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Islamic Studies

Name: Abdulislam

SAP ID: 11063

Section: B
Question 1
Discuss the notion “Islam is complete code of life” for shaping and modelling individual,
family, and social life.
• Islam is a complete code of life for shaping and modelling individual family and social
• The teachings of Allah in Quran and Sunnah are the key model for a legitimate and
good life

Allah has bestowed upon us the great Prophet (PBUH) for our guidance

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• Since the life of prophet (PBUH) is a complete code of life in Islam

• Not just our-selves but we can impact our family and social life as well

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• Our way of living should be in accordance with Islam

• In such a manner we will be able to interact with each other in a more profound way
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• Not just this but we will be able to achieve peace and happiness in life
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• Since peace and happiness are not easy to attain in today’s conditions
• Islam teaches us to live a simple life and enables to make bad habits go away


Living the faith is ibada, service to God through service to humankind

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Every Muslim is accountable to his Creator for what he himself does or fails to do

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Mankind: Be careful of your duty to your Lord who created its mate and from them
twain hath spread abroad a multitude of men and women. Be careful of your duty
toward Allah in who ye claim (your rights) of one another
• mankind! Lo! We have created you male and female and have made you nations and
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tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! The noblest of you in the sight of
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Allah is the best in conduct. "The most perfect of the believers in faith is the best of
them in moral excellence, and the best of you are the kindest of you to their wives."

Question 2
Write down the strategies for achieving the Islamic purpose and vision of life in our

society. Elaborate your answer with examples.

• It confronts a Western world superior in science and technology, stronger economically,
but largely secular in outlook and unattractive to many Muslims as a model of society.
Modern Muslim thinkers welcome scientific progress and the Western values of
equality and the rule of law.
• THE need for an Islamic approach in leadership is best described in a hadith reported
by Abdullah ibn Umar: The Prophet Muhammad said, “Every one of you is a

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shepherd and is responsible for his flock”. (Sahih al-Bukhari 6719, Sahih Muslim
1829). ... He upholds tawhid (oneness of Allah) as the root of his leadership belief
• At first, we need to understand what is religion? Many definitions are proposed. Some
of these are phenomenological, trying to state that which is common to all the
acknowledged forms of religion; for example, religion is: “The belief in the existence
of a god or gods, and the activities that are connected with the worship of them.
• ”1 Others are interpretative and psychological; for example: The feelings, acts, and
experiences of individuals in their solitude, so far as they apprehend themselves to stand
in relation to whatever they may consider the divine.”
• 2 Some definitions are cultural and sociological, for example: “A set of beliefs,
practices, and institutions which people have evolved in various societies.
• ”3 Yet others are philosophical and spiritual definitions of religion, for example:
“Religion is the recognition that all things are manifestations of a Power (Ultimate
Reality) which transcends our knowledge.”
• 4 Such definitions are all stipulated: they decide how the term is to be used in different

contexts. Perhaps a more realistic view is that the word “religion” does not have a single

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definite meaning. However, all the great religions have a specific structure.

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• By studying such different approaches to success, we learn that people struggle for four
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types of goals:
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• Basic Life Needs First of all people want to fulfill their basic physiological needs such
as air, food, shelter, drink, sleep etc. These are natural requirements. We are all born

with built-in pleasure-pain reactors. If we ignore these physiological needs, we would

soon die. But at the same time we must understand that excessive indulgence in physical
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pleasure causes suffering and diseases.

• Socio-economic Achievements The next stage is to obtain socio-economic success with
three prongs of: power, fame and money. These achievements last longer than pleasure
and give better feelings about social position and safety. However human beings are
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not fully contented at this level because material resources and social status do not
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reflect true happiness and blissful life.

• Self-contentment The next goal is to obtain inner-satisfaction and self-contentment. In
socioeconomic success we enjoy respect and gratitude from peers. But more important,

however, is self-respect, self-esteem, and self-contentment which come from

consciousness, wisdom, contributions, character, and service

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