers as they

browse through the products, that saves the shoppers from trouble and they can
choose products from different shops. The best part of online shopping is that of

its availability which is open twenty-four hours everyday. Online shopping can be

dangerous because of scammers. Another disadvantage is that the lack of close

examination of products.

The aim of this research is to determine the behavioral influences of the

online shoppers in choosing a product. This can both benefit the sellers and

shoppers in engaging online.

Theoretical Background

There are many theories that correlates with the topic of online shoppers

behavioral influences in choosing a product. Most theories focus on few major


According to the Theory of Reasoned Action of Fishbein and Ajzen

(1960s), that analyzes the importance of pre-existing attitudes in the decision-

making process. It states that consumers act on behavior based on their intention

to create or receive a particular outcome. In this analysis, consumers are rational

actors who choose to act in their best interests.a consumer only takes a specific

action when there is an equally specific results expected.

According to Motivation-Need Theory of Maslow(1943), people act to fulfill

their needs based on a five-part priority system. The needs include, in order of

importance: physiological (survival), safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization.

According to Consumer Behavior Theory of Marshall, it is the study of how

people make decisions when they purchase, helping businesses and marketers
capitalise on these behaviours by predicting how and when a consumer will

make a purchase. It helps to identify what influences these decisions, as well as

highlight strategies to proactively manipulate behaviour.

According to the Theory of Planned Behavior of Ajzen (1991), theorizes

that understanding and predicting behaviors, which posits that behaviors are

immediately determined by behavioral intentions and under certain

circumstances, perceived behavioral control. Behavioral intentions are

determined by a combination of three factors: attitudes toward the behavior,

subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.

According to Post-Purchase Model of Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory

(EDT) of Oliver (1980), citizen satisfaction is not only the result of the objective

performance of a service, but also depends on the implicit prior performance

expectation of that service. For instance, if the perceived performance of a

service positively exceeds prior expectations this results in positive

disconfirmation, which in turn will lead to more satisfied citizens. Therefore,

varying expectations of the performance of a public service are said to play a

critical role in explaining differences in citizens’ satisfaction.

Theoretical Framework


Statement of the Problem

Scope and Limitations

This study was conducted at Golden Success College located at 1297 V.

Rama cor. Singson Street, Guadalupe Cebu City Cebu

The respondents of the study are the online shoppers in Barangay

Guadalupe, The researchers made a self-made interviews questionnaire that will

be administered to the respondents.

Significance of the Study

Online Shoppers This study will benefit them in a way that they will be guided or

knowledgable on what influences them in buying a product. Thus, they will be

guided on shopping online with ease.

Online Sellers This study will help them to strategize on marketing their products

to the shoppers. Thus, helping them to earn more.

Business Entrepreneur This study can help them think of various ways on how

to innovate their business for future references.

Future Researchers This study will help the future researchers as a reference or

baseline information to further develop on the study about online shopping.

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