002 - Vocabulário - Malas Prontas

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Questionário – Malas Prontas - Vocabulário

01. Quanto devem pesar em média as malas de mão?

a) Twenty to twenty-five kilos.

b) Twenty-five to thirty kilos.

c) Five to ten kilos.

d) Fifteen to ten kilos.

02. Qual das seguintes frases é verdadeira?

a) Carry-on luggage must be checked in.

b) Checked luggage must fit in the overhead compartments or under the seats.

c) Carry-on luggage must fit in the overhead compartments or under the seats.

d) Checked luggage mustn’t be checked in.

03. Qual dos seguintes conselhos é útil para passageiros de voos internacionais?

a) You don’t need a prescription for your medication.

b) You should have a prescription in English for your medication.

c) You shouldn’t take medication when you travel.

d) You should put all your medication in the checked luggage.

04. Qual das seguintes frases é verdadeira?

a) You mustn’t bring beverages with more than 70% alcohol by volume into the U.S.

b) You mustn’t bring any kind of liquids into the U.S.

c) You mustn’t bring beverages with more than 50% alcohol by volume into the U.S.

d) You mustn’t bring any kind of medication into the U.S.

05. Qual das seguintes opções NÃO é verdadeira?

a) Liquids are only allowed in the carry-on luggage in 100ml bottles.

b) You mustn’t bring weapons or sharp objects in your carry-on.

c) Weapons are permitted on the plane.

d) You can’t bring fruits and vegetables into the U.S.

06. Qual das seguintes opções NÃO é verdadeira?

a) You mustn’t bring debit cards into the U.S.

b) You don’t have to declare credit card limits.

c) When entering the U.S, there is no limit for the amount of cash you can bring.

d) When entering the U.S, you must declare any amount over US$10,000.00.

07. Complete a frase.

If an item is prohibited, _______.

a) You can bring it in limited amounts.

b) There is a fee you must pay.

c) You can’t bring it.

d) You can bring it with the pilot’s permission.

08. Complete a frase.

If an item is restricted, _______.

a) You pay to bring it.

b) You can’t bring it at all.

c) You can bring any amount you want.

d) You can bring it, but there’s a limited amount.

09. Selecione a frase correta.

a) You must declare if you bring more than $10,000 into the U.S.

b) You are forbidden to declare more than $10,000 in the U.S.

c) You are not allowed to bring more than $10,000 into the U.S.

d) You must bring more than $10,000 into the U.S.

10. Complete a frase.

Before you travel abroad, make sure _______.

a) your credit card is declined

b) you declare your credit card limit

c) you leave your credit card at home

d) you tell your credit card company


1 C
2 C
3 B
4 A
5 C
6 A
7 C
8 D
9 A
10 D

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