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Student name:

Reflecting on your experiences in the community services workplace, complete this Workplace Journal by answering the questions. Where evidence is required
to be added to your portfolio, tick the box to indicate you have gathered the item and checked it with your supervisor. Once you have completed your report, ask
your supervisor to confirm that your statements are true and accurate records of your work experience.
What types of service information have you had to provide your clients? Explain how you made sure it was easily understood.

How did you ensure you met your workplace’s confidentiality requirements when interacting with clients, their families, your colleagues and others?

Explain the lines of authority in the workplace. Submit a copy of the organisation chart. Highlight on it who Evidence item approved by supervisor 
you report to and who your supervisor reports to. Evidence item added to portfolio 

What is your service’s expectations regarding written and verbal communication protocols with colleagues, supervisors, senior management and external service
providers? Explain how you ensure you meet these expectations.

What potential constraints/difficulties with communication have you encountered that you have reported to your supervisor (or as per service procedures)? In
your response, explain:

 the potential communication issue encountered (that is, what were the signs that told you this could be a problem?)

 why you felt you needed to report it

 what happened after it was reported.

Note that these are not actual communication issues, but situations that you felt could potentially get ‘out of hand’ or cause problems if they weren’t reported.

What actual constraints to communication have you encountered as part of your job? Identify at least one and explain:

 what is was

 how you addressed/fixed it by communicating effectively

CHCCOM005 Communicate and Work in Health and Community Services

 any specific communication techniques and strategies you used.

Submit one email that you have written to your supervisor that shows you follow workplace communication Evidence item approved by supervisor 
protocols, use correct terminology, consider lines of authority, and ensure your messaging is clear. Evidence item added to portfolio 

Submit one email that you have written to a colleague (or a group of colleagues) that shows you follow Evidence item approved by supervisor 
workplace communication protocols, use correct terminology, consider lines of authority, and ensure your Evidence item added to portfolio 
messaging is clear.

Explain your service’s procedures for using digital media. You must include reference to usage of email, the Internet and social media.

What ideas have you come up with that you have put forth as potential improvements to work practices or the work environment? This might have occurred
during a meeting, during a discussion with your supervisor, as a result of a discussion with a client or their family, etc. Provide an example of at least one

When changes have been made to procedures and work practices, explain how you have helped to promote and role model a positive approach. If you have not
been able to do this (for example, you are on placement and there have been no changes), explain the ways in which you would do so.

During your observations at Assessment Task 3, you discussed improvements that you could make to your Evidence item added to portfolio 
work performance and professional development opportunities that may be suitable. Have you taken action (where applicable)
on any of these areas that required improvement? If yes, explain what you have done. If no, explain what you
are planning on doing and by when.

If you have evidence of any activities undertaken, please add it to your portfolio. This is not mandatory,

CHCCOM005 Communicate and Work in Health and Community Services

Supervisor signature: Date:

CHCCOM005 Communicate and Work in Health and Community Services

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