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Mount Royal University and Medicine Hat College

Bachelor of Education

Practicum I Evaluation Form

□ EDUC 3010 Practicum I – Midterm
⊗ EDUC 3010 Practicum I – Final
Pre-service Brooke Christie School: Elm Street School

Grades/Subject Grade 2: Math, Science, Social Mentor Colleen Schauerte

Taught: Studies, Gym, Health Teacher

Faculty Terry Freeman Date: December 16, 2019


Most Pre-service teachers will demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attributes in the “Meeting Expectations” category.

A checkmark in the “Beginning” column indicates that the Pre-service teacher’s performance is weak but acceptable
but in the early stages of development. A checkmark in the “Proficient” column indicates that the Pre-service teacher
consistently performs at a strong level.

A checkmark in the “Not Yet Meeting Expectations” column indicates that the Pre-service teacher is not yet
performing at the minimum level of expectation. Pre-service teachers who are rated as not meeting expectations in
two or more outcomes are at risk of failing the practicum.

If an outcome has not been evident or the Pre-service teacher has not had an opportunity to demonstrate it, the
mentor teacher is asked to identify this as not applicable (N/A).

lica Meeting
Pre-service teachers are expected to demonstrate consistently that they Not Expectation
ble Yet
understand: s
a. contextual variables affect teaching and learning.
c. the purposes of the Guide to Education and programs of study Exp
germane to the specialization or subject disciplines they are ect
prepared to teach. atio Be De
d. the subject disciplines they teach. ns gin vel
nin opi
f. the purposes of short, medium and long term range planning. nt
g ng

1. Uses programs of study to set learning goals X

2. Analyzes resources (e.g. programs of study, teaching materials, textbooks) X

to select appropriate teaching strategies and design relevant learning

3. Translates outcomes into coherent short range plans X

4. Demonstrates understanding of pedagogies appropriate to the discipline X

5. Demonstrates knowledge of learner development and differences and uses X
this knowledge to plan learning experiences
6. Develops activities and assignments that are clearly aligned with learning X
goals, require deep thinking and support student engagement and choice
Brooke has consistently worked to apply the feedback she receives. She has a clearer understanding of the flow of
her planning and uses her knowledge of the students in the room to adjust her lessons to their abilities. She has
used a variety of resources to create a greater variety of engaging lessons. She has seen higher levels of
engagement in the students with the use of more hands on activities and technology-based research opportunities.
lica Meeting
Pre-service teachers are expected to demonstrate consistently that they Expectation
understand: ble Not
Yet s
e. all students can learn, albeit at different rates and in different ways. Mee
i. there are many approaches to teaching and learning. ting
j. the functions of traditional and electronic teaching/learning Exp
technologies. ect
Be De
k. the purpose of student assessment. atio Pro
gin vel
m. student learning is enhanced through the use of home and ns fici
nin opi
community resources. ent
g ng

1. Uses a variety of teaching strategies to engage learners in rich learning X


2. Incorporates the appropriate use of digital technologies X

3. Communicates and monitors high and achievable expectations in student- X

friendly language
4. Scaffolds student understanding including knowledge, skills, and strategies X

5. Provides clear explanations with rich language and examples X

6. Analyzes and responds to student misconceptions X

7. Engages in discussions and inquiry that invite high level thinking and X
engagement of all students

8. Paces lessons appropriately for all students including time for reflection and X

Brooke has increased her use of technology in the classroom – she regularly uses the Epson board to show
videos, pictures, and websites to students. Additionally, she has created research opportunities for the students to
use iPads with their social studies and science. She has also incorporated more hands-on activities to draw the
students in during lessons – use of manipulatives in math and experiments in science. She ensures that each of
her lessons begins and ends with a review of the previous learning. During classroom discussions, Brooke
welcomes discussion to develop students’ meaning and connection making.

lica Meeting
Pre-service teachers are expected to demonstrate consistently that they ble Not
understand: Expectations
k. the purposes of student assessment and how to assess the range Mee
of learning objectives by selecting and developing a variety of ting
techniques and instruments. Exp
Be De
atio Prof
gin vel
ns icie
nin opi
g ng

1. Uses assessments to identify learner needs and adjusts instruction to X

include varied ways of addressing misunderstandings
2. Develops learner understanding of learning goals and achievement X
expectations to promote self-monitoring

3. Provides specific, timely, constructive feedback to help students monitor X

their own learning

Brooke has continued to work on her awareness of student learning/needs in order to develop her lessons to be
meaningful for students in all stages of learning. She ensures that she is talking with the students at their level
(crouched down or sitting at their tables) in order to gauge their thinking, uncover any misconceptions, and clarify
any points.

lica Meeting
Pre-service teachers are expected to demonstrate consistently that they ble Not
understand: Expectations
g. students’ need for physical, social, cultural and psychological Mee
security. ting
h. the importance of respecting students’ human dignity. Exp
atio Be De
ns gin vel
nin opi
g ng

1. Creates and manages effective classroom routines and procedures to X

ensure positive student behavior.

2. Creates a respectful and ethical learning community that encourages X

learners to take risks, build trust, embrace diversity, and increase self-

Brooke has been developing her classroom management skills and is getting more comfortable with consistently
reinforcing expectations. She is thoughtful about transitions and how students will gather supplies. She is kind and
fair to the students and they view her as a trustworthy adult in the room.

lica Meeting
Pre-service teachers are expected to demonstrate consistently that they
understand: Not
b. the structure of the Alberta education system. Yet
b. the structure of the Alberta education system. Yet
l. the importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningful, ting
in all aspects of teaching and learning. Exp
n. the importance of contributing, independently and collegially, to ect
the quality of their school. atio Be De
o. the importance of career-long learning. ns gin vel
nin opi
p. the importance of guiding their actions with a personal, overall nt
g ng
visions of the purpose of teaching.

1. Identifies and implements specific changes to practice based on reflection X

and feedback from Mentor Teacher and Faculty Supervisor
2. Engages with colleagues in professional learning X
3. Establishes professional and ethical relationships X

4. Demonstrates deep thinking by connecting theory to practice during X

professional reflection, lesson critiques

Brooke has consistently been receptive to feedback throughout her practicum. She actively applies suggestions in
both her planning and actual teaching. She asked questions during our daily conversations/debriefs in order to
better understand and apply her feedback. She has continued to participate in after school activities, such as
Christmas Family Fun Night, parent teacher interviews, and after school clubs.


Strengths/ Professional Learning Achieved:

Brooke has demonstrated a large amount of growth this practicum. She has demonstrated a willingness to learn and
try new things while welcoming feedback and suggestions for improvement. Brooke has maintained a positive,
professional attitude that has helped her to grow more and more successful in her teaching throughout the practicum.
Her lesson plans have shown greater detail with forethought related to transitions, getting materials, classroom
management, and proactive solutions to potential hiccups. I feel confident that Brooke has gained a greater
understanding of and appreciation for the vast array of details that go into the job of teaching.

Suggestions/ Areas for Growth:

I encourage Brooke to continue to practice developing activities of a wide variety to engage her students.
Incorporating hands on activities, technology, manipulatives, games, and cooperative learning strategies will
strengthen her teaching and her students’ learning. Brooke should continue to reflect on what her expectations will be
for her future students and what she can do to ensure students understand them and can successfully meet them. I
am confident that Brooke will continue to grow throughout the rest of her education degree and future practicums.


The experience I have had at Elm Street school has been absolutely amazing and beyond what I could have asked
for. Colleen Schauerte has demonstrated the characteristics of what it takes to be a successful
educator. I am very grateful to walk away with all of the guidance and constructive criticism she has
offered me during these short 5 weeks. I am also thankful for the rest of the staff at Elm Street who
allowed me to feel at home and comfortable during my time in their school.
Teaching real students in a real classroom has solidified the effectiveness of well-thought out and detailed
lesson plans. Throughout my first few weeks, Miss Schauerte mentioned that adding as much detail to my plans as I
could think of could help my lessons be more successful, as I would be prepared for potential hiccups or anything that
could happen during lessons. I took this feedback and held it with me for the remainder of my practicum, and I could
see many aspects of my teaching improving over the weeks. I sent Miss Schauerte my lesson plans prior to me
teaching them, and she provided notes and provocations that I could add to adjust to my lessons. These comments
have been very much appreciated as I felt after adjusting my lessons prior to teaching, I had a lot of success in my
last few weeks of practicum. I feel as though these provocations were a huge contribution to my growth through this
practicum as near the end, I was receiving less amounts of things to consider/think about, and more comments that
explained why my lesson plans contained great ideas.

I started to get more comfortable with adding technology into my lesson plans. With more technology, I saw
a greater success with student engagement. I was able to more successfully complete my lessons and lost much less
time to trying to keep students on track or listening to my voice simply tell them what I wanted them to learn. I saw
that when I left my comfort zone and allowed students to explore their learning themselves, they were much more
invested in what they were learning. I will continue to implement technology into my lessons when appropriate.

I will sincerely miss my students at Elm Street School in grade two, as I have been able to build trusting and
respectful relationships with each student. Miss Schauerte created an environment that allowed me to feel like a
profession teacher and encouraged me daily. I feel inspired and honoured to have be mentored by Miss Schauerte.

EDUC 3010 Practicum I - Final Evaluation

Credit No Credit

Pre-service Teacher Signature Mentor Teacher Signature Faculty Supervisor Signature

Date Date Date

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