TH, As The Feminist Mov Would Oppose The Practice of Female Pop Artist Sexualizing Themselves in Their Work

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TH, as the feminist mov would oppose the practice of female pop artist sexualizing themselves in their


What would we do:

-          We would create songs, artwork, lyric, movie that represent body part of women in majority,
substantively support that women are not as less than what men can be

-          Not only limited to that, since radical and conservative feminist will accuse and think its not
appropriate to share women body part, it is still pssoible for us to deliver our meaning not only through
movement in videonmusic like strip our clothe, showing our ass and stuff, but we will much more deliver
our message through lyric and stuff. so government cannot say that it is not appropriate since some
women are insecure about their body part and it will decrease the unity that exist inside of fem mov
itself, but we guess its much more located on the way of delivering the music itself, some people loves
alternative genre, some women adore rock music, some of them like country song that make them
reminisce about whether its past or what not. Our mission in delivering this sexualising can still be
intertwined in our lyric, and women can still get the idea that oh yeah, back then when i was in
relationship with him it was not only limited to men empowerment that he once exploited me,break my
heart, but due to the existence of this sexualising, that for example how ariana literally make a song
about women’s position in sex in 34+35, shows us at least there’s a space, a spot, a highlight part of
women in art industry.

- our burden is to proof, that is not about making people vote for feminist mov, but (talking about
member) useless for you….

Rebuttal di kertas

1. why is it justified for creating a song about sexualizing

The principal that oo take is about body autonomy. So its not only the artist whose gonna sing the song,
the prosducer behind the scene, but basically all layer of society esp women have the rights to use their
body the way they want it to bem , including putting it in artwork. Comparison. Were talking about after
all these time, men are able to show their muscle on tv, show how strong they are but women are so
hardly get that. Even if toure talking how there are numerous amount of female sport nowadays, we
concede that the amount of tv putting them in front of the audience is very small. Idk, probably because
thay are weaker, less attractive, less masculine then man, not also talking about how council inside of
their support, thanks to the stigmatization that women should deserve less, they probably will corrupt
the money so women will always get less. This is the ultimate approval, that yeah, through a big
artist,we have big capital, they have already sign with big record, yea why not us, prove that outside that
men 1) already have big exposure in tv and media stuff and 2) how we always been outnumbered by soc
so that it seems women get less exposure in media. God create women’s ass also, not only Yea, gov can
easily come about women in parliament
2. why does this inline with fem movement

We concede that every issue about how women do not get paid as much as men, they get kless position
in theoffie, they always been outnumbered by men, and the list goes on have been the main issue and
problem that feminist mov wanna solve. What we need is basically empowerement, something to drive
our action. Because stuill, for instance how you already being number 2 nd in your office, you are
depressed, sad, because of this thing, you drive your car to your home, and suddenly you can

(sense of relatability karena lagu bisa didengar dimana aja, its approachable, it is easily for you, it is a
media that people use to relate themselves, it is a tool for them to listen whenever their sad
(empowerement for member)

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