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More Is Not Enough

The NREGS is creating much- needed livelihoods and community assets, but rampant corruption has diluted its
objectives. Increased awaren ess and strict monitoring is needed to make it effective
household whose adult members are will- and fast between the two groups.
ing to do unskilled manual work. But there is little in terms of grassroots
They also are not aware that in case the efficacy. The NREGS comes with its own
state government fails to provide the said set of safeguards and transparency guide-
number of days of work, then they should lines. Muster-rolls are a must at NREGS
be compensated by way of an unemploy- job sites, labourers have to be given job
ment allowance. Although job cards have cards, and wages should not be less than
been distributed to many villagers, many the prescribed minimum and so on—yet
families have not been offered work under all these are flagrantly violated. “About 70%
the scheme for over a year now. of the NREGS funds are siphoned off. This
In fact, since the Act empowers the pan- is done by faking muster-rolls and inflat-
chayats to play a pivotal role in the selection ing the number of days worked,” says CPI
and implementation of the works under the (ML) leader Dhirender Jha.
scheme, villagers complain that “corrup- But the labourers, who badly need the
tion has also become decentralised.” But jobs, are fearful of their mukhiyas. So,
they still feel more comfortable interacting whether it is the site of a water tank in
with an ‘elected mukhiya’ who can be held Afzalpur Debgati panchayat near Hajipur
accountable than a government official. or the minor irrigation work near NH30A

The NREGS norm in Bihar is Rs 82 a day, but villagers like Takur

and Talakeshwari Devi (far left) sometimes get just Rs 20; the rest
wife and daughter are digging trenches for
is pocketed by the political-bureaucracy nexus. Union minister
Sebastian PT water conservation under the NREGS. The Raghuvansh Prasad says bank accounts will fix it, but when?

daily wages they get is again much below
HIRTY-SEVEN-YEAR-OLD TALAKESHWARI the prescribed minimum of Rs 82. Though Bihar’s case is particularly tragic, at Kichni village in Harnaut, when quizzed,
Devi, an illiterate resident of Dailly village in Around 120 km away, in Mannipur village it may be noted that a draft performance they would all say they are getting Rs 82
in Vaishali district, 58-year-old Jainarayan audit of the scheme by the Comptroller per day.
Bihar’s Nalanda district, is unaware that her vil- Mahto wants to enrol for work under the and Auditor General of India found that, But after persistent probing, when the
lage, which comes under the Harnaut assembly scheme, but the mukhiya has marked him across states, the loopholes in the scheme mukhiya is ear-shot away, they confess the
constituency, is represented by none other than ‘ineligible for work’ on his job card for rea- have been exploited by all and sundry. But mukhiya has retained all their job-cards
sons best known to him. in Bihar’s case, there is a difference as there with him. So, while the labourers would,
Bihar’s Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. Travel through Bihar’s mostly backward is a ‘competition of sorts’ between the two in reality, be paid only Rs 60 per day of
But she sure is aware of the “rozgar yo- tion of the scheme has meant that Devi, villages, and the story gets repeated ad nau- political alignments in the state—the Na- work, the mukhiya would enter Rs 82 on
jana”, or the National Rural Employment and other NREGS job-card holders, have to seam, be it in Dailly or Maidikala in Na- tional Democratic Alliance government, the muster-rolls, and most likely pocket the
Guarantee Scheme, the United Progressive constantly make do with less than the pre- landa district or Mannipur in Vaishali Lok led by Nitish Kumar in the state, and the difference. It may be noted that mukhiya is
Alliance government’s flagship social secu- scribed minimum wages under the Central Sabha constituency, which is represented Opposition Rashtriya Janata Dal, which is the end-point of the political-bureaucratic
rity measure that is aimed, in part, at stem- government scheme, of Rs 82 a day. by Union Rural Development Minister Ra- part of the UPA coalition at the Centre—to corruption nexus.
ming distress migration from villages. “My husband and I worked for about five ghuvansh Prasad Singh. widen the scope of the scheme. That apart, while the actual work would
For Devi’s family of seven, which gets days under the yojana, but the mukhiya (the While Raghuvansh Prasad Singh of the be done, say, in six days, nothings stops
just about 2 kg of rice or wheat every day village chief) did not pay us regularly. Even No Trickle Down RJD initially announced the implemen- from the work being shown as 24 days.
for sweating it out on a ‘bigha’ (about 0.3 when he paid us, it was only around Rs 20 Villagers in Bihar are either clueless about tation of the scheme in select backward Not just that, many mukhiyas are being
acres) of land during the farming season, a day. So, we stopped going to work there,” their rights, spelt out clearly in the NREG districts of the country only, not to be left investigated on charges of making fictitious
work under the NREGS during the off- Devi, her husband Takur by her side, says Act of 2005, or are completely helpless to behind, Nitish Kumar quickly announced job-cards to siphon off the money. In fact,
season has come as a welcome relief from matter-of-factly. The job cards that they do anything about it. Hardly anyone knows, that the scheme would be extended to all in some cases, labourers are being made to
certain starvation. show, interestingly, have no entries for the for instance, that the basic objective of the the districts in the state with its own funds. believe that the balance amount of wage
But even that, this relief from hunger, number of days that they have worked. NREGS is to enhance livelihood security It was only much later that Centre decided was being deposited in a bank account.
comes at a price for Devi and others of her The story is the same a few kilometres in rural areas by guaranteeing 100 days of to extend the scheme to almost all districts. It’s a different thing that the accounts are
ilk. Rampant corruption in the administra- away, in Kichni village. Nandan Bhim, his employment in a financial year to any rural Allegations of mismanagement fly thick yet to be opened.

96 OutlookBusiness > 28 June, 2008 OutlookBusiness > 28 June, 2008 97


In some cases, NREGS work is being done

through machines, not manually, as stipu-
lated in the Act. For instance, in a backward
hamlet in Maidikala village, about 20 kms
from Islampur town, the inhabitants com-
plained that work was being carried out by
machines. In short, job-card holders had
little or no role in the effort.
In Bihar, corruption seems to be accepted
as inevitable by many of the poor when
they try to avail of government schemes.
For instance, to get a grant under the In-
dira Aawaas Yojana, which was about
Rs 25,000 for every family below the pov-
erty line until recently, commission has to
be paid to the mukhiya, villagers say. “The
mukhiya has to pay off other officials as well.
I got only Rs 18,000, and the rest went as
commission,” says 45-year-old Sauki Pas-
wan in Islampur, on the outskirts of Na-
landa district. Therefore, even for getting
work (under NREGS), commission will
be taken,” he reasons.
There is also discrimination on the basis
of caste or gender in the allocation of job
cards, says Parameshwar Mahto in Man-
nipur village. Many among the poorest
do not get BPL cards, he alleges. “Besides,
the panchayat gives no importance to our
pleas,” he laments. Under the Indira Aawaas Yojana, BPL families were entitled to
a grant of Rs 25,000. However, says Sauki Paswan of Islampur
Is The Scheme Dead? village in Bihar: “The mukhiya has to pay off other officials as well.
Despite the rampant corruption, the
NREGS has come as a godsend to a large I got only Rs 18,000, the rest went as commission”
number of poor families that have to battle
hunger on a daily basis. For Harinarayan direction through proper utilisation of post in a sizeable reduction in migration, espe-
Paswan, 55, of Afzalpur Debgati panchayat offices and the banking system,” Raghu- cially in the areas from Muzaffarpur to Kis-
near Hajipur town, the water tank work vansh Prasad Singh says. hanganj,” says Arun Kumar, who runs an
provides him with a regular source of in- He has launched a pilot project providing NGO, Bhoomika. Besides, there has been a
come. Though the wages he gets is Rs 10-15 a biometric ATM machine in his constitu- general increase in wages as a consequence
less than the minimum guaranteed wage, ency, but the project has not taken off due of the NREGS, he points out. However,
he doesn’t complain. The work helps him to a lack of awareness and coordination women’s empowerment (as in the case of
take care of his eight children. Plus, he is between the different agencies involved. Kerala, where over 90% of NREGS workers
also assured of work during the off-sea- “Biometric cash transactions can be an are women) is far from being satisfactory.
son. Otherwise, Paswan and many other ideal solution, but there are many logis- In fact, during our visit, we found not a
unorganised labourers would have been tics problems that have to be tackled first,” single woman labourer in any of the job
dependent entirely on agriculture to stave Singh says. sites in Vaishali district.
off poverty. “For the success of the scheme, five things The NREGS has started a quiet revolution
Another plus point with the scheme is are crucial—awareness, people’s participa- in the hinterlands by providing fresh job
that, even in a backward state like Bihar, tion, vibrant gram sabhas, transparency, opportunities to the poorest of the poor.
it is leading to the creation of community strict monitoring and social auditing, and While the flaws need to be rectified through
assets. Micro-irrigation works, drought accountability,” Singh says. “The District better awareness and stricter monitoring,
proofing, water conservation and water Collector should be held accountable, with the positive is that the scheme has the po-
harvesting, land development, flood con- 2% of monitoring done at the Secretariat tential to alleviate poverty, create commu-
trol and so on, in their little ways, helping level, 10% monitoring at the district level nity assets, stem migration and provide
the lot of the poor villager. and 100% at the block level,” he points out. direct employment (at higher wages) to
Proper awareness and an institutional However, this does not mean that the role millions of villagers.
monitoring mechanism is the need of the of the panchayats have to be minimised, When Devi of Dailly village was told that
hour. “Transfer of wages through the open- he stresses. the minimum wage was Rs 82 and not the
ing of bank accounts can solve the problem The NREGS has other positive spin-offs Rs 20 she was given, she gasps, blurting,
to a very large extent. States such as Kar- too. “Though there is corruption, the fact “With that kind of money, we can feed our
nataka, Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand is that there is an increased job opportunity children well and also take good care of
have already taken positive steps in this scenario due to NREGS. This has resulted them.” Is anybody listening? <

98 OutlookBusiness > 28 June, 2008

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