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Mata Pelajaran : B. Inggris Paraf
Nama :…………...……… Paraf
Kelas : III (Tiga) Nilai Orang
…………...……… Hari / Tanggal : Tua
No. Absen …………….. Waktu : 60 menit

A. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang (x)!
1. The las mont of the year is . . .
a. Januari c. December
b. November d. March
2. The first day of the week in England is . . .
a. Monday c. Wednesday
b. Sunday d. Saturday
3. Today is Wednesday. Yesterday was . . .
a. Tuesday c. Monday
b. Thursday d. Friday
4. Two days ago was Thursday. Today is . . .
a. Tuesday c. Friday
b. Wednesday d. Saturday
Mon, July

The day is . . .
a. Sunday c. Friday
b. Tuesday d. Monday
6. The Month after August is . . .
a. September c. April
b. July d. may
7. The sixth month of the year is . . .
a. August c. June
b. May d. October
8. The day before Tuesday is . . .
a. Thursday c. Saturday
b. Monday d. Friday
9. Two years is . . . months.
a. 10 c. 18
b. 12 d. 24
10. There are . . . days in a week.
a. Twelve c. seven
b. Four d. three
11. I want to read and borrow a book. I go to a/an . . .
a. Museum c. library
b. School d. store
12. Devina buys a cake in a/an . . . .
a. Store c. bank
b. Farm d. bakery
13. A : Where will you go ?
B : I will go to a/an . . . .

Museum a. restaurant c. town hall

b. museum d. field
14. My friends and I will swim in the . . .
a. swimming poll c. city park
b. Hotel d. garden

15. Can we stop in the area ?

a. No, we can’t c. Yes, we could.
b. Yes, we can. d. No, we couldn’t

16. My father plants a tree at the . . .

a. Living room c. warehouse
b. Bedroom d. garden
17. We can find this in a . . .
a. Bathroom
b. Dining room
c. Bedroom
d. Kitchen
18. What do you use to cook ?
a. Fork c. Spoon
b. Pan d. Glass
19. We have breakfast, lunch and dinner in the . . .
a. Dining room c. bedroom
b. Bathroom d. kitchen
20. What is this ? This is a . . .
a. Kitchen
b. Garden
c. Living room
d. Bedroom

1. Fried chicken in Indonesian is ….

2. I Sleep in the ….
3. My family are lunch together in the ….
4. The mother of my father is my ….
5.  Kakak laki-laki in english is ….
6. Spinach in Indonesian is …
7. Potato – very – Fadli – like
The correct order is ….
8.  The day before sunday is ….
9. The mont after Aprik is ….

10. There are ….. monts in a year


1. Mention 5 member of family?

Jawab :
2. Arange these words into correct sentences!
a. Is – my – aunt – Mrs. Laili
b. Kitchen – Mrs. Chusnul – cooking –  is – in the
Jawab :
3. Write in the english sentences!
a. Saya ingin makan buah jeruk
b. Abidin adalah kakak laki-laki saya
Jawab :
4. Mention the days in a week!

Jawab :

5. Translate this sentences to Indonesian language!

a. I have a little sister. Her name is Dita.
b. Erwin is cleaning the living room
Jawab :

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