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Let’s Talk HYBRID

Professional Development Mar 22, 2021

1. Timeline
2. Best Hybrid Model
3. What does a student’s day look like?
4. Survey

TLMS Domain 6 TLMS Domain 7 NBPTS Proposition 4


What is your “weather forecast”

when you think about returning to
in-person instruction?
(Stormy, clear skies, chance of lightning… etc.)
What needs to change in April?
April 1 29 30 31 1

◇ 4/1 On campus 8-Noon

Spring Break
Faculty Academy on zoom 1-3.
Receive rosters - Group A/B 12 13 14 15 16

April 5-11 19 20 21 22 23
26 27 28 29 30

April 12-16
◇ Families notified on 4/12 if they are Group A or B
◇ 4/13-4/16 Minimum Days for 8th grade conferences
April 19-23
◇ 4/20-4/23 Trial week: teachers on campus

April 26-30
◇ 4/27 First Day of hybrid learning

Can I clarify anything about the April timeline?

Best Hybrid
How did we maximize safety and instructional minutes?
Small Stagger - Grade Level Cohort
Half-Day 10 min Staggered Start :: 75 mins classes/20 or 30 break

6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade PROS

● Separates arrival for limited staff
8:20 - 9:35 Block 1/4 ● Teachers don’t take temps
● Keeps grade levels from passing
9:55 - 11:10 Block 2/5 8:30-9:45 Block 1/4 each other or sharing breaks
● Kids change classes within cohort
11:40 - 12:55 Block 3/6 10:05-11:20 Block 2/5 8:40-9:55 Block 1/4 ● Teachers use labyrinth & seka for
eating space
Lunch To Go 11:50-1:05 Block 3/6 10:15 -11:30 Block 2/5 CONS
● Windows open can cause distraction
Lunch To Go 12:00-1:15 Block 3/6 with separate breaks
● More ongoing supervision needed for
Lunch To Go separate breaks
● 9 hires instructional aides
● CF block 5-6 needs supervision

Can I clarify anything about the Best Hybrid Model?

Point of View
What will our students experience on a given day at school?
Student Day T/W or Th/F
Block 1 - 75 minutes
Break 20 minutes ~9:45
Block 2 - 75 minutes
Break 30 minutes ~11:15 Snacks OK
Block 3 - 75 minutes
Lunch To Go ~1pm
Students will be assigned Group A or
Group B after Spring Break.

Can I clarify anything about what students experience?

Follow Up -
Feedback Survey

It is really important that I hear from you one

last time so we can finalize the schedule! Be
sure to include any last questions or concerns.
Thank you!
We hope to receive feedback and
communicate the schedule to families
within 2 days!

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