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The Correlation Among Reading Strategies, Reading Comprehension Achievement

Fenny T.
and Gender Differences of the Second Year Students of SMP Negeri 17 Palembang


By: Fenny Thresia
Dosen FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
Email :

Abstract: The study was aimed at finding out (1) the reading strategies dominantly
used by the second year students (2) whether or not there was significant correlation
between students’ reading strategies and reading comprehension achievement (3)
whether or not there was any difference between male and female students in terms of
reading strategies and reading comprehension achievement, (4) whether or not students’
reading strategies influence reading comprehension achievement. The data were
collected using Reading Strategies Questionnaire and a reading test. The findings of the
study showed that: first, the students mostly used metacognitive strategies in reading
activity. Second, there was a strong and positive correlation between reading
comprehension achievement and reading strategies. Third, male and female of students
have any significance difference in their reading strategies and their reading
comprehension achievement. The last, students’ reading strategies influence their
reading comprehension achievement.

Key Words: reading strategies, reading comprehension achievement, gender

INTRODUCTION reading strategy which best suits a

Reading is more than word calling; particular purpose. If she or he is reading
it is the ability to understand or get a novel or magazine for pleasure, she or
meaning from printed symbols. Without he would obviously not use the same kind
comprehension, reading is nothing more of reading strategy to use in studying
than tracking symbols on a page with your science books, linguistics, mathematics,
eyes and sounding them out. Reading and other subject. The basic goal of the
comprehension is essential to life. Much reading strategies is to improve the
has been written about importance of students’ reading comprehension
functional literacy. With the ability to achievement.
comprehend what they read, people are However, the condition of students
able to only to live safely and reading skill in Indonesia is far from being
productively, but also to continue to expected. According to the Program for
develop socially, emotionally and International Students Assessment (2006)
intellectually (, 2008:1). Indonesia students’ reading achievement
The importance of reading strategy is still low. They found that Indonesia is
is elaborated by Killen (1998:36) as an in the 48th rank out of 56 countries
important role in understanding the participated in surveys (OECD: 2007).
reading materials. They facilitate the There is no increasing score in 2009. The
comprehension of the students who wants Program for International Students
to read effectively. A student who had Assessment (2009) found that Indonesian
determined what he or she expects to gain students’ score was below the OECD
from his or her reading should select a average. They are on the 57th ran out of

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The Correlation Among Reading Strategies, Reading Comprehension Achievement
Fenny T.
and Gender Differences of the Second Year Students of SMP Negeri 17 Palembang

65 countries. The students’ ability score whether these three components have
on the overall reading scale was 402 while significant correlation each other.
OECD average score was 493.
Furthermore, on the reading scale, Reading Strategies
Indonesian students’ achievement is as Reading is one of the most
follows. For example, the score of the important academic tasks faced by
students’ ability to access and retrieve was students. Strategies which are designed to
399 (OECD, 2010). Moreover, UNDP improve reading comprehension may have
(2009) found that Indonesian adult a number of purposes. Reading Indiana in
literacy rate was 92 and in the 88th among Siagian (2010:5) proposes that there are
180 countries. some purposes of reading comprehension
In line with some previous studies, strategies, they are to (1) enhance
Sudarmi (2009:37) which focused her understanding of the content information
study on junior high school students’’ in presented in a text, (2) improve
Palembang showed that there were over understanding of the organization of
20 students (6.11%) obtained excellent information in a text, (3) improve
score, 46 students (14.06) obtained good attention and concentration while reading,
score , 65 students (19.87%) had average (4) make reading a more active process,
score and 196 students (59.93%) had poor (5) increase personal involvement in the
score. We can see that most of junior high reading materiel, (6) promote critical
school students had poor score in reading. thinking and evaluation of reading
Stream and Thiele (2002:23) say material, (7) enhance registration and
that reading comprehension strategies are recall of text information in memory. The
means of helping students to comprehend use and regulation of strategies can be
all things dealing with what they just read. seen as a function of individual reader
Reading comprehension strategies are characteristic (Flavell, 1979) cited in
tactic that students can use to determine Levine and Reves (1998:1).
what they read. Wang, Haertel, and Schumaker and Deshler (2006)
Welberg (1993) cited in Prothereo and cited in Prothereo and Clarke (2008:3)
Clarke (2008:46) found that metacognitive states that most of people automatically
strategy is important for students to learn. slow down when reading content that is
In line with that, Prothereo and Clarke difficult to understand. People also make
(2008) suggest the teachers to strengthen use of a variety of strategies for helping
their students’ metacognitive abilities in them organize and remember. Wang,
order to improved student learning. The Haertel, and Welberg (1993) cited in
strategies enable the students to interact Prothereo and Clarke (2008:3) found that
with fiction or nonfiction, in order to metacognitive strategy is important for
answer question about what they have students to learn.
read. Setyadi (2009:4) made new
Based on the previous explanations, classification for reading strategies which
the writer is interested in finding out the suitable for Indonesian students. He
second year students’ reading strategies modified the questionnaire from some
and their reading comprehension previous studies (Rubin, 1975; Fillmore,
achievement of SMP Negeri 17 1979; Naiman et al., 1978; Politzer and
Palembang. The writer would like to find McGroarty, 1985; and Oxford and
out the correlation between students’ Nyikos, 1989). In this study, the writer
reading strategies and their reading uses the classification of reading strategies
comprehension achievement and see

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The Correlation Among Reading Strategies, Reading Comprehension Achievement
Fenny T.
and Gender Differences of the Second Year Students of SMP Negeri 17 Palembang

as cited in Setyadi (2009:4) which can be Moreover, he says that reading

classified as follows: comprehension may be affected by the
1) Cognitive strategies enable students difficulty of the text, the vocabulary used
to repeat, recognize and use formulas in the text, and the reader’s familiarity
and pattern, practice naturalistically, with the subject matter, among other
get the idea quickly, use resources for factors. Generally, to see whether
receiving and sending messages, someone understands or grasps the
reasoning deductively, analyze meaning of a text, she/he should do a
expressions, analyze contrastively, reading comprehension test. He/she can
translate, transfer, take notes, be considered to understand the text if
summarize, and highlight. she/he can answer most of the questions
about it. Many teachers have their own
2) Metacognitive strategies allow way to assess their students reading
students to over view and link with comprehension. They usually arrange the
already known material, pay score for reading comprehension before
attention, find out about language giving the reading test to the students.
learning, organize, set goals and It implies that reading, as one of
objectives, identify the purpose of a the language skills is very important as a
language task, plan for a language means for seeking knowledge. Davis
task, seek practice opportunities, self- (2000:22) says that if students are
monitor and self evaluating. experiencing difficulty with reading
process, then it can be said that they are
3) Social strategies help student to learn
also experiencing difficulty with
through. Ask for clarification and
comprehension. As reading is an
verification, cooperate with peers,
intelligent process, readers of English as
cooperate with proficient users of the
the target language start to learn good
new language, developed cultural
symbols correspondence through reading
understanding, and become aware of
words and sentences. Then they progress
others’ thought and feeling.
for reading paragraphs and short
Reading Comprehension passages. As a number of reading
Reading comprehension is a experiences increases, the readers are
critical component of functional literacy. able to improve their level of reading
With the ability to comprehend what proficiency very easy to advanced levels.
they read, people are able not only to This ability of reading enables the reader
live safely and productively, but also to to get more scientific concepts on
continue to develop socially, emotionally knowledge of English and get used to
and intellectually, Brummit (2008) cited encountering difficulties when they are
in Farini (2010:8). reading scientific books written in
There are many opinions about English.
what reading comprehension is, but
more or less they are the same. One of Achievement
them is defined by Royer. According to Hornsby (2003:11) states that an
Royer (2004:1), reading comprehension achievement is something that somebody
is the process of understanding and has done successfully, specifically using
constructing meaning from a piece of their own effort and skill. An achievement
text. Reading difficulties become most is one important factor in considering
apparent when the reader is unable to whether or not teaching and learning
grasp the meaning from a text passage. activity succeeds. Brinton cited in Sari

ISSN 2089 – 3345 - Vol. 1 No. 1 April 2012 26

The Correlation Among Reading Strategies, Reading Comprehension Achievement
Fenny T.
and Gender Differences of the Second Year Students of SMP Negeri 17 Palembang

(2010:23) defined achievement as the answer question about main idea (MI),
specifically students’ progress in detail (D), Sequence (Sq), Inference (If),
developing language skill. In addition, cause and effect (C/E), and vocabulary
Smith and Robinson (1980:205) states that (V). The second target was intended to
in achievement especially in reading, know the level of students’ achievement
students should understanding, evaluating, in reading comprehension. It was put into
and utilizing information and ideas gained 5 categories, namely: very good, good,
through an interaction between the reader average, poor, and very poor.
and the author. Payani et al (2003:23) found that
frustrated readers differed primarily from
Reading Comprehension Achievement independent readers in their ability to get
Reading comprehension is the main idea (MI), inference (INF) and
capacity an individual has to vocabulary (VOC). Frustrated readers
comprehend, use and analyze written displayed weakness in all sub skill area
texts with a view to reach his/her own investigated especially. Frustrated were
goals, develop his/her knowledge and disadvantaged by their poor knowledge of
possibilities and participate in society vocabulary. In particular, they were
(OCDE cited in McKenna 1990:11). deficient in their understanding of the
Tarigan (1989:34) adds that reading semantic relationship between words
comprehension is the result of relationship which the authors exploit and
comprehending new information to what create in order to make sentence cohere.
one already knows and finds the answers Therefore, the higher scores up the level
of cognitive questions of the written of each text, the wider the comprehension
material. This means that the students gap between frustrated and independent
must understand what they read because reader.
reading is an active thinking process that
depends not only on comprehension skill, Gender
but also on the their experiences and prior There have been a number of
knowledge. studies conducted by educational
Reading achievement is the result researchers as regards to the students’
of students’ understanding of texts that achievement. Some of them show that
can be affected by some factors, such as gender is also a factor which causes a gap
their reading strategies. Good on students’ achievement. Gender is the
achievement in comprehending the significance of being male or female
passage will be indicated by getting high (Papalia, et. al., 1999). Gender also affects
scores or good results. Rubin (1992:194), the reading skill. A number of studies Sari
In other words, reading comprehension is (2010), Dorval (2000), Oxford (1990)
a complex intellectual process involving a found that males and female are different
number of abilities. In measure reading during the process of learning. In
comprehension achievement, a researcher contrast, the finding of Ras (2009:35)
may give subjects a series of passages, found that there is no significance
and asking them questions intended to test difference in the use of strategies between
different levels of understanding of the male and female students. This finding
passages, Alderson (2000: 9). supports the finding by Kim (1995), Lee
According to Warncke and (1994), and Oh (1996) cited in Ras
Shipman, (1988:12) there are some skills (2009:36) that there is no significance
which should be mastered by the students. difference in the strategy used by males
It was indicated by the students’ ability to and females students.

ISSN 2089 – 3345 - Vol. 1 No. 1 April 2012 27

The Correlation Among Reading Strategies, Reading Comprehension Achievement
Fenny T.
and Gender Differences of the Second Year Students of SMP Negeri 17 Palembang

Numerous studies have been done achievement, whether there was any
which confirm gender differences difference between male and female
favoring girls in terms of reading students in terms of reading strategies
performance. Research done in the United and reading comprehension achievement
States indicates that reading is considered of second year students of SMP Negeri
a feminine activity. Maturation and 17 Palembang, and whether there was
development theory of gender differences influence of reading strategies to reading
are also related to reading development. comprehension achievement.
However, with the quantity of research This study used two kinds of data
being done, no direct casual relationship collection techniques. There were asking
has been firmly established (Pottorff, for the respondents’ opinions and testing
1996). This clearly indicates a need for the sample. There were two instruments
additional investigation in this area. The that were used in this study: a
growing concern in developing a better questionnaire and a test. The
understanding of what affects students’ questionnaire and a test were distributed
reading development has encouraged this in one meeting to the 140 second year
study. It is the intent of this study to add students of SMPN 17 Palembang.
to that growing body of knowledge. In analyzing the data from the
Several researchers have explored questionnaire and test, the writer used
the possibility that males do not succeed SPSS 15 for computing the descriptive
in reading, as well as females because of data of students’ reading strategies and
gender-role perceptions that reading is not their reading comprehension
a masculine activity (Bank, 1980). They achievement. To find out the reading
tend to achieve more in specific cognitive strategies of second year students of
skill and have more interest in gaining SMPN 17 Palembang, the writer
information from reading. They also speak analyzed the data from the
more clearly, read earlier, and do questionnaires by using data
consistently better than males in reading classifications and analysis of frequency.
tests. Yusfardiah (2010) reported that To verify the correlation between
gender is correlated significantly to variables, the correlation analysis was
pupils’ achievement where girls are better applied followed by multiple regression
than boys. This result coincided with the analysis that would be applied to verify
findings of Alomar (2006). It was also the magnitude of contribution of the
similar with the findings reported by predictor variables towards the criterion
Blatchford, et al (2002) which found that variables. However before conducting
girls were about four month ahead of boys correlation analysis, the normality
in literacy on entry to reception year. testing needs applying.

In this study, descriptive method Table 1 showed that 15 students
was used to investigate the effect of (10.71%) were in very good category; 34
prediction variables on the criterion students (24.29%) were in good
variable with a correlation study. In this category; 69 students (42.29%) were in
study, the writer used correlation fair category; and 22 students (15.71%)
research because she wanted to find out out of students had poor and very poor
the students’ reading strategies, the category.
relationship between reading strategies
and their reading comprehension

ISSN 2089 – 3345 - Vol. 1 No. 1 April 2012 28

The Correlation Among Reading Strategies, Reading Comprehension Achievement
Fenny T.
and Gender Differences of the Second Year Students of SMP Negeri 17 Palembang

Table 1
Descriptive Statistics of the Frequency and Percentage of the
Reading Comprehension Achievement

Variable Category Score Range Frequency Percentage

Very good 86-100 15 10.71
Good 76-85 34 24.29
Fair 56-75 69 49.29
Poor <55 22 15.71

Table 2 showed that the second year students always used social strategies in
students of SMP Negeri 17 Palembang their reading activity. The use of more
used all three reading strategies: metacognitive strategies by more
metacognitive, cognitive, and social proficient students could be attributed to
strategies. The students mostly had these students’ need to control their own
metacognitive strategies (4.51). They use cognition by coordinating their reading
social strategies (4.16) and cognitive process in order to receive and produce
strategies (3.84). It means that 91 students the language. These students depend on
always used metacognitive, 40 students planning, focusing and evaluating.
always used cognitive strategies and 57

Table 2
The Students’ Reading Strategies

No. Reading Mean Standard Rank Category

Strategies Deviation Order
1. Metacognitive 4.51 0.719 1 Almost always used
2. Social 4.16 0.653 2 Usually used
3. Cognitive 3.84 0.637 3 Usually used

In general the result showed that reading comprehension achievement. It

correlation coefficient between reading could be noticed that the students with
strategies and reading comprehension high proficiency used more strategies than
achievement was 0.730 with the less proficient students. Such result
probability value less than 0.000 in which indicated that more proficient students
it was lower than alpha level of 0.05 were aware of their needs and look for
showing that there is a significant more opportunities to practice the
correlation between reading strategies and language

ISSN 2089 – 3345 - Vol. 1 No. 1 April 2012 29

The Correlation Among Reading Strategies, Reading Comprehension Achievement
Fenny T.
and Gender Differences of the Second Year Students of SMP Negeri 17 Palembang

Table 3
Pearson Product Moment Correlation

Achievement Reading Strategies
Reading Pearson Correlation
1 .730(**)
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Sum of Squares and
24844.821 762.434
Covariance 178.740 5.485
N 140 140
Reading Strategies Pearson Correlation .730(**) 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Sum of Squares and
762.434 43.886
Covariance 5.485 .316
N 140 140

Table 3 displayed that in cognitive 4.58.

strategy, the mean score for male students The result indicates that there was
got 3.60 and female students 4.09, significance difference in the use of
therefore female students had higher value reading strategies between male and
in terms of their use of cognitive strategies female students. It showed that female
than male students. In metacognitive students had more frequent in use of
strategy, the mean score for male students reading strategies. The result of the
got 4.25 and female students 4.77. It calculation indicates that at the
indicates that male students had lower significance level p < 0.05 in two tailed
value than female students in terms of testing with df = 138, the p value was
their use of metacognitive strategies. In 0.000. It means the p value (Sig. (2-
social strategy the mean score for male tailed)) < 0.05.It is summarized in table 4.
students got 3.75 and female students

Table 4
Students’ Differences in Reading Strategies

Students Mean Std. Deviation N

Cognitive female 4.0876 .50293 70
Male 3.6004 .66668 70
Total 3.8440 .63714 140
Metacognitive female 4.7736 .22712 70
Male 4.2571 .69353 70
Total 4.5154 .57578 140
Social female 4.5767 .33619 70
Male 3.7520 .63400 70
Total 4.1644 .65338 140

ISSN 2089 – 3345 - Vol. 1 No. 1 April 2012 30

The Correlation Among Reading Strategies, Reading Comprehension Achievement
Fenny T.
and Gender Differences of the Second Year Students of SMP Negeri 17 Palembang

Table 4 displayed that in reading the significance level p < 0.05 in two
comprehension achievement, the mean tailed testing with df = 138, the p value
score for male students got 65.07 and was 0.000. It means the p value (Sig. (2-
female students 79.00, therefore female tailed)) < 0.05. It indicates that there was
students had higher score in terms of their significant gender difference in reading
reading comprehension achievement. The strategies
result of the calculation indicates that at

Table 5.
The Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement Based on Gender

Std. Error
Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Mean
male 70 65.07 12.669 1.514
female 70 79.00 10.058 1.202

There is evidence that reading comprehension achievement and the rest

strategies (global) influence significantly was influenced by other factors. Because
to prediction of the students’ reading the probability (0.000) was lower than
comprehension achievement in this study. 0.05, this regression model can be use to
The R square value is 0.581 and p=.000 predict the reading comprehension
(p<0.05), meaning that reading strategies achievement variable. The data can be
(global) influences 58% of reading seen in Table 6.
Table 6
The Results of Simultaneous Regression Analysis of Reading Strategies (general)

Model R R Adjusted Std. Error Change Statistics

Square R Square of the
Square F Sig. F
Change Change df1 df2 Change
1 .762(a) .581 .569 8.778 .581 46.853 4 135 .000

DISCUSSION employ a variety of strategies in many

With regard to the first objective, situations than do less proficient learners
the finding showed that the results and more proficient EFL students used
revealed three categories of reading self-management strategies such as,
strategies used by the second year evaluation and formal practice
students of SMP Negeri 17 Palembang significantly more often than less
with the rank order (1) metacognitive proficient students. In line with this
strategies, (2) social strategies, and (3) opinion, Cohen, Weaver, and Li(1996)
cognitive strategies. It does appear that cited in Zulkifli (2007:37) advice
good language learners use strategies in teachers to systematically introduce and
effective ways in reading activity which reinforce learning strategy that help
have brought about better reading students us the target language more
comprehension achievement. Rossi- effectively and those improve their
Lee’s(1989) cited in Jaya (2009:40) performance.
found that more proficient learners The next finding showed that the

ISSN 2089 – 3345 - Vol. 1 No. 1 April 2012 31

The Correlation Among Reading Strategies, Reading Comprehension Achievement
Fenny T.
and Gender Differences of the Second Year Students of SMP Negeri 17 Palembang

highest mean that the students mostly had learning. In contrast, the finding of Ras
reading strategies is metacognitive (2009:35) found that there is no
strategies. This indicates that the students significance difference in the use of
prefer to over view and link with already strategies between male and female
known material, pay attention, find out students. This finding supports the
about language learning, organize, set finding by Kim (1995), Lee (1994), and
goals and objectives, identify the purpose Oh (1996) cited in Ras (2009:36) that
of a language task, plan for a language there is no significance difference in the
task, seek practice opportunities, self- strategy used by males and females
monitor and self evaluating. This is no students.
surprise considering that these strategies The next section discussed the
are ones of the most frequently used finding is the difference between male
strategies by Indonesian learners based and female students and their reading
on some studies, which one of them was comprehension achievement. The data
conducted Husnayaini (2009) . The study showed that there is any significance
revealed that Sriwijaya University difference in reading comprehension
students showed high use of achievement between male and female
metacognitive strategies. Metacognitive students. The mean score of the students
which was the most preferred by the 72.03 indicates that the students are in
students was in line with the result of fair or average level of reading
other researchers like; Davis and Abas comprehension achievement level. The
(1991), Ihsan and Diem (1997), Zulkifli finding is similarly with Yusfardiah
(2006), Kaylani (1996), and Jaya (2009). (2010) reported that gender is correlated
In general, there was strong significantly to pupils’ achievement
correlation between reading strategies where girls are better than boys. This
and reading comprehension achievement. result coincided with the findings of
The findings are similarly with Jaya Alomar (2006). It was also similar with
(2009) and Husnayaini (2009) reported the findings reported by Blatchford, et al
there was correlation between strategies (2002) which found that girls were about
and English proficiency. In contrast, the four month ahead of boys in literacy on
findings of Herman and Oxford (1995) entry to reception year.
learning strategies and reading skills have The contribution of reading
no significant relationship. Nevertheless, strategies to reading comprehension
the frequency of reading strategies use is achievement was 0.54. In other word, the
not only factor determining the level of contribution of reading strategies to
reading comprehension achievement. The reading comprehension achievement was
appropriateness of the strategy use with 54%. Therefore, there was significant
the task requirement is even more influence of reading strategies toward
important than the frequency (Oxford, reading comprehension achievement. The
1990). overall mean of the strategies used fell to
The next finding showed that high level (4.09). This means that the
there was any significant difference in the students familiar with the reading
cognitive, metacognitive and social strategies. As Oxford (1990) suggest,
strategies between male and female there must be strategy training for
students. This finding is similar to the students on readings strategies by
finding of Sari (2010), Dorval (2000), familiarizing them with the learning
Oxford (1990) found that males and strategies and providing them with
female are different during the process of opportunities for practicing these

ISSN 2089 – 3345 - Vol. 1 No. 1 April 2012 32

The Correlation Among Reading Strategies, Reading Comprehension Achievement
Fenny T.
and Gender Differences of the Second Year Students of SMP Negeri 17 Palembang

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In terms of the results of this (Online)
study, the following conclusions are (
drawn. Firstly the students mostly used ile/view/Parenteducation.pdf
metacognitive strategies in reading Accessed on July 14, 2011)
activity. There is strong evidence that
reading strategies correlate with reading Blatchford, P., Goldstein, H., Martin, C.,
comprehension achievement. Male and & Brownie, W. (2002). A study of class
female of second year students of SMP since effects in English school
Negeri 17 Palembang have any reception year classes. British
significance difference in their reading Educational Research Journal,
strategies and their reading 28(2) : 16-185. (Online).
comprehension achievement. It means (
that there was a significant influence of am/hg/full-
reading strategies toward reading publications/2002/class-size-
comprehension achievement. effects-in-reception.pdf Accessed
on February 26,2011. )
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comprehension achievement. The is-reading-comprehension/.
students should be aware of strategies Accessed on March 23, 2011)
they use in reading activities and try to
find the appropriate strategies for the Davis, E.C., and Ruru, N.H, S.A.A
appropriate situation. (1994). Helping teachers and students
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and Gender Differences of the Second Year Students of SMP Negeri 17 Palembang

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The Correlation Among Reading Strategies, Reading Comprehension Achievement
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