Samuel Legrand Student - Knightdalehs - Podcast Guide

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Podcast Guide

Directions: Plan out your 3-5 minute podcast here. You will turn this document in on Google Classroom.

Host/Talent (YOU) Samuel LeGrand

Episode Title The Invisible Discussion

Literature Title(s) The Invisible Man

Purpose and Goal of To Inform the listener about Identity and Racism, and to argue how the main
the Episode character struggled to find his identity with Dr.Bledsoe kicking him out of the

Description/Brainstorm/Outline of the Episode

(you can use bullet points OR write out a word-for-word script)

Opening ● ”Hey everybody, how are you guys doing. Thank you for joining into the
Introduce invisible discussion podcast. My name is Samuel LeGrand and I’m here
● Yourselves (1st names to discuss an argument in the book invisible man
● The literature/author

Body *I’ll probably first talk about the recap . Then this will go into the plot,
Address function of: setting, and structure of the argument . While doing this I'll probably
● Character constantly bring up the idea of identity and race throughout the podcast as
● Setting
● Plot/structure it plays an important part in the story. Finally i'll give quick what if scenarios
● Narrator/speaker relating to the argument finishing off with an overlying stand point
● Word choice
● Imagery
● Symbols
NOTE: This part is the MOST
important part and will be fairly

Closing ” I’m glad you were able to tune in to the invisible discussion. This has been
How are you wrapping Samuel LeGrand and I am signing off, Peace!”
this up?

Create Your Podcast

1. Practice your podcast and time it (should be no shorter than 3 min with 5 min max)
2. When ready, record audio only - options:
a. Use an app on your phone (e.g. Voice Memos on IOS)
b. Use the FREE Screencastify Chrome extension on a computer & export the audio [tutorial here]
c. Visit us in khslibrary during office hours M-F 1:30; we’ll use Google Meet to help you record
3. Upload your recording to your Google Drive
4. Share it with editing rights to,,
5. Enter the public URL to your recording here ↓

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