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Resources, Conservation & Recycling 165 (2021) 105241

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Comprehensive recycling of silicon photovoltaic modules incorporating

organic solvent delamination – technical, environmental and
economic analyses
Pablo Dias a, b, *, Lucas Schmidt b, Marina Monteiro Lunardi a, Nathan L Chang a, Gustavo Spier b,
Richard Corkish a, Hugo Veit b
School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Minas, Metalúrgica e de Materiais (PPGE3M), Av. Bento
Gonçalves 9500, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil


Keywords: Photovoltaic (PV) panel manufacturing is increasing worldwide, which subsequently increases the amount of
Crystalline silicon waste PV. This study proposes to recycle waste PV using organic solvent delamination followed by downstream
Material recovery thermal and leaching procedures. Firstly, experimental data is obtained using small commercial modules by
replicating a recycling route taken from the literature. Based on the experimental results, life cycle cost analysis
(LCCA) and life cycle assessment (LCA) are applied to evaluate the experimental and optimized industry scale
Solar panel processes. Results show that the main profitable recycling avenues are for aluminum frame and junction box
removal; and that downstream processes can separate and recover all the remaining materials, but not profitably.
The laboratory and high-throughput-optimized processes, considering the median costs and revenues, have a net
cost of 29.00 and 3.30 USD per module, respectively. The complete recovery of materials using the proposed
method is unlikely to be profitable and this may only be achievable where labor is not expensive. Alternatively,
the complete recycling of waste PV could be made economically viable by reducing process time, increasing
automation and/or providing financial subsidies. The environmental analysis, however, shows that the opti­
mized process modelled here has a positive net environmental impact. The results are also compared against the
cost/environmental impact of landfilling such waste. In summary, the proposed recycling route is capable of
completely recovering the main materials in waste PV (aluminum frames, junction box, silver, copper tabbing,
silicon, backsheet and unbroken glass) and can have a positive environmental impact, but it is not economically

1. Introduction waste electrical and electronic equipment stream in many jurisdictions.

Current photovoltaic modules have a performance warranty of 25 years
Photovoltaic (PV) modules (or panels) can convert solar energy into (to be extended to 30 years in the next decade) and a lifespan of about
electrical energy through solar cells (or PV cells), which absorb light and 20-25 years (expected to increase) (Sinha et al., 2020; Philipps and
generate electron–hole pairs. The electrons and holes are then separated Warmuth, 2019; Pinho and Galdino, 2014; VDMA, 2020). Current
and generate electrical power (Markvart and Castañer, 2012). The forecasts estimate there will be anywhere from 60 to 78 million tonnes
modules can be made with different materials or technologies, but of waste PV by 2050, and that installed capacity will increase ten-fold to
crystalline silicon PV technology dominates the market (Chantana et al., about 4500 GW in the same period (Chowdhury et al., 2020; Weckend
2017; Latunussa et al., 2016; Philipps and Warmuth, 2019), accounting et al., 2016).
for more than 97% of the PV production in 2019 (Masson and Kaizuka, Managing and recycling end-of-life PV can minimize waste of envi­
2019). These devices, while considered nonpolluting in many respects, ronmental and economic resources (Xu et al., 2018). This is due to the
have a finite lifespan and eventually become waste, classified within the avoidance of the negative impact a poorly managed end-of-life PV can

* Corresponding author at: School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
E-mail addresses:, (P. Dias).
Received 18 June 2020; Received in revised form 2 October 2020; Accepted 26 October 2020
Available online 5 November 2020
0921-3449/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Dias et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 165 (2021) 105241

have on the environment and human health; and economic potential of Table 1
recovering materials of interest from end-of-life panels. The toxic ma­ Materials contained in a silicon PV module, their weight distribution, their
terials related to photovoltaics panels varies greatly with the technology economic value and recycling interest decision. Adapted from Deng et al. (2019)
being employed. Thin-film panels, for instance, can have substances and Dias and Veit (2018).
such as cadmium, gallium and tellurium, while crystalline silicon Material Weight percentage in a Pricea(USD/kg of Of interest to
generally contains lead and silver (Tao and Yu, 2015). Toxicity associ­ module (%) material) recycling?
ated with photovoltaic technologies are of concern because lead, tin, Junction 2 0.28 – 1 (each)b Yes
cadmium, silicon, and copper are known to be harmful to the ecosystem box
and human health (Kwak et al., 2020) and inappropriate disposal of this Silicon 2–3 1.7 – 2.7 Yes
Glass 69 - 75 0.04 – 0.167 Yes
waste may cause the leaching of such toxic metals to soil or water (Li Polymers 7 - No
et al., 2019). However, recent toxicity studies have found metal con­ (EVA,
centrations from waste PV leachates to be within regulations, implying PVF)
that their discard may be safe (Nain and Kumar, 2020a; Savvilotidou Copper 0.6 – 1 4.4 – 7 Yes
Silver 0.006 - 0.06 446 – 702 Yes
et al., 2017). The polymers associated with the panel are also of concern
Aluminum 10-20 1–2 Yes
since they can release toxic gasses when incinerated (Liao et al., 2020). Boron <0.1 - No
The toxicity and environmental risk associated with PV panels still lacks Phosphorus <0.1 - No
consensus and more studies are needed, according to a recent review Tin Dioxide <0.1 - No
(Kwak et al., 2020). Lead <0.1 - No

The other facet of the materials contained in PV panels are their a

Values should be taken only as reference as opposed to accurate values, since
intrinsic value, as silver, aluminum and copper are of economic interest they change significantly according to supply and demand principles b Value for
(Dias and Veit, 2018; Tao and Yu, 2015). Moreover, recovery and re-use junction box is given in USD per each junction box unit, all others are in USD/kg
of metals such as aluminum, silver and copper from waste PV, has been Metallurgical grade silicon.
shown to have a net improvement on global warming, acidification and
eutrophication impacts, even when accounting for the negative impacts 3. Recycling silicon photovoltaics
of the extraction processes (Mathur et al., 2020). Crystalline silicon PV
modules also contain a significant quantity of silicon, which, although Various recycling methods for PV modules are currently being
abundant in the Earth’s crust, has been recently included onto the list of studied. Removing the glass from the solar cells is usually the first step,
critical raw materials for the EU by the European Commission because it and the encapsulating material can be removed by thermal, chemical or
is a resource of high importance for both the economy and the envi­ mechanical delamination (Deng et al., 2019). The most popular method
ronment (EC, 2020). Additionally, silicon has a negligible end-of-life has been the use of thermal procedures followed by chemical etching,
recycling rate (EC, 2020) and its production routes generate toxic such as the work of Klugmann-Radziemska and Ostrowski (2010), which
compounds emission (Braga et al., 2008), which reinforces the need for involved the EVA removal followed by a series of etching treatments.
developing end-of-life solutions for silicon. The European Full Recovery End of Life Photovoltaic project (FRELP)
consists of an automated system that dismantles the aluminum frame
2. Composition of c-Si photovoltaic modules and detaches the cables from EoL modules, followed by a process of
heating and cutting using a high-frequency knife to separate the glass
Crystalline silicon PV modules (c-Si PV) are made of different layers and the PV laminate (or sandwich). The laminate is then reduced in size
arranged in a sandwich structure, which is then protected by an by cutting and placed in a furnace for incineration, which outputs a rich
aluminum frame. The sandwich structure has a glass superstrate, fol­ ash containing silicon and other metals. The ash is sieved to recover
lowed by an encapsulant, metallic tabbing, photovoltaic cells, metallic aluminum and then leached to recover silicon, silver and copper (the
tabbing/plating, encapsulant, and polymeric backsheet. The backsheet first through filtering and the latter two by electrolysis) (Latunussa et al.,
is normally made of a polymeric thin layered structure (PVF - polyvinyl 2016). The process was envisioned to process 1 t of waste PV per hour,
fluoride - is typically used) (Dias et al., 2016b), the encapsulant and the latest reports show that it has to process 7,000 t/year in a
commonly of EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate), the tabbing of lead-tin continuous 24h shift for it to be economically profitable (SASIL, 2018).
coated copper, and the superstrate of soda-lime low-iron tempered However, the baseline PV recycling process found to be average practice
glass (Dias et al., 2016b). The PV cell is mainly made of doped silicon in Western European e-waste facilities consists of the manual disman­
(commonly doped with phosphorus and boron) and has an antireflective tling of the panel’s frames and cables, followed by the grinding of the
layer (AR layer) on its surface (Pinho and Galdino, 2014). In addition, remainder using simple techniques (e.g. hammered or ground to
there are metal contacts: usually screen printed silver lines (on top) and partially separate the glass) or directly shredded with other electronic
a full area aluminum coating (on the bottom) (Green, 1982). The silicon waste. The overall recycling rate achieved was reported to be around
in the wafer form has a greater economic value than the solar-grade 24%. The observations were obtained visiting two recycling plants that
silicon, which in turn has greater value than the metallurgical grade were not specialized in recycling waste PV (Ardente et al., 2019).
(lower purity) silicon (Deng et al., 2019; Dias and Veit, 2018). Currently, Among alternative methods for PV recycling, Nevala et al. (2019)
the PV industry is moving away from using lead (to solder the metallic studied electro-hydraulic fragmentation in which uses shockwave im­
tabbing) in PV modules (VDMA, 2019), but, while in small quantity pulse to fragment the module followed by mechanical sieving. The au­
(Table 1), its presence is significant as it may leach from incorrectly thors noticed a distinct difference in the distribution of metals in relation
disposed modules (Dias and Veit, 2018). Finally, a junction box is placed to traditional shredding, and the method was able to concentrate 99wt%
on the rear of the module for electrical connection to deliver the har­ of Cu, 60wt% of Ag, 80wt% of Pb, Sn and Al in one fraction, in addition
nessed energy to the desired output. A general distribution of materials to high purity silicon (>99%) in another. Other alternative methods
found in c-Si PV modules is presented in Table 1. It shows that silicon, include the use of blade rotors crushing followed by followed by thermal
glass, copper, silver, aluminum and the junction box are of interest to treatment (or followed by hammer crushing) (Granata et al., 2014) and
recycling; aluminum is certain to be of significant value even in the low shredding followed by electrostatic separation of materials (Dias et al.,
end of the range, while silicon, glass, copper and silver have similar 2018).
values on the low end and potential to be of significant value depending Waste PV recycling processes can have negative environmental im­
on market conditions. pacts. Xu et al. (2018) mention the possible release of solvent emissions
during certain recycling processes. In addition, the thermal and

P. Dias et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 165 (2021) 105241

chemical treatments in the recycling processes generate environmental one-cell mini-modules and succeeded in recovering undamaged cells.
impacts, but these are still lower than those of landfill disposal (Huang Later, Kang et al. (2012) expanded on the idea of using organic solvents
et al., 2017). The major environmental impacts arise from polymer to separate and recover components from waste PV. They were able to
incineration and metals recovery processes (Latunussa et al., 2016). An recover high purity silicon (99.999%) and undamaged glass superstrate
alternative to thermal processing of the whole module is to have a from a commercial full-sized (975 × 1455 mm2, 20 kg, 200 W)
pre-treatment step that separates the waste PV macro components, thus poly-crystalline silicon module. They found that trichlorethylene,
decreasing the mass input to the thermal process. This pre-treatment can toluene and o-dichlorobenzene were each capable of dissolving and
be achieved by using organic solvents, as shown by Doi et al. (2001), swelling the EVA layer under certain conditions (swelling occurs in the
who proposed a method for recovering undamaged silicon cells by using cross linked fraction of the EVA while the remainder is dissolved (Dias
organic solvents to remove the (EVA) encapsulant layers. They noticed and Veit, 2018)). For their experiment, they used toluene at 90 ◦ C and
that the non-crossed-linked portion of the EVA dissolves while immersed allowed the waste PV to be immersed in the solvent for two days. The
in certain solvents and the crossed-linked portion swells. Their experi­ process was followed by furnace incineration (to remove the remaining
ments were performed for a range of solvents at laboratory scale using EVA) and chemical etching with several acid solutions. While the work

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram illustrating the experimental procedures used in this study at laboratory scale.

P. Dias et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 165 (2021) 105241

of both Doi et al. (2001) and Kang et al. (2012) showed promising re­ Steel was chosen for the container because of its resistance to organic
sults, with effective recovery of important material, the costs and im­ solvents and to allow for heat conduction from an underlying heating
pacts associated with such process were not assessed. Given the search plate with adjustable temperature. A thermocouple was placed inside
for alternative PV recycling processes, with higher efficiency and lower the container (in contact only with the fluid) to continuously measure
environmental impacts, investigating the feasibility of the organic sol­ the temperature of the solvent.
vent process at industry scale proposed by these researcher is fitting: it Compressive stress was also placed in the frameless module. Ac­
works in commercial samples, it requires little thermal energy input and cording to Doi et al. (2001), this suppresses the swelling of the encap­
it yields high rates of recovery with high quality materials. sulant and can assist in recovering unbroken components from the
The present study is intended to replicate the method proposed by modules (See Fig. 2 in Doi et al. (2001)). The module under stress was
Doi et al. (2001) and performed by Kang et al. (2012) to evaluate the placed inside the apparatus, toluene 99.5% was poured into the steel
component separation, impacts and the costs associated with such a container until the module was fully immersed. The whole system was
method. This will allow an evaluation of the organic solvent separation weighed to monitor toluene loss. The solvent was heated and kept at 90
process in terms of its economic feasibility (using life cycle costing ◦
C. Every 24 h, the whole system was weighed, the apparatus was
analysis - LCCA) and its environmental impact (using life cycle analysis - opened, the module was removed and visually inspected, and toluene
LCA). Nain and Kumar (2020b) claim that PV recycling (especially of was topped up to ensure full immersion.
silicon-based PVs) is not economically profitable from a recycler’s After the immersion process, some laminate layers (i.e., PV macro
point-of-view, so this study will mainly address the question “is this the components) were completely separated, but some required additional
recycling of waste PV using organic solvents followed by downstream mechanical assistance via tools such as file, knife and tweezers. The
processes technically, economically and environmentally sustainable?” separated macro components were weighed. Records were kept of the
by collecting experimental laboratory data and then scaling up the re­ total immersion (idle) time; active time, electrical energy used, and
sults to industrial scale processing. consumable usage. Energy consumption was measured using a DDS238-
2 single phase electricity meter (Hiking, Yueqing, China). The residues
4. Methodology of the immersion were filtered, the sludge was separated to be discarded
and the toluene (liquid phase from the filtration) was recovered to be
This study was initially carried out in the laboratory, where the waste used again.
PV recycling process using organic solvents was undertaken, and data
from the process was recorded. Subsequently, the recovered materials 4.2. Experimental: downstream processes
were evaluated for their quantity and quality. The collected data were
then analyzed from both the economic cost and environmental impact The macro components, with remnant encapsulant (EVA) adhering,
perspectives. Extrapolating from the laboratory scale results, an opti­ were placed in an alumina crucible, which was placed in a furnace at
mized industrial version of the process was designed and evaluated 500 ◦ C for 5 h to remove all polymeric matter (more time than the
using the same methods. Finally, the LCCA and LCA for the laboratory optimal minimum was used to ensure complete removal, as per results
scale and industrial scale were compared against each other, as well as shown Dias et al. (2016a). The subsequent step was the manual removal
against the possibility of sending the original PV module to landfill. The of the loose tabbing followed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis using
methodology used in all these steps is explained in detail hereafter. a Thermo Niton XL3t (Thermo Scientific, Massachusetts, USA) instru­
ment. The remainder of the sample (i.e., the fraction that remained after
4.1. Experimental: immersion in toluene the manual separation of the tabbing) was digested using nitric acid 65%
at room temperature for 2 h under magnetic agitation with a solid-liquid
The laboratory procedures performed in this study are outlined in the ratio of 1:10. The solution was then filtered, the solid was weighed and
schematic diagram (Fig. 1). Preliminary data on such procedures have reserved; the liquid was diluted and analyzed by inductively coupled
been previously published (Dias et al., 2019b; Lunardi et al., 2019). All plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) using Agilent model
procedures were performed in triplicate, with three equal samples. 5110 (Agilent Technologies, California, USA). Electrical energy, time
The experiments were performed with multi crystalline silicon and consumables were also recorded for both thermal decomposition
modules (mc-Si modules). To simulate real world PV waste, three and digestion. Following the digestion, visual inspection revealed
commercial, undamaged, 5 W, modules without any prior modification remnant silver-colored regions on the surface of the cells (where the
were used in this study (as opposed to laboratory prepared samples). gridlines had been deposited). Thus, two digested and
They each weighed 654 g and had the following dimensions: 220 × 250 thermally-decomposed cells were analyzed under a scanning electron
× 18 mm. The first procedure was the manual removal of the junction microscope (SEM) by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) in an
box and the aluminum frame using tools such as screwdrivers and pliers. equipment model Phenom ProX (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Massachu­
The dimensions of the laminate (i.e., module without the frames and setts, USA) to confirm complete silver removal.
junction box) were 215 × 245 × 3.5 mm.
Among the possible organic solvents (trichlorethylene, toluene and 4.3. Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA)
o-dichlorobenzene (Kang et al., 2012)), toluene was chosen because of
its price and accessibility. However, toluene is volatile (NCBI, 2020) and Once all the data related to the experimental process were compiled
the construction of a proper apparatus was required to avoid excessive (costs, inputs, outputs), a cost simulation was run considering the in­
toluene loss during delamination. The laboratory apparatus consisted of dividual process steps (manual deframing, toluene immersion, thermal
i) a steel container, with round edges, ii) a glass lid cover, to which a decomposition and leaching). In the initial assessment, with an assumed
reflux condenser system was fitted and iii) the interface between the lid 24/7 operation, annual throughput of 100,000 small modules/year, the
and the container. The interface had a silicone covering placed on the cost of implementing each laboratory recycling step was calculated
edges of the steel container and acetic silicone sealant placed between including labor (deframing, operation, handling, scraping), equipment
the covering and the glass lid. Additionally, binder clips were placed depreciation (immersion apparatus, furnace, tank, fume cupboard),
around the chamber pressing against the steel container and the glass lid consumables (toluene, nitric acid, electricity), landfill (ash from thermal
to apply compression stress at the interface and further assist the seal. decomposition and sludge from hydro processes) and the revenue ob­
This setup was chosen after several design attempts, in which the loss of tained from potential sales (silver, glass, copper, aluminum, etc.). The
toluene was empirically evaluated by measuring the weight of the values for revenue considered the compilation used previously by Deng
apparatus before and after a fixed amount of time. et al. (2019) and assumes an additional 20% markup on the high end of

P. Dias et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 165 (2021) 105241

Fig. 2. Apparatus used in organic solvent immersion process. A) Schematic of apparatus and magnification of interface. B) Actual interface highlighting silicone
covering and binder clips. C) Actual apparatus prior to the placement of the binder clips.

sales to account for a possible premium that consumers are willing to represent the main impacts from processes and materials, which are
pay for recycled materials (due to sustainability or traceability concerns) effects on human health, ecosystems and resource depletion.
(Anderson and Hansen, 2004; Calvo Dopico et al., 2016; Higgins et al., The same three scenarios for the LCCA (namely experimental pro­
2020; Saphores et al., 2007). Because the values of the input parameters cess, optimized process, and direct landfilling) were assessed and the
are not certain (for example, estimating operator time for a high results were compared. Landfilling, in particular, is currently the reality
throughput factory), uncertainty ranges were used. A Monte Carlo for several countries when dealing with waste PV (Weckend et al.,
analysis with 50,000 iterations was used to calculate an uncertainty 2016). The LCA assumed an electricity mix containing hydropower,
range for the process costs and revenues for different groupings of wind, nuclear, oil and others (complete mix shown in appendix, table
processes, as outlined in Supplementary Table ST4 (in the appendix). ST7). Despite the mix, the primarily electricity source is fossil-fuel-based
The results of the initial assessment highlighted the main costs of the (e.g. coal) for both experimental and optimized scenarios. This was
recycling process, which guided the conception of a cost optimized chosen since it is the reality of most countries, estimations show that
process. In this optimized process, which was assumed to have a higher more than 60% of the electricity mix worldwide was based in fossil fuels
annual throughput of 1,000,000 small modules/year (equivalent to 650 in 2019 (IEA, 2019). After the comparison of the three scenarios, a sit­
t/year) working 24/7. Automated equipment reduced labor costs and uation in which 100% of the of the electricity comes from renewable
larger batch sizes made more efficient use of equipment, electricity and sources was analyzed to see the impact this would have in the overall
chemicals. It assumed, for instance, automatic removal of the frame and LCA of the recycling process.
improved use of the toluene by having a single tank that would fit 100 The basis for any LCA calculation is the functional unit, which relates
modules. Economies of scale were applied to the use of toluene and of to the functions of the product or the process. In a comparative study,
nitric acid. Details of the optimized process and the complete listing of the functional unit must be the same for all the compared product sys­
variables is shown in the appendix (ST1, ST2, ST3 and ST4). For the tems. The functional unit chosen for this LCA was one 5W c-Si module.
purpose of comparison, the Italian FRELP project envisioned to recycle The gate-to-gate approach was chosen, which means that the analysis
3500 t/year with a 24/7 operation (SASIL, 2018)). The analysis of the starts at the beginning of the experimental (or optimized) recycling
experimental and optimized recycling processes were then compared process and finishes at the end of the process (Fig. 1). More specifically,
with the baseline alternative of sending the waste PV directly to landfill the system boundaries include the initial separation (manual and auto­
to show the potential and the cost barriers of running such an organic matic), the toluene immersion (electricity, toluene usage and toluene
solvent recycling process at high volume. sludge to landfill), thermal decomposition (electricity and ash) and
HNO3 leaching (electricity, HNO3 usage and disposal). Filtering of the
toluene for re-use is neglected in the LCA, since it is not expected to have
4.4. Life cycle assessment (LCA)
significant impacts to the environment. However, the impacts of ash,
toluene sludge and nitric acid sludge going to landfill are included in our
The same data collected for the LCCA was used for the environmental
model. Since the process stops with the separation of all the materials,
assessment of the experimental recycling process, although some data
the analysis did not include the process of extraction of the Ag from the
(labor and production equipment capital costs) were not included in the
nitric acid mix, nor the final treatment and disposal of the nitric acid
LCA calculations, consistent with the standard LCA methodology
after the metals have been removed.. In addition, this LCA does not
(Parent et al., 2013). The impacts of each process step, as described in
consider the production of the module, the transportation to the recy­
the LCCA section, were estimated using the OpenLCA software (Hil­
cling plant, and the possible further treatments that all materials
denbrand et al., 2020) and the ReCiPe methodology (Goedkoop et al.,
recovered would need to be reused or reprocessed. The inventory data
2009). The ReCiPe method was chosen since it compiles several life
collected is based on the four main steps of the recycling process
cycle inventory results into a limited number of indicator scores that

P. Dias et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 165 (2021) 105241

considering their input and output flows and on data from the Ecoinvent to squeeze out sideways (Fig. 5A). The backsheet slowly detached from
database (EcoInvent, 2020). Some processes, such as landfill, are a the remainder of the module structure to the point where it could be
combination of separate known processes (e.g. ‘silicon to landfill’, ‘silver manually removed. The total immersion time was 99 h on average (±
to landfill’, ‘plastics to landfill’, etc.). The complete LCA inventories for 3.9 h). After immersion, most of the backsheet had been separated and
both experimental process and optimized process are shown in the ap­ most of the cells were still attached to the glass (Fig. 5B), which con­
pendix (Tables ST8 and ST9). forms to the results described by Kang et al. (2012).

5. Results 5.3. Manual separation of macro components

5.1. Manual deframing At this point, several layers of the PV structure have been separated:
aluminum frame, junction box, rear encapsulant and most of the tabbing
The deframing of the module and removal of the junction box and backsheet. The glass and cells, however, remained stuck together on
(Fig. 3), took 1 h and 13 min on average (± 12.5 min) per module. all three tested samples. These were scraped off using a chisel (manually
Deframing rendered the laminates vulnerable to the organic solvent, separated) – Fig. 6H. This process took about 1 h and 47 min per module
since the edges of the encapsulant were now exposed. The activity was (± 23 min) and was able to successfully separate all macro components
assumed to have consumed no material or energy, given that only from the PV module. The macro components and their description are
manual procedures were used. The remaining laminate weighed 492 g presented in Fig. 6.
on average (± 3.5 g) after the removal of these macro components, The process so far (i.e., manual activities plus organic solvent im­
about 75% of its original weight. mersion) was capable of separating the PV modules into its main macro
components: backsheet, aluminum frame, junction box, front glass and a
5.2. Immersion in toluene mixture of encapsulant, silicon cells and tabbing (metallic ribbons). The
final weight distribution is presented in Table 2, showing that total
The toluene immersion allowed the reaction of the solvent with the losses were about 2% of the original mass. As shown in previous studies,
encapsulant (EVA) layer, which partially dissolved and partially the main mass composition was from the superstrate (front glass) and
swelled, as reported by Kang et al. (2012). Fig. 4 shows the separation of the aluminum frame, which accounted for 63% and 22% of the total
the different layers of the sandwich structure as more time was given to mass, respectively.
the solvent to penetrate further into the module, towards its center.
Notice these modules had an additional white rectangular-shaped 5.4. Downstream processes: thermal decomposition and leaching
insulating sheet where the junction box used to lie.
The immersion in solvent caused the EVA to swell, but because of the Once the main macro components were separated, thermal decom­
compressive stress on the laminate, the swelling caused the encapsulant position was used to separate the EVA from the cell and tabbing mixture

Fig. 3. Manual removal of the aluminum frame and junction box. Main structure is shown before the removal (left) and after the removal (right).

P. Dias et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 165 (2021) 105241

Fig. 4. Time-lapse from left to right showing the separation of the layers of the PV module after immersion in toluene.

Fig. 5. Effect of toluene in the c-si module. A) Front of laminate: Encapsulant (EVA) leaving through the edges of the module due partial dissolution. B) Rear of
laminate: End state of module after 99 h of immersion..

(Fig. 6). The mass loss in the three repetitions was 25.33g (±3.56) on cost was the time taken to separate the layers, as shown in Table 3. The
average and the visual inspection result after the procedure is displayed time taken by the manual activities can certainly be decreased by
in Fig. 7A, which highlights the PV cell and tabbing that remained post training the operators or by using automated systems (such as deframers
thermal decomposition. The tabbing were manually separated (Fig. 7B) that are already available in the market). The time taken for the toluene
and the XRF performed on it confirmed the presence of copper, lead, tin, to react with the encapsulant to allow the backsheet to be peeled off was
silver and trace metals (<1 wt.%). The digestion procedure performed about 100 h per module. Total process time (summing up all steps) was
on the other fraction of the thermal decomposed sample (silicon cells, roughly 115 h.
Fig. 7A) removed the remaining metals attached to the cells, leaching
2.44 g (±1.03 g) of metals on average. ICP-OES results show 1.9 g
(±0.28g) of copper and 395.8 mg (±122.9 mg) of silver. EDS results for 5.6. Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA)
the gridline regions confirmed only residual silver remained (0.82 wt.%
±1.09), indicating the silver removal from the silicon cell was The main cost associated with the laboratory scale recycling was the
successful. cost of labor, which was significantly greater than any of the other ex­
penditures (Fig. 8 and Table ST5). Labor also has the highest variability
among the expenditures, according to the minimum wage spectrum
5.5. Process analysis: time, energy and consumables across the globe (based on previous work (Dias et al., 2019a)). Labor
cost was mainly due to the toluene immersion step (median around 14
The costs associated with toluene immersion and the downstream USD/module), followed by manual deframing (median 2.8 USD/mod­
processes (namely the thermal decomposition and digestion) are dis­ ule) and then thermal and leaching steps (both around 0.6 USD /mod­
played in Tables 3 and 4. The main drawback of the process in terms of ule). Materials and electricity were also significant, dominated by nitric

P. Dias et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 165 (2021) 105241

Fig. 6. Results of separation of macro components from PV module. A) Junction box removed during module deframing B) Aluminum frame obtained during module
deframing C) Backsheet detached due to toluene immersion D) Module label detached due to toluene immersion E) Cell, EVA and tabbing mixture detached due to
toluene immersion F) Backsheet manually removed post toluene immersion G) Superstrate (tempered glass) obtained after immersion and manual removal of the
remaining cell (labelled as “H” in this figure) H) PV Cell, EVA and tabbing mixture scraped manually post toluene immersion.

acid (high consumption at laboratory scale) and electricity during

Table 2
toluene immersion, each of which is around 2.6 USD per recycled
Mass distribution after macro component separation by toluene immersion.
module. The toluene was less expensive (0.5 USD/module). For equip­
Original mass of all three modules was 654 grams.
ment costs, only the toluene immersion equipment (median 2.3 USD/­
Component Average Mass SD (±σ) Percentage of total
module) was significant.
Backsheet 22.17g 1.55 3.39% All other costs were relatively small. When viewed by process, the
Frame (aluminum) 146.03g 1.91 22.33% main cost is the toluene immersion, followed by manual frame removal
Superstrate (glass) 417.60g 11.11 63.50%
and lastly the downstream processes (Fig. 8). The net median cost of the
EVA, tabbing & PV Cell 41.65g 3.07 6.37%
Junction box 14.69g 0.19 2.25% laboratory process (i.e., summing all median costs and subtracting all
Losses 12.0g 16.24 1.83% median revenues) was 29 USD/module.
Total 639.85g 97.84% In the optimized-high-throughput process, the cost of labor was
greatly reduced due to the introduction of automation, which conversely

Fig. 7. A) Thermal decomposition residue: solar silicon cells and tabbing. B) Tabbing (metallic ribbons) manually separated after thermal decomposition.

P. Dias et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 165 (2021) 105241

Table 3
Energy and time costs per module associated with the macro component sepa­
ration using toluene immersion, and downstream thermal decomposition and
digestion processes.
Cost type Average use per SD Unit Process
module (±σ)

Electric Energy 15.11 1.01 kWh Toluene

Idle time 99.05 3.91 Hours Toluene
Labor (Active 8.48 1.03 Hours Toluene
Electric Energy 2.05 0.42 kWh Thermal
Idle time 5.44 0.42 Hours Thermal
Labor (Active 0.17 Nil Hours Thermal
time) decomposition
Electric Energy 0.10 Nil kWh Digestion
Idle time 2.00 Nil Hours Digestion
Labor (Active 0.20 0.05 Hours Digestion Fig. 9. Comparison of costs associated with the four main steps in the
time) optimized-high-throughput organic recycling process (industrial scale). For
each cost component, the error bar shows the 10th and 90th percentile values of
that cost component in the Monte Carlo analysis, indicating its uncertainty. A1:
Automated deframing; B1: Semi-automated organic solvent immersion and post
Table 4
immersion macro component separation; C1: High throughput thermal
Material and reactants consumption associated with the macro component
decomposition; D1: Optimized metal leaching.
separation using toluene immersion.
Materials Average use per Unit Reusable? Regeneration/
module Recovery
revenues is presented in the appendix (Figures S1, S2, S3, S4 and
Table ST5)
Steel 1 Unit Yes 100%
Turning to revenue and avoided landfill (Fig. 12 and Tables ST5 and
Clip 46 Unit Yes 100% ST6), one can consider which processes can be profitably completed.
Silicone 160 cm Yes 100%a The median net cost of the optimized process was 3.30 USD/module.
covering When linearly converted, this translated into roughly 5200 USD/tonne.
Silicone 50 g No Nil Among the four analyzed steps, the one most likely to render a profit is
Toluene 1.535 kg Yes 97.31% (±0.02)
the automated frame removal (A1). The thermal degradation (C1) can,
Heating plate 1 Unit Yes 100% in some instances of the Monte Carlo simulation, render a small profit
a due to recovery of copper from tabbing. This process, however, cannot
While the silicone covering lasted throughout all the experiments shown in
be done unless the previous expensive toluene immersion (B1) is also
this manuscript, its actual deterioration rate is unknown, i.e. at this stage, it is
impossible to ascertain how many runs such a covering would last.
completed, which would make the overall cost greater than the revenue,
even in those specific instances.

5.7. Life cycle assessment (LCA) – environmental impacts

The LCA study assumed electricity sources to be primarily from non-

renewable sources. Based on the assumptions described, the inventory
and data collected, the results are shown in Fig. 13.
The negative and positive ReCiPe points represent the beneficial and
detrimental environmental impacts, respectively. The results for the
experimental process show that the electricity usage during the toluene
immersion generates the main impacts for the whole process. Assessing

Fig. 8. Cost comparison and breakdown of activities associated with the lab­
oratory scale recycling process. For each cost component, the error bar shows
the 10th and 90th percentile values of that cost component in the Monte Carlo
analysis, indicating its uncertainty. A: Manual deframing; B: Organic solvent
immersion and post immersion macro component separation; C: Thermal
decomposition; D: Metal leaching.

increased the cost of equipment and electricity. Despite this reduction,

shown in Fig. 9, labor is still the main contributor to the median cost,
contributing 1.8 USD/module for the toluene immersion. The compar­
ison between the original experimental process and the optimized one is
shown in Fig. 10 and a detailed breakdown of the individual costs and Fig. 10. Comparison between total cost of laboratory scale recycling processed
and modelled industry scale recycling process.

P. Dias et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 165 (2021) 105241

the steps individually, the initial manual separation is the most benefi­ 6. Discussion
cial, where the ecological gains from the recovery of aluminum (from
the frame) are greater than the detrimental impacts, since the latter does This study aims to assess the technical, economic and environmental
not use any electricity or chemicals. Considering the other steps, the sustainability of using toluene followed by downstream processes to
comparison shows the opposite result: benefits from the recovery of recycle waste c-Si PV modules. It relies on acquiring experimental data
materials does not compensate for the detrimental impacts arising from and using this data to assess the cost and the environmental conse­
the processes. The results for each process step are detailed in Supple­ quences of the proposed route. Since the LCCA results displayed in
mentary Figs. S5, S6, S7 and S8. Fig. 11, showing the cost of the individual steps, indicate that the
Because of the LCA and LCCA results for the experimental process, an removal of the frame is a profitable activity and the following processes
optimized process was envisioned. This scenario assumed an automated are not, it then follows that a cheaper (or more efficient) recycling path
deframing, which involves the addition of electricity in comparison to should be developed to allow the recovery of materials other than the
the experimental process. On the other hand, the assumed high effi­ aluminum and the junction box from waste PV. The current organic
ciency of the other processes decreased the use of electricity and solvent recycling route proposed would encourage the industry to
chemicals per module (functional unit). It is noteworthy that the volume remove the frame and junction box, and then stockpile or landfill
of modules being recycled in the optimized process was much higher whatever is left of the waste module (roughly 75% of the original mass).
compared to the experimental method, but the results are normalized to Indeed, the cost of disposing the whole module (i.e., straight from the
functional unit, i.e., all results are normalized to one module (Fig. 14). end of its useful lifespan to landfill) is a fraction of undertaking the
Supplementary Tables ST10 and ST11 (appendix) display the results per organic solvent approach (median found was about 0.1 USD/module),
tonne, converted linearly. as shown when both are compared against each other (Fig. 12). This is
The optimized process shows a significant decrease in the overall also backed by the LCA, whose results show that removing the frame and
environmental impact compared to the experimental process. While the junction box, and landfilling the rest of the PV module would result in
most significant impact accounted for almost 1.5 ReCiPe points in the environmental benefits, while avoiding the negative impacts of the
latter, the most critical effect represents less than 0.2 ReCiPe points in subsequent steps.
the optimized process (Fig. 14). The main reason for these results was The optimized process incurred in a net median cost of 3.30 USD/
that each module, which was the LCA functional unit, required much module (or roughly 5200 USD/tonne). A commercial uptake of this
less energy and materials than the previous recycling method to obtain process on purely financial terms, would require significant cost re­
the same recovered components. As discussed, the manual separation of ductions. Fig. 11 and Table ST5 indicate the developments needed to
the frame and junction box had the best results for the experimental improve the cost. The toluene process itself is the most expensive, and
process (Fig. 13), since it did not require any energy to be supplied. The labor costs still dominate. Whilst it may be possible to greatly reduce
optimized process had the addition of machinery to remove the frames labor costs through further automation, even eliminating that cost
from the modules. That addition caused small detrimental impacts, would not be sufficient to provide a zero-net cost. The key barrier for the
mainly due to the assumption that the electricity used was fossil-fuel process is the extremely long process time required to delaminate the
based, but they were not significant. Therefore, the automation bene­ components – reducing this time would reduce labor, equipment
fits from the recovery of aluminum are still greater than the impacts depreciation, electricity and material usage costs significantly. For
from the energy consumption. The toluene immersion still had the example, if all these costs are linearly related to process time, and if a
biggest impacts from electricity usage but the impact per module way was found to eliminate labor costs whilst also reducing the process
significantly decreased in the optimized process compared to the time ten-fold (from 2 days to 5 h), the net cost for the toluene process
experimental method. The same occurred with the subsequent down­ would be approximately zero. After this, the leaching process is the next
stream steps (i.e., thermal decomposition and leaching), for which the most expensive step. Reducing the nitric acid use in the leaching process
impacts from electricity are lower (per module) and the positive impacts 5-fold would be the next development needed to achieve zero net cost.
from the materials recovery are comparable to the negative impacts This could be possible through the use of Tributyl phosphate (TBP) to
from the use of chemical and electricity. Additional results with the recover nitric acid, which has been reported to recover 95%+ of the acid
breakdown of each process step are shown in Supplementary Figs. S9, (Lee et al., 2003; Shin et al., 2009) and would imply in a 4- to 5-fold acid
S10, S11 and S12. consumption reduction in comparison to this study. The amount of TBP
The finding that electricity usage was responsible for a significant consumed in the process would need to be assessed, as this is also an
portion of the environmental impact encouraged the analysis of a hy­
pothetical case in which 100% of the energy arises from PV systems
(renewable energy). The ReCiPe impacts for this case (human health,
ecosystems and resources) were roughly 5-fold more beneficial in the
optimized recycling (complete comparison shown in Supplementary
Fig. S13).
To have a better understanding of how these impacts relate to the
most common route that waste PV takes, Fig. 15 presents a comparison
of the impacts for the two processes analyzed (i.e., experimental and
optimized) and for landfilling the whole module. The detrimental im­
pacts from the use of electricity and chemicals are compiled with the
benefits from the recovery of materials to generate a single ReCiPe
value. The impacts of landfilling the modules are not significant when
compared to the impacts for the experimental method. It then follows
that this route is environmentally worse than landfilling the modules.
However, when comparing the landfill option to the optimized recycling
process, the opposite is true. The combined ReCiPe points per one
module for the optimized method are negative, which implies they are Fig. 11. The median cost of each component including the negative cost of
more beneficial than detrimental to the environment, and that this recovered material and avoided landfill. Z: Landfill A1: Automated deframing;
process would be, ecologically, more advantageous than landfilling the B1: Semi-automated organic solvent immersion and post immersion macro
modules. component separation; C1: High through

P. Dias et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 165 (2021) 105241

or mechanical), with none claiming a zero-net cost, this reduces the

target necessary to achieve with this technology.
Without any further changes to the process, the analysis of Fig. 12
shows that there a small possibility of obtaining a cost neutral outcome
by applying the envisioned optimized method. This occurs if, and only if,
the cost of labor is minimal (which was accounted for in the iterations
that consider labor cost from countries such as Indonesia and Thailand).
However, this conclusion might change if the calculations were to ac­
count for the logistic cost of collecting waste PV and transporting it to
processing centers in low-income countries, which would most likely
offset the profit margin that could be obtained. Thus, the process
described in thus study could be economically sustainable in low-wage
countries that have installed PV capacities to recycle their own waste.
There is, however, a correlation between low-wage (“developing”)
countries and lack of environmental legislation (Egeonu and Herat,
2016; Nnorom and Osibanjo, 2008; Schluep, 2014b) that would impose
Fig. 12. Comparison between the total cost of the optimized-high-throughput yet another barrier to the sound recycling of waste PV, either because
organic solvent recycling process and cost of sending the whole module un­ the process could be done in a harmful manner (to workers and/or the
processed to landfill. The cost of landfilling never crosses the zero threshold.
environment) or because it could end up not being done at all (BAN,
expensive chemical. Lastly, the treatment (neutralization) of the nitric A 5W module was used as the basic unit in this study. Two limitations
acid was not considered for in the LCCA and LCA, as an additional arise from such choice: (i) the scalability of the process to full-sized
electrolysis process would be needed prior to it, hence this limitation modules may not be linear, which means that longer times would be
should be considered when evaluating the results presented. Including necessary under the same conditions to achieve the same result. How­
the neutralization and electrolysis certainly would increase the cost, but ever, since the work done by Kang et al. (2012) uses full sized modules
the tendencies and conclusions of this study should remain unchanged. and obtains results of the same order of magnitude, the assumptions
Another alternative to motivate this process is to impose landfill bans used should remain valid; and (ii) the conversion from the module unit
(such as the one imposed by the Australian state of Victoria (Victoria to the tonnes unit varies when one uses a 20 kg module, such as in Deng
State Government, 2019) and North Carolina in the USA (McCann and et al. (2019), versus 640 g. For this reason, the analysis of this study
Wittmann, 2015)), or a financial external subsidy (such as the ones always used one module as the basic unit and refrained from converting
achieved from extended producer responsibility implementation (Dias it directly to tonnage until reaching the final costs results; and the values
et al., 2019a; Schluep, 2014a)). This would mean that a zero net cost is in respect to tonnage should be taken with caution. Additionally, the
not necessary. Cucchiella et al. (2015), in their review, mention that the cost of collection has not been accounted for in the presented LCCA. This
economic advantage may never overcome the cost of recycling waste is reasonable when comparing three possible outcomes, all of which
PV, which means such external incentives may be necessary to push for would require collection (landfilling, laboratory scale recycling and in­
PV recycling to take place. However, another important factor to dustrial scale recycling), but it is by no means negligible when calcu­
consider is whether this process is more cost effective compared to lating the whole cost of running a waste management operation (Deng
alternative recycling methods. Given that there exist other recycling et al., 2019); especially if great distances are to be overcome (large
processes that have been implemented at commercial scale (e.g. thermal countries, hard-to-reach waste or international shipment) (Dias et al.,

Fig. 13. ReCiPe impacts (in ReCiPe points) for the experimental organic solvent recycling process

P. Dias et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 165 (2021) 105241

Fig. 14. ReCiPe impacts (in ReCiPe points) for the optimized-high-throughput process.

Fig. 15. ReCiPe impacts (in ReCiPe points) comparing experimental and optimized organic solvent process with landfill.

2019a). module. One of the advantages of the proposed method is that it allows
The LCA analysis is also limited by the lack of data regarding the for the downstream processes to be applied to a fraction (about 7%) of
landfill impacts for whole PV modules (the results are based on the the original mass (namely EVA, PV cell and tabbing mixture), reducing
equivalent combination of different materials to landfill, using the costs and input requirements. This is crucial from the environmental
Ecoinvent database (EcoInvent, 2020). Also, no social LCA (SLCA) was perspective, since previous studies claim that polymer incineration is a
run to evaluate the effect of having recycling processes undertaken in major contributor to the impacts associated with waste PV recycling
low wage nations, which by definition disregards important issues such (Latunussa et al., 2016). Deng et al. (2019), through their
as modern slavery and other situations determined by national and techno-economic review, propose that essential technology improve­
regional socio-economic conditions (Jørgensen, 2013). Finally, collec­ ments are required to achieve economically viable and environmentally
tion (transportation) was also not considered in this LCA but other friendly recycling. The optimized method studied in the present work,
studies have shown that this might have significant impacts in recycling involving the removal of the outer components, followed by immersion
processes (Latunussa et al., 2016). in toluene, thermal decomposition and chemical leaching, addresses the
The LCA results show that the use of the optimized method has a environmental perspective but falls short from achieving the economic
positive environmental impact and is superior to landfilling the whole one.

P. Dias et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 165 (2021) 105241

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