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You will need to do this only once:

1. Go to and press “Try it now”

2. Fill in company name (random name), number of employees (Only you) and your Country and
press NEXT.

3. Fill in random details about you, but then use REAL email address. Press NEXT.

5. Create a domain name – unique. If it ends “.pl” then it will be cheaper. For example:
6. The cost should be 7 EUR/year. Go NEXT.
7. Enter some random info. Zip code, and phone number needs to be in the right format for the
country you selected.
8. Fill Login info
9. Review Payment Plan – initially they will set it for 9.36 EUR/Month but you can bring it down
later to around 5EUR/Month.
10. This is how to “downgrade to the cheaper payment plan so you will pay only around 5
EUR/month (official guide from Google).

11. You can skip the step 10 and go right to step 11 which is Review and Checkout. Here you need to
review all your fake info and set a payment method.
You will need to do this every time CQG data
expires (around every 14 days):
12. Log into Google with your new Google account which you have just created. Go to Google apps
(click the icon) and then go to “Admin”. The “Admin” is available only if you have made the
domain purchase.

13. Go to “Users”

14. Add new user – this will create a new email address which you can use to get free CQG data.
15. Fill in some random credentials. Domain name will stay the same for every new email address
you create. Press ADD NEW USER.
16. Copy the password

17. Open a new window in your browser and click the icon at the top right corner. Click the “Add
another account”.
18. Click “use another account”

19. Enter the new email and paste the password which you copied earlier.
20. Agree with terms in the next pop-up window and create a new password.

21. After this, you will get access to your new Gmail account.
22. Use this email to get CQG futures data!

How to get CQG futures data

23. Go to:
24. Fill in all the credentials (fake credentials will do) and the new “fake” email you have just

25. In the next couple of minutes, you will receive two emails, and on of them will include your
username & password to use in your NT8 platform to get CQG futures data!
26. You will need to repeat this every 14 days or so, because this is a time limited trial. Every time,
you will need to use new email which you can now easily change as I showed you in the steps
above. Even though the CQG data is trial, the quality of data is the same as the full paid data.
After you have received and saved the NinjaTrader credentials from your new email, you should delete
the account you used. Otherwise, you would pay more for your domain (the costs depend on the
number of emails you use). It is simple:

Go to admin console again. This is link to get there:

And delete the new email (user):

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