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Mental Health

and Well Being

for your child

Your child’s well being matters

most 
Dear Parents,
After collecting data in Hong Kong on mental health prevalence, we were
shocked to find that “1 in 3 primary school students and 40% Form 1
students are at risk of suicide” (Mental Health in Hong Kong, 2020). Did you
know, your child could be suffering from a mental health issue and it could
go unnoticed? Well let’s be proactive altogether, and avoid these issues. This
brochure is here to inform you that understanding mental health and well
being can never happen too early. A Mental health professional in Hong
Kong even recommends actively encouraging your children to be open and
accepting of their feelings from an early age. We encourage you to guide
your children towards a safe, healthy and prosperous future.
How can we support our children?

Well the first step starts with you! Talk, talk, talk!
We spend our days usually asking others “how are you?”, but have we really
considered or expected all the possible outcomes? The first step is to teach
children how to identify which emotion it is that they’re feeling. The Whole-
Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind Is
a wonderful and easy to use book, explaining strategies on how we can
successfully guide our children - such as being able to
emotionally regulate oneself. The book also includes a
wheel of emotions, so children as young as three, are able
to understand the variety of emotions human beings can
feel. By encouraging our children to openly talk to us about their feelings, we can learn more about
their temperament and we can serve as protective factors should any future issues arise. Children
are safer when they are aware and accepting of their feelings which are often temporary ones,
as well as when they feel comfortable to discuss it with you – their loving parents. What a great
way to spend time understanding our children!

Implement strategies at home  which transform to outside environments

Below you can find the simplified version of The Whole-Brain Child’s 12 strategies. It’s hard
for innate patterns to be changed, but that is why we can practice, practice, practice. Some techniques are
as simple as mindful breathing. These strategies help us better connect with our children, and ensure their
well being is always a priority.

Find out how your school plans to support your child

Many schools, and particularly ESF schools are here to support you and your child. School’s now teach their own unique
curriculum on positive psychology, find out what theirs is! Be informed, and be proactive. Speak with teachers on
their curriculums and support so you can become the stable team your child needs. If you need more support or advice,
seek resources through your child’s school or feel free to contact various mental well being support groups in Hong
Kong such as KELY. Change starts with you!

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