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We can see a temple in the CENTER STAGE. It is an open elevated platform with four Doric
columns to meet four vertices of a square. APOLLO, the Greek god of Truth and Prophecy sits
on the front languidly, a laurel wreath on his head and wearing the Greek undergarment
(chiton) and cloak (chlamys). Bowls of fruit on the floor by his side. He picks one then ingests it
languorously. EROS, the God of Love, in his chubby winged child self enters through the RIGHT
STAGE. APOLLO's eyes just follows EROS'S movement until the latter reaches him.

APOLLO: Well, well, what brings you here, naughty boy?

EROS: Call me naughty boy again (he shows his arrows made of golden and lead threateningly)
and there will be another Daphne befalling you.

APOLLO: Oops, my dear nephew, why you must have a stick up in your bum?

EROS: You're giving me an idea where to strike you.

APOLLO: Now that's quite disrespectful but I'll forgive you. Anywise you need me, don't you?

EROS: This will be once.

APOLLO: You will die to admit your need of help? Mayhap, you prefer leaving my temple now.

EROS: I'm not playing with you, Apollo.

APOLLO: Everything is a game, dear nephew. What is the name of that Earth board game?... Ah,
chess it is. The epitome. The thing is we do not know if we are the pawns on the front line of
the match... The king that needs protecting, or the queen that defends the king. Which are you,
Eros? Are you the queen that will defend your king, Anteros?

EROS flinches with the mention of the name, APOLLO just smiles.

APOLLO: Or are you both? Who will save you then?

EROS: I don't need saving. My arrows alone will defend me.

APOLLO: (laughs) Defend you with what? Love? Desire?

EROS: Yes. The more arrows that strike you, the greater intensity is the emotion which I should
have done with you while you're chasing Daphne.

APOLLO'S smile slowly fades.

EROS: Maybe then, you'll put a whole canopy of laurel leaves on your head instead of just a
wreath. (Smirks)

APOLLO: I say I see you experiencing the same, Eros. A great betrayal of your love aside from
your precious Anteros and Aphrodite is waiting for you.

EROS suddenly feels daunted. APOLLO is still a God of Prophecy and Truth.

EROS: It would do you well if you keep your mouth shut, Apollo.

APOLLO: This mouth had pleasured many, Eros. Maybe, it would do you well if it tastes you?

EROS: Over my dysfunctional arrows, Apollo.

APOLLO: Well, we can arrange that.


APOLLO: (Laughs boisterously) I would never know.

EROS: Do not test my patience, Uncle or I will strike you continuously for eternity until you
become an arrow yourself.

APOLLO: You're challenging the God of Archery?

EROS: You're challenging the one who shamed and will be shaming you for chasing your own
swans and ravens.

APOLLO: Mayhap, if you're the swan or the raven I will take the arrow. (Winks)

EROS in deep annoyance readies his golden arrow, even without his bow, and prepares to strike
the God of Archery. APOLLO who is now ready, unlike their previous encounter, evades the
arrow easily by hiding in the column. He's the God of it perhaps but EROS'S arrows are not
infamous if sharp. The God of the Sun laughs out loud, teasing the God of Love.

APOLLO: Oh, this is fun!

EROS: You will be the embodiment of fun!—the laughing stock of the Gods after my arrows
pierce you!

APOLLO stills, sensing his own demise. He must calm EROS or he will never live the rest of the
mocking after being blinded in love with ungodly things.

APOLLO: Ah, we cannot say that. The Fates are such playful persons. Maybe, it'll be me. Maybe,
you. Oh, I must thank them for the never-ending entertainment.
EROS: Too playful and they will taste their own medicine just as yours with Daphne and now.

APOLLO: Ah, such braveness you have. But let's not be rash, dear Eros. I believe you're
searching for your beloved twin, Anteros.


EROS: (sarcastic) As expected of the God of Truth and Prophecy. But no mind games, Uncle.
(He emphasizes the last word)

APOLLO: Where would be the fun in that?

EROS: I'll be having it when you meet another Daphne. But this time, it won't be a person.

Still hiding, APOLLO visibly shudders. No one can go against the arrow of Eros.

APOLLO: Remember, dear Eros that I'm the God of Truth and Prophecy. You must expect that I
give the truth in prophecies. And so, you will find your brother in one.

EROS sighs, frowning while twirling one of his arrows.

EROS: What is it?

APOLLO: Why do you even want to grow up, dear nephew?

EROS: Tell me the prophecy now, Apollo.

APOLLO peeks at him, showing only his face, the rest of his body still hiding by the column.

APOLLO: Enlighten me, my dear nephew. After all, you're lucky you're a god and will directly get
it through me and not my oracles. Those vessels look disturbing, don't they? Though I didn't
decide how they fashion themselves.

EROS sees the hard boredom on APOLLO'S face and knows he wouldn't get it until he satisfies
his uncle's queries.

EROS: Growing a beautiful thing. (He hesitates, his eyes narrowing then relents as he
realizes he's facing the God of Truth) I will no longer be mocked all the time. I will not make
Aphrodite disturbed by my never-growing appearance and so she will keep me by her side.

APOLLO: Ah, the power of appearance. You want everyone to see you in higher authority. You
want them intimidated and at the same time, enchanted with your erotic impulse without
which life would cease. And of course, a love of a mother. Ironic, isn't it? The God of Love begs
for the love of his mother.
EROS: (stares APOLLO down) I don't need your pity.

APOLLO: of course, I wouldn't dare pity you. You're mischievous enough to even gain pity from
your poor victims.

EROS: You, for example. Though, you deserve it.

APOLLO: (palms his forehead and shakes his head) Oh dear Eros, you must forgive your family.

EROS: Anteros and Aphrodite are my only family.

APOLLO: Ouch. Such hurtful words. But listen child as I must educate you about the passage of
childhood to adulthood.

APOLLO sensing the slow disappearance of EROS'S menace, he slowly steps out into the open.

APOLLO: After all, I'm the Nurturer of the Young.

He stays just beside the column, leaning on it, in case he needs to be swift enough to defend

APOLLO: Growing up is not just about your destination when you're through. It's what you learn
along the way. It's what made you who you are today, your older form since you think
accordingly with your state. Grow up because you want to be the way you desire. Not because
of Aphrodite's approval. Maybe, that's why you're not growing. You're dependent. You depend
on your mother's affection. You depend on your brother's presence. If you try to stand on your
own, you will learn what growing up feels like. It's not just about getting taller but shaping your
mind into a mature state. Even if you look like a child, think the opposite way. And even with
your infant appearance, you look already mischievous. If you try to be more charming, perhaps,
no one will mock you but instead fall in captivation with your... What do they call that on
earth?... Ah, cuteness.

EROS: I don't care how others see me. I only want Anteros and Aphrodite.

APOLLO: Hmm... Typical love. (He inspects his fingernails) A love that gives all of itself, not quite
aiming for reciprocation but still denied. A love that is embodied by you. (He raises his head to
look at EROS) Now, the question will be, who is love when not returned? Who are you without

EROS: A mischievous chubby winged child who will carelessly toss arrows to anyone, god or not.
Is that what you want to hear?

APOLLO visibly cringes.

EROS: Without Anteros, I will be a wilful and unsympathetic god, shooting off arrows of frenzies
and agonies in love. I can make you my first trial.

APOLLO quickly shields his chest.

APOLLO: Well, maybe another time? (He smiles halfway) Anyways, what can you say with the
Earth people believing love is pure? Selfless? God is love? (Laughs)

EROS raises his eyebrows.

EROS: I'm the God of Love. The embodiment. But even I am imperfect. My kind of love is
thrown on people, aiming to act upon it selfishly. Love alone is nothing. But when reciprocated,
it grows and is aware and has a common path. To love peacefully. And beautifully.

APOLLO: But they say, love is being happy to see your love happy with his or her own. That love
is holding on through hard times and letting go when it's time. It's a compromise.

EROS: That is not love. Love alone is not pure. That's why, Anteros accompanies me to do that
part. With him, true love strives to overcome by gratitude and kindness. Reciprocated love
yields that gratitude and kindness. If it is pure as it is alone, why do bad doings are still
commited in its name?

APOLLO: Are you saying that we must only love when it is returned?

EROS: Yes. To reduce suffering. To reduce crimes. Love and be loved back equals to a happy life.

APOLLO: I suppose, you're right with that.

EROS: Now that you heard my reasons, help me find Anteros. With my unstable state, my
arrows could start another war. Maybe, even a Titanomachy. Though Ares would surely love it.
He's been itching for his kind of fun.

APOLLO: That I cannot deny you. I can see the Fates weaving this so intricately and intriguing.
Now, you must listen.

APOLLO closes his eyes. Blinding light will shine on him but EROS is not deterred as he is a god,

APOLLO: Twins of love. The one ties the string. The other returns what it brings. The other gone
lost. The one paid the cost. A danger to hearts. Rings of careless darts. And such fate befalls on
all. The Savior is against the Quester. The Quester opposite the Beacon. Mad hearts dominate
over failure. Thus, all will fall.

The blinding light recedes. APOLLO opens his eyes.

APOLLO: Satisfied? Though, I made great efforts to simplify it for you.

EROS: I will not thank you as it's your affinity. I could have gone to the oracle—

APOLLO waves his hand in interruption.

APOLLO: Ah, never mind. You paid me already by not binding me to an unrequited love.
Though, I kind of expected you will—

EROS shoots him with a half golden arrow. Then he breaks one lead arrow and toss a half to a
passing bird.

EROS: That's for being perverted.

Lights out.

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