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Table 1.
Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never
Items The Relation with Teachers
% % % % %
I join Messenger GC, FB Group, Viber
community to follow up the quizzes,
1 performance tasks and summative tests
given to my child.

I keep in touch with the subject teachers

through Messenger Group Chat, Messenger
PM, Facebook Group or SMS to monitor
my child's progress.

I attend PTA meetings, and Parents'

3 Consultation to be updated on the school's
program and policies.

I let the teacher know I am reminding my

child’s online class schedule.

I ask the teacher how I can support my child

in areas he/she may need to improve.

I share any information that might help the

teacher understand my child's behavior.

I monitor my child's learning platforms

such as Google Meet and Google
I make sure that my child can adapt to the
teachers’ teaching strategies.

Table 2.
Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never
Items The Relation with a Child
% % % % %
I am willing to help my child whenever
1 he/she encounters difficulty in his/her

I constantly remind him/her of her online

class schedule and outputd to be submitted.

I encourage my child to work

3 independently. If my child seeks for help, I
listen and provide guidance, not answers.

I am sensitive for my child's signs of

4 frustration or failure. I encourage him/her to
overcome difficulties.

I check my child’s Google Classroom to

know his/her assigned tasks everyday.
I am sensitive for my child's signs of
6 frustration or failure. I encourage him/her to
overcome difficulties.

Table 3
Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never
Items Logistic and Indirect Help Given to the Child
% % % % %
I make schedule for study time, family
1 bonding, recreational activities to cope up
with stress.
I make sure that the internet connection is
stable and accessible.
I make sure the home environment is
welcoming and motivating to study.
I show and model courtesy when talking to
his/her teachers.
I make sure that I don't intervene during
online classes.
I secure my child's protection from cyber
6 bullying, pornography, and other

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