Department Chair Meeting Notes 2 4 21

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Department Chair Meeting Notes 2/4/21

I attended a couple department chair meetings with my

cooperating teacher while at Riverside High School. The
following notes are from the first meeting that I attended.

This meeting is for all of the Department Chairs and

Mr. Rosenberger is the Department Chair of the Social
Studies Department. This was conducted virtually using
Google Meets. The principal began the meeting with an urgent
issue. She reported that there were 50% more failures this
year than the last. She also mentioned that nearly 20% of
the seniors were on track to not graduate due to missing
credits like art and gym. Many will have to attend summer
school if their grades do not improve.
The principal then discussed health care options for
the staff. Many of the Department Chairs had questions about
this plan. She then continued on to discuss the budget for
the following year and an agenda update for club sponsors.
She then brought the discussion around to the possibility of
adding more students to be in-school during the day. The
main concern was about the seniors she discussed at the top
of the meeting. Many of the teachers weighed in on this
discussion, both in favor and against it.

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