6.1.1. Worker Questionnaire 2008 PDF

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NREGA Survey 2008: Worker Questionnaire

[Investigator: Please remember that the questions below are addressed to an individual worker. Make sure
that the concerned person answers himself or herself (especially if the respondent is a woman). If at all
possible, conduct the interview at home, and in any case not in a group. Before starting the interview,
introduce yourself carefully and check that the respondent is willing to spare up to an hour or so for this
discussion. If any question is not applicable, write “NA” in the relevant space. If you are unable to obtain a
clear response, use the appropriate code (usually “9”), but please avoid this as far as possible!]

Village: /_____________________________/ Gram Panchayat: /__________________________/

Block: /_____________________________/ District: /_________________________________/

Worksite name: /_________________________________________________________/

Investigator’s name(s): /_______________________________________________________________/

Name of respondent: /_______________________________/ Date: /________________________/


A. Respondent's Details

1. Age (years):

2. Sex:
[1 = Female; 2= male] /______/

3. Education level:
[1 = Illiterate; 2 = Literate (below primary); 3 = Primary (Class V complete); /______/
4 = Upper Primary (class VIII complete); 5= Secondary (class X complete);
6 = High School (class XII complete); 7 = Above High School; 9 = Unclear]

4. Marital Status:
[1 = Married; 2 = Widowed; 3 = Divorced, Abandoned or Separated; /______/
4 = Unmarried; 5 = Other (specify); 9 = Unclear]

5. Religion:
[1 = Hindu; 2 = Muslim; 3 = Christian; 4 = Other (specify); 9 = Unclear] /______/

6. Caste group (if applicable):

[1 = SC; 2 = ST; 3 = OBC; 4 = Caste Hindu; 5 = Other (specify); 9 = Unclear; /______/
NA = Not applicable]

B. Household Details
[Investigator: The term “household” in this section refers to the household unit
as perceived by the respondent (this may or may not be the same as in the Job
Card). Usually this would correspond to members of a family who share the
same “chulha”.]

7. Type of ration card:

[1= APL; 2 =BPL; 3 =Antyodaya; 4 = Annapoorna; 5 = Other (specify); /______/
6 = No ration card; 9 = Unclear]

8. Type of dwelling:
[1 = Kachha; 2 = Semi-pukka; 3 = Pukka; 9 = Unclear] /______/

9. Main occupation of the household:

[1 = Self-employment (agriculture); 2 = Self-employment (non-agriculture); /______/
3 = Casual Labour; 4 = Regular Employment (naukri); 5 = Other (specify); 9 =

10. Amount of agricultural land owned:

[Investigator: Please convert local units into acres. If you are unable to convert, /______/ acres
note the answer as given by the respondent, outside the box, and convert in due

11. Number of household members:

[Investigator: Fill all entries in this table (write “0” if applicable) and make
sure that the row total is the same as the column total.]
Female Male Total

Children (below 18 years) /______/ /_____/ /_____/

Adults (aged 18-65 years) /______/ /_____/ /_____/

Aged persons (above 65 years) /______/ /_____/ /_____/

Total /______/ /_____/ /_____/

12. Type of household
[1 = Nuclear family; 2 = Nuclear family with dependent(s); 3 = Joint family /______/
(with several nuclear families); 4 = Other (specify); 9 = Unclear]

13. Household assets.

[Investigator: Please note below, preferably based on direct observation (and
otherwise by asking), whether the household has the following
possessions/facilities (1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Not sure).]

Electricity /______/

Fan /______/

Television /______/

Toilet /______/

Motorcycle /______/

C. Awareness
[Investigator: Before proceeding, please indicate whether this interview is
taking place after a public meeting organized during the survey, in which the Yes/No
respondent participated (circle the relevant answer).]

14. “Since you have a Job Card, adult members of your household are entitled to
work under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). How /______/
many days of work is your household entitled to, every year?”

15. “Under NREGA, you are also entitled to earn the minimum wage. In your
understanding, what is the minimum wage that is supposed to be paid to /______/
NREGA workers in this area?”

16. “Under NREGA, workers are entitled to timely payment of wages. In your
understanding, how soon are wages supposed to be paid, after the work is done? /______/

D. Job Cards

17. Does your household have a Job Card?
[1 = Yes (own Job Card); 2 = Yes (but joint with some other household); /______/
3 = Yes (several Job Cards);4 = No; 9 = Unclear]
[Investigator: If the respondent does not have a Job Card, note the reasons in
the space below and then skip this section. If he/she has a Job Card, ask to see
it. If the household has several Job Cards, focus on the Job Card that has the
respondent’s name.]



18. How many adults are listed on the Job Card?

[Investigator: “Adult” means someone aged 18 or above today (not at the time
of issuing of Job Card.]

Female: /______/

Male: /______/

Total: /______/

19. [Investigator: If possible, please note the Job Card number below, in full.]

Job Card Number: ______/______/______/______/__________/

(state) (dist) (block) (GP) (household)

20. Did you have to pay for your Job Card, or for the photograph on the Job Card?
[Investigator: Please note amount below; if there was no charge, write “0”.]

Job card: Rs. /______/

Photograph: Rs. /______/

21. Are you in possession of your Job Card at the moment, or is it with someone
else? /______/
[1 = In possession; 2 = Someone else; 9 = Not sure]

22. If it is with someone else, where is it?
[1 = Pradhan/Sarpanch; 2 = Sachiv; 3 = Gram Rozgar Sewak; 4 = Other GP /______/
functionary (specify); 5 = Contractor; 6 = Other (specify); 9 = Not sure]


[Investigator: The question below should be answered by you, based on careful

examination of the respondent’s Job Card (if available).]

23. Did you find evidence of any of the following irregularities in the respondent’s
Job Card (on the page(s) where employment and wage details are recorded)?
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Not sure; NA = Not applicable (Job Card not available)]

No entries have been made on these pages, even though some household
member(s) did work on NREGA. /______/

Some entries are incomplete or missing. /______/

Fake information has been entered. /______/

Some entries have been over-written. /______/

The signature column is blank or partly blank. /______/

Entries were made during the last few days, in anticipation of this /______/

[Investigator: In the space below, please record any further irregularities you
have noticed in the respondent’s Job Card.]



24. [Investigator: After careful discussion with the respondent, and examination of
the Job Card, write below your best estimate of the number of days of NREGA
work done during the last 12 months by (1) the respondent, and (2) the
household members together. You can enter a “range” (e.g. 60-80 days), but try
to avoid it if possible.]

Number of days worked by the respondent: /______/

Number of days worked by all household members together: /______/

25. If you were free to work under NREGA for as many days as you like, up to 365
days in a year, how many days do you think you would chose to work? /______/

[Investigator: An approximate figure will do. You can enter a “range” (e.g.
100-120 days) if this is how the respondent answers.]

E. Perceptions of NREGA
[Investigator: You may find that some of the questions in this section are
“repetitious”. Feel free to focus mainly on those that elicit useful responses, but
please don’t skip any questions.]

26. How important is NREGA for your family?

[1 = Very important; 2 = Somewhat important; 3 = Unimportant; 9 = Unclear] /______/

Please explain.


27. Do you feel that has NREGA has brought any significant change in your life or
your family’s life? /______/
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Can’t tell]

Please explain.


[Investigator: Please explain carefully to the respondent that you are going to
read out some statements and ask him/her whether the statement applies to
him/her. Note any interesting details in the space provided after each
[1 = Applies; 2 = Doesn’t apply; 9 = Not sure]
28. Working on NREGA has helped us to avoid going hungry.

Working on NREGA has helped us to avoid migration.


Working on NREGA has helped us to send children to school.


Working on NREGA has helped us to cope with someone’s illness.


Working on NREGA has helped us to repay our debts.


Working on NREGA has helped us to give up work we didn’t want to do.

(e.g. because it was demeaning or hazardous) /______/


NREGA has resulted in the creation of useful assets in the village.


29. What is the main use you have made of the wages you have earned at this
NREGA worksite?


30. During the last 12 months, have you ever used your NREGA wages to obtain
health care or buy medicines? /______/
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Unclear]

If yes, please describe.


31. During the last 12 months, have you ever used your NREGA wages to buy any
durable goods (e.g. radio, fan, bicycle)? /______/
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Unclear]

If yes, please describe.


32. During the last 12 months, have you ever used your NREGA wages to buy
seeds, fertilizer, tools, agricultural implements, animals, or other farm-related /______/
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Unclear]

If yes, please describe.


33. Do you have any savings from your NREGA wages, or have you spent
everything? /______/
[1 = Some savings; 2 = No savings; 9 = Unclear]

If yes, please describe.


34. During the last 3 months, have you [the respondent] earned any cash income
from any source other than NREGA? /______/
[Investigator: Note that this question is asked to the respondent as an
individual; it is not a question about household earnings.]
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Unclear]

If yes, describe

35. Had you not been employed at this NREGA worksite, what sort of work do you
think you would have been doing? /______/
[Investigator: Select the code that best describes the respondent’s answer, after
a brief discussion.]
[1 = Would have remained unemployed; 2 = Would have worked at home or on
own fields; 3 = Would have found other casual labour; 4 = Would have looked
for work wherever possible; 5 = Can’t guess; 6 = Other (specify); 9 = Unclear]

36. If NREGA work was not available in this area, do you think that you would be
staying in the village at this time? /______/
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Can’t tell]

37. Since NREGA was launched in this area, do you feel that the extent of labour
migration in your village has decreased, increased, or remained more or less the /______/
[1 = Decreased; 2 = Increased; 3 = Same; 9 = Can’t tell]

F. Work Applications

38. Did you ever make a written application for work under NREGA, or make an
informal request for work to the Sarpanch, Sachiv, BDO or other responsible /______/
[1 = Written application; 2 = Informal request; 3 = Both; 4 = No; 9 = Unclear]

39. If not, what was the main reason for not applying?
[1 = Not aware of the need to apply; 2 = Not aware of how to apply; 3 = Felt /______/
that it would be pointless to apply; 4 = Not interested in NREGA work; 5 =
Unnecessary (work is available without application); 6 = Other (specify); 9 =
Unclear; NA = Not applicable]

[Investigator: If the respondent has made several work applications/requests,

please focus on the most recent application/request from now on. If the
respondent has not made any application/request, write “NA” each time.]

40. If yes, what kind of application/request was it?

[1 = Individual, written application; 2 = Individual, informal request; 3 = /______/
Collective, written application; 4 = Collective, informal request; 5 = Other
(specify); 9 = Unclear; NA = Not applicable]

41. Whom did you approach with this application/request?

[1 = Sarpanch; 2 = Ward Panch; 3 = Sachiv; 4 = Gram Rozgar Sevak; 5 = /______/
Other GP functionary; 6 = Block-level office/functionary; 7 = MLA; 8 = Other
(specify); 9 = Unclear; NA = not applicable]

42. Was your application/request rejected?

[1 = Rejected; 2 = Not rejected; 9 = Unclear; NA = Not applicable] /______/

43. Did someone give you a dated receipt?

[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Unclear; NA = Not applicable] /______/

44. Did you get work within 15 days of your application or request?
[1 = Yes; 2 = No, but work was given within 30 days; 3 = No, and not even /______/
within 30 days; 9 = Unclear; NA = Not applicable]

45. Did you get any work at all in response to your application or request?
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Unclear; NA = Not applicable] /______/

G. NREGA Wages

46. Have any wages been paid so far at this worksite?

[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Unclear] /______/

[Investigator: If the answer is “no” or “unclear”, skip the rest of this section.
Otherwise, please explain to the respondent that you are going to ask him/her a
few questions about the most recent payment made at this worksite.]

47. How many days have passed since the last wage payment at this worksite?
[Investigator: Enter number of days in the box, e.g. 30 days. If you can’t tell, /______/
write “NA”.]

48. Did this payment happen within 15 days of the work being done?
[1 = Yes; 2 = No, but payment was made within a month; 3 = No, and payment /______/
was not even made within a month; 9 = Unclear]

49. Where was the payment made?

[1 = Worksite; 2 = Panchayat bhawan; 3 = Other public space (specify); /______/
4 = Someone’s private residence (specify); 5 = Other private space (specify);
9 = unclear]

50. Were all labourers paid together, or separately?

[1 = Together; 2 = Separately; 9 =unclear] /______/

51. Were the payment details (including name and amount paid) read aloud?
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9=Unclear] /______/

52. Did you sign the official Muster Roll after taking your wages?
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9=Unclear] /______/

53. Did someone enter the payment details in your Job Card, in front of you, at the
time of payment? /______/
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9=Unclear]

54. Who paid the wages?

[1 = Sarpanch or sachiv; 2 = Representative of line department (e.g. Irrigation /______/
Department); 3 = Other government official (specify); 4 = Contractor; 5 =
Other (specify); 9 = Unclear]

55. Did you collect your own wages, or did someone else collect them for you?
[1 = Respondent himself/herself; 2 = Other family member; 3 = Other member /______/
of work “group”; 4 = Other (specify); 9 = Unclear]

56. After your wages were collected, who kept them?

[1 = Respondent himself/herself; 2 = Respondent’s spouse; 3 = Other /______/
household member; 4 = Held collectively by the family/household; 5 = Other
(specify); 9 = unclear]

57. How much were you paid, and for how many days of work?
[Investigator: If the respondent is unable to provide these particular details,
note whatever he/she is able to say in long-hand, e.g. “She was paid Rs 73 per
day for a week’s work.” Remember to focus on the last payment only.]

Wages paid (Rs): /______/

Days of work: /______/


58. Do you feel that you received what was due to you as per the rules?
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Not sure] /______/

If not, please explain.



59. Do you prefer to be paid in cash, or through a Bank or Post Office?

[1 = Cash; 2 = Bank or Post Office; 3 = Other (specify); 9 = Unclear] /______/



H. Other Wages
60. Last time you worked as a casual labourer in this area (for a private employer),
how much did you earn?
[Investigator: If the respondent did not do any private casual labour during the
last 3 months, write “NA”.]

For agricultural labour (Rs/day) /______/

For non-agricultural labour (Rs/day) /______/

[Investigator: Before asking the next question, find out what was the last harvest
in this village, e.g. wheat harvest, bajra harvest, paddy harvest… Explain the
questions carefully and note the answers only if you feel that the respondent
understands them. Otherwise, skip.]

61. In this village, how much were casual agricultural labourers normally paid at the
time of the last harvest, this year?

Men (Rs/day): /______/

Women (Rs/day): /______/

62. How much were they paid at the time of the same harvest last year?

Men (Rs/day): /______/

Women (Rs/day): /______/

I. Child Care
[Investigator: This section applies only if the respondent is a woman and she
has at least one child below the age of six years. Otherwise, skip this section.
Note that the questions focus on the respondent’s youngest child.]

63. What is the age of your youngest child? ______ years ______ months

64. Today (or the last time you worked at this worksite), where did you keep your
youngest child? /______/
[1 = At the worksite; 2 = At home; 3 = With neighbours or relatives; 4 = At the
local Anganwadi or School; 5 = Other (specify); 9 = Unclear]

65. If the child was at the worksite, who looked after him/her?
[1 = Mother; 2 = Siblings; 3 = Crèche; 4 = Other (specify); 9 = Unclear; /______/
NA = Not applicable]


66. If the child was at home, who looked after him/her?

[1 = Husband; 2 = Siblings; 3 = Mother-in-law; 4 = Other relatives; 5 = Child /______/
was alone; 6 = Other (specify); 9 = Unclear; NA = Not applicable]

67. Did you feel anxious about the child when he/she was at home while you were
working at the worksite? /______/
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Unclear; NA = Not applicable (child was not at home)]

If yes, please explain.



68. When you work at the worksite, do you have any difficulties breastfeeding your
child? /______/
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Unclear; NA = Not applicable (child is not breastfed)]

If yes, please explain



69. What do you think can be done to that your child is looked after while you work
at the worksite?



70. Would you bring this child to the worksite if child care facilities were available
at the work site? /______/
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Not sure; 9 = Unclear]

If not, why not?



[Investigators: Before proceeding, check that the respondent is happy to

continue for another 15-20 minutes. If not, you can skip Part II below and go
straight to Part III. But make sure that you are able to complete Part II for at
least half of the sample workers in each Gram Panchayat.]


J. At the Worksite
[Investigator: The questions in this section apply to the worksite where the
respondent is currently working.]

71. How many days have you worked at this worksite so far? /______/ days

72. What sort of work are you (mainly) doing at this worksite?
[1 = Digging and/or carrying earth; 2 = Breaking stones; 3 = Skilled work /______/
(mistri); 4 = Water supply; 5 = Child care; 6 = Mate; 7 = Composite task
(specify); 8 = Other (specify); 9 = Unclear]

73. At this worksite, does the mate/supervisor generally mark your attendance in the /______/
official Muster Roll, or in an informal notebook/register (kaccha khata)?
[1 = Muster roll; 2 = Informal notebook; 3 = Other (specify); 4 = not
applicable (mate doesn’t record attendance); 9 = Unclear]

74. When you work at this worksite, do you have any health-related problems such
as tiredness, body ache, back pain, breathing difficulties, etc.? /______/
[1 = Yes, most of the time; 2 = Yes, sometimes; 3 = Rarely; 4 = Never;
9 = Unclear]

If yes, describe briefly.


75. Have you ever faced any harassment at this worksite?

(Examples: physical violence; verbal abuse; sexual harassment; caste /______/
discrimination; harsh supervision; no breaks for breastfeeding; being asked to do
heavy work in spite of pregnancy, illness, etc.)
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Unclear]

If yes, describe:


76. What sort of asset (e.g. pond, checkdam, well, road) is being created or repaired
at this worksite? Please describe it briefly. /______/
[1 = Pond (talab); 2 = Checkdam; 3 = Well; 4 = Other water harvesting
structure (specify); 5 = Land improvement (e.g. leveling); 6 = Kaccha road;
7 = Pacca road; 8 = Other (specify); 9 = Unclear; NA = Not applicable (no
asset creation involved)]



77. Do you feel that this work is useful or useless?
[1 = Very useful; 2 = Quite useful; 3 = Not particularly useful; 4 = Useless; /______/
9 = Unable to tell]

Please explain:


78. Have you ever noticed any machine (e.g. excavator, JCB) being used at this
worksite, to do work that could have been done by labourers? /______/
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Unable to tell]

If yes, please describe.



79. To your knowledge, is any contractor involved in the implementation of this

work? /______/
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Unable to tell]

If yes, please describe.



K. Piece-rate Work
[Investigator: Before asking the next question, make sure the respondent
understands the difference between “daily wage” and “piece rate” payment.]

80. At this worksite, are you being paid on a “daily-wage” basis or on a “piece-rate”
basis? /______/
[1 = Daily wage; 2 = Piece-rate; 3 = Other (specify); 9 = Unclear]

[Investigator: If the answer is “daily wage”, “other” or “unclear”, skip this


81. Did anyone explain to you how your wage is calculated at this worksite?
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Unclear] /______/

82. In your understanding, how is your wage calculated?



83. In your understanding, how much does a worker have to dig (in soft soil) in
order to earn the minimum wage of Rs. XX/day?
[Investigator: Mention the minimum wage, e.g. Rs 100/day. Probe as required
and note the answer in the respondent’s own words, e.g. “80 cubic feet”, “ten
by ten”. If the respondent is unable to answer, write “Unknown”.]



84. Have you ever seen anyone measuring the work being done at this worksite?
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Unclear] /______/

85. If yes, how many days have lapsed since the last measurement?

86. Who did the last measurement?

[1= Junior Engineer; 2 = Technical Assistant; 3 = Mate/supervisor; 4 = /______/
Contractor; 5 = Sarpanch/sachiv; 6 = Gram Rozgar Sewak; 7 = Other
(specify); 9 = Unable to tell; NA = Not applicable (no measurement was made)]

87. Did this person measure your own work, or your team’s work, or the entire
worksite’s output? /______/
[1 = Individual measurement; 2 = Team measurement (e.g. husband-wife pair;
work gangs); 3 = Collective measurement (all labourers together); 4 = Other
(specify); 9 = Unclear; NA = Not applicable (work was not measured)]

L. Gram Sabhas

88. To your knowledge, did any Gram Sabha meeting take place in this Gram
Panchayat during the last 12 months? /______/
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Not sure; 9 = Unclear]

89. Did you attend any Gram Sabha meeting during the last 12 months?
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Unclear] /______/

90. If not, why not?
[1 = Not aware that any meeting took place; 2 = Gram Sabha meetings are /______/
pointless; 3 = Not interested in attending; 4 = Interested but unable to attend; 5
= Interested but doesn’t feel welcome; 6 = Other (specify); 9 = Unclear; NA =
Not applicable (respondent did attend)]

91. If yes, did you speak at any of these Gram Sabha meetings?
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 9 = Unclear; NA = Not applicable (didn’t attend)] /______/

92. If yes, was NREGA discussed in any of these Gram Sabha meetings?
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Not sure; 9 = Unclear; NA = Not applicable (didn’t /______/

93. To your knowledge, has the selection of NREGA works been discussed in any
Gram Sabha meetings in this Gram Panchayat during the last 12 months? /______/
[1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Not sure; 9 = Unclear; NA = Not applicable (didn’t


[Investigator: In the space below, please record any further observations of interest, e.g. any significant
details about the respondent’s social background, complaints, views, experiences (positive or negative),

Case Study [optional]

[Investigator: If you feel that this person/household’s experience provides interesting material for a “case
study”, or that the respondent has interesting stories to tell (positive or negative), please take further notes
in the space below. The more the better!]


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