7 Places in Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia That Worth To Visit

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7 Places in Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia

that Worth to Visit 

Dear all the travellers, thanks for reading my article, and in this time i want to share some
of knowledge about some others place that existed in Yogyakarta area near by, Klaten is a
regency part were existed in the central java province, klaten has a bunch of religious site
(paranormal activity / kejawen and some of another kind spiritual activities) and natural site also
existed at there, some of them are artificial kind of travel, for the family part also existed kind of
natural water springs in every district, almost all sub-district it had some of them. At present
time, periodically, the travel activity has become a staple need for some community layer in
Indonesia (especially for teenagers and families), with a trip then all the fatigue and boredom
through the world of work can be a little relieved (refresh your mind ... oh and then they just
realize it). Therefore, on holidays or sunday normally are almost in the various locations where
some natural and religious is always full of visitors. Visitors who come not only local tourists
from locals but also from various surrounding some city near by klaten regency.
Klaten regency located between two great cultural centers, are the Kasunanan Surakarta (Solo
Regency / Solo Kingdom) and Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat (Kraton Jogja / Sultan
Palace in Jogja). It causes in the klaten regency are still thick with the indigenous culture based
from cultural effect and religion effect, which is still largely conserved as "nyadran" celebration
activity (they do visit, clean up around the cemetery, pray for the family member that already
past away), another activities are "apeman" (kind of thanksgiving but in javanese culture, that
they do to give handmate food they cook by themselves and presented to neighbors), "kupatan"
(same like apeman but normally this event are happened after ramadhan month), in addition to
nature and cultural tourism, some touristic spot which is not less important in klaten district
which is religious tourism actvities, the religious tourism activities means that we do clean our
hearts of people who believe to a place that can bring blessing in our life (attract positive
energy). the place is usually a tomb of famous figures in the past (muslims missionaries or
javanese missionaries or some others believers missionaries). there are two tombs site are very
popular in the district, that namely Sunan Bayat Klaten in sub-district bayat and the tomb of Ki
Ageng Gribig in Jatinom sub-district,
here we'll discuss 7 among the tourist attractions in the klaten regency arguably very beautiful so
it is a pity if it were not visit in the future i think.
Prambanan Temple
First of all are Prambanan Temple could be said of a tourist spot that is worldwide that is already
well known such as Borobudur Temple in magelang, this tourist spot visited by many foreign
tourists. also Prambanan temple is placed in the borderline between Central Java province and
Yogyakarta province, that's why 2 of them make an aggrement that for the profit that come from
Prambanan temple would be shared to improve infrastructure in and for each province. Thus, in
this explanation we try to put that include in the list of seven sites in Klaten that must be visited.
We never talked about the tourist attractions Prambanan before. So if you want to know more
about Prambanan temple you can see on our posts following :
The beauty of Prambanan Temple and The Legend about Roro Jonggrang.
Warung Apung / Floating Restaurant at Rowo Jombor Lake / Jimbung
It seems not many place or lake in Indonesia that provide floating restaurant on the water (like in
the Rowo Jombor lake area). It was precisely in the Klaten district Rowo Jombor were existed.
Here you can find so many, lined up dozens of floating point which provides a wide variety of
dishes made from freshwater fish, some of them are from catfish, tilapia, Gourami etc. To enjoy
the atmosphere around these free floating stalls, but of course you have to buy food in this
restaurant. Based on our experience, there a lot of choice, how the way to cook it, or how the
cuisine were serve. Evenly in some restaurant who accompanied with entertainment in the form
of dangdut music or javanese music on certain days. Oh yes ... The precise location for floating
restaurant Rowo Jombor / Jimbung is located in the village of Bayat, Klaten, Jombor Krakitan or
approximately 6 km to the south of the city center of Klaten, i hope you can ask me if you want
to visit this place.
Sugar Museum Central Java
Next Place are : Sugar Museum in Central Java more known to the public as a museum or a
SUGAR museum Gondang Winangoen. That's because the museum is located in the gondang
winangoen sugar museum PTPN IX. Precise location is located in the side of Yogyakarta - Solo -
Kilometer. 25 street, Klaten - Central Java. Because from history that who build it are VOC
(Verenigde Oost Indische Compagnie), then this place is maintained for the purpose one of them
are for depository some wide variety of historical objects that are related to the sugar industry
and its development. Among the antiquities collection of Gondang Sugar Museum is a unused
milling machine tools, locomotive transporting sugarcane from the ancient times, mockups sugar
factory, the explanation about different types of sugar cane and etc. In addition to the museum, in
sugar factory complex also contained agrotourism that offer some exciting family attractions as
well as a rest area and a cup of coffee in Banaran Cafe. For those of you who were passing on the
road Yogya - Solo also possible to stop by here just for unwind and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea,
tell me if you want to know about this.
Natural Pond at Cokro Tulung area 
Here it's the next fresh place are : Cokro Tulung Natural Pond is fresh water swimming pool
were located in the cokro village and tulung sub-district of Klaten district. In this swiming pool
there is a pond with a source of fresh water that comes from the very natural groundwater. This
creates its own freshness when bathing in this swimming pool, this place normally will full of
visitorsduring the day before Ramadhan Month / Fasting month. That's because in Klaten district
there is a tradition that before fasting month come then we recommended to do "Padusan" clean
our body and soul that must be. Padusan activity was basically purify our minds and bodies in
welcoming the fasting month that we believe the month that will give full of blessings. Even
when you can enjoy a padusan activity with dangdut music which is usually provided by the
manager, i knew it's kind of marketing way to attract more visitors.
Umbul Ponggok / Ponggok Natural Swimming Pool
Umbul Ponggok is a natural pond that developed into water tourism, is quite famous nowadays
in Klaten district. Various colorful fish that live in Umbul Ponggok also possible to see and make
this natural site to be one of the favorite snorkeling locations. Wait ... wait ... wait, Not only that,
Umbul Ponggok also often to used for diving improvement skill.

However you don't have the opportunity to snorkel in the beautiful marine parks ... maybe, so ...,
there are now in Klaten district existed and i can say "found" a fun snorkelling location. You
don't need to scare, because possibility of floating away by the waves like in ocean, for the
snorkeling spot this time i want to share are is not the sea, but rather a source of natural spring
water is fresh named Umbul Ponggok natural swimming pool. This Natural swimming pool were
existed since long time ago or since indonesia in the part of dutch colony, with a size approx 50 x
25 meters and an average depth of 1.5 to 2.6 meters this place suitable for snorkeling locations.
In contrast to the bottom of a swimming pool that made by tiled floors, the bottom Umbul
Ponggok are look still very natural with expanse of sand, rocks, and thousands of colorful fish,
and the atmosphere was really like under the sea of course if you dive into it. Although filled
with fish, the quality of water in Umbul Ponggok is not fishy because the water flows
continuously or good circulated naturally, because the water from here are used by the citizens
for irrigation to the paddy field near by and to the river near by.
Besides being a place for snorkeling, Umbul Ponggok also often used as locations for the
beginner diver diving training before they actually dive in the sea. for the visitors who don't had
skills to swim or do not want to snorkel there is another way that visitors can ride paddle boats
and around the pool. As for the children also provided a short-sized pool that can be used as the
location of swimming and water play.
Info about Location and Ticket at Umbul Ponggok
Umbul Ponggok located in the village Ponggok, District Polanharjo, Klaten, Central Java. if you
come from Yogyakarta can be taken approximately 1 hour trip by private vehicle. Umbul
Ponggok open every day starting at 07:00 am to 17:00 pm.
To get into the Umbul Ponggok all visitors obliged to pay the charged IDR 5,000 per person. For
tourists who want to snorkel but did not carry the equipment, in Umbul Ponggok also provided a
snorkel equipment rental place. Here's the list price: IDR 5,000 frog legs, snorkel, IDR 10,000,
buoys IDR 5,000, IDR 5,000 tires.
Tips Photographing in Bannerman Ponggok
One of the interesting activity to do while in Umbul Ponggok are doing some photo shoot in the
water. For tourists who do not have an underwater camera does not need to worry. At Umbul
Ponggok provided some underwater camera rental services, and the details are : IDR 60.000 for
30 minutes and IDR 100.000 for one hour. If you want to take photo shoot with the specifics
concept, in this place there are also underwater photography services at relatively inexpensive
If you want to do a photo shoot in Bannerman Ponggok, travelers are advised to come on
Monday - Friday 07.00 - 09.00 or 14.00 - 16.00. While on weekends Saturday - Sunday for a
satisfactory outcome advised to come at 7:00 to 09:00 pm. Photographing in the morning or late
afternoon will produce a better picture because pond water clearer and the sun is still on the side
rather than directly overhead. Additionally during the day the number of visitors is usually a lot,
so can't freely search for a great photo spot.
Pilgrimage to the Tomb of Ki Ageng Gribig Jatinom
Ki Ageng Gribig are the spreader is a scholar of Islam in Klaten are still descendants of King
Brawijaya of Majapahit Kingdom. This tomb normally be visited on Friday "legi" and Friday
"kliwon" (javanese calendar). Also in this location there is a unique tradition of dividing apem
(traditional food in java, kind of small pancake) held on every Friday, around the 15th month in
the Javanese calendar Sapar, located near the tomb of Ki Ageng Gribig. This event called with
"Ya qowiyu".
Religious Tourism to Sunan Tembayat
Tomb of Sunan Tembayat located in District Bayat, Klaten regency. Sunan Tembayat is a cleric
who spread Islam in Klaten. Sunan Tembayat originally named the Duke in Semarang
Pandanaran. Duke Pandanaran moved to Bayat as planned to study Islam to Sunan Kalijaga. Still
remember the origins of Salatiga city? Yes Sunan Tembayat a part of this story.

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