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Andie Altemeier || 615-935-5040
Auburn University, Auburn, AL May 1st, 2021
Cumulative GPA: 3.59/4.0
B.S. Biosystems Engineering – Ecological Engineering Focus, French Minor
• Dean’s List Fall and Spring 2020
• College of Agriculture’s William E. Hardy Jr. Leadership Award, Spring 2021
• University Career Center Student Employee of the Year Nominee, Spring 2021

Department of Biosystems Engineering Research Workshop, Auburn, AL June – August 2020
Student Worker
• Aided in construction of various devices used in professors’ and graduate student research
• Gained experience with 3D printing, shop machinery, and AutoCAD
• Performed maintenance and assisted operation for the Auburn University Center of Bioenergy
and Bioproducts’ gasifier
Auburn University College of Agriculture, Auburn, AL August 2019-Present
Student Worker
• Recruit potential students through personal informational meetings with them and their families
about opportunities within the College of Agriculture
• Use Visit Days, HubSpot, Microsoft Teams, and Excel to coordinate tours, research unit visits,
group events, and info packets
• Organize and execute major communication and recruitment projects for the College of Ag


Ag Ambassadors, Auburn University, Auburn, AL March 2018-Present
President, PR Chair
• Lead and manage a diverse group of twenty Ambassadors with various majors and class levels
• Recruit potential students through personal conversation and tours of the College of Agriculture
• Organized, designed, and completed fundraiser that raised over $3,000 for the organization
Delta Gamma, Delta Sigma Chapter at Auburn University, Auburn, AL August 2017- Present
Vice President of Foundation, Director of Fall Philanthropy
• Oversaw seven different directors and ensure they are completing tasks, assisting when needed
• Created service and awareness events for chapter and community members to participate in
• Planned and executed major Fall and Spring philanthropy events in order to raise money for
Service for Sight
• Collaborated with Auburn Panhellenic Council, Interfraternity Council, and other organizations
Alpha Epsilon, Auburn University, Auburn, AL April 2019-Present
The Alabama Delta Beta Chapter Member
• The honor society for Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineers
• Must have a cumulative scholastic rank in the top quarter of class to be initiated as a junior
• Participate in service opportunities such as reviewing peers’ scholarship essays and tutoring
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Auburn, AL January 2018-Present
Auburn University Chapter Member
• Connect with other Biosystems Engineers at Auburn University and across the United States
• Competed in ethics in engineering video competition and won (Spring 2018)


AU College of Agriculture, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China May 8- May 20, 2019
Ag Study Tour in Beijing, China
• Toured CAU’s labs, classrooms, and other facilities to learn about their research and programs
• Interacted with current faculty and staff on a daily basis
• Visited important cultural and agricultural places and events in China
• Attended the 2019 International Horticulture Expo and Chinese Agricultural Expo

The Kosciuszko Foundation, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland June 27-July 23, 2017
Summer Study Abroad: A three-week language and culture intensive
• Attended classes on Polish language and culture at a prestigious Polish university
• Visited important historical, natural, cultural, and economic sites throughout Poland
• Networked with students from the United States, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, and more

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