Siddhartha and Vanaik 2008 (CAG Report On NREGA)

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CAG Report on NREGA: It is also important to recall the context

in which the CAG undertook this “perform-

Fact and Fiction ance audit” of the NREGA. It has been

easily forgotten that the audit was initiated
at the request of the MRD and not in the
routine course of CAG’s operations. The
Siddhartha, Anish Vanaik intention, at least to begin with, seems to
have been commendable, even courageous:

The draft report of the he debate sparked off early this year to commission an independent body to
Comptroller and Auditor General by the leak of a draft report of the identify problems in the programme as
Comptroller and Auditor General they were emerging.4
on the working of the National
(CAG) on the National Rural Employment We try, in this article, to understand
Rural Employment Guarantee Act Guarantee Act (NREGA) – hereafter the what the CAG report can (and cannot) be
was used by many sections of the “CAG report” – has come at a critical interpreted to say. Such an exercise is nec-
media to strongly criticise this moment. A balanced and careful stock- essary, we argue in the first section,
taking of the performance of the NREGA because of the way in which the media
employment programme. Much
after two years of implementation is coverage has unfolded. Much of the cover-
of the coverage sensationalised required, and could serve as a useful guide age was sensationalist and many of the
the findings of the report. What to further action in the context of the exten- opinions expressed would not be borne
did the CAG actually say? Where sion of the programme across the country. out by a plain reading of the report. For
Unfortunately, the controversy over the instance, the reportage and initial contro-
did the CAG fall short in its
CAG report, as it has unfolded in the versy centred on three aspects – the
investigations? And what can we media, has precluded any constructive national average estimates (including the
learn from the CAG to improve the exercise of this sort. Instead, the report figure of 3.2 per cent of the beneficiaries
functioning of the NREGA? has been widely used to dismiss the Act as availing 100 days of employment), the
a failure, by presenting the findings in a alleged violations of operational guide-
biased manner. In this article, we seek to lines and claims about corruption. We
present aspects of the report that have demonstrate that the report is far more
either been insufficiently emphasised or circumspect and measured in its treat-
ignored altogether so far, along with an ment of each of these.
appraisal of the strengths and weaknesses However, the confusion is not merely
of the CAG report. media-driven. Part of the blame for this
must also be laid at the door of the CAG,
1  Overview for what was effectively a half-hearted
The CAG report is the most extensive “performance audit”. Auditing “perform-
assessment of the implementation of the ance” must surely include some sense of
NREGA so far.1 The scope of CAG audit was the actual impact of the programme even
the 200 districts covered by the first phase as it looks at questions of compliance with
of the NREGA since February 2006. The prescribed requirements. For a variety of
range of records audited included the reasons that we explore, the CAG is deaf-
relevant records of the ministry of rural eningly silent on the former – the impact
development (MRD), state rural develop- on the lives of workers and the quality of
ment offices, and block and gram pancha- the assets created. The report has little to
yat (GP) level offices between February say about actual socio-economic out-
2006 and March 2007. In overall terms comes, whether it is the impact of NREGA
the CAG studied records relating to 68 dis- on poverty, or on women’s empowerment,
Acknowledgements are due to Amitabh tricts in 26 states, 128 blocks within the or agricultural productivity. The main
Mukhopadhyay, Nikhil Dey and Reetika Khera. selected districts, and 513 GPs in the select- benchmark of “performance” remaining is
Special thanks to Jean Drèze. ed blocks.2 However, this massive scale of a procedural one: conformity with the
Siddhartha ( and operations has inevitably meant a focus Operational Guidelines (OG) of NREGA
Anish Vanaik ( have on certain aspects of implementation at (including the main provisions of the Act
been part of field studies of NREGA initiated the expense of others. As such, the temp- itself). Indeed, even this benchmark is a
by the G B Pant Social Science Institute, tation to view the report as the last word blunder, since the OG are not binding on
on the NREGA must be avoided.3 the states. This silence on the impact and
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   june 21, 2008 39

the misconceived yardstick for compliance was projected as its essence, generating The real issue is what these figures con-
have come together to create the present false controversies.6 note. The CAG took registered households
ambience of hysterical NREGA-bashing. as the reference group, while the MRD’s
Further, precisely because the main focus 3  Controversies calculations focus on households employed
is procedural, the report has had relatively As pointed out earlier, “performance” in the under NREGA. The “registered household”
little to say about corruption. Contrary to report has meant compliance rather than (CAG) approach does not capture the
the impression that has been created in outcomes. Contrary to the impression given demand-driven aspect of the Act. Any
countless media reports, there is very little in many media reports, the report has not rural household – whether or not it subse-
about the extent of “leakages” in NREGA. investigated the veracity of documents (e g, quently seeks employment – can get a job
Some of the procedural irregularities iden- by speaking to labourers), except in a sec- card through registration. Registration is
tified by the CAG, of course, do make the tion on works and muster rolls. This pre- simply an expression of potential interest
programme vulnerable to corruption, and vents the CAG from making a conclusive in applying for employment. In many
the report also mentions specific instances statement on many of the suspected irregu- instances, government servants, shop
of embezzlement. But nothing in the report larities that it has uncovered. For the most owners and others who are unlikely to
substantiates sweeping claims that “NREGA
Table 1: Different Approaches
funds don’t reach the poor”.5 Per “Registered Household” (CAG report) Per Household Employed under NREGA (MRD Figure)
In the last two sections we present some Average days of employment 18 44 (approximately)
of the findings of the CAG that can help in Households accessing 100 days 3.2 10 (approximately)
providing direction to the mid-term Source: CAG data are from Comptroller and Auditor General (2007), p 44. The MRD figures are from Dreze and Oldiges (2007).

course-correction – the stated objective Table 2: Sampled Districts vs National Averages (CAG Approach)
of the MRD in inviting the CAG in the CAG Sample Full National Data
first place. Average days of employment per registered household 18 24 (approximately)
Households accessing 100 days as percentage of registered household 3.2 per cent 5 per cent
2  Media Coverage (approximately)
Source: CAG data is from Comptroller and Auditor General (2007), p 44. The MRD figures are from Dreze and Oldiges (2007).
The CAG episode has been the occasion on
which NREGA has received the most sus- part, the CAG has carefully refrained from engage in manual labour have been regis-
tained negative media attention since its making any categorical claim about these tered, “just in case”. MPRs suggest that the
enactment in mid-2005. Thus far, reportage irregularities, but the media has harped proportion of registered households that
about social audits and the Central Employ- upon them as concrete evidence to damn have actually worked at NREGA worksites
ment Guarantee Council visits had highligh­ the Act.7 In this section, we try to carefully is around 55 per cent. There is, then, a gap
ted instances of corruption within a frame- understand some aspects that have gener- between the “registered households” and
work of overall optimism about the Act. ated much heat but little light during the “households employed”.
The tone set by the initial reportage course of the media coverage. The gap between the two figures can be
on the matter vitiated the possibility of a construed in more than one way. It can be
dispassionate reading of the CAG 3.1  Estimates of Employment read to suggest an “access issue”, implying
report [Ghosh 2008]. Consider the head- Many initial media reports focused on a that the households already registered
lines of the four-part article series (pub- particular set of figures mentioned in the are not able to avail of the employment
lished in The Indian Express between CAG report, according to which each opportunities due to procedural or other
January 7 and 10 and authored by registered household received 18 days of hurdles. Field visits do lend some weight to
R Tiwari and G Pandey) which broke the employment on average, and only 3.2 per this possibility.9 At most NREGA worksites
story on the issue: cent of registered households worked for the authors have visited, work is accessed as
the full 100 days. In response to this, the and when a project is initiated by the author-
Shadow over Showpiece
– upa guaranteed 100 days of work to poor, over MRD came out with an alternative calcu- ities. (Indeed, the procedures for demand-
96 per cent didn’t get it, says first audit lation, suggesting an average of 44 days ing work are among the least clearly under-
– It’s official: In poorest states, job funds don’t of employment per household, with 10 stood aspects of the Act – among officials
reach the poor per cent of households getting 100 days of as well as workers.)
– Congress ka haath kiske saath?
employment (Table 1). Nevertheless there remains another
– In opposition camp too, delays, mismanagement
These two sets of figures were reported possible interpretation for the gap between
This mix of dramatic numbers and well- by the media as competing claims, but the those registered and those obtaining
worn clichés was characteristic of the fact of the matter is that both are derived employment: that some job card holders
stories as well. The articles consistently from the same source: the official Monthly chose not to demand work. In this case, the
distorted findings of the report by string- Progress Reports (MPR).8 This false contro- “per employed household” approach that
ing them together, out of context, into versy, pitting the CAG against the MRD, was the ministry relied upon (which
exaggerated conclusions. By picking played up in the media. So how did they suggests a much better performance)
almost exclusively on one section – the arrive at two different numbers from the seems more ap­propriate. In either case
state-specific findings – a part of the report same data? the figures, when carefully understood,
40 june 21, 2008  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly
serve as the starting point for further these criteria and arranged them into a the media, a careful examination of such
investigation rather than simple con- table showing the compliance status of the instances does not lead to a picture of
demnation or celebration. 10 states with the maximum districts under widespread corruption.
A second problem with the media’s NREGA in the year 2006-07 (Table 3). Even In a small number of cases, the CAG has
presentation was that they misrepresented here, however, it must be noted that CAG reported clear-cut financial irregularities.
CAG figures (which are calculated for has adopted an “either/or” approach These are based largely on a paper audit
sample districts) as national averages which tends to hide more than it reveals. and, only in Orissa, on cross-verification
The CAG based its numbers on 465 GPs. To illustrate, consider the compliance of records with the statements of labour-
Using the data from the entire country recorded by the CAG on minimum work- ers. An instance of this from Bihar [CAG
would yield different results, as shown in site facilities – water, shade, first aid kit 2007, p 59].
Table  2 (p 40). and childcare facilities (if there are five or Rs 8.99 lakh was paid as wages to
Last but not least, it must also be kept in more children below the age of six years at fictitious labourers in respect of 7 works, as
mind that these are average, national fig- the worksite). The findings in this respect the name of the same labourer was record-
ures that reflect data from extremely read as follows [CAG, p 28]: ed twice or thrice for the same period in
different regions. An uneven performance Worksite facilities were not provided in 202
the same or other muster rolls (MRs).
of states in implementation of NREGA in GPs in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Adding up such examples reveals that
the first few years, while troubling and Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu their scale and number where financial
unacceptable in the long term, is also a & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Manipur, irregularities are clearly stated are not
Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttara-
realistic initial outcome. As such, an aver- particularly significant in the CAG report.
khand and West Bengal (15 States).
age figure would not reflect the NREGA’s It would not, however, be unfair to add to
potential. In other words, these averages If even one of these facilities in one of the these clear-cut instances others like the follo­
should not be treated as benchmarks GPs of any of these 15 states was found to be wing one from Andhra Pradesh (ibid, p 59).
for judging the viability of the pro- missing, this state would have joined the
Tampering of muster rolls by using white
gramme.10 list. As a result, this statement tells us fluid and marking absent as present and also
precious little about the actual state of overwriting the number of days worked was
3.2 Statement of Non-Compliance things. Such an approach can only noticed in general during examination of
In assessing compliance, the CAG has com- yield a partial if not distorted view of muster rolls pertaining to the works selected
in certain selected GPs.
pared actual practices with the stipula- the implementation.11
tions from three sources: the Act, the OG In a case like this, while the description
and MRD communications. A significant 3.3  Financial Irregularities of the practice suggests that funds have
chunk of the report consists of lists of Instances identified by the CAG as possibly been siphoned off, the CAG provides no
states that have not complied with some involving financial irregularities have numbers by which we can gauge the
norm or the other stipulated in any of been splashed across the media. Financial extent of the fraud. Even adding them up,
these three. Lists have been compiled for irregularities are not the main focus of the the evidence of corruption forms a very
over 45 such norms. Not all of these are report. However, it does mention specific small part of the report.
equally significant. The fact that “...(21 cases from which corruption can be The fact that such meagre findings
States) had not prepared exhaustive lists inferred. In contrast to the presentation in about corruption have been unearthed is
of all tasks to be taken up Table 3: Statement of Non-Compliance in 10 States with Highest Number of NREGA Districts
under REGS in different Non- Job Cards Lack of No District Non-payment Delay in Non- Expenditure Monthly
Appointment Not Issued Worksite Schedule of Minimum Payment of payment of without Squaring of
geo-morphological condi- of Employment within the Facilities3 of Rates Wages Wages4 Unemploy- Administrative Accounts
tions” [CAG, p  41] can Guarantee Prescribed ment Approval and Not Done6
Assistants1 Time Frame2 Allowance5 Technical Sanction
hardly be considered as
Spread in Total Sample 268 GPs in 162 GPs in 202 GPs in 23 states 90 GPs in 200 GPs in 53 blocks 24 GPs in 131 GPs in
significant as delays in the 18 States 15 states 15 states 11 states 18 states in 17 states 7 States 10 States
payment of wages, for Andhra Pradesh x x x x x x x
instance. At times, the Assam x x x x x
exercise is in danger of Bihar x
becoming simply a mind- Chhattisgarh x x x x x x x x
less act of comparing Jharkhand x x x x x x x x x
Madhya Pradesh x x x x x x
stipulation after stipula-
Maharashtra x x
tion to reality. However,
Orissa x x x x x x x x
the investigation of the
Uttar Pradesh x x x x x x x x
core stipulations of the West Bengal x x x x x x
NREGA is certainly a valu- (1) These are supposed to be staff dedicated to NREGA present at every gram panchayat. They are the most important operational unit at the GP-level.
(2) Job cards have to be issued within 15 days of application for registration. (3) Shade, drinking water, first aid and provision for childcare.
able part of the report. (4) Within 15 days of the date on which the work was done. (5) Labourers are due unemployment allowance if 15 days have elapsed since the date of
We have selected nine application for work and no work has been provided. (6) Monthly squaring of accounts is to be done under three heads, viz, money held in bank accounts at
various levels, advances to implementing or payment agencies, and vouchers of actual expenses.
of the more significant of Source: Compiled from Comptroller and Auditor General (2007) passim.
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   june 21, 2008 41

more a testimony to the limitations of the part, it avoids the question altogether. guidance for creating an environment
approach of the CAG to this audit than an Where it has stepped into an overall conducive to implementation.14 While the
accurate picture of the extent of corrup- assessment, the CAG has chosen to use CAG has used the OG as a criterion to audit
tion. Indeed, processes like social audits either national averages of employment the administrative practices in the pro-
and detailed muster roll verifications (of generated, or existing poverty lines to gramme, the OG are, strictly speaking, of an
the kind that have been pioneered by pronounce on the impact of the NREGA. advisory nature (certainly so in terms of
Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan in The complexity of the employment figures their legal status). The OG, in its prescrip-
Rajasthan) are far more effective as ways and the inadequacies of the national tions, set a very high threshold in terms of
of quantifying corruption. The fundamen- average have been discussed already. record-keeping rules, transparency provi-
tal point, which bears repetition, is that Using the below the poverty line (BPL) sions, and participatory requirements in
the draft CAG report is not an assessment status as a marker of access (coverage of monitoring and vigilance. Many state
of the extent of corruption in the NREGA. the scheme among the rural population) schemes fall short of meeting these guide-
is not a holistic indicator of distribution; lines, which give rise to a state of confusion
4  A Work in Progress it might at best serve as a rough guide to and conflict. But processes which are a
The performance audit (PA) is a specialised the same.13 result of such confusion cannot be dis-
and relatively new form of audit being taken NREGA outcomes ought to be assessed missed as outright procedural irregulari-
up by the CAG.12 It subsumes and seeks to go in terms of the socio-economic impact in ties. State directives, rules and schemes are
beyond the more usual kinds of audits which the lives of people. Only an intensive field- the primary sources of procedure for the
simply check the account books or look at based interaction with the labourers will implementing agencies in the field. In fact,
compliance with stipulations. The guidelines suffice as a methodology for fulfilling this a proper performance audit would have to
for performance audit in India suggest that objective. A PA dedicated mainly to find- assess the state schemes themselves against
the CAG is ideally expected to opine on three ing contradictions within the records must the binding norms created by the central
facets: the effectiveness of a programme/ be an incomplete one ab initio. government (other than the OG) and also
department in achieving its objectives (out- Having not assessed outcomes satisfac- the various thresholds that inhere in the
comes), the levels of economy achieved and torily, the supplementary aim of identify- Act.15 Having failed to do so, CAG has
the efficiency displayed. Beyond these three ing additional ones has not even been termed the state-wide faulty practices
basic elements, PA also has a number of sub- attempted. For instance, there is scattered (which may have their origin in the state
sidiary aims: to understand the unintended evidence from many places that NREGA is schemes) as irregularities, which, techni-
consequences (both negative and positive) of empowering women, encouraging rural cally speaking, they are not.
the operation of the programme, the fitness savings, helping with schooling, activat- With NREGA in its third year, rule
of the built-in control and audit functions, ing panchayati raj institutions, etc. It making and procedural standards are
and address issues relating to equity. This is a would have been invaluable if some of gaining some uniformity. But, by implica-
vast brief, and could, potentially, enable a these had been investigated by the CAG. tion rather than design, the CAG has hit
wholesome and comprehensive examination upon the fact that the NREGA still has some
of any programme. 4.2  Compliance Appraisal way to go towards formulating universal
We have mentioned earlier that compliance procedural norms: a situation that
4.1  Effectiveness is one of the major concerns of the CAG demands urgent correction.
Assessing the effectiveness of any pro- report. The CAG has sourced the audit
gramme would entail comparison of the criteria, for the purpose of judging compli- 4.3  Fallout of Methodological
actual impact with the intended impact. ance, from the Act, the OG, and MRD cir- Oversights
The CAG itself terms it “goal attainment culars. Importantly, in this respect CAG The aspects the CAG has omitted to consider
analysis” and considers it a vital part of has completely ignored state schemes have proved to be just as significant as the
the PA process [CAG nd]. Judging effective- initiated under the NREGA, and other state ones that it has examined. Omissions in the
ness requires auditors to comment on out- circulars and communications. Under report have become an important issue,
comes. Given the complexity of the NRE- NREGA, states have been entrusted with given the overall environment of expecta-
GA, as well as its anticipated outcomes, it the task of formulating an employment tions and weight a PA report carries.16 For
would have required creative thinking on guarantee scheme for the purpose of instance, silence on effectiveness of the pro-
the part of the CAG to come up with per- implementing the Act. States have also gramme in the CAG report has been taken as
formance benchmarks against which to been delegated with elaborate rule mak- evidence of absence of any impact of NREGA
judge the early implementation of the pro- ing power. In essence, apart from provid- in rural areas.
gramme. With reference to NREGA, effec- ing finances, the central government has a There have been numerous stories of
tiveness would include delivery of entitle- largely supervisory role. the NREGA making a significant difference
ments, socio-economic impact and useful- The OG of the MRD are formulated to to the lives of people. There is evidence for
ness of assets created. guide the design of the employment other kinds of outcomes as well. Useful
On this count, the report is close to guarantee schemes by the states. The idea, works have had some impact on agricul-
being an unmitigated failure. For the most as outlined in the OG, was to provide ture and availability of water. It was an
42 june 21, 2008  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly
essential part of the performance audit’s debate has unfolded so far, there is a panchayat ghars, community centres,
mandate that the CAG evaluate these genuine danger of the recommendations school buildings and playgrounds) are
kinds of outcomes in objective terms. The getting lost in the din of exaggerated being executed. It has recommended that
absence of this kind of analysis has done opinions. This will be particularly tragic state governments should be empowered
immense disservice to the cause of people as many of them can make a positive con- to expand the list of permissible works in
to whom the NREGA has given a measure tribution to the NREGA’s extension to the the light of local conditions, after keeping
of control over their lives. whole of rural India. MRD informed.
In other instances, the unduly narrow
investigation has precluded bringing (a) Staffing: CAG has singled out lack of (d) Employment and Wages: According
out the “teething problems”, which are dedicated administrative and technical to the OG, district-wise Schedules of Rates
responsible for the shortcomings men- staff for NREGA as the key constraint (SOR) must be prepared after undertaking
tioned in the report. For instance, in responsible for procedural lapses. For careful “time and motion studies” for the
some states an ill-drafted scheme (failing instance, according to the OG, the “pro- NREGA workforce. On NREGA works, as the
to provide an effective framework to the gramme officer” at the block level is CAG points out, anyone above the age of 18
implementing agencies in the field) is supposed to be a full-time, dedicated years can come to work, including first-
responsible for many of the violations of post of rank equivalent to the block time workers, women and the elderly may
the Act or OG. And the lack of a centralised development officer (BDO). Similarly, the not be as productive as an able-bodied
monitoring system has allowed central OG recommend the appointment of a full- experienced worker. As such, it is important
government to sleep over most of the time gram rozgar sevak (“employment that new SOR be formulated for the NREGA
instances of mis-utilisation, diversion assistant”) in each gram panchayat. As with carefully calibrated and realistic
and under-utilisation. The CAG has suc- the CAG report points out, however, these stipulated tasks so as to ensure fair pay-
cessfully pointed out the symptoms and appointments are yet to be made in many ment of wages. The CAG makes a pointed
violations that can be made out by com- states. Staff shortages have become a observation to the effect that the state
parison with the OG, but analysis of the common excuse for non-compliance with governments should ensure payment of
underlying systems (internal control the guidelines. minimum wages, “notwithstanding any
structures, IT backbone, etc) and review Another critical finding relates to spe- other conditions”, which is only possible
of procedural framework (adequacy and cial staffing needs of a select group of dis- if tasks have been carefully configured to
fitness of administrative norms and rules) tricts, “which suffer from acute poverty, take into account the specificities of
has not been attended to. where employment demand is high, and NREGA works and the composition of the
Another methodological weakness is consequently where there is increased NREGA workforce.
the use of online job cards and muster pressure on the NREGA organisational set-
rolls to verify labourers’ claims. Firstly, up” [CAG 2007: 16]. CAG prescribes ade- (e) Unemployment Allowance: The
physical job cards cannot be substituted quate staff as the way to enforce account- reluctance of state governments to
for by online job cards. The monitoring ability in the matter of record maintenance disburse unemployment allowances has
and information system (MIS) is, at best, and online data management. been noted by many. The CAG has indicted
an additional record keeping and trans- a number of state governments for effec-
parency device useful for monitoring pur- (b) Transparency Measures: Quite cor- tively scuttling the unemployment allow-
poses. As things stand it does not qualify rectly, the CAG has chosen to highlight ance. The report also brings out the
as a record for the purpose of an audit. On shortcomings in the maintenance of job myriad ways in which they have managed
the contrary, MIS itself needs to be cards and muster rolls. Among other things, this. In Orissa and Jammu and Kashmir,
subjected to an IT audit (another kind they have recommended that the state the administrative structures and resour­
of audit conducted by the CAG) so as govern­ments must ensure that job cards are ces required for operationalising the
to probe the integrity of records, data not retained by gram panchayat or depart- allowance were ignored. In other places,
feeding processes, online data manage- mental officials under any circumstances. like Madhya Pradesh, the unemployment
ment and presentation. Another major problem that the CAG allowance was paid, but only to a few
identifies is that in many places the man- workers and after a long struggle. Even
5  Recommendations of CAG datory biannual social audits are not tak- this, as the CAG points out, was charged to
The CAG report points to a number of ing place. Here too, the CAG’s findings lend the central government.17
issues in the implementation of NREGA. important support to a demand that others Noting the aforementioned, CAG has
Despite methodological problems, the have raised – that the social audit process advised the central government to consider
section on recommendations is the most must be taken far more seriously by the amending NREGA rules to allow the centre
valuable part of the report. Some of them administration. to pay part of the unemployment allow-
are novel. Others have been advocated for ance, while instituting controls to minimise
some time, but are likely to receive more (c) Works: The CAG has pointed out that a chances of persons drawing unemployment
attention now that they have been number of projects not on the list of per- allowance without demanding employ-
endorsed by the CAG. Given the way the missible works (such as shamshan ghats, ment or working.
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   june 21, 2008 43
6  A Constructive Response response, however, would also look beyond The system of bank payment of wages,
The sound and fury generated by media the report and attempt to deal with a too, has been promoted as a magic cure
accounts of the CAG report has, under- number of other administrative systems against corruption. It is certainly an impor-
standably, pushed the government on the that need to be in place. There is an urgent tant innovation, with much potential in
defensive. The minister of rural develop- need to clarify issues like the centre-state due course. However, as field reports from
ment, for instance, termed the report relationship within the act. States have Mayurbhanj (Orissa’s pioneer district in
“totally false” (Business Standard, January considerable autonomy under the Act, ena- this respect) and other places suggest,
15, 2008). However, as we have reflected bling them to formulate their own schemes bank payments on their own are unlikely
in the paper, the document is a mix of con- and rules. The disadvantage of this is that to ensure that corruption is eliminated
structive elements interspersed with facts there are no minimal best practices that [Vanaik and Siddhartha 2008]. Once again,
that can be misrepresented. Nevertheless, every state is compelled to follow. As states there is no “quick-fix” substitute for the
it is an independent look at the NREGA that move towards clarifying and finalising entire range of transparency safeguards.
can be extremely useful. It is imperative their rules and schemes, it is important that Further, bank payments raise problems
that the government respond construc- some space for these minimal procedures of their own. In areas of poor outreach of
tively to the report rather than simply dis- be created. the banking system it creates practical
card it or dismiss it as false. At the same time, the diversity of problems for NREGA workers. An effective
One immediate step in this direction administrative practices has also been an system of bank payments also requires
would be to comb through the report and advantage. In many places, innovative intensive awareness drives and stream­
take firm action in cases where labourers’ solutions to specific problems are being lining of processes and procedures on the
entitlements have been denied. To illustrate, implemented. A substantial pool of part of the administration. For instance,
over 12 cases involving delayed payments administrative experiences has been the results can vary a great deal depending
like the following one from Andhra Pradesh built up over two years, which can be on whether bearer cheques, account payee
have been presented in the report: “No com- drawn upon to anticipate the challenges cheques or letters of credit are used as the
pensation was paid to labour in respect of that lie ahead. instrument to transfer money from the GP’s
2,05,911 cases of delayed payments of wag- Such exchange of experiences might bank account to workers’ accounts.
es in the state beyond the stipulated period also help the government to steer clear of
of 15 days during 2006-07”. “silver bullet” solutions. Two proposals 7  Conclusions
For those who come to NREGA worksites, that have been gaining increasingly vocal The CAG report’s major shortcoming has
often the poorest in areas where alterna- support after the leak of the draft been that it fails to match up to the com-
tive employment is not easily available, the CAG report, particularly to ensure trans- prehensive terms of reference of a per-
consequences of not receiving wages on parency, have been the use of MIS and formance audit. Performance audit find-
time are often cycles of debt or migration. banks making wage payments. Both of ings are not meant to be “a random assort-
Apart from delayed wages, other impor- these have been touted as ways to ment of various financial and regularity
tant issues directly affecting labourers check the kinds of administrative audit findings but an assessment of either
include payment of wages at outdated deficiencies and loopholes that the CAG the whole or the part of the programme/
rates. Most states revised their minimum has noticed. subject/function/system” [CAG nd: 9]. The
wage rates upwards in the course of It must be realised that, as of now, and report often breaks into just such a random
2006-07, and often labourers were paid at for the immediate future, MIS facilities assortment, and the media has used this as
old rates even after notification of the developed under NREGA are in their an opportunity to amplify and extrapolate
new    wages. Paying the arrears due to infancy. Even in states where online from the negative findings. The silence of
labourers, no matter how small the reports are being filed in real time, like the CAG on the overall impact of the NREGA
amounts involved, can be fairly easily done Orissa, experience suggests that it might (apart from the two figures discussed ear-
based on these findings. Similarly, cases of be complicating the issue more than the lier – on average employment and house-
incomplete job card distribution and non- problems it resolves [see Dreze, Khera and holds completing 100 days) was an out-
payment of the unemployment allowance Siddhartha 2007 for effects of MIS in come of these failings. Had the CAG meth-
should be dealt with promptly. The CAG has Orissa]. More extensive use of the MIS, at odology incorporated more interaction
done the government a favour by identify- this point of time, cannot be seen as much with NREGA workers, its own purposes
ing these specific instances. Immediate more than a learning process. It certainly might have been better served.
action could have far-reaching demonstra- cannot serve as a reliable transparency Despite falling short on a number of
tion effects, with relatively little effort. In check, and it is not a substitute for the counts, the CAG report has highlighted
the longer term, obviously, much more sus- strict implementation of other more many genuine problems and pointed out
tained effort will have to be put in to ensure important transparency safeguards – improvements that are required. Even the
continued compliance with norms. muster rolls, job cards, social audits, etc. limited experience of conditions on the
On many of the longer-term questions, Overemphasising the MIS at this stage ground has yielded a fairly rich harvest of
we have presented some of the CAG’s would be like attempting to run before recommendations. Much of this translation
useful recommendations. A constructive learning to walk. of findings into “policies and programmes”,
44 june 21, 2008  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly
however, depends on parties other than projected the CAG report as a failure of the therefore an “official” and final arbiter on public
NREGA. Instead, a closer analysis of the findings spending has had its impact on the credence that
the CAG. The attitude of the government shows that the NREGA has performed badly due has been lent to the performance audit. Immedi-
up to the present has largely been a defen- to absence of right implementation framework as ately after the leak of the report, the MRD swung
well as obsessive focus on employment creation into damage control mode. Just 10 days after the
sive and reactive one. The exaggerated only” [Mahapatra, Sakhuja, Das and Singh 2008; story broke it called a meeting of all states to seek
claims of the media and the fact that ques- Roy and Dey 2008]. responses on the findings of the report. It is also
7 Interestingly, Vinod Rai, when asked his perspec- reflected in the headline of Tiwari and Pandey
tions are being raised about the Act itself, tive on the CAG Report, put it in the following (2008: 2).
has led the government to go into denial terms: “...the government is not the executor all 17 Under the stipulations of the Act, the state gov-
the way down. The central government allots ernment will be responsible for the payment of
mode. For the government to simply issue the money, state government agencies imple- the unemployment allowance. The provision is
rebuttals and bury its head in the sand ment the scheme. When the central government intended as incentive to the states to provide em-
looks at it, it looks at it piecemeal. So do state ployment since the central government provides
about the fact that many of the things nec- governments. When audit did it, it did so holisti- the entire amount spent on labour.
cally. And found the lacunae. And we’re not saying
essary for effective implementation have this is all malafide” [Chikermane 2008, emphasis
not been put into place is not a construc- supplied]. References
tive response to the report. 8 Monthly Progress Reports consist of the basic sta- Ambasta, P, P S V Shankar and M Shah (2008): ‘Two
tistics reported by each district to the MRD (Dis- Years of NREGA: The Road Ahead’, Economic &
There is an urgent need to distil the trict Implementation Reports). They are available Political Weekly, February 23.
lessons from two years of the NREGA’s Chikermane, Gautam (2008): ‘It Is Not Worth CAG’s
9 The authors have been involved in surveys of the While to Look at Rs 100 Telephone Bills’, The In-
implementation. A process of extensive implementation of the NREGA in Chhattisgarh, dian Express, February 13.
Orissa, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan.
consultation and planning must accompa- Comptroller and Auditor General (2007): ‘Perform-
10 “It has neglected the variations in the perform- ance Audit of Implementation of National Rural
ny the extension of the programme. The ance in different districts. For example, there Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (NREGA)’,
CAG report, as the most extensive and are at least 30 districts where about 90 per cent draft report, New Delhi.
of allotted funds are spent, 100 days of work has
ambitious study of the implementation of – (nd): ‘Performance Auditing Guidelines – SAI India’,
been generated per participant, about 60 per cent
available at http:// cag.nic. in/html/ peraudguid-
workers are women and the average wage rate
the NREGA so far, can be a starting point paid is more than Rs 70 per day. Instead of cal-
for a process that should go well beyond it. culating all-India averages, the CAG should have Drèze, J (2008): ‘Employment Guarantee: Beyond
tried to understand why the NREGA has succeed- Propaganda’, The Hindu, January 11.
ed in these districts” [Hirway 2008]. Drèze, J and Chris Oldiges (nd): ‘Commendable Act’,
Notes 11 One of the revelations of the CAG report seems to Frontline, July 14-27.
be that Bihar complies with most of the provisions Drèze, J P, R Khera and Siddhartha (2007): ‘NREGA in
1 Other reports have taken a deeper and more holis- Orissa: Ten Loopholes and the Silver Lining’, mimeo,
of the Act and OG. Note that in Table 3, it has
tic view of the implementation of the programme, G B Pant Social Science Institute, Allahabad, also
the least number of violations. Reports we have
however, they have been restricted to particu- available at
received from some districts in Bihar, while ad-
lar regions. See, for instance, Drèze, Khera and Ghosh, J (2008): ‘Far from Failure’, Frontline,
mittedly anecdotal, suggest that this assessment
Siddhartha (2007). February 02-15.
is exaggerated.
2 In each state, the CAG selected 25 per cent of Government of India (2006): ‘NREGA: Operational
12 The CAG lays down an elaborate framework for
NREGA districts. In each district two blocks were Guidelines 2006’, Ministry of Rural Development,
the performance audit. See Comptroller and Au-
selected, and in each block, four gram panchayats New Delhi, also available at
ditor General (nd). Much of the information about
were shortlisted for detailed examination. Final-
auditing guidelines in this section is sourced from Hirway, Indira (2008): ‘Plan for Long Term’, The
ly, four worksites (preferably three completed and
that document. Indian Express, February 2.
one ongoing) were selected for audit in each GP.
See Comptroller and Auditor General (2007). 13 See Jha, Gaiha and Shankar (2008) for an ap- Jha, Raghbendra, Raghav Gaiha and Shylashri
proach to judge the determinants of the participa- Shankar (2008): ‘Reviewing the National Rural
3 Numerous examples of the use of CAG findings
tion in NREGA. Employment Guarantee Programme’, March 15.
as an authoritative statement on the state of
NREGA implementation have circulated in the 14 See ‘Context’, Government of India (2006). The Khera, Reetika (2008): ‘The Black Hole of NREGA
press. Lately they have also found their way into status of the OG has been a bone of contention Records in Orissa’, forthcoming in Yojana.
research papers as well. For examples see Maha- since the very beginning. But of late, some states Mahapatra, R, N Sakhuja, S Das and S Singh (2008):
patra, Sakhuja, Das and Singh (2008) and Am- have treated the OG as merely recommendatory. ‘The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
basta, Shankar and Shah (2008). Indira Hirway The NREGS Rajasthan is a case in point, which (NREGA): Opportunities and Challenges’, CSE
warns against using the report in such a manner: has made clear departures from the OG. At the Policy Paper, available at http://www.cseindia.
“The CAG has taken a very simplistic and sweep- same time, field visits in some of the other states org /programme/nrml/pdf/NR EGA _Policy _
ing approach in analysing the weaknesses as well reveal that field-level agencies do fall back on OG Paper_2008.pdf
as in making recommendations for improving the for guidance on a continuous basis. Whether the Mathur, Lalit (2008): ‘Transforming Rural India’, The
working of the NREGA” [Hirway 2008]. legal status of OG mandates its compliance in the Hindu, May 4.
field, in the event of the scheme lacking in pre-
4 As Vinod Rai, the newly appointed Comptroller Narayanan, Sudha (2008): ‘Employment Guaran-
scriptions is a legal issue.
and Auditor General points out, “This is a case in tee, Women’s Work and Childcare’, Economic &
which the government invited the auditors to do The issue also has a federal aspect to it. NREGA Political Weekly, March 1.
the study. Under normal circumstances we would is widely seen as a legislation giving a new lease
Roy, A and N Dey (2008): ‘Act on the Apathy’, The
have done this at a later stage. The government of life to panchayati raj. NREGA vests the power
Indian Express, February 2.
took a positive view saying that it would like to to select projects in panchayats. They are also
key to implementation and monitoring of the Tiwari, R and G Pandey (2008: 1): ‘UPA Guaranteed
do mid-course corrections if corrections are re- 100 Days of Work to Poor, over 96 Per Cent Didn’t
quired” [Chikermane 2008]. Act. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment (in-
serting the Eleventh Schedule), broadly speak- Get It, Says First Audit’, The Indian Express,
5 Perhaps the most misleading headline in this January 7.
regard was, “It’s official: In poorest states, job ing, entrusts the state government with the task
of assisting and facilitating the PRIs to function – (2008: 2): ‘It’s Official: In Poorest States, Job
funds don’t reach the poor” [Tiwari and Pandey Funds Don’t Reach the Poor’, The Indian Express,
2008: 2]. This headline stretched the limits of eth- autonomously. When, as under NREGA, the cen-
tre introduces an instrument of prescriptions, January 8.
ical journalism. As Jean Drèze points out about
standards and accountability (like the OG) which – (2008: 3): ‘Congress Ka Haath Kiske Saath?’,
this headline: “This statement, and variants of it
printed in this article and elsewhere, give a very has a bearing on panchayats some state govern- The Indian Express, January 9.
misleading picture of the CAG report. Indeed, the ments see it as breaching the sacrosanct relation- – (2008: 4): ‘In Opposition Camp Too, Delays, Mis-
report does not present any evidence of massive ship between the state and panchayats. management’, The Indian Express, January 10.
leakages in the NREGA, nor was this the objective 15 Central rules made under section 31 and circulars Vanaik, A and Siddhartha (2008: 1): ‘Bank Payments:
of the investigation” [Drèze 2008]. and directions passed by the central government End of Corruption in NREGA?’, Economic & Politi-
6 The Centre for Science and Environment policy under Section 27. According to Section 37, central cal Weekly, May 2.
paper also takes note of the biases of the media rules would override state rules, in case any con- – (2008: 2): ‘NREGA in Himachal Pradesh:
coverage of the CAG report: “The recent CAG flict arises on any subject relating to the imple- Assessment and Outlook’, mimeo, G B Pant Social
assessment of NREGA performance has been mentation of the Act. Science Institute, Allahabad, also available at
making headlines. Media coverage has mostly 16 The status of the CAG as a constitutional body and

Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   june 21, 2008 45

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