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Mutah University

Engineering Collage
Civil Department

Highway Engineering Laboratory

Tests Name:

Marshall Design Method

Students Name:
1-Rana Abdelbaset Bostanji
2-Heba Abdelkarim Alhawawsheh
3-Salsabeel Hamdi Maaitah
4-Bushra Mohammad Dmour
5-Saja Omar Madarati

Tests Day/Date:Monday (2:00-5:00)

Dr: Yazeed Suleiman Jweihan

Eng: Hussein Sarayreh
Use dense-graded, cubical aggregate that is strong, tough, hydrophobic, and nonporous.
Use the correct asphalt cement grade for the job environment to prevent thermal cracking, fatigue cracking,
draindown, and tenderness.
Incorporate enough air voids to prevent bleeding but not so much as to reduce stability.

Too little asphalt cement is bad because it can promote poor stability, poor workability, poor durability, stripping,
and fatigue cracking.
Too much asphalt cement is bad because it can promote poor stability, poor workability, poor skid resistance and
The goal of mix design is to balance all of these competing interests.

Stability: The ability to withstand traffic loads without distortion or deflection, especially at higher temperatures.
To get good stability, use strong, rough, dense-graded, cubical aggregate with just enough binder to coat the
aggregate particles. Excess asphalt cement lubricates the aggregate particles and lets them slide past each other
more easily, which reduces stability.

Workability: The ability to be placed and compacted with reasonable effort and without segregation of the coarse
Too much asphalt cement makes the mix tender and difficult to compact to the proper density. Asphalt cement with
a low viscosity at compacting temperatures can also make a mix tender as can too much natural sand because it has
smooth, round grains. Too little asphalt cement can make the mix stiff and difficult to compact as well.

Marshall Mix Design Steps:

1. Select an asphalt cement suitable for the climate.
2.Select aggregates that meet the suitability criteria.
3.Create an aggregate blend that meets the gradation criteria.
4.Establish specimen mixing and compaction temperatures from the viscosity-temperature chart for the asphalt
5.Compact three specimens at each of five asphalt contents 0.5% apart spanning the expected optimum asphalt
6.Determine the mix volumetrics (Gmb, Gmm, VTM, VMA, VFA) of each specimen.
7.Measure the performance properties of each specimen at the high service temperature of 60ºC (140ºF).
•In order to thoroughly mix the asphalt cement and aggregate together, the asphalt cement should be heated to a
temperature that produces a viscosity of 170 ∓ 20 c during mixing.
•In order to properly compact the resulting mixture, it should either be reheated or allowed to cool to a whatever
temperature produces an asphalt cement viscosity of 280 ∓ 30 c.

Marshall Specimens
Marshall specimens are prepared one at a time by mixing approximately 1200 g of the trial aggregate blend with
enough asphalt cement to produce the desired asphalt content (Pb).
The aggregate, asphalt cement, spoons, spatulas, and mixing bowls all must be heated to the proper mixing
temperature. Otherwise, the asphalt cement will not properly coat all of the aggregate particles and will stick to the
tools rather than the aggregate.

As soon as the binder and aggregate have been mixed, a 4-in-diameter by 2½-in-high specimen is prepared by
compacting the asphalt into a mold with a compaction hammer (called a Marshall hammer). The hammer consists of
a 10 lb mass falling 18 in. per blow. Depending on the design traffic loads, either 35, 50, or 75 blows of the hammer
are applied to each side of the specimen. The goal is to replicate the density of the asphalt after years of traffic has
been applied to it.
After curing overnight, the compacted specimen is weighed in air and suspended in water to determine its unit
weight (density), voids in total mix (VTM), voids in mineral aggregate (VMA), and voids filled with asphalt (VFA).
Of course, this assumes the bulk specific gravity of the aggregate blend (Gsb) and the maximum specific gravity of
the asphalt concrete (Gmm) at that asphalt content were previously determined.

Marshall Mix Design Steps:

The previous steps are repeated 15 times (to make 3 specimens at each of 5 different asphalt contents). At that
point, we have collected all of the information that we need to do our mix design.
Here “mix design” means finding an asphalt content for this trial aggregate blend that produces specimens whose
mix volumetrics (VTM, VMA, and VFA) and performance properties (stability and flow) meet all of the specifications.

For each asphalt content, we calculate the average unit weight, stability, VTM, VMA, VFA, and flow then plot those
averages as a function of the asphalt content.
From the plots we determine (a) the asphalt content that produces the maximum unit weight, (b) the asphalt
content that produces the maximum stability, and (c) the asphalt content that produces exactly 4% air voids (VTM).

The stability and flow values and void data are prepared as follows:

(a) Measured stability values for specimens that depart from the standard 63.5 mm (2.5 in.) thickness shall be converted to an equivalent 63.5
mm (2 1/2 in.) value by means of a conversion factor. Applicable correlation ratios to convert the measured stability values are set forth in
standard Tables. Note that the conversion may be made on the basis of either measured thickness or measured volume.
(b) Average the flow values and the converted stability values for all specimens of a given asphalt content. Values that are obviously in error
shall not be included in the average.
(c ) Prepare a separate graphical plot for the following values :
Stability vs. Asphalt Content
Flow vs. Asphalt Content
Unit Weight of Total Mix vs. Asphalt Content
Percent Air Voids vs. Asphalt Content
Percent Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA) vs. Asphalt Content.
In each graphical plot connect the plotted values with a smooth curve that obtains the "best-fit" for all values.


The optimum asphalt content of the asphalt paving mix is determined from data obtained as outlined above

Consideration is given to three of the test property curves in making this de-termination. From these data curves, asphalt contents are
determined which yield the following:

(a) Maximum stability

(b) Maximum unit weight
(c) Median of limits given in which is 4% for percent air voids. The optimum asphalt content of the mix is then the numerical aver¬age of the
values for the asphalt content determined as noted above.


1.Aggregates for use in bituminous base course, binder and wearing courses, leveling course and macadam and cold mix courses shall consist
of crushed stone.
2.Coarse aggregate shall be the fraction of crushed aggregate material retained on 4.75 mm (No. 4} sieve. Fine aggregate shall be the fraction
of crushed aggregate material passing 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve. Mineral filler shall be added when the combined grading of coarse and fine
aggregates is deficient in material passing 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve.

3.The material from hot bins passing the number 40 sieve {0.25mm) when tested in accordance with AASHTO T90 shall be non-plastic. In
addition the material from cold bins should not have PI larger than 4.

4.Aggregates shall not contain gypsum more than 1% when tested in accordance to AASHTO T105 and the coarse fraction of the aggregate
shall not contain more than:

5% chert and flint for aggregate to be used in the Wearing course.

5% chert and flint for aggregate to be used in the Binder course.
5.Aggregates shall be of uniform quality free from decomposed stone, organic matter, shale and any other deleterious substances.

6.The percentage by weight of friable particles, clay lumps, and other deleterious matter shall not exceed 1% as determined by AASHTO T112.

7.Aggregate particles shall be clean, hard, durable and sound. Crushing shall result in a product such that for particles retained on 4.75 mm
(No. 4) sieve, at least 90% by weight shall have 2 or more fractured faces.

8.The flakiness index and the elongation index test should be conducted in accordance with BS 812; the following are the maximum limits:
Course Wearing Course Binder & Asphalt Base

Flakiness Index F.I 25 30

Elongation Index E.I 25 30

9.Aggregates shall be washed if directed, to remove any clay lumps, organic matter, adherent dust or clay films or other extraneous or
deleterious matter that may prevent or detract from proper adhesion of bitumen to the aggregate particles.

10. Mineral filler shall consist of finely divided mineral matter such as limestone dust if added separately hydrated lime; other non-plastic
mineral filler, free from clay and organic impurities; or Portland cement, conforming to AASHTO M 17.

11.Combined coarse and fine aggregates for bituminous mixes, including mineral filler, when tested in accordance with AASHTO T 27 and T 11
shall conform to the gradations shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Gradation of Aggregates for Bituminous Mixes

Heavy medium
-------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Sieve Designation Binder Wearing Binder Wearing
Course Course Course Course

1 ½” - - - -
1“ (25.0 mm) 100 100 100 100
¾” (19.0 mm) 70 – 100 90 – 100 70 – 100 90 – 100
½” (12.5 mm) 53 – 90 71 – 90 53 – 90 71 – 90
3/8” (9.5 mm) 40 – 80 56 – 80 40 – 80 56 – 80
No. 4 (4.75 mm) 30 – 56 35 – 56 30 – 56 35 – 65
No. 8 (2.36 mm) 23 – 38 23 – 38 23 – 49 23 – 49
No. 16 (1.18 mm) 13 – 27 13 – 27 14 – 34 14 – 34
No. 50 (0.300 mm) 5 – 17 5 – 17 5 – 19 5 – 19
No. 80 (0.150 mm) 4 – 14 4 – 14 4 – 15 4 – 15
No. 200 (0.075 mm) 2–8 2–8 2–8 2–8

12. The loss in weight of aggregate after 500 revolutions, when tested in accordance with AASHTO T 96 shall not exceed 35%.

Abrasion after 100 revolutions

of wear loss = ---------------------------------------- less than or equal 25
Abrasion after 500 revolutions

13. When tested for soundness in accordance with AASHTO T104 the coarse aggregate (retained on No.4 sieve) sahib not show signs of
disintegration and the loss by weight after 5 cycles shall not exceed 9% in the case of the sodium soleplate test and 12% in the case of the
magnesium soleplate test.

14.When tested for resistance to stripping in accordance with the AASHTO T-182 at least 95% coated particles should be achieved.
Scandinavian test shall be carried out and at least 60% of the coarse aggregate surface area shall remain coated with a bitumen film especially
for exposed surfaces other wise anti stripping agent must be added to achieve the required coating .

15.The material shall contain a minimum 50% sand equivalent. Test sample shall be taken from hot bins .
Mix design ( Marshall method )
Aggregate gradation :

  Coarse agg
# %
size 0.30
1" 25.0 100 30
3/4" 19.0 98 29.4
1/2" 12.5 11 3.3
3/8" 9.5 1 0.3
#4 4.75 1 0.3
#8 2.36 1 0.3
#16 1.18 1 0.3
#50 0.30 1 0.3
#100 0.15 1 0.3
#200 0.075 0.6 0.18
Coarse Medium
AC% Wt, of Asphalt Wt, of Aggregate Aggregate Aggregate
0.30 0.30 0.40
3.5 42 1158 347.4 347.4 463.2
4 48 1152 345.6 345.6 460.8
4.5 54 1146 343.8 343.8 458.4
5 60 1140 342.0 342.0 456.0
5.5 66 1134 340.2 340.2 453.6
6 72 1128 338.4 338.4 451.2
6.5 78 1122 336.6 336.6 448.8
Unit Air voids
Gmm calculation Gmb calculation Gmb weight %
VMA Flow Stability Ps %

Wt. of
Wt. of + Wt. of Wt. of
Wt. of pycnometer sample Gmm
Wt. of Sample
AC Sample + Sample in
+ water (SSD) water
% water

D E F A B C mg/m 3 (0.25m) (N)

9 1000 3000 3566 2.304 1200 1205 650 2.162 2.162 6.2 18.32 12 5500 95.5
5 1000 3000 3564 2.294 1200 1205 658 2.194 2.194 4.4 17.56 14 6650 95
5.5 1000 3000 3560 2.273 1205 1205 656 2.195 2.195 3.4 17.95 16 7000 94.5
6 1000 3000 3558 2.262 1200 1205 657 2.190 2.190 3.2 18.58 18 6600 94
6.5 1000 3000 3556 2.252 1200 1208 659 2.186 2.186 3.0 19.16 20 6500 93.5

D 1000
−Maximum specific gravity (Gmm ) = = =2.304
D+ E−F 1000+3000−3566

A 12 00
−Specific gravity of compacted mixture ( Gmb ) = = =2.162
B−C 1205−650

Gmm−Gmb 2.304−2.162
− Air Voids ( Pa ) %= = × 100=6.2
Gmm 2.304

P1+ P 2+… .+ Pn 0.3+0.3+0.4

−Specific gravity of the aggregate ( Gsb )= = =2.528
P1 P2 Pn 0.3 0.3 0.4
G2 ( )( )
+… .+
Gn 2.445
+ ( ) (
2.582 )( )( )
P 1, P 2 , Pn=Percentages by weight of aggregates ,1,2 , n .
G 1, G 2 ,Gn=Bulk specific gravities of aggregates 1,2 , n .

−%Aggregate @ Total Mix(Ps)=100−4.5=95.5 %

( GmbGsb× Ps )=100−( 2.162×
−Voids∈mineral aggregats ( VMA ) %=100−
2.528 )
=18.3 26
AC% max unit weight =5.3
max stability =5.5
4% air voids(pa) =5.1

5.3+ 5.5+5.1
Optimum Asphalt Content (OAC)¿ =5.3

Check weth criteria for Medium Traffic

OAC= 5.3
Air voids at 5.3= 3.9% Ok (3 -5)
stability at 5.3 =6500N Ok min (5338)N
VMA at 5.3 = 17.7 % Ok min(13.5)
flow(0.25mm)at5.3= 15 Ok (8-16)
As a result, from the calculation above this specimen can be use in the medium traffic pavement
due to all result (Air void -VMA-Flow-Stability) are in the range of the specification given

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