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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Pulilan, Bulacan Campus

COOP 40013

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Roman , Jocelle V. Prof. Loui Maie Rivera

Year and Section:

BSE 3-1
1. In your opinion, which one of the cooperative principles is the most important? Least important?
Justify your answer. (10pts.)
In my opinion cooperation among cooperative is the most important, The goal of cooperative business is the
satisfaction of the needs and desires of the member-owners, who are also the main customers of the co-op.
Since the business is a cycle, cooperatives don't aim to take customers from each other. Just as member-
owners form cooperatives to achieve common goals, cooperatives themselves join forces. Through national
organizations such as the National Co-op Business Association, co-ops lobby Congress for laws that are
favorable to cooperatives and credit unions (financial co-ops). Through the Consumer Co-op Management
Association, retail food co-ops share experience and educate managers, directors and staff. The least
important in my opinion is Voluntary an open membership, Cooperatives are voluntary organisations, open to
all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender,
social, racial, political or religious discrimination.I think, they need to screen the unproductive members and
choose the ones who has a heart in their work, for them to avoid trouble.

2. Cite a cooperative that you know and identify their implementation of cooperative principles. (15pts.)

Manatal Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Philippine National Bank (PNB) and Manatal Multi-Purpose Cooperative (MMPC) recently signed an
agreement to set-up a retirement benefit plan for employees of MMPC. The signing ceremony took place in
MMPC’s headquarters located in Pandi, Bulacan last December 17, 2020.
MMPC is one of the largest cooperatives in Bulacan and in Region 3. Its business operation include thrift and
savings mobilization among its members and granting of loans for productive and providential purposes. Its
primary mission is to ensure the financial freedom of members and community by providing timely demand –
driven products and services.
PNB Trust Banking Group (TBG) has been providing retirement fund management services to around 300
different companies and manages a total retirement fund portfolio volume of more than Php23 Billion Pesos. Its
retirement fund service include the following:
Professional fund management, aiming to outperform the benchmark resulting to reduction in contribution over
Periodic and detailed financial statements;
Implementation of Fund’s plan rules and regular monitoring of overall strategy and Fund performance;
Access to timely investment information as well as a full range of expert advice through extensive research of
our in-house and partner investment advisers.
The following pictures shows how Manatal Coop implemented their cooperative principles :

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