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1 Use Cases



Companies List

Manage Agents

Master Admin Manage Schedule


Add, update , delete

Identifier R1
Title Master Admin
Requirement System shall allow Admin to intervene dashboard
Source Administrator of system
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies N/A
Priority High
Manage Contractor

Manage Companies

View Shifts

View Invoices

Identifier R2
Title Manage Contractors / Companies
Requirement System shall allow Admin to manage contractors
Source Administrator of system
Restrictions and Risk Know the Services that the contractor / companies provides
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

updating the profiles

Enter Parameters

System administrator


Identifier R3
Title Manage Contractors Profiles
Requirement System shall allow Admin to Manage Contractors profiles
Source Administrator of system
Restrictions and Risk The admin has access to the contractor profiles via dashboard
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Select Companies

View Profiles

System administrator
Add/update /delete

Approve Access

Identifier R4
Title View Companies profiles
Requirement System shall allow Admin to view and manage companies profile
Source Administrator of system
Restrictions and Risk The admin has access to the profiles via dashboard
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Create shift

Set deadlines / Assigned

System administrator
Update / Add / Delete

Implement the schedules

Identifier R5
Title Create shift
Requirement System shall allow Admin to Create shift
Source Administrator of system
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Select Create new profile

define roles

System administrator
Add personal information

Update / Add / Delete

Identifier R6
Title Create new profile (optional)
Requirement System shall allow Admin to upload the files related to the users and its
Source Administrator of system
Restrictions and Risk A new "role" is created which can be associated with:

Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Access personal data

Update / delete / cancel

View summary

Adminstrator Choice of filter parameters

Manual insertion, modification, cancellat ion


View Invoices Companies

Readings presence for individual worker

summary (Timesheet) of the hours worked

Population / modification / cancellation of the deadlines

Identifier R7
Title Login
Requirement System shall display login form to user and allow him to enter his Email
address, password to login by clicking Login In button.
Source Administrator, Companies / Contractors
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R8
Title Access data
Requirement System shall allow users to access information.
Source Administrator, Companies / Contractors
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R9
Title Update
Requirement System shall allow users to update information.
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R10
Title Add
Requirement System shall allow users to Add data (information, hours, deadlines.)
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R11
Title delete
Requirement System shall allow users to delete data (information, hours, deadlines.).
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R12
Title View
Requirement System shall allow users to view data (information, hours, deadlines.).
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R13
Title Filter
Requirement System shall allow users to click the ‘filter’ button.
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R14
Title Hours Summary
Requirement System shall allow summary (Timesheet) of the hours worked on an data
in a time interval
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R15
Title Deadlines
Requirement Population / modification / cancellation of the deadlines for the obligations
relating to a worker
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R15
Title View Invoices
Requirement User can view invoices
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires a valid id.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Use case Diagram
Sending a message

All data relating to


Admin Csv data / documentation

Schedule activities on the calendar


Search for data companies

Insertion, modification, cancellation company

Insertion / modification of the assigned for each job

Identifier R16
Title Login
Requirement System shall display login form to user and allow him to enter his Email
address / login id, password to login by clicking Login In button.
Source Admin / contractor, Companies / Field Contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R17
Title Sending Messages
Requirement System shall allow users to send message (data, notification). Sending a
message to communicate the obligations
Source Admin / contractor, Companies
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R18
Title Data / Documentation
Requirement System shall allow users to Search for data in the relative database
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R19
Title Modifications
Requirement System shall allow users to Population / modification / cancellation of
companies / contractor
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R20
Title Csv data
Requirement System shall allow users to upload data
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R21
Title Schedule of activities
Requirement System shall allow users to Entering the required data to enter a new
event on the calendar
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R22
Title search
Requirement System shall allow users to click the ‘search’
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R23
Title Insert
Requirement System shall allow user to insert
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R24
Title Invoices
Requirement System shall allow user to view invoicesdetails
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R25
Title View history
Requirement Allow user to View history
Source Admin
Restrictions and Risk Requires a connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Creation of an operational team

Reading of all data relating to a team for interventions (scheduled and not)

Change of data and personnel of an operations team


Admin Cancellation of an operational team

management of planned interventions

management of scheduled

Replace one or more absent resources companies

change in the operations team

management of unscheduled interventions

Search for teams


Insertion / reading / modification / deletion management

Add/ Update / modify /Delete

View information

Admin Search

Viewing the report


Assigned key view

Reads data assigned

Insert database

Update database
Send a detailed request for action
View on accesed data

Delete items from stock

list of reports made and control

list of schedule
Download i
Login Insert


Change of data


Admin management of unscheduled interventions



Add/ Update / modify




Configuration of the amortization plan

Identifier R26
Title Login
Requirement System shall display login form to user and allow him to enter his
Username / Email address, password to login by clicking Login In button.
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R27
Title Add company
Requirement System shall allow users to create company
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R28
Title Update
Requirement System shall allow users to update information.
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R29
Title Add
Requirement System shall allow users to Add data
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R30
Title delete
Requirement System shall allow users to delete
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R31
Title View
Requirement System shall allow users to view data
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R32
Title Filter
Requirement System shall allow users to click the ‘filter’ button.
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R33
Title Cancellation of an operational Companies
Requirement System shall allow to Change of data and personnel of an operations
Companies or cancel
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R34
Title Search
Requirement System shall allow user to search
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R35
Title information of a contractor
Requirement System shall allow user to view update add information of a contractor
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R36
Title Configuration of the amortization plan
Requirement System shall allow user to Configuration of the amortization plan
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R37
Title Viewing the report
Requirement System shall allow user to View the report
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R38
Title Reads documents in database
Requirement System shall allow user to Reads documents in database
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R39
Title Insert documents in database
Requirement System shall allow user to Insert documents in database
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R40
Title list of schedule
Requirement System shall allow user to view list of schedules
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R41
Title Send a detailed request for action
Requirement System shall allow user to Send a detailed request for action
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R42
Title list of reports made and control of the intervention
Requirement System shall allow user to access list of reports made and control of the
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High
Identifier R43
Title Delete documents in database
Requirement System shall allow user to delete
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R44
Title i approval
Requirement System shall allow user for approval
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R45
Title Companies task
Requirement System shall allow user to create task for Companies
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R46
Title record by contractor
Requirement System shall allow user to handle record by contractor
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R47
Title shared calendar / location
Requirement System shall allow user to access shared calendar location
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R48
Title periodic scheduled activities
Requirement System shall allow user to view periodic scheduled activities
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R50
Title Monitor
Requirement System shall allow user to Monitor
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R51
Title Quality control
Requirement System shall allow user to check quality control attributes
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R52
Title Insertion of a new data
Requirement System shall allow user to Insert new data
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R53
Title Modification of an existing data
Requirement System shall allow user to modify existing data
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R54
Title Real-time occupant reports
Requirement System shall allow user to view Real-time occupant reports
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R55
Title Feedback of the maintenance
Requirement System shall allow user to get/ post Feedback of the maintenance
Source user
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R56
Title Cancellation of request
Requirement System shall allow user to Cancel
Source user
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High
Identifier R57
Title View information
Requirement System shall allow user to View information
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R58
Title Access report by time interval
Requirement System shall allow user to Access report by time interval
Source Users
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R59
Title Login
Requirement System shall display login form to user and allow him to enter his
Username / Email address, password to login by clicking Login In button.
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R60
Title Creation of an operational Companies
Requirement System shall allow users to Creation of an operational Companies.
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R61
Title Update
Requirement System shall allow users to update worker information.
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R62
Title Add
Requirement System shall allow users to Add data
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R63
Title delete
Requirement System shall allow users to delete
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R64
Title View
Requirement System shall allow users to view data
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R65
Title Filter
Requirement System shall allow users to click the ‘filter’ button.
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R67
Title Search
Requirement System shall allow user to search
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R68
Title Cancellation of an operational Companies
Requirement System shall allow user for the Cancellation of an operational Companies
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R69
Title management of planned interventions
Requirement System shall allow user for management of planned interventions
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R70
Title management of scheduled interventions
Requirement System shall allow user to View the management of scheduled
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R71
Title Replace one or more absent resources
Requirement System shall allow user to Replace one or more absent resources
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R72
Title change in the operations Companies
Requirement System shall allow user to change in the operations Companies
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R73
Title list of schedule
Requirement System shall allow user to view list of schedules
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High
Identifier R74
Title management of unscheduled interventions
Requirement System shall allow user to management of unscheduled interventions
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R75
Title Assignment of a contractor
Requirement System shall allow user to access Assignment of a contractor
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R76
Title Download documents in database

Requirement System shall allow user to Download documents in database

Source Admin / contractor

Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Priority High

Identifier R78
Title Companies task
Requirement System shall allow user to create task for Companies
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R79
Title Assigned key view
Requirement System shall allow user to handle Assigned key view
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High

Identifier R80
Title maintenance intervention
Requirement System shall allow user to access maintenance intervention
Source Admin / contractor
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection.
Dependencies R1
Priority High



Viewing the report

Super Admin

Access report by time interval

Identifier R96
Title Login
Requirement System shall display login form to user and allow him to enter his
Username / Email address, password to login by clicking Login In button.
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R97
Title Viewing the report
Requirement System shall allow users to Viewing the report
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R98
Title Send a detailed request for action
Requirement System shall allow users to Send a detailed request for action
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R99
Title Access report by time interval
Requirement System shall allow users to Access report by time interval
Source Client
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High


Real-time occupant reports

view of all alerts

Publication of a new notice

Super Admin

Send a detailed request for action

Entry / exit registration

Identifier R100
Title Login
Requirement System shall display login form to user and allow him to enter his
Username / Email address, password to login by clicking Login In button.
Source Super Admin
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R101
Title Real-time occupant reports
Requirement System shall allow users to Viewing the report / Real-time occupant
Source Super Admin
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R102
Title view of all alerts
Requirement System shall allow users to view of all alerts
Source Super Admin
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R103
Title Publication of a new notice
Requirement System shall allow users to Publication of a new notice
Source Super Admin
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Identifier R104
Title Entry / exit
Requirement System shall allow users to Access Entry / exit registration
Source Super Admin
Restrictions and Risk Requires an internet connection
Dependencies N/A
Priority High
Specific Requirements
This section contains all software requirements both functional and non-functional. The
functional requirements are grouped according use case model. A requirement has the
following properties:
Requirement ID Uniquely identifies requirement within all PROJECT documents.
Title Defines the functional group the requirement belongs to. Gives the
Requirement a symbolic name.
Description The definition of the requirement.
Priority Defines the order in which requirements should be implemented.
are designated (highest to lowest) “1”, “2”, and “3” …
Requirements of priority 1 must be implemented in the first
productive system release. The requirements of priority 2 and
lower are subject of special release-agreement, which is out of
scope of this document.
Source Refers to the requirement(s) from the PROJECT Requirements
In a real-time SRS it refers to the source, what the requirement
Risk Specifies risk of not implementing the requirement. It shows how the
particular requirement is critical to the system. There are
following risk’s levels and associated impact to the system if the
requirement is not implemented or implemented incorrectly:
• Critical (C) – will break the main functionality of the system.
System cannot be used if this requirement is not
• High (H) – will impact the main functionality of the system.
Function of the system could be inaccessible, but the system
be generally used.
•Medium (M) – will impact some system’s features, but not the main
functionality. System can be used with some limitation.
• Low (L) – the system can be used without limitation, but with
3.1 Functionality
This section describes the main functional requirements of the Companies. The
requirements are structured by functionality area and correspond in general the user case
model, defined in Use Case diagrams document. Each requirement, if applicable, has the
reference to the equivalent use case.

3.1.1 Main features Users and User Roles

ID R1.01.01
Title Main Functionality\Users
The system shall support the concept of user. Every user of the system
Description has a
name and a password. The name must be unique within the installed
instance of
the system. In addition, every user has a set of properties: Full Name, Full
Business Title (Company Name, Position), E-Mail Address, Phone,
Address, Alternative Phone, and Alternative Working Address. Each user
uniquely identified by its name within the system.
Priority 1
Risk C
ID R1.01.02
Group Main Functionality\Users Roles
The system shall support the concept of user role. The role has the unique
Description name
within the installed instance of the system and a set of permissions that
assigned to this role. The permission determines explicitly what the user
belonging to this role allowed to do in the system.
Every user of the system must be associated with at least one of the roles.
user can belong to many roles. If the user is member of several roles, the
permission take over the grant one1.

security model2.
Priority 1
Risk C
ID R1.01.03
Group Main Functionality\User Roles
The system shall determine what of its functionality available to the
Description authenticated
user3 according to the user role and permissions and grant or deny access
Priority 1
Risk C
ID R1.01.04
Group Main Functionality\User Roles\Predefined Roles
Description The following
preconfigured user roles: “MASTER-ADMIN”, “EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES
administer “, “Manager”,
“Administrator”. The Table 3 lists the default rights of each role. The system
administrator (user with the right to edit user roles) can configure
permissions of
the roles.
Priority 2
Risk M


User Role Is allowed to

MASTER- Browse Companies list, Create/Delete/View/Update/Export/Import
ADMIN Companies,
Assign/Re-assign a resource to the Companies.
AGENCIES Create/Delete/View/Update task, View/Import Companies, Assign/Re-
administer assign a
resource to the task
Team Member View task, View Companies
Administrator Create/Delete/View/Edit user (manage user), Configure system,
Create/Delete/View/Edit user role (manage user role)
Table 3. User Roles
ID R1.01.05
Group Main Functionality\User Roles\Storage
The system shall store the list of all users (with all their properties) allowed
Description to
work within the system, the list of all user roles, and all the relations
users and user roles in the permanent storage.

Priority 1
Risk C
References Security Requirements, performance Requirements – number of users
ID R1.01.06
Group Main Functionality\User Roles\Manage
The system shall provide the user with the permission “Manage User Roles”
Description the
ability to manage users, their properties and user roles.
Priority 1
Risk C
References Requirement Manage Users and User Roles
ID R1.01.07
Group Main Functionality\User Roles\Change password
The system shall provide the authenticated user the ability to change his or
Description her
password and to store the change.
Priority 1
Risk C
ID R1.01.08
Description The system shall provide the following list of the permissions, that can be
assigned to user roles:
Manage users, manage roles, manage system, create/delete/view/edit
Task portfolio, export/import Companies, assign a resource to a task 4.
Priority 1
Risk C
References User Profile

ID R1.02.01
Group Main Functionality\User Profile
The system shall provide the concept of User Profile. The user profile
Description contains
the user-specific configurable parameters of the system. The user profile is
associated with one and only one user that is registered in the system (has
a user
name and a password).
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC1.02
ID R1.02.02
Group Main Functionality\User Profile\Storage
The system shall store the list of all user profiles in the permanent storage.
Description The
system shall be able to store as much user profiles as the number of
Priority 1
Risk C
ID R1.02.03
Group Main Functionality\User Profile\Edit
Description The user must be able to change his or her profile and save the changes.
Priority 1
Risk C
References System Login
ID R1.03.01
Group Main Functionality\System Login
The user must login to the system by specifying his or her name and
Description password
before he or she can work with the system. If the password is invalid or the
name does not exist in the system; the user is not allowed to login and
must enter
the name and password again. There is no limit of the login tries.
After successful login the system shall associate the user with the user
roles and
configure appearance of GUI according the user profile. After the login the
functionality of the system according the user’s permissions is available.
After the login the user becomes the authenticated and authorized user.
Priority 1

4 The exact definition of the permission list is an integral part of the requirements.
For the sake of simplicity, however, we refused to enumerate the whole list.
Risk C
References UC1.01 Manage Portfolio List

ID R1.04.01
Group Main Functionality\Companies Portfolios
The system shall organize the Companies to the Companies portfolios.
Description The Companies
portfolio is a container for zero or more Companies. There can be zero or
Companies portfolios in the installed instance of the system. The
Companies portfolio has
properties: Name, Description, Owner, and Creation Date. Every
Companies portfolio
is associated through the property Owner with one and only one user. The
with permission “manage Companies portfolio” can assign and re-assign
any user to
the property Owner.
Priority 1
Risk C
References R1.05.01
ID R1.04.02
Group Main Functionality\Companies Portfolios\Storage
The system shall store the list of Companies portfolios in the permanent
Description storage.
Priority 1
ID R1.04.03
Group Main Functionality\Companies Portfolios\View
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “view
Description Companies
portfolio list” the ability to view and browse the list of the all Companies
available in the system.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC4.01
ID R1.04.04
Group Main Functionality\Companies Portfolios\Filter
The authorized user with permission “view Companies portfolio list” must
Description be able to
define a subset of Companies portfolios, that he or she wants to view on
the basis of a
user-defined filter. As a criterion for the filter the user must be able to
select any
property of the Companies portfolio and any combination of this properties
with the logical operators OR, AND and NOT.
Priority 2
Risk M
ID R1.04.05
Group Main Functionality\Companies Portfolios\Create
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “create
Description Companies
portfolio” the ability to create a new Companies portfolio and to specify all
properties of
the Companies portfolio. The Companies portfolio name must be unique
within the installed
instance of the system. Otherwise, the Companies portfolio cannot be
created and
error message must be shown to user. The Companies portfolio must be
(contains no Companies) after creation. The user is identified as the owner
of this
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC4.03
ID R1.04.06
Group Main Functionality\Companies Portfolios\Select
The authorized user with permissions “view Companies portfolio list” and
Description “view Companies
list” must be able to select any Companies portfolio from the list provided
as the result
of the Req.1.04.3 or Req. 1.04.04 and view the all properties of the
portfolio and the list of Companies contained in this portfolio. The selected
becomes “current” for this user.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC4.02
ID R1.04.07
Group Main Functionality\Companies Portfolios\Edit
Under the condition that the user has permission “edit Companies
Description portfolio”, the user
must be able to edit the properties of the portfolio and save the changes.
Companies portfolio’s properties are defined in R1.04.01
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC4.05; R1.04.01
ID R1.04.08
Group Main Functionality\Companies Portfolios\Delete
Under the condition that the user has permission “edit Companies
Description portfolio”, the user
must be able to delete the portfolio from the system. The system shall
delete this
portfolio and all its Companies. All tasks and relations, associated with
Companies will be
deleted. This operation shall be undoable.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC4.04
ID R1.04.19
Group Main Functionality\Companies Portfolios\Permanent Delete
Description The system shall provide the possibility to delete a portfolio, its Companies,
tasks and
relations permanently. This command shall be accessible only from outside
system (i.e. command line) and the deleting user must have special
Priority 1
Risk M

ID R1.04.09
Group Main Functionality\Companies list\Current Companies portfolio
The system shall perform the all operations on Companies list and
Description Companies in the
context of the “current” Companies portfolio defined in R1.04.06
Priority 1
Risk C
References R1.04.06
ID R1.04.10
Group Main Functionality\Companies list\View
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “view
Description Companies list”
the ability to view and browse the list of all Companies of the current
Companies portfolio.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC12.01
ID R1.04.11
Group Main Functionality\Companies list\Filter
The authorized user with permission “view Companies list” must be able to
Description define a
subset of Companies he or she wants to view on the basis of a user-defined
filter. As
a criterion for the filter the user must be able to select any property of the
and any combination of the properties connected with the logical operators
AND and NOT.
Priority 2
Risk M
References R1.05.02
ID R1.04.12
Group Main Functionality\Companies list\Create
Under the condition that the user has permissions “create Companies” and
Description “edit
Companies portfolio”, the system shall provide this user the ability to create
a new
Companies within the current Companies portfolio and to specify all
properties of the
Companies. The user must provide at least the name of the Companies.
The Companies name
must be unique within the given portfolio. Otherwise, the Companies
cannot be
created and error message must be shown to user. The Companies must be
(contains no tasks) after creation. The user is identified as the owner of this
Companies. The system shall add the Companies to the current
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC12.03, R1.05.02
ID R1.04.13
Group Main Functionality\Companies list\Select
The authorized user with permission “view Companies” must be able to
Description select any
Companies from the list provided as the result of the Req.1.04.10 and Req.
and to view the all properties of the selected Companies as well as to
perform all
Companies-specific actions on this Companies according to his or her
access rights. The
selected Companies becomes “current” for this user.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC12.02
ID R1.04.14
Group Main Functionality\Companies list\Edit
Under the condition that the user has permission “edit Companies”, this
Description user must be
able to edit all the properties of this Companies and save the changes. The
of the Companies are defined in the R1.05.02
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC12.07; R1.05.02
ID R1.04.15
Group Main Functionality\Companies list\Delete
Under the condition that the user has permissions “edit Companies” and
Description “edit Companies
portfolio”, this user must be able to delete the Companies from this portfolio
system shall delete this Companies, all its tasks and relations. The
operation must be
The system shall provide the possibility to delete a Companies, its tasks
and relations
permanently. This command shall be accessible only from outside the
system (i.e.
command line) and the deleting user must have special permission 6.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC12.06
ID R1.04.16
Group Main Functionality\Companies list\Import
Under the condition that the user has permission “import Companies” and
Description “edit
portfolio list”, this user must be able to create a new Companies by
importing an
external file in well-defined format.
If the system encounters problems during the import operation or unable to
the Companies, the error message shall be shown to the user and the
import operation
shall be terminated.
Priority 2
Risk M
References UC12.04
ID R1.04.17
Group Main Functionality\Companies list\Export
The authorized user with permission “export Companies” must be able to
Description export the
given Companies to the external file in well-defined format.
If the system encounters problems during the export operation or unable to
the Companies, the error message shall be shown to the user and the
export operation
shall be terminated.
Priority 2
Risk M
References UC12.05
ID R1.04
Group Main Functionality\Companies list
Priority 1
References Manage Companies Administrator

ID R1.04.18
Group Main Functionality\Mange Companies Administrator
Under the condition that the user has permission “edit Companies”, the
Description user must be
able to assign or re-assign any of available users to the Companies
Administrator property of
the Companies. The user can be associated with any number of
Companies, but Companies
can be associated only with one user.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC7.01; R1.05.02
ID R1.04
Group Main Functionality\Mange Companies Administrator
Priority 1
References Manage Companies

ID R1.05.01
Group Main Functionality\Companies\Current Companies
The system shall perform the all operations on tasks in the context of the
Description “current”
Companies defined in R1.04.13
Priority 1
Risk C
References R1.04.13
ID R1.05.02
Group Main Functionality\Companies
The system shall provide the concept of Companies. The Companies has
Description properties and
contains zero or more tasks. The Companies must belong to one and only
one Companies
portfolio. The properties of the Companies are: Name, Description, Status,
Date, Start Date, Finish Date, Owner, and Companies Administrator .
Priority 1
Risk C
ID R1.05.03
Group Main Functionality\Companies\Derived Properties
The system shall provide a set of additional Companies properties that are
Description calculated
or derived from the other Companies’ attributes. The system shall perform
calculation every time the underlying properties have been changed. The
properties are:
Companies Duration: the length of the critical path. The critical path is the
path that
takes the longest to complete. To determine the path times, add the task
durations for all available path.
Companies Cost: the sum of costs of all tasks, containing in the
Companies Progress: the percentage of completion, derived from the
percentage of
completion of Companies’ tasks.
Priority 1
Risk C
ID R1.05.04
Group Main Functionality\Companies\View
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “view
Description Companies” the
ability to view (but not edit) the properties of the current Companies, view
and browse
the tasks belonging to the Companies.
Priority 1
Risk C
ID R1.05.05
Group Main Functionality\Companies\Reporting
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “create
Description report” the
ability to create a various report on the Companies 7.
Priority 1
Risk C
ID R1.05.06
Group Main Functionality\Companies\Change portfolio
The system shall provide the authorized user with permissions “edit
Description Companies” and
“edit portfolio” the ability to change the portfolio, which the Companies
belongs to.
Priority 1
Risk C
References Manage Task

ID R1.05.10
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Task
The system shall provide the concept of a task. The task consumes time
Description and it
requires resources. The task has properties and zero or more other tasks.
other tasks are called subtasks. The subtask must belong to one and
only one
task and can have zero or more subtasks. The circular references are not
allowed. Hence the task cannot belong to its subtask. The task must
belong to
one and only one Companies. The task and subtask are associated with
zero or more
Priority 1

Risk C
ID R1.05.10.1
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Task\Properties
Description The properties of the task are:
Name, Description, Start Date,
Optimistic Time (the minimum possible time required to accomplish a task,
assuming everything proceeds better than normally expected),
Pessimistic Time (the maximum possible time required to accomplish a task,
assuming everything goes wrong, but excluding major
Most Likely Time (the best estimate of the time required to accomplish a
assuming everything proceeds as normal),
Priority 1
Risk C
ID R1.05.10.2
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Subtask
Description Subtask has the same properties as a task.
Priority 1
Risk C
Requirement R1.05.10.3
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Task\Derived Properties
The system shall provide a set of additional task properties that are
Description calculated or
derived from the other task’s attributes. The system shall perform this
every time the underlying properties have been changed. The derived
Expected Time: the best estimate of the time required to accomplish a task.
Formula for calculating ET=(Optimistic Time + 4*Most Likely Time +
Time) div 68
Early Start Time; Early Finish Time; Late Start Time; Late Finish Time;
Task Cost: the sum of the costs of all resources associated with the task
and all
its subtasks.
Task Progress: the percentage of completion. If the task has subtasks, the
Progress is the weighted (according to the task’s duration) sum of Task
properties of all subtasks divided by number of subtasks.
Priority 1
Risk C
ID R1.05.11
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Dependencies
The system shall support dependencies between tasks. The dependence is
Description a
directed link between two tasks. The link goes out from the one task and
ends at
the other one. The former is called the predecessor of the latter and the
latter is
called the successor of the former. The task can have zero or more
(ingoing links) and zero or more successor (outgoing links).
The task cannot start and thus cannot be completed until its immediately
predecessors are completed.
The system shall support only finish-to-start dependencies.
Circular dependencies are not allowed. Hence the predecessor of a task
be the successor of this task at the same time.
The dependency can be defined only between tasks, but not subtasks.
Priority 1
Risk C
ID R1.05.11.1
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Create Dependencies
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “edit task” the
Description ability
to create dependencies between tasks ensuring the rules defined in
The system shall not allow the user to create dependencies violating the
rules and
show the error message in the case of violation.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC9.08
ID R1.05.11.2
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Edit Dependencies
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “edit task” the
Description ability
to edit existing dependencies between tasks ensuring the rules defined in
R1.05.11 and to save the changes. The system shall not allow the user to
changes that lead to the rule violation and show the error message in the
case of
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC9.08
ID R1.05.11.3
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Delete Dependency
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “edit task” he
Description ability
to delete any existing dependency between tasks. This operation must be
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC9.08
ID R1.05.12
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Create
The authorized user with permission “edit Companies” must be able to
Description create a new
task within the current Companies and to specify all properties of the task.
The user
must provide at least a name of the task, Start Date and Most Likely Time.
task name must be unique within the given Companies. Otherwise, the
task cannot be
created and the system shall show the error message the user. The
system shall
associate the task with the current Companies.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC9.01
ID R1.05.13
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Browse
The system shall represent the tasks, their dependencies and subtasks of
Description the
Companies in a graphical form as a Gantt chart, a PERT diagram and an
indented list
of all task and subtasks. The representations are called “views” of the
Companies. The
user must be able to browse a particular view, select any task, subtask and
dependencies between them as well as to edit their properties (see
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC6.03; UC9.03; R1.05.14
ID R1.05.14
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Edit
The authorized user with permission “edit task” must be able to edit all
Description properties
of the task, particular the time estimates of the task: Optimistic Time,
Time and Most Likely Time and save the changes. The system shall re-
the dependent properties of this task and other associated tasks.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC9.03; UC9.03.01; UC9.03.02;
ID R1.05.15
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Delete
The authorized user with permission “edit Companies” must be able to
Description delete any
existing task. The system shall also delete all subtasks of this task and all its
outgoing and ingoing dependencies as well as the associations with
The system shall delete the task from the current Companies. This
operation must be
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC9.02
ID R1.05.16
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Report progress
The authorized user with permission “edits task” must be able to
Description enter the
percentage of task or subtask completion as a value of the property
Progress. If the task contains any subtask(s), then the Task Progress
cannot be
enter manually by the user und is calculated as described in R1.05.10.3.
system shall estimate the completion time of task, subtask or Companies as
a result of
changing the value of Task Progress of the given task.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC9.05; R1.05.10.3
ID R1.05.17
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Estimate
Description The system shall estimate the completion time of task on the basis of timing
estimates for subtasks, dependencies between tasks, resource assignment
availability, task progress.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC9.04
ID R1.05.18
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Generate Task Schedule
The system shall be able to generate the task schedule, including
Description timing
information of the task, its subtasks, start and finish dates of the
task and
subtasks, resource assignment of the task and its subtasks. The system
provide the user the ability to view, store and print this schedule.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC9.06
ID R1.05.19
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Assign resource
Description The authorized user with permission “edit task” must be able to associate a
resource with a task. Zero or more resources can be associated with zero o
tasks. Each association between a resource and a task has own Availability
attribute, which shows what percentage of the whole resource
allocated for the associated task. The sum of availability attributes of all
task associations for given resource cannot be higher than 100%.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC10.05
ID R1.05.19a
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task\Edit task-resource association
The authorized user with permission “edit task” must be able to edit
Description the
association between a task and a resource. The association can be deleted,
moved to another task or resource.
Priority 1
Risk C
ID R1.05.xx
Group Main Functionality\Manage Task
Priority 1
References Manage Resources

Requirement R1.05.20
Group Main Functionality\Manage Resources\Resource
The system shall provide the concept of a resource. The resource is
Description required to
carry out the Companies tasks. The system shall support the
following types of
resources: Person, equipment, material. The resource has properties and
associated with zero or more tasks. In addition, the resource of the type “person”
can be associated with one and only one user. The resource is associated neither
Priority 1
Risk C
References R1.05.25
ID R1.05.20.1
Group Main Functionality\Manage Resources\Resource\Properties
Description The properties of the resource are:
Name, Description, Cost, Availability, and Type
Priority 1
Risk C
ID R1.05.21
Group Main Functionality\Manage Resources\Create
The authorized user with permission “edit resource” must be able to create
Description a new
resource with the system and to specify all properties of the resource. The
must provide at least a name of the resource. The name must be unique
the installed instance of the system. Otherwise, the resource cannot be
and the system shall show the error message to the user.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC10.01
ID R1.05.22
Group Main Functionality\Manage Resources\Browse
The system shall organize all available resources in the list and provide
Description the
authorized user with permission “view resource” the ability to browse,
select, view
and edit resources in the list.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC10.07
ID R1.05.23
Group Main Functionality\Manage Resources\Edit
The authorized user with permission “edit resource” must be able to edit
Description all
properties of the resource and save the changes. The system shall re-
dependent properties of the tasks (namely Task Cost)
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC10.02
ID R1.05.24
Group Main Functionality\Manage Resources\Delete
The authorized user with permission “edit resource” must be able to delete
Description any
existing resource from the system. The system shall also delete all
between the resource and tasks and users. This operation shall be
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC10.04
ID R1.05.25
Group Main Functionality\Manage Resources\Assign user
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “edit resource”
Description the
ability to associate a resource of the type “person” with one and only one
The user can be associated with one and only one resource.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC10.06
ID R1.05.26
Group Main Functionality\Manage Resources\Assign availability
The authorized user with permission “edit resource” must be able to assign
Description a
percentage of the availability to the Availability attribute of the resource and
Availability attribute of the association between the resource and
the task.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC10.03; R1.05.19; R1.05.20.1
ID R1.05.27
Group Main Functionality\Manage Resources\Assign task
The authorized user with permissions “edit resource” and “edit task” must be
Description able
to associate and to re-associate a resource with one or more tasks.
association between the resource and the task has an attribute Availability,
how much resource’s effort is available for doing the associated
Priority 1
Risk C

References Team Member Functionality

ID R1.05.30
Group Main Functionality\Team-Member Functionality\Get Tasks
The authorized user with permission “view task” must be able to generate a
Description list of
the tasks and their subtasks fulfilling the following conditions:
• Tasks and subtasks are assigned to this user
• Tasks and subtasks have not been completed yet
• Tasks and subtasks have the Start Date less or equal the current
Priority 1
Risk H
References UC11.01

ID R1.
Main Functionality\Team-Member
Group Functionality
Priority 1

ID R1.05
Group Main Functionality\Team-Member Functionality
Priority 1
References Working off-site(optional)

ID R1.05.40
Group Main Functionality\Working off-site\Check out
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “edit
Description Companies” the
ability to get (check-out) a Companies for off-line work (without on-line
connection to
the system data storage or network). The user must be able to edit
Companies, edit
tasks and their dependencies and assign or re-assign resources to tasks.
The all
Companies data must be stored local on the user’s computer.
Priority 3
Risk M
References UC8.01
ID R1.05.41
Group Main Functionality\Team-Member Functionality\Synchronize
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “edit
Description Companies” the
ability to synchronize the Companies, which was edited off-line, with the
Companies’ data
in the system main data storage, after the user is on-line again (has
connection to
the system data storage or network). The user must be able to view and to
resolve the possible conflicts between off-line and on-line versions of the
Priority 3
Risk M
References UC8.02
ID R1.
Group Main Functionality\Team-Member Functionality
Priority 1
References Do Reporting
ID R1.06.01
Group Main Functionality\Reporting\Generate Report for Companies
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “generate
Description report”
the ability to generate a report for the selected Companies. The report must
• Companies’ properties and derived properties, particularly
Companies Cost • Companies’ timing information (start date,
estimated finish date) • Companies’ tasks and their subtasks with
timing information • Resource assignment
Companies’ progress
The user must be able to set the level of report’s details. Unlike the
R1.06.04 the
Companies report concentrates mostly on Companies and tasks progress
and costs.
Priority 1
Risk H
References UC6.02; R1.06.04
ID R1.06.02
Group Main Functionality\Reporting\Generate Report for Subset of Companies
The user must be able to generate reports defined in R1.06.01 for any
Description subset of
Companies from one or different Companies portfolios.
Priority 1
Risk H
References UC6.01
ID R1.06.03
Group Main Functionality\Reporting\Generate Team Member Schedule
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “generate
Description report”
this schedule.
Priority 1
Risk H
References UC6.05
ID R1.06.04
Group Main Functionality\Reporting\Generate Companies Schedule
The user with permission “generates report” must be able to generate a
Description schedule
for a particular Companies including the following information:
• Companies’ properties
• Companies tasks and their subtasks with timing information (start
estimated finish date)

• Resource assignment for tasks and subtasks

The system shall be able to group the Companies information according to
the various
criteria: resources, tasks. Unlike the R1.06.01 the Companies schedule
mostly on timing information, task dependencies and resource assignment.
Priority 1
Risk H
References UC6.04; R1.06.01
ID R1.06.05
Group Main Functionality\Reporting\Generate Companies view
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “generate
Description report”
the ability to generate various graphical views of the Companies: PERT,
Gantt or
network diagrams like activity on arrow (AOA) and activity on node (AON).
views must represent tasks, subtasks, dependencies between tasks, task
progress and timing information (start date, estimated finish date, early
duration, early finish, late start, slack, late finish) 11
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC6.03
ID R1.06.06
Group Main Functionality\Reporting\Generate Report for task
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “generate
Description report”
the ability to generate a report for the selected task. The report must
• Task properties and derived properties, particularly Task Cost
• Task timing information (start date, duration, estimated finish date)
• Subtasks with timing information
• Resource assignment
• Task progress
The user must be able to set the level of report’s details.
Priority 1
Risk H
ID R1.06
Group Main Functionality\Reporting\
Priority 1
3.1.2 Maintenance functionality

ID R1.07.01
Group Maintenance\Update
The system shall provide the user with the permission “edit system
Description configuration”
the ability to update the system to a new version. The update must be
defined and well-documented procedure and must be done by
administrator within 4 hours. The existing system data storage, existing
users and
user roles must be available after the update. The all users of the system
must be
able to work on their Companies portfolios, Companies and tasks
immediately after the
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC2.03
ID R1.07.02
Group Maintenance\Patch
The system shall provide the user with permission “edit system
Description configuration” the
ability to install a patch in the system. The patch must update limited part or
of the system and must be done within (2 hours) time set by admin. The
existing system data storage,
existing users and user roles must be available after the patch. The all users
the system must be able to work on their Companies portfolios, Companies
and tasks
immediately after the patch
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC2.04 Manage Users and User Roles

ID R1.07.10
Group Maintenance\Manage Users and Roles
The system shall provide the authorized with permissions “edit users” and
Description “edit
user roles” the ability to manage system users and user roles.
Priority 1
Risk C
References UC2.06; R1.01.01; R1.01.02; R1.01.04; R1.07.11; R1.07.12
ID R1.07.11
Group Maintenance\Manage Users and Roles\Manage Users
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “edit users”
Description the
ability to perform the following operations on users ensuring constraints from
• Browse the list of existing users and view properties of any
• Create a new user.
• Edit an existing user.
• Delete a user.
• Assign and re-assign a user to a user role.
Priority 1
Risk C
References R1.01.01; R1.01.02
ID R1.07.12
Group Maintenance\Manage Users and Roles\Manage User Roles
The system shall provide the authorized user with permission “edit user
Description roles” the
ability to perform the following operations on user roles ensuring constraints
the R1.01.02:
• Browse the list of existing user roles and view properties of
any user role.
• Create a new user role.
• Edit an existing user role. Particularly assign or remove
• Delete a user role. Only the user role containing no users can
be deleted.
Priority 1
Risk C
References R1.01.02

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