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 Materials

How to o Paper
o Pen
o Envelope

write a o Stamps
o Optional: Pictures/Drawings, etc.

letter?  Steps to write a letter

o Take out a sheet of paper and a pen.
o On the top right section of the paper, include the
date you are writing the letter.
o On the top left section, begin by writing a greeting and the person’s name that you are
addressing your letter to.
o Use the other space to write anything you want to them. This is the body of your letter.
Tell them you miss them or inform them about what is going on in your life. Share
whatever you want.
o Add a closing statement and add your signature at the very end.
o Once you are finished, start addressing your envelope.
o Once you have your envelope completed, fold your letter into three and place it into the
o Peel or lick the seal, and close it tightly.
o Take to the mailbox and place it into the drop box to send out.

 What to include on an envelope

o Top left Corner Gabby Good
 Your name
 Your Address 101 Cherry St.
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

o Top Right Corner

 Stamp

o Middle
 Person’s name you are sending the letter Sarah Smith
 Their Address 500 Main St.

Chesterfield, MI 48048

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