Journal 5

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Hill 1

Ms. Wallace Kindergarten: Choice- (organization and lessons)

Ms. Wallace does a very good job of staying organized and always having a “plan b” (a

backup plan) incase her original plan doesn’t work. Ms. Wallace always tries to keep on top of

her work load and do as much ahead of time as possible. She says that staying organized is so

important as a teacher especially when you are teaching younger kids because their attention

span is short at this age and if something doesn’t workout in your lesson or if a project takes

longer or shorter than expected you need to have a plan so the students don’t have time to


One of the ways that Ms. Wallaces keeps organized in her classroom is showing up early

to school. Ms. Wallace is one of the first teachers at the school in the morning. By being there

so early it gives her time to write her morning message, pull up her lesson and make sure

everything is in it’s place and ready.

Ms. Wallace on one of the days I was observing pulled out a

massive binder to show me one of the ways she stays so organized. It

included weekly lessons plans and a section dedicated to “emergency

sub situations”. This section of the binder is for if she had to leave the

classroom suddenly and didn’t have time to write a plan for her sub.

This way she ensures that her classroom is running smoothly even when

she’s not there.

Ms. Wallace also stays organized by having a file in her file cabinet of her lessons plans,

work sheets and instctions with the unit title and the date of when it was done the previous

year incase that were ever to be needed.

Hill 2

In my future classroom I will stay organized like Ms. Wallace by staying two steps ahead

always and keeping everything labeled and at easy access. I would also like to make a binder

like her’s since she spoke so highly of how it has helped her out in her teaching career.

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