Fire and Gas Mitigation

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Fire and gas mitigation


after protection fails

Robert Nicol CEng FInstMC
Senior Control and Automation Engineer, Shell U.K. Limited.

ire and gas detection systems are common in the oil and pipe wall), and there are many standards that give very good
gas industries. Other industry sectors may have fire and guidance on how to design for process event protection.
or gas detection systems depending on their identified For fire or gas events the detection is in free spaces with-
hazards. Regardless of industry sector the design and life- in modules or detection zones. These areas can have dif-
cycle requirements should follow the same basic principles. ferent types of equipment and equipment density that
Most process protective functions are intended to pre- impact on the ability to detect events. The location of an
vent incidents from occurring; fire and gas systems event can be anywhere within these detection zones and it
respond to incidents that are already underway and are is generally indeterminate where this occurs.
therefore part of the mitigation processes. The design should consider all aspects from the hazard
Process plant and their design can influence the types identification through to lifecycle management.
of hazard that could occur, and hence the types of detection
and mitigation requirements. Hazard identification
The life-cycle requirements are to design and install a
detection system that provides mitigation (alarms / execu- A process is required to identify the hazards that a fire and
tive actions) for the identified hazards. After commission- gas system would mitigate. This identification process
ing the systems require to be regularly proof tested and should be used to evaluate the appropriate level of risk
maintained such that systems perform to the designed reduction for the assessed hazard, considering the conse-
functional requirements. Differences to life-cycle func- quences and the event frequency.
tional requirements can come from the installed systems The process of selecting risk-reduction measures will
performance (under or over perform) or from plant predominantly entail the use of sound engineering judge-
changes (additions or removals). ment, but this may need to be supplemented by recognition
A typical fire and gas system has multiple mitigation of the particular circumstances that may require deviation
response roles, such as: from past practices and previously applied codes and stan-
l Alerting personnel to the presence of a hazardous con- dards. In certain circumstances, risk assessment may be
dition (fire or gas); able to provide useful input to the decision-making
l Removal of potential ignition sources; process, providing that there are established criteria for
l Operation of ventilation systems; this purpose. Risk-reduction measures should include
l Shutting down process plant and removal of hazardous those to prevent incidents (i.e. reduction of the probability
feedstock; of occurrence), to control incidents (i.e. limiting the extent
l Depressurising (venting or flaring) of section of plant. and duration of a hazardous event) and to mitigate the
Automatic responses can be direct from the fire and gas effects (i.e. reduction of the consequences).
system or via another response system. Process plants typ- The assessment method such as those in IEC 615082 and
ically have Emergency Shutdown (ESD) and 615113 can be used for assessing the SIL and then assign-
Depressurisation (EDP) systems; and fire and gas can be ing the target probability of failure on demand (PFD). Like
treated as an extension to these as another suite of inputs. process protective function, the fire or gas mitigation func-
The Emergency Shutdown systems can also act as con- tion should consider the incremental consequences of the
duits for the control of the other responses. This would detection systems not operating. If using a risk graph or
suggest that one system package could contain all the safe- risk matrix, the demand rate for the consequences should
guarding functions of fire and gas, emergency shutdown, be derived for the event, and quantitative risk assessment
ventilation, etc. may assist with this.
The assessment may consider several scenarios with dif-
F&G detection design ferent event frequencies and consequences, i.e. it could
include events that have a high frequency (say <10years)
The events that trigger the fire and gas systems can be and no consequences, and low frequency (say 1,000years)
manually initiated or automatically detected. events with high consequences.
Fire and gas detection instruments are not like process
detection instruments and need different design considera- Safety Integrity Levels
tions. Process detection instrumentation is coupled to the
process either directly (e.g. displaced level), or through In practice, the detection characteristics for fire or gas
directly connected equipment (e.g. temperature sensor on functions are such that high Safety Integrity Levels (SIL)

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may be difficult to achieve compared to process protection

function (e.g. pressure protection).
Whilst the reliability of the detectors themselves may be
high, detectors can detect only incidents that their sensing
mechanisms can access, i.e. gas detectors can detect only
the gas that reaches the sensing mechanism; dead spots in
module airflows and other related effects give a practical
limit to achievable detection performance.
Like process related functions, a SIL target PFD value is
for the complete function. This for process functions is
generally termed ‘pipe-to-pipe’ and covers the components
from the process detection through to the final element
such as an ESD valve. For fire or gas the SIL covers the
components from the area with the detection through to
several final elements such as alerting personnel, ESD
valves, ventilation, deluge, etc. Assigning the SIL target
PFD to only the fire and gas part of the function may affect
the level of risk reduction such that the overall function is
not suitable, i.e. a SIL 2 fire and gas function may only be
good for SIL 1 protection function when the whole protec-
tion function PFD is analysed.
Figure 3
Detection targets
Detection layout
The detection targets for both fire and gas events should
be set through consideration of detecting a fire or acci- The design of detector layout is of critical importance for the
dental hazardous release or accumulation before they are effective performance of fire and gas detection systems.
large enough to cause an escalating situation if not miti- There are engineering standards4 for such layouts, and vari-
gated. Detection targets should also be specified for ous techniques (including computer-aided design) in routine
toxic or asphyxiant gas events that can pose a threat to use to establish fields of view, detection ranges, etc.
health. The process used to design and assess optical flame
The identified detection targets should be based on area detector and gas detector layouts should provide an
specific events, i.e. the detection target for flammable gas auditable assessment trail of the detection system’s
clouds or accumulation events should be based on the vol- response for the targets specified.
umetric coverage for the voted detection in the area, with Figures 1 and 2 are representative of what the detection
explosion analysis used to determine the appropriate target coverage could be in the same module. Colour code is: not
cloud sizes. In the absence of this it has been common to covered (white), 1 detector (middle grey), 2 detectors (dark
use a 5 metre cloud size as target coverage. grey) and >2 detectors (light grey). Figure 1 shows that there
Fire, toxic or asphyxiant detection targets are set using are parts of the module that have no coverage or only 1 detec-
similar principles. tor, whereas by relocating the same detectors the whole mod-
ule has coverage and the majority with 2 or more as shown
in Figure 2. Detector placement should give suitable cover-
age of the areas where there can be a hazard, which may be
different from covering the whole module.
Siting of detectors should also consider the type of haz-
ardous event, how it may react, the physical location of
equipment, the ventilation in the area (forced or natural), etc.
In areas where there is extract ventilation the siting of detec-
tors should be such that the ventilation is not drawing the
hazard away from the detector, i.e. careful consideration of
the air flow is required before positioning smoke detectors.
Figure 1

An important aim of fire and gas protection functions is

that a single fault mechanism should not cause the protec-
tive function to develop a failure that, if undetected (hid-
den), would result in a serious loss of protection. A diffi-
culty with fire and gas systems is that the detectors in a
given area can be subjected to the same environmental
influences (such as fog) that may disable several or all of
the detectors in that area.
Typical voting is 2ooN (2 out of N, N being ≤ 3) where
Figure 2 there is a minimum of three detectors fitted, and no maxi- Vol 39/10 December 2006 305

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Fire and Gas system

Hazard Type of detector Typical application Typical actions
Fire Heat pneumatic Process, wellhead, utilities Alarm, ESD, EDP, closure of sub surface
safety valves, active fire protection
Heat electric Turbine hoods, workshops, Alarm, ESD, EDP, active fire protection
stores, engine rooms, process,
wellhead, utilities

Flame Process, wellhead, utilities, Alarm, ESD, EDP, active fire protection
generators, gas turbines
Smoke Control rooms, electrical Alarm, isolate power, active fire
rooms, computer rooms, protection (if present)
Air intakes to Temporary
Refuge (TR) and control stations Alarm, isolate ventilation
Flammable gas Process, wellhead, utilitiesa, Alarm, ESD, EDP, isolate power
engine roomsa
Air intakes Alarm, ESD, EDP, isolate power, ventilation
Oil mist Enclosed areas handling low Alarm, ESD, EDP, isolate power
gas oil ratio liquid hydrocarbons
Manual call point All areas, escape routes, Alarm, start of fire pumps
muster points, TRs
Note: process areas include drilling areas.
a Only for rooms containing essential safety systems

Table 1: Typical applications of fire and gas detectors for offshore installations5.
mum number (e.g. can be 30 or more in one module). For can be different response times, and different responses to
the PFD calculations of the detection part of the function the same gas, etc.
this could imply that there is a vote of 2oo30. This is not The detection selected should be suitable for the area
the case even though the vote is configured in the logic that it is installed (e.g. ATEX) and suitable for detecting
system. Figure 3 shows nine gas detectors that for logic the predicted hazard.
configuration is voted 2oo9, but for PFD calculations is
2oo4 based on coverage of 5 metres (e.g. detector G1 with Fire detectors
detectors G3, 6 - 9 are not votes that meet detection tar-
gets). Furthermore, the actual shape of any released cloud There are several different technologies for this, ranging
of gas is indeterminate. The identity of the two detectors from fusible gas loops (normally air) to electronic devices
that are the first to alarm to an actual release is therefore with single and multiple sensors, and CCTV.
not known; they may not be adjacent detectors. The sphere The device selection should consider the types of fires
model is used to ensure detectors densities are sufficient. that can occur and the response times required from the
The voting arrangement selected should consider the automatic detection systems.
detection targets and the detector layout.
Flammable gas detection
Within the oil and gas industry there are two basic tech-
There are several types of detector that can be used for fire nologies employed: the catalytic bead sensor that has been
or gas detection. The selection of these should provide the used in the industries for several decades; and there are the
required detection and mitigation for the hazard scenarios newer infrared (IR) technologies.
that can occur in the area being protected. For offshore Acoustic technology detectors have emerged in the past
installations Table 1 lists typical types of detectors, their few years. Acoustic detectors do not detect all accumula-
application, and actions. tions and migrations of gases/vapours, as they require
leakage under pressure. They can, used in the right appli-
Device selection cations, provide early warning of a leak that could develop
into an accumulation.
There is a variety of detection equipment available for fire The detector selection is dependent on the product that
or gas detection. Detection apparatus can have very differ- the detector is required to detect. Getting this wrong can
ent characteristics for the same type of detection. An totally compromise the automatic detection system. I.e. IR
example of this is for flammable gas detection where there gas detectors will not detect hydrogen, thus if hydrogen is

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and control systems do not fail-safe. Survivability is not

necessarily a critical issue as regards detection, since a
major incident that damages the fire and gas detection
could hardly remain un-noticed by site personnel, but it is
important that the alarm and executive actions remain
A useful measure of survivability as regards executive
control actions is achieved by including some measure of
redundancy and manual initiation; for example, a water
deluge system can be triggered automatically by the fire
detection system, by remote manual action, or by local
manual action.
Some water deluge designs have a pneumatic sensing
line that provides a fail-safe self-acting release mechanism
(loss of air) that is independent of the main automatic elec-
Figure 4: Typical LFL responses. trical fire detection system.
one of the gases to be detected then another detection tech-
nology is required. Testing and maintenance
The different technologies have different responses to
the range of gases/vapours that can be present at an oil and The types of maintenance required and when this is carried
gas facility. IR point detectors are more sensitive to the out are dependent on several factors, such as the assessed
heavier end gases/vapours whilst catalytic ones are less SIL level and the typical faults as identified by a Failure
sensitive. IR beam detectors can be less sensitive to heav- Mode Effect Analysis.
ier end fractions (see Figure 4). Note that this generalisa- The prime routine task requirement is to proof test the
tion can be manufacturer specific and care is required to installed systems (detection and executive actions).
assess the detectors’ response to the known gases within a Corrective or refurbishment maintenance (e.g. gas detec-
hazardous zone. tion calibration) is performed after the prime proof test
The selection and calibration of the detection system task is carried out. This order of carrying out the tasks pro-
should consider the expected gases/vapours to be detected vides demonstration of the ability of the system to per-
and the characteristics of the available detection equip- form, as designed, when required. Any type of mainte-
ment. The display of the detected gas/vapour is usually 0 – nance on the systems (e.g. corrective) should only be car-
100%, but the percentage reading may not be the lower ried out after the proof testing of the function.
flammable level (LFL) for the gas/vapour. After corrective or refurbishment maintenance, post activ-
The alarms are set as scale values and therefore may not ity commissioning (proof testing) should be carried out prior
be an LFL setting. The recommended high alarm is 60%, to taking the function back into service. One has to demon-
as given in EN 617796, this may be a scale value that is strate that the system will work when taken into service.
less than 60% depending on the detection technology and
calibration sensitivities. References

Power requirements 1. Health and Safety Executive - SPC/TECH/OSD/10.

2. Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/ Programmable
The duration of the uninterrupted power supplies (UPS) Electronic Safety-Related Systems, parts 1 to 7, IEC 61508.
should be sufficient to allow emergency power to be provid- 3. Functional safety instrumented systems for the process indus-
try sector, parts 1 to 3, IEC 61511.
ed or to complete emergency response activities. EN ISO 4. Fire detection and alarm systems for buildings, BS 5839, 1988.
137025 suggests a supply time duration of 180 minutes. 5. Petroleum and natural gas industries – Control and mitigation
of fires and explosions on offshore production installations –
Survivability Requirements and guidelines, BS EN ISO 13702, 1999.
6. Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of
This is an issue because (typically) fire and gas detection flammable gases, part 1, BS EN 61779, 2000.

InstMC Membership Elections and Transfers

Transfers to Member Student

Cross, P E Surrey & Sussex Bunas, D Overseas

Minchinton, P Herts
Sabaliauskas, J W N Lincs The following members are now registered with the
Engineering Council (UK):
Chartered Engineer
Fisher, D W Scotland
Odukunle, A London Fathy, A
Smith, E V Overseas Engineering Technicians
Woolven, R Overseas Mayhew, N S Vol 39/10 December 2006 307

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