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Lesson plan format


For the development of the following class, you have to look for the population you will work
with. If possible, try to access to a school and ask for the corresponding permission so that
you can develop a class of minimum 30 minutes; if it is not possible, look for a group who
will let you do the activity as if they were your actual students (minimum 5 students).
You will work under one of the three suggested topics with the activities, methodologies,
materials and aspects you consider appropriated to the context.
Make sure to complete as specific as possible all the aspects required in the format.
(Read the comments in grey for each part of the format and delete them to upload the
format in PDF in the corresponding link of your virtual room)
video link:

Topic of the lesson: Transportation and types of vehicles

Objective(s): learn the vocabulary corresponding to transport and

implement a conversation with the use of transport recognizing their
respective classifications
Expected results of the students: it is expected that once the class is
over, the students will recognize the different types of transportation and
their corresponding vehicles, so that they can start a daily conversation
regarding the types of transportation they use on a daily day and the
transports they have used on travel or other occasions.
Expected outcomes form the students: Fifth-grade students are expected
to understand the vocabulary of transportation and achieve a
conversation focused on transportation used in their daily lives. In the
same way, he expects fifth-grade students to make sentences that have
good grammar that expresses a logic.
Course /level: fifth grade
Key characteristics of the group: It is a group of 19 students. As a
teacher, I have been working with this course for about 3 consecutive
years, so I identify the progress that most students have had
stages of the Description of activities Resources and materi Time (in minutes)
lesson als you prepare for for each activity
each activity

Introduction The teacher introduces the lesson by https://www.lingokids.c 10 minutes

and/or publicizing the topic of the lesson to
presentation be seen and the vocabulary with its om/es/ingles-para-
pronunciations ninos/medios-de-
Practice Students are shown a video that 8 mints
[DI2] allows the didactic practice of the
vocabulary seen in class, which m/watch?v=-
allows them to see the vocabulary in HDPXCDoeoQ&t=377s
daily prayers

Consolidation The teacher leaves an activity where 7 minutes

[DI3] at least 4 types of transport are
presented to embark on a dream trip
outside the country. Finally, the
teacher leaves a task to reinforce the
class seen.

Comments about the stages of the lesson

[DI1] This stage is aimed to introduce the topic of the lesson through an ice breaker, starter,
dynamic that engage the students’ attention in the lesson. Also, it should include the
presentation of the topic and give the tools to students’ for them to actually get the
expected outcomes.
[DI2] In this stage, the teacher should propose activities that guarantee the student learn
what is proposed. In this stage, students should put into practice what was given or
presented to them and they can interact with the teacher and partners as much as possible
to actually appropriate the contents.
[DI3] Additional activity where students’ put into practice what they learn in the previous
stage. Also, in this stage students are expects to evidence the outcomes’ fulfillment.

Samples of microteaching sessions.

What is microteaching

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