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Why? Bond characteristics have major impacts on the physical and chemical properties of a substance. The type of bond that forms is related to the properties and reactivity of the elements forming a bond. Objective: Master the use of electronegativity to predict bond characteristics, ‘Success Criteria Make predictions of bond type based on electronegativity difference. Arrange bond in order of increasing polarity. READ THIS! Electronegativity measures an atom's ability to attract electrons when bonding with other atoms. Model 1: Electronegativity Values for the Representative Elements in Periods 1 through 6 SCA He BTC] N]O]|F|Ne 20 | 26 | 30 | 34 | 40 | - Al] si | P | S | a | Ar 16 | 19 | 22 | 26 | 32 | - Ga | Ge | As | Se | Br | Kr 18 | 20 | 22 | 26 | 30 | - In | Sa | Sb | Te [I | Xe 18 | 20 | 21 | 21 | 27 | 26 Tl | Pb | Bi | Po | At | Rn 18 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 22 | - 1. Which element has the highest lectronegativity? _E 2. What does the model indicate about the trend in electronegativity across a period (row)? NCreases 3. What does the model indicate about the trend in electronegativity down a group (column)? ALncreaes 4, Label the arrows in Model 1 to reflect the trend in electronegativity. 5. Explain, in terms of electron configuration and reactivity, why most of the noble gases do not have assigned electronegativity values. Full valence srwl\ 6. The noble gas xenon does have an assigned electronegativity value, What does this indicate about its reactivity compared to the other elements in Group 187, mare reaches Gun form ords Model 2: Bond Type and Electronegativity The diagram below represents three types of bonds that can form. HH @ © © Hlecronegatvity Atom#] H= 2.2 H=22 Na=09 lectonegatvity Atom #2 cl=32 c1=3.2 Hlecronegatvty Diference (2.2-2. (222=10) 2-09=23) In image (a) the electrons are shared eqully because both atoms have the same pull on the bonding electrons. This represents @ nonpolar covalent bond. In image (b) the electrons are held closer to the more-negative chlorine atom because it has a higher electronegativity this unequal sharing ofelctrays characterizes a polar covalent bond. | In image (c) one ¢lectron has been erred from sodium to chlorine because chlorine’s electronegativity is much greater than sodium’s electronegativity. This represents an ionic bond. _ 7. What type of bond forms when two atoms have the same electronegativity? nonpolar covalent bord 8. What type of bond is formed from two atoms that have very different electronegativity values? ionic bond 9. Explain, in terms of electronegativity and electron sharing, the differences between nonpolar covalent bond and a polar covalent bond. sNonprlar i Same elecinro rvines & =e elochors ae shared equally spolar: different 0h = Pee “cchrons ore shar Luneguall? 10. Explain, in terms of electrons, the difference between a polar covalent bond and an ionic bond. es & e aye e- Shaeed. Shares pur unaspuadtiy They, ore : transkerred READ THIS! The type of bond that forms is due to the attraction that each atom has for the electrons in a bond. Electronegativty difference can be used to determine bond type; the greater the difference in electronegativity the more polar in nature Electronegativity difference _, 0 17 4.0 a Polar Covalent Bond Tonic Bond Nonpolar covalent bond 11, For each of the following pairs of elements, write the type of element (metal, nonmetal, metalloid) UGE ¢. tithe electronegativity value forthe element. Then calculate the electronegativity difference pS and classify the bond as ionic, polar covalent or nonpolar covalent. Tor ‘Atom #1 ‘Atom #2 Electronegativty oo Spe = (show work) covalent, ionic) A Calcium Bromine é \.0 30 30-10-20] (ONIC B Hydro; Silicon. 2.2 | 1G _(2.2-1.920.3 | Par _covalont S Cesium: ‘Oxygen : . 0.9 Bu B4-O08-a0 | ionic D ‘Chlorine ‘Chlorine B. B21 |32-3.2- O | Nonpolar cov. Le | oe" [3013214 | ionic F ‘Carbon ‘Oxygen 2.0 Bak [34-20-08 | Polar Cov- Model 3: Bond Character and Flectrone; Difference Nonpolar covalent bonding Polar covalent bonding ——_lenic bonding ‘Bectrons are shared Electrons are shared Electrons are equally tunecuatly translered Go, Ho } (ua or Neat a —— ccs an, MeFeasing tonte character sercmmans Difference in 4 Electronegativity §— [—-——— t 0 17 12, Write a statement for the relationship between electronegativity difference and ionic character. The Wag —he Trag aigrenc, Fhe Fwarey the Hc Character oF alles Cages Eo). gale a ie) gat \onte wove 13. Order the bonds in each of the following groups inorder of increasing ionic character. 1 cer Si : fe 40 19 ‘Wo CE SE CBE PEL Coe Cer. CO) Ce N-2 ee 3 N-O_- N-F « C-E [a ob SS Sy hs Be BB St CC Bede EC 19 0 UOAD=3.0 fau-2.a=1a onic nooner jomie polar ‘ov. b. List the bonds SE a aracter.0°O_ < HO , but <1.F, bond i$ polar cov, “If Enog diffe S12, ond is nic

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