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._, :.-~. ,~ tim CHEMICAL

ELSEVIER Chemical Geology 139 (1997) 185-205

Rhenium abundances and systematics in oceanic basalts

Erik H. Hauri ~'*, Stanley R. Hart b
a Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 5241 Broad Branch Rd. NW, Washington, DC 20015, USA
b Department of Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA

Received 21 October 1996; accepted 8 January 1997


We have examined the systematics of Re abundances in concert with new and published data on major and trace
elements in oceanic basalts. Re abundances in MORB average 927 ppt (parts per trillion), a factor of 2.6 higher than the OIB
average (350 ppt). The variability of Re abundances in both MORB and OIB is only 45%, similar to moderately
incompatible major and trace elements such as Ca, A1, and the heavy rare earths. The inferred mantle/melt partitioning
behavior of Re is similar to Yb, and average Re/Yb ratios in MORB, OIB, and the continental crust are within 50% of each
other. The Re/Yb ratios of the depleted mantle and continental crust are both lower than the primitive mantle.
The R e / Y b systematics place constraints on core-mantle exchange. The incorporation of material from the outer core
into mantle plumes, and isolation of the upper mantle from the core, would result in Re/Yb ratios in OIB elevated by factors
of 5-24 over MORB. Although the scatter of the Ol13 Re/Yb data may allow core addition up to the 1.2% level, the lack of
a correlation between R e / Y b and Os isotopes in OIB, and the small difference in average Re/Yb ratios of MORB and OIB
suggests an upper limit of 0.2 wt% core material in mantle plumes.
A mass balance calculation between continental crust, depleted mantle, and primitive mantle indicates that the crustal
abundance of Re is too low (by a factor of ten) to balance the Re depletion of the depleted MORB mantle (DMM). Anoxic
sediments and black shales are an important crustal reservoir for Re, but the estimated abundance of these rocks in the
continental crust cannot be increased substantially without upsetting the crustal U budget and ratios of Th/U, Nb/U, and
U / P b in the depleted mantle. The Re missing from DMM must therefore reside in recycled oceanic crust stored in the deep
We propose that elevated Os isotope ratios in OIB are a direct measure of a ubiquitous component of recycled MORB
crust in mantle plumes./'he Re-Os mass balance allows a simple estimate of the total size of the OIB reservoirs to be made.
A mass of recycled MORB equivalent to 4.4% of the mantle is required to balance the Re depletion of DMM. The total mass
of the OIB reservoirs is estimated at 4.4% to 22% of the mantle mass, depending on whether the low-lSTOs/18SOs
component(s) in OIB sources are external or intrinsic, respectively. Using an estimate of the present-day plume flux, the
average residence time of subducted slabs in the convecting mantle is estimated at 700-3500 Ma; however, the slab
residence time scales linearly with the size of the OIB reservoir (and thus the proportion of recycled crust in mantle plumes).

* Correspondingauthor. E-mail:

0009-2541/97/$17.00 © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S0009-2541 (97)00035-1
186 E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart/Chemical Geology 139 (1997) 185-205

We prefer a model in which individual mantle plumes incorporate slabs with distinct ages. Consideration of Os and He
isotope covariations in OIB suggest a model in which subducted slabs are recycled through the whole mantle on timescales
of < 1.8 Ga. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: mantle; geochemistry; isotopes; osmium; rhenium; basalt

1. Introduction Earth. Although the current Re-Os database for

abundances and isotopic compositions is somewhat
The potential of the 187Re-187Osisotopic system sparse, we hope to provide a framework which can
for studying a wide range of Earth science problems be improved and expanded upon with the addition of
has long been recognized (e.g. All~gre and Luck, more data.
1980; Palmer and Turekian, 1986; Hart and Kinloch,
1989; Hauri and Hart, 1993). Recent progress in
analytical technique development (Volkening et al., 2. Re abundances in peridotites and oceanic lavas
1991; Creaser et al., 1991; Shirey and Walker, 1995)
now allows 187Os/188Os ratios to be measured with In order to study the behavior of Re during mantle
a precision and reproducibility (typically 0.1-1%) melting, our first impulse was to look at Re abun-
which is many orders of magnitude smaller than the dances in mantle peridotites. Morgan (1986) pre-
range observed in terrestrial rock samples ( > sented a careful analysis of the Re and Os abundance
1000%). As a result, interest has been renewed in the systematics in mantle peridotites, and first showed
systematics of Os isotopes in various Earth reser- that the parallel depletion of Re, S, and incompatible
voirs, but the geochemical behavior of Re and Os major elements (Ca, A1, Fe) in these rocks reflected
during many geologic processes is often not well the incompatible behavior of Re during partial melt-
understood. ing. Subsequent Re-Os studies on orogenic lherzo-
This paper will focus on the behavior of Re in lites are consistent with this observation (Reisberg
two major processes which result in the large-scale and Lorand, 1995); Re is generally well correlated
differentiation of the Earth: genesis and recycling of with S abundances, resulting in a R e / S ratio with
mid-ocean ridge basalt, and continental crust forma- limited variability except in the most Re-poor peri-
tion. During partial melting of mantle peridotite and dotites (Fig. 1).
low-pressure fractionation of basalt, it is generally In our re-examination of the geochemical behav-
accepted that Os behaves as a compatible element ior of Re, we had hoped to take advantage of the
like Ni or Cr (Morgan, 1986; Martin et al., 1994; substantial expansion of the Re-Os peridotite
Hart and Ravizza, 1996; Hauri et al., 1996). The database since the work of Morgan (1986). However,
behavior of Re, however, is less well understood. most subsequent Re-Os peridotite studies have ex-
Experimental studies of Re and Os partitioning would amined xenoliths from kimberlites, and Re contami-
be extremely useful, and such work is in progress nation of xenoliths by kimbedite magma is a recog-
(Righter et al., 1995). However, such studies are nized problem (Walker et al., 1989; Pearson et al.,
made difficult by the variety of stable oxidation 1991, 1995). Because of this problem, we have
states accessible by both elements, and by the volatil- chosen instead to focus on Re abundances in oceanic
ity of both Re and Os in their most oxidized form. mantle-derived lavas, with the understanding that our
The purpose of this paper is to provide a first-order imperfect knowledge of the host phases and precise
observational understanding for the distribution and partitioning behavior of Re will allow only first-order
mass balance of Re in various Earth reservoirs. This inferences about the Re abundances of mantle
will be done by examining the Re abundance sys- sources.
tematics in oceanic basalts relative to other well-un- Our database consists of published abundance
derstood lithophile trace elements, and inferring the data for Re and other elements in oceanic island
geochemical properties and distribution of Re in the basalts (OIB) and mid-ocean ridge basalts (OIB)
E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart/Chemical Geology 139 (1997) 185-205 187

(Hertogen et al., 1980; Hauri and Hart, 1993; Reis- 2.1. Rhenium in OIB
berg et al., 1993; Martin et al., 1994; Roy-Barman
and All~gre, 1994, ]995; Marcantonio et al., 1995). Re abundances in OIB vary from 100 to 642 ppt
We have excluded from our analysis lavas with (parts per trillion), with one outlier at 1590 ppt
< 4.6% MgO in order to filter out differentiated (RAR-B-9 from Hauri and Hart, 1993). Excluding
samples which may have fractionated trace phases. this sample, the average OIB Re abundance is 350
The Re abundance database contains a respectable ppt (___45%, lcr). A calculation was made to correct
number of OIB samples with associated major and for low-pressure olivine fractionation to a constant
selected trace element data (48 samples). Included in Mg # of 0.73 by adding back equilibrium olivine
the OIB data are new major and trace element data (using a F e / M g K D of 0.3) and assuming that Re is
for our OIB sample~s from the south Pacific Ocean highly incompatible in olivine. After applying this
(Tables 1 and 2) which were the subject of a previ- olivine correction, the OIB average Re abundance is
ous Re-Os study (Hauri and Hart, 1993). Major and 256 ppt (___48%, lcr), but the standard deviation of
trace elements were determined by XRF and ICP-MS the data is unchanged. This correction does not result
at Washington State University, using established in any improved correlations of Re with SiO 2 or
methods (Norrish and Hutton, 1969; Doherty, 1989). FeO, and so in the subsequent discussion we will use
Replicate analyses of individual samples are typi- the raw data.
cally better than 7-10%. Agreement with previously Although a weak positive correlation exists be-
published isotope dilution (ID) data for Sr and Nd tween Re and CaO, as a group, OIB Re abundances
(Hauri and Hart, 1993) is generally better than 10%, do not show strong correlations with any of the
but is no better than 20-30% for Th, U, and Pb. major elements. At most individual islands, Re abun-
These data were obtained in four separate groups dances are similarly uncorrelated with other ele-
over 15 months; differences between ID and ICP-MS ments. However, tholeiites from Mauna Loa and
data were usually consistent within a group of sam- Haleakala show good positive correlations of Re
ples, but tended to v~u'y between groups. As a result, with SiO 2, TiO 2, A120 3, CaO, Na20, and K 2 0 and
we consider the XRF and ICP-MS data accurate to negative correlations with MgO (Fig. 2). In the
within 10% for most elements, but we have more Hawaiian lavas, olivine is clearly the only fractionat-
confidence in previously published ID data for Th, U ing phase; thus the correlations observed at Hawaii
and Pb in these samples (Hauri and Hart, 1993). are broadly consistent with olivine control, and the

300- 3OO


2OO 20O


100 100

0 a . 0
i~o 2~o ~o ~o o12 o14 06
s ppm Yb (ppm)
Fig. I. Re abundances (in ])artsper trillion,pp0 against(A) S (ppm) and (B) Yb (ppm) in peridotitcxcnolithsand orogenic lhcrzolites.Data
from BVSP (19gl), Morg~ (1986) and Reisbcrg and Lorand (1995).
Table 1
XRF major and trace element data for oceanic island basalts from the south Pacific Ocean
SAV-B-5 SAV-B-7 SAV-B-8 SAV-B- 15 TAA-B-7 TAA-B-26 RAR-B-9 RRT-B-21 RRT-B-30 TBA-B-3 TBA-B- 15 TBA-B- 16 TBA-B- 19 TBA-B-22 TBA-B-23 MGA-B-47
SiO 2 47.90 45.93 45.99 48.08 48.68 48.95 43.31 45.45 44.37 43.60 45.65 45.77 48.34 44.66 43.02 44.50
A1203 12.43 12.65 12.72 13.60 12.31 12.77 8.49 11.51 12.66 11.98 12.31 11.58 15.35 8.07 11.99 7.99
TiO 2 2.73 2.77 3.41 2.89 2.90 3.22 3.01 2.35 3.55 2.91 2.53 2.40 2.70 1.96 2.68 1.74
FeO * 11.97 11.25 10.38 10.57 10.72 10.94 12.70 13.16 13.01 12.74 12.34 12.41 12.65 11.74 12.67 12.86
MnO 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.16 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.22 0.19
CaO 9.40 9.43 10.54 8.41 9.65 9.12 13.57 11.95 9.76 12.47 12.11 12.32 11.19 12.77 11.03 10.65
MgO 12.70 1 3 . 2 7 12.12 10.47 11.93 10.73 16.85 12.53 11.17 11.87 10.75 11.72 6.43 18.93 12.41 20.67
K20 0.94 1.49 1.92 1.89 2.20 1.09 0.58 0.30 1.09 0.89 0.74 0.75 0.75 0.49 1.16 0.48 :l
Na20 2.61 2.81 3.34 3.38 2.20 3.53 1.01 1.66 3.66 3.18 2.40 2.16 2.89 1.22 4.50 1.68
P205 0.32 0.51 0.71 0.54 0.45 0.55 0.24 0.29 0.65 0.53 0.38 0.36 0.37 0.24 0.80 0.23
Total 101.16 100.27 101.29 99.98 101.20 101.05 99.92 99.38 100.12 100.38 99.42 99.67 100.87 100.27 100.48 100.98

Ni 335 328 252 273 317 250 343 271 271 220 186 198 51 500 272 574
Cr 537 502 481 359 567 451 761 556 375 409 574 731 54 1364 478 1499
Sc 26 21 23 22 26 21 42 45 27 32 35 41 26 39 17 38
V 248 228 287 244 237 230 297 337 277 265 297 291 286 273 213 211
Ba 204 372 473 404 439 541 182 117 290 328 244 223 186 247 489 108
Rb 24 35 48 51 44 - 11 5 20 19 18 22 18 14 30 11
Sr 382 572 706 562 583 717 472 361 764 670 482 429 422 444 1041 270
Zr 161 214 261 260 281 346 142 135 238 242 176 165 171 123 257 112 t
Y 23 24 29 25 26 30 16 20 47 28 25 23 30 17 31 16
Nb 33.3 52 68 54 45 54 24.8 28.1 58 92 57 56 53 45 111 30
Ga 21 23 22 23 21 22 18 18 17 19 16 19 21 17 17 11
Cu 60 67 47 37 39 38 42 86 51 91 132 141 77 105 67 106
Zn 115 118 115 118 108 111 89 102 111 127 103 91 121 91 133 89
Table 2
ICP-MS trace element data for oceanic island basalts from the south Pacific Ocean
SAV-B-5 SAV-B-7 SAV-B-8 SAV-B- 15 TAA-B-7 TAA-B-26 RAR-B-9 RRT-B-21 RRT-B-30 TBA-B-3 TBA-B - 15 TBA-B- 16 TBA-B- 19 TBA-B-22 TBA-B-23 MGA-B-47
La 25.9 40.8 60.9 37.2 44.2 52.1 20.0 21.6 46.5 68.1 40.0 39.1 36.8 31.8 95.1 18.8 .rn
Ce 49.2 76.5 112 71.3 86.5 104 40.4 42.2 91.9 122 74.5 71.9 70.4 53.4 167 37.1
Pr 6.07 8.76 13.21 8.19 10.83 12.81 5.36 5.11 11.5 13.6 8.48 8.19 8.17 6.68 18.4 4.62
Nd 24.9 35.4 51.8 33.7 43.7 52.0 23.5 22.1 49.6 50.7 34.6 32.8 32.7 26.1 66.5 19.4
Sm 6.27 7.61 9.82 8.06 8.85 10.2 5.72 5.44 11.3 10.1 7.50 7.05 7.41 5.43 12.0 4.51
Eu 1.99 2.27 3.02 2.55 2.58 2.83 1.85 1.89 3.74 3.07 2.41 2.24 2.38 1.73 3.65 1.43
Gd 6.11 6.85 8.15 7.39 7.33 8.09 5.10 5.45 11.2 8.52 6.67 6.24 6.99 4.79 9.85 4.11
Tb 0.91 0.96 1.15 1.11 1.01 1.13 0.73 0.84 1.62 1.15 0.99 0.94 1.05 0.68 1.31 0.60
Dy 5.25 5.33 6.25 6.06 5.69 5.91 3.97 4.75 9.26 6.33 5.63 5.34 5.89 3.70 7.15 3.37
Ho 0.99 0.96 1.09 1.03 1.05 1.07 0.69 0.85 1.72 1.14 1.03 0.99 1.15 0.67 1.24 0.64
Er 2.48 2.34 2.50 2.40 2.51 2.61 1.57 2.09 4.32 2.71 2.52 2.48 2.98 1.64 2.94 1.61
Tm 0.31 0.29 0.31 0.29 0.32 0.33 0.18 0.25 0.52 0.34 0.32 0.32 0.38 0.21 0.36 0.20
Yb 1.71 1.66 1.84 1.66 1.81 1.89 1.03 1.49 2.92 1.88 1.93 1.84 2.32 1.20 2.03 1.21
Lu 0.24 0.24 0.25 0.22 0.27 0.28 0.15 0.21 0.44 0.27 0.28 0.27 0.34 0.17 0.27 0.17
Ba 251 399 504 406 500 556 223 118 264 375 238 216 214 278 506 131
Th 2.32 4.41 5.81 4.41 5.71 7.17 1.73 1.81 3.54 7.21 3.67 3.68 3.60 2.97 10.47 1.96
Nb 37.9 53.7 84.5 55.4 54.6 56.7 15.1 28.8 62.3 110 60.5 59.0 53.7 52.8 130 29.4
Y 25.7 25.7 31.7 25.9 27.8 28.6 18.1 20.9 50.8 29.5 25.5 24.0 29.9 18.5 34.7 16.3
I-If 4.22 5.11 6.42 6.54 7.78 8.87 2.71 3.52 5.85 6.35 4.70 4.31 4.32 3.17 5.89 2.85
Ta 2.21 3.22 4.31 3.70 2.95 3.31 0.96 1.72 3.65 5.68 3.57 3.44 3.04 2.59 6.04 1.64
U 0.44 1.21 1.09 1.13 1.21 1.59 0.39 0.58 1.00 1.66 1.01 0.92 0.87 0.64 2.27 0.52 b4

Pb 2.14 3.97 4.83 4.33 4.93 6.27 1.55 1.45 2.09 3.79 2.38 2.43 1.59 1.49 5.83 1.82
Rb 24.7 37.9 52.6 51.0 45.9 - 11.2 6.0 19.0 20.8 18.8 21.5 19.2 16.4 32.0 12.1
Cs 0.29 0.37 0.64 0.62 0.43 1.32 0.13 0.08 0.29 0.35 0.17 0.23 0.15 0.25 0.20 0.12
Sr 390 566 726 568 594 739 480 369 784 705 501 444 434 477 1046 281
190 E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart~Chemical Geology 139 (1997) 185-205

trend of increasing Re with decreasing MgO sug- been affected by crustal contamination, Martin et al.,
gests that Re is highly incompatible in olivine. This 1994).
observation is consistent with the limited experimen-
tal Re partitioning data that exist (Righter et al., 2.2. Rhenium in MORB
1995). However deviations from the olivine control
lines may reflect variations in the Re abundances of The number of MORB samples with Re and
primitive Hawaiian magmas. Interestingly, the large major element data is quite small (twelve samples
differences in Re concentrations between tholeiites from Hertogen et al., 1980 and Roy-Barman and
from Mauna Loa and Haleakala (Fig. 2) probably All~gre, 1994), and only seven of these have any
indicate distinct Re abundances in primitive magmas associated trace element data (Hertogen et al., 1980),
from these two volcanoes. At a given MgO, the This group of MORBs has a fairly restricted range in
higher Re abundances in Mauna Loa tholeiites com- MgO (7.3-9.2%) with the exception of samples ARP
pared with Haleakala tholeiites are consistent with 73-10-3 (24.2% MgO), Midlante (15.6% MgO), and
the higher 187Os/188Os ratios of Manna Loa lavas CYP 74-31-35 (10.4% MgO) from Roy-Barman and
(Hauri et al., 1996) compared to those from Haleakala All~gre (1994). In order to compare these three
(excluding low-Os Haleakala samples which have samples in a reasonable manner to the remainder of



400 ¸

1OO - • . . . . . . . Itoo
10 12 14 16 8 9 10 11

A1203 (wt%) CaO(wt%)





18 20 t .0
- ,
- .


MsO (wt%) Yb (ppm)

Fig. 2. Re abundances in tholeiites from Manna Loa and Haleakala against (A) A1203, (B) CaO (wt%), (C) MgO (wt%), and (D) Yb (ppm).
Thin lines are olivine control lines; deviations from olivine control lines probably represent distinct mixing between parental magmas with
distinct Re abundances. Parental magmas from Mauna Loa appear to have more Re than those from Haleakala, consistent with higher Os
isotope ratios in Mauna Loa lavas (Hauri et al., 1996).
E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart~Chemical Geology 139 (1997) 185-205 191

the MORB data, we have corrected their composi- A1203, FeO, CaO and Na20 abundances in these
tions to 8 wt% MgO by subtracting Foss olivine, MORBs cover about 60-70% of the global variabil-
again with the assmnption that Re is perfectly in- ity of these elements in MORB (Klein and Lang-
compatible in olivine. The fractionation-corrected Re muir, 1987). Because our 'Re-bearing' MORB data
abundances for these three samples are within the set has an average MgO of 8.1 wt%, and the individ-
range of the other MORBs. The ranges of SiO 2, ual MORB compositions are already at or near sam-

Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts

1600 • 16oo

o• A B • 14oo

1200 @

, , . . , .
48 49 50 51 52 t4 15 1; 6
SiO2 (wt%) AI203 (wt%)
1600 1600



1~ fi ~[ " 1] 6 1~ 14
FeO* (we/.) CaO (wt%)


o.125 0.6o o.1~ ~1~ 0.145

Fig. 3. Correlations of Re in MORB with (A) SiO 2 (wt%), ({3) AI203 (wt%), (C) FeO * (wt%, all iron a s F e 2 + ) , (D) CaO (wt%), and (E)
Os isotope ratios. Based on the behavior of major elements during MORB genesis, the correlations of Re with SiO 2 and FeO suggest a
possible pressure effect on Re partitioning. The negative correlation of Re abundance with Os isotopes (E) is inconsistent with partial
melting of marie componems in the MORB source suggested by Roy-Barman and All~gre (1994).
192 E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart/Chemical Geology 139 (1997) 185-205

ration of olivine only (as estimated using the MELTS of the trends shown in Fig. 3. However, the correla-
program of Ghiorso and Sack, 1995), it is unlikely tion of Re abundance with Os isotopes in the MORB
that the major dement variability present in this data studied by Roy-Barman and All~gre (1994) would
set is a result of low-pressure crystal fractionation. paradoxically require the high-187Os/188Os pyroxen-
Rather, the major element variability is probably a ite component to yield magmas with low Re abun-
reflection of similar variability in primitive MORB dances (Fig. 3E). Although the origin of the trends in
magmas as discussed by Klein and Langrnuir (1987). Fig. 3 remains speculative, and the trends may not
Re abundances in these MORB range from 330 to hold up with more MORB data, these trends would
1470 ppt, and average 928 ppt ( + 37%, ltr), a factor seem to be most consistent with Re abundances
of 2.6 higher than the OIB average. There is little being influenced by a combination of source hetero-
overlap between the abundances of Re in MORB and geneity and variations in the mean pressure of partial
OIB, even if the two data sets are corrected to the melting within the spinel lherzolite stability field.
same MgO content or Mg #. This difference in the
Re abundances of MORB and OIB is clearly a
feature which is characteristic of primitive MORB 3. Distribution of rhenium during partial melting
and OIB magmas. Despite the small number of
MORB Re analyses, Re abundances are well corre- The approach that we take is to infer the geo-
lated with abundances of S i O 2 , A l 2 0 3 , FeO* and chemical behavior of Re by comparing Re abun-
CaO (Fig. 3). As discussed above, these trends can- dances to more well-understood lithophile trace ele-
not represent variable amounts of low-pressure frac- ments. The methods are identical to those of Hof-
tionation operating on a single parental magma com-
position. 100"
Inferences on the behavior of Re during MORB Abundances in Ocean Island Basalts h
genesis may be made in the context of the major
o 8 0 "
element model of Klein and Langmuir (1987). The
lack of correlation between Re and Na20 would
seem to argue against control of Re abundances by
variable degrees of partial melting of a homogeneous
source. However, the positive trends of Re with CaO
and Al203 demonstrate that Re is incompatible dur-
ing MORB genesis, and that the Re abundance in
0 , • .... , -, -, -, -,-, -, -,., -, -,., , . , -. -, ..,
MORB is determined in part by the extent of partial N b Ba La K Ce Sr N d Zr SmNa Ti Y Yb Sc V C a Al Zn Fe Si

melting. However, the Re correlations with SiO 2 and

FeO* would also seem to suggest a pressure effect, Re/X Ratios in Oceanic Island Basalts B
with low-Re samples apparently generated at lower
mean pressures (approx. 10 kbar from FeO-SiO 2
systematics) than high-Re samples (approx. 20 kbar).
This apparent increase of MORB Re abundances
with pressure is at odds with the low Re abundances
of OIB, which are generated at higher pressures than -d
The MORB trends cannot be explained by mixing
of MORB magmas with OIB-type magmas having 10 . . - . - .
N b L a Ba C e K
. , - , , • , - . • , - . - . . . . , . , . , . . . , . ,
N d Z r S m S r T i Y N a ~tb 2 h S c .4.1 V S i F e C a

low Re, low S i O 2 , low Al203 and high FeO* (Fig. Denominator Element (e.g. Re/X)
3). Roy-Barman and All~gre (1994) have proposed
Fig. 4. Standard deviations of OIB data for (A) trace element
that high Os isotope ratios in MORB are due to
abundances, and (B) trace element ratios involving Re. Ratios of
melting of a marie component (pyroxenite) in the Re against slightly incompatible elements show the least variabil-
upper mantle, and this may be responsible for some ity.
E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart~Chemical Geology 139 (1997) 185-205 193

mann and co-workers (1983, 1988), in which the ments (HREE), Y, A1, Fe, and Ca. Fig. 4B shows the
slope of the data trend on a plot of Re/X vs. X is standard deviation of various trace element ratios
used to infer the partitioning of Re relative to with Re in the numerator (e.g. Re/Yb, Re/CaO,
lithophile element X. All twelve MORB samples etc.). Re/CaO ratios show the least variability in
with Re data have corresponding major element data, OIB, consistent with the weak positive correlation
and can be compared directly with the OIB data. between CaO and Re noted above. The limited vari-
However, due to the limited amount of correspond- ability in ratios of Re against the moderately incom-
ing trace element and Re data for MORB, our analy- patible major elements (A1, Ca, Fe) simply reflects
sis involving other trace elements will focus mainly the generally limited variability of all of these ele-
on the OIB data. ments in OIB. Re/Y, Re/TiO 2, and Re/Yb ratios
Following the approach of Hofmann (1988), Fig. are only somewhat more variable than the
4A shows the standard deviations of the OIB abun- Re/major-element ratios.
dance data, including Re. Re shows a rather limited Importantly, the absence of any systematic varia-
variability in OIB (45%), similar to slightly incom- tion in ratios involving Re, major elements, Y, and
patible elements such as the heavy-rare-earth ele- Yb (e.g. Re/Yb vs. Yb, Fig. 5) demonstrates that Re

I(]~00' 1000
• oo U
,. o q~
I00~0' • oo
0 o 0 °
0 o
~o • b °°o° •
• oO 0
Re/K20 tom. v.e/~o
(pptlw~) noo (ppt/ppm)


10 I0
,01 .'~ 1 10

K20 (wt~) qDpm)

I00 I0


0 0 0

• o0 RelCr
Re/Sc io $ Q I (ppt/ppm)
(ppt/ppm) ,ee
• 0 O0 •oo
~o • o
$ •

O •

1 .I
1o ~ ~ ~ so isoo 2ooo
sc ~ m ) Cr (ppm)
Fig. 5. Ratios of Re (ppt) against (A) K20 (wt%), (B) Yb (ppm), (C) Sc (ppm), and (D) Cr (ppm) in MORB (open symbols) and OIB (solid
symbols). The negadve co~rrelations in (A) and (D) indicate that Re is clearly more compatible than K and more incompatible than Cr.
194 E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart/Chemical Geology 139 (1997) 185-205

behaves as a moderately incompatible element dur- element which has a similar behavior to Re during
ing the melting and differentiation processes that melting and differentiation of basalt. This choice is
produce OIB. For example, following the approach dictated primarily by the abundance of Yb data for
of Hofmann and White (1983), the ratios Re/CaO, the samples in our database and the generally good
Re/FeO, Re/AI203, and Re/Yb display no sys- precision of Yb analyses afforded by ICP-MS and
tematic behavior when plotted against a proxy for NAA techniques, rather than by the superiority of
the degree of melting (e.g. highly incompatible ele- correlations of Re with other HREE. In addition, the
ments such as Rb or Nb). However, when Re is use of major elements (e.g. Ca, AI, Fe) as reference
ratioed against elements more incompatible than Sm elements for Re is complicated by phase equilibrium
(e.g. R e / K 2 0 , Fig. 5A), clear trends emerge with controls, rather than by simple partitioning relation-
apparent degree of melting, the sense of which indi- ships. In short, the comparison of Re abundances
cate that Re is invariably more compatible than the with other lithophile trace elements indicates that Re
denominator element. As an additional constraint, we behaves as a moderately incompatible element, simi-
note that the negative trend in the plot of R e / C r vs. lar to the HREE.
Cr in OIB (Fig. 5D) indicates that Re is more
incompatible than the moderately compatible Cr. A
more precise estimate of the relative partitioning 4. Which phases control rhenium partitioning?
behavior of Re would require high-precision (e.g.
isotope dilution) data for the moderately incompati- 4.1. The role of sulfide
ble elements, which inherently show limited variabil-
ity. The result of this analysis is that Re appears to Based on its high concentrations in magmatic
behave as a moderately incompatible to slightly sulfide deposits, rhenium is generally considered to
compatible element in OIB, similar to such elements be a chalcophile element. However, because the Re
as Ca, AI, and the HREE. contents of coexisting sulfide and silicate melts have
Although the data are much more limited, the never been measured in natural samples, rhenium
behavior of Re during MORB genesis appears to be partition coefficients between sulfide and silicate
similar. The Re/Yb ratios of the MORB samples melts must be inferred from experiments. Experi-
studied by Hertogen et al. (1980) are also quite mental rhenium partitioning data in sulfur-bearing
limited (Fig. 5), as for OIB. For the MORB samples systems have been reported by Jones and Drake
studied by Roy-Barman and All~gre (1994), Re/Yb (1986), Agee (1993), and Jana and Walker (1995);
ratios have been calculated by estimating Yb abun- data for sulfur-free systems is presented by O'Neill
dances from the general correlation between Yb and et al. (1995), Ohtani and Yurimoto (1996), and
MgO observed in MORB; these estimated Re/Yb Righter and Drake (1996). All of these studies have
ratios are within the range reported by Hertogen et been conducted outside the range of pressure, tem-
al. (1980). The average MORB R e / Y b (ppt/ppm) is perature, and sulfur content relevant to basalt petro-
280; this value agrees well with the average Re/Yb genesis, the only possible exception being the experi-
(275) for composite mid-ocean ridge gabbro samples ment of Jones and Drake (1986) on metal-silicate
from ODP Hole 735B (J. Blusztajn and S.R. Hart, partitioning at sulfur-undersaturated conditions. In a
unpublished data). The incompatible behavior of Re relative sense, the Re content of sulfide ores gener-
in MORB noted above is consistent with the absolute ally tends to be lower than the concentrations of the
abundances of Re in MORB (avg. 927 ppt) com- platinum-group elements (PGEs). As an example,
pared to fertile upper mantle peridotite (260 ppt, Foster et al. (1996) report Re/Os ratios for mag-
Morgan, 1986). This last observation leads us to matic sulfide ores which are systematically lower
conclude (albeit on the basis of limited MORB data) than associated komatiites. By inference, Re is in-
that Re is also moderately incompatible during ferred to be less chalcophilic than the PGEs, and this
MORB genesis. inference is consistent with existing experimental
From these observations in MORB and OIB, we studies. However, a more precise estimate of the
chose Yb as a reference incompatible lithophile trace partitioning of Re between sulfide and silicate melts
E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart/Chemical Geology 139 (1997) 185-205 195

is hampered by a lack of experimental data at the average R e / S of 0.99 (ppt/ppm); the standard devi-
P - T - X conditions pertaining to mantle melting and ation of this ratio in peridotites is only 47%, the
melt differentiation. lowest of any ratio involving Re and another trace
Righter and Drake (1996) discuss a parameteriza- element. This strongly suggests that Re abundances
tion of the existing iRe partitioning data which pre- in peridotites are controlled by sulfide. If this trend is
dicts Re partition coefficients between Fe-Ni-S liq- extrapolated to a sulfur concentration of 34 wt%
uid and silicate mek, as a function of P (kbar), T (typical of monosulfide solid solution in peridotites),
(Kelvin), fo2, sulfur content of the metal phase a Re concentration of 0.4 ppm is inferred for sulfide
(mole fraction), anti melt structure (nbo/t, non- in peridotite. If we assume equilibrium between this
bridging oxygens di:vided by tetrahedrally coordi- sulfide and a MORB melt with 927 ppt Re, a value
nated cations): of 430 is inferred for the sulfide-melt/silicate-melt
partition coefficient for Re. If this value is multiplied
In D = 0.441(1n fo2) - 19300/T+ 8 1 . 6 P / T
by the abundance of sulfide in fertile peridotite
-2.03(nbo/t) + 1 3 . 9 [ l n ( 1 - X s ) ] + 15.1 (8.8)< 10 -4, assuming 300 ppm S in peridotite and
(1) 34 wt% S in sulfide), a value of 0.38 is calculated
for the bulk peridotite/melt partition coefficient for
This parameterizafion shows that decreasing pres- Re. This value is similar to the bulk peridotite/melt
sure and increasing S and fo~ work to reduce the partition coefficient for Yb in spinel peridotite, an
partitioning of Re into a sulfur-bearing liquid metal observation which is in agreement with the limited
phase. However, the usefulness of Eq. 1 in describ- variability of Re/Yb in MORB.
ing Re partitioning between sulfide and silicate melts
is limited by the lack of moderate-pressure (e.g.
10-30 kbar) sulfur-hearing experimental data, and 4.2. The role of silicate phases
by the validity of the expression under sulfur-
saturated conditions. Reasonable conditions relevant It is important to also infer the role of silicate
to genesis of MORB and OIB are P - - 2 0 kbar, phases in determining Re partitioning. There exist
T = 1623 K, nbo/t = 0.9, ln(fo ~) -- - 1 2 (log(fo2) some notable similarities in the behavior of Re and
= -5.22, equivalen! to QFM buffer at this P and the HREE in MORB and OIB. For the peridotites
T), and X s = 0.48 (equivalent to Fe-Ni sulfide melt plotted in Fig. 1, the R e / S ratio shows the lowest
with 34 wt% S). Using these parameters, Eq. 1 standard deviation (47%); the ratios with the next-
predicts a surprisingly low sulfide-melt/silicate-melt lowest standard deviations are Re/Sc (55%), R e / A l
partition coefficient for Re of 0.34. Clearly, such a (59%), and Re/Yb (61%). In oceanic basalts, Re
low partition coeffic:ient for Re would indicate a appears to be moderately incompatible or slightly
minor role for residual sulfide during partial melting. compatible during genesis of MORB and OIB, re-
Such a low partition coefficient for Re in sulfide spectively, similar to the HREE. Also like the HREE,
seemingly goes against conventional wisdom, espe- average Re abundances are higher in MORB than
cially considering the parallel depletions of Re and S OIB by a factor of 2.6; this is approximately the ratio
in peridotites with increasing degree of major ele- of average Yb abundances in MORB compared to
ment depletion (Fig. 1). Clearly, low-pressure sul- OIB, an effect which is readily attributed to the
fide/silicate partitioning studies for Re would be presence of residual garnet during OIB genesis and
useful to confirm the validity of Eq. 1 under sulfur- the reduced role of garnet during MORB genesis
saturated conditions at pressures relevant to basalt (Hofmann et al., 1984; Salters and Hart, 1989).
genesis, and thereby further illuminate the role of On the basis of these observations, it is possible
sulfide in determining the Re concentrations of that Re may be compatible in garnet, and that garnet
basaltic magmas. may play an important role in mantle/melt partition-
Some interesting observations can be made from ing of Re, akin to its role in partitioning of the
the positive correlation of Re and S in spinel peri- HREE. Circumstantial evidence in support of this
dotites shown in Fig:. 1A. This trend indicates an suggestion is provided by the Re measurements of
196 E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart~Chemical Geology 139 (1997)185-205

Roy-Barman et al. (1996) on a mafic layer from the this process, based on their measured and inferred
Lherz peridotite; these workers measured a Re abun- partitioning between silicates, solid metal, and sul-
dance in a garnet separate (12 ppb) which is much fur-bearing liquid metal (Fleet et al., 1981; Brett,
higher than the whole rock (1.15 pb). The moder- 1984; Schmitt et al., 1989; Jones and Walker, 1991;
ately incompatible partitioning of Re between mantle Jones et al., 1993; Walker et al., 1996; Righter and
peridotite and basaltic melts, as illuminated by the Drake, 1996).
Re abundance systematics in MORB and OIB, may A maximum concentration of highly siderophile
be controlled entirely by garnet, or entirely by sul- elements in the Earth's core can be estimated from
fide, or by some combination of the two. Unfortu- the calculation of Hart and Zindler (1986), which
nately, the observational and experimental data on involves (1) devolatilization of C1 chondrite (1.7 X
Re partitioning are sufficiently sparse as to allow all enrichment factor), and (2) concentration of the en-
of these possibilities. tire chondritic budget of highly siderophile elements
into the Earth's core (3.1 × enrichment factor). This
results in a maximum enrichment factor of 5.27 for
5. Constraints on core-mantle exchange highly siderophile elements in the Earth's core (the
mantle abundances having been established by the
Recently, Walker et al. (1996) have proposed that 'late veneer'). The resulting core composition is
entrainment of material from the outer core into given in Table 3, assuming a core composition of
mantle plumes can explain two major features of Os 60% Fe, 20% Ni, and 20% S. The abundances of Re
in OIB compared with MORB: their higher concen- and Os and the R e / O s ratio in this model core are
trations and higher isotopic compositions. Since crys- very similar to those estimated by Walker et al.
tallization of the inner core has been claimed to (1996), who used the metal phase in chondrites as a
increase the R e / O s ratio of the outer core (Walker et core analogue. To the extent that the Earth has been
al., 1996), in theory the outer core could have a constructed dominantly from chondrites (e.g. as op-
radiogenic Os isotope signature which, when added posed to iron meteorites), the estimates in Table 3
to typical mantle, results in elevated Os concentra- can be considered maximum estimates for the con-
tions and 18708//1880S ratios in plumes originating centrations of Re, Os, Mo and W in the bulk core of
from the core-mantle boundary. the Earth.
In order to test further the possibility of core- The composition of the outer core is then calcu-
mantle interaction, we have made a simple calcula- lated after 5.5% fractional crystallization of solid
tion to estimate the composition of the bulk core, the metal from the bulk C1 core using the partition
outer core, and mantle-outer core mixtures assuming coefficients listed in Table 3. Finally, this outer core
that the solid inner core formed by crystallization composition is allowed to evolve its Os isotopic
from the bulk core early in Earth's history. The composition for 4.55 Ga, after which it has
elements Re, Os (along with the other PGEs), W, 187Os/lS8Os = 0.1325. This outer core is then mixed
Mo, Fe and Ni are likely the most sensitive tracers of in various proportions with a primitive mantle com-

Table 3
Geochemical signatures of core-mantle mixing
Bulk C1 core Dsm/Im a Outer core (OC) b Primitive mantle (PM) PM + 0.1% OI2 PM + 0.6% OC PM + 4% OC
Re (ppb) 291 15 164 0.26 0.45 1.28 6.49
Os (ppb) 3250 19 1629 3.1 4.9 13.1 65
Mo (ppb) 6180 2.7 5655 55 61 89 265
W (ppb) 618 36 200 9.74 10 11 17
Fe (wt%) 60 1 60 7.5 7.6 8.2 11.7
Ni (wt%) 20 1 20 0.2 0.24 0.46 1.8

a Partition coefficient between solid metal and sulfur-bearing liquid metal.

b Outer core after 5.5 wt% crystallization of solid metal to form the inner core.
E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart~Chemical Geology 139 (1997)185-205 197

position estimated fi:om Hofmann (1988). We have

calculated three different mixing models which could
potentially account for three observations in plume-
derived basalts: (Model 1) the difference in Os iso-
topic compositions between the primitive upper man- 1000
fie (187Os/188Os = 0.1268 (Luck and All~gre, 1992) i ~..l 12% N
and the lower bound of mantle plumes (187Os/188Os o 00%
(ppt/ppm) O~%J • ~i~6,,~e00.
--0.1300); (Model 2) the composition of HIMU 0.~- I • ~ •
• o
basalts (Hauri and Hart, 1993), assuming an arbitrary
I~ o~]. .'Tee~
187Os/188Os = 0.150 for the outer core; and (Model
3) the difference in Os abundances between primi-
five plume basalts (600 ppt) and the highest Os
concentrations measured in MORB (30 ppt) (Roy-
Barman and All~gre, 1994).
The results of this calculation are shown in Table Yb (ppm)
3. Model 1 (PM + 0.12% OC) requires the addition Fig. 6. Re/Yb (ppt/ppm) versus Yb (ppm) in MORB and OIB;
of 0.12 wt% core to the mantle to account for the Os symbols as in Fig. 5. The Re/Yb ratio of both the depleted
isotopic gap between DMM and plumes: This small MORB mantle (DMM) and continental crust (CC) are less than
the primitive mantle (PM); the budget of missing Re is likely
amount of core wouM result in significant changes in
present as recycled crust in the mantle. Scale with tick marks
the abundances of other siderophile elements com- shows the effect on Re/Yb ratios of mixing metal from the
pared with normal mantle (e.g. Re ( + 73%) and Os Earth's outer core into mantle plumes. The spread in Re/Yb in
(+58%)). The 73% elevation in the mantle Re/Yb OIB can be explained by < 1.2% core contribution; however,
ratio implied by this model would not be obscured in there is no correlation of Re/Yb with Os isotopes which would be
expected from such a process (Walker et al., 1996). The similarity
derivative basalts due to partial melting effects.
of Re/Yb in MORB and OIB is consistent with isolation of both
Model 2 (PM + 0.65% OC) requires the addition of the upper mantle and OIB source from the Earth's core.
0.65 wt% core to make the elevated Os isotope ratios
of the HIMU source, resulting in abundances of Re
and Os elevated by factors of 4-5 compared with systematically higher in plume-derived basalts than
normal mantle, and substantially higher abundances MORB. W / B a is not particularly sensitive to core-
of Mo ( + 62%). A factor-of-5 increase in R e / Y b in mantle interaction, becoming elevated outside the
OIB over MORB would be clearly observed in this observed range only for Model 3 (4 wt% core).
case. Model 3 (PM-~ 4% OC) requires the addition However, M o / C e and especially Re/Yb are quite
of 4 wt% outer core l:o account for the differences in sensitive to this process. Addition of 0.65 wt% core
Os abundance betwe,en primitive OIB and MORB as in Model 2 would result in M o / C e and Re/Yb
magmas, which would result in extremely high abun- ratios in plume basalts to be higher than MORB by
dances of Re (+2500%), Mo (+480%) and W 60% and 490%, respectively. Even as little as 0.1%
(+175%) which would be clearly observed in core material in mantle plumes would result in
derivative lavas. Fe and Ni abundances are changed Re/Yb ratios 73% higher in OIB than in MORB.
by factors of 2-9 in core-mantle mixing Models 2 Such differences are outside of the observed data
and 3 (Table 3). (Newsom et al., 1986; Sims et al., 1990) (Fig. 6).
The test of these models of core-mantle interac- Although the magnitude of the scatter in the OIB
tion comes in comparing the abundances of W, Mo data could allow for up to 1.2% core material to
and Re with lithophile elements of similar compati- explain the highest OIB Re/Yb ratios (Fig. 6), there
bility in the peridotite/silicate melt system (Newsom is no correlation between R e / Y b and Os isotopes in
et al., 1986; Sims et al., 1990; this study), since the any subset of the OIB data; such a correlation is
abundances of lithophile elements will be unaffected predicted by the core interaction model of Walker et
by addition of core material. If this process is impor- al. (1996). Since MORB actually have somewhat
tant, ratios of W / B a , M o / C e and R e / Y b should be higher Re abundances and higher Re/Yb ratios than
198 E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart/Chemical Geology 139 (1997) 185-205

OIB, the small difference between the average published data for MORB and OIB, and it is possible
Re/Yb ratio of MORB (sources presumably isolated that more high-quality data for other HREE might
from the core) and the highest Re/Yb ratio in OIB illuminate a better choice than Yb. However, it is
suggests an upper limit of 0.2 wt% core material in clear that the variations of Re in oceanic basalts
mantle plumes; this estimate is in excellent agree- mimic those of the HREE, and thus it is possible to
ment with similar arguments based on T i / P d ratios make some first-order observations about the Re
in peridotites and volcanic rocks (McDonough, abundances of MORB and OIB mantle sources using
1997). The abundance systematics of Re in MORB the Re/Yb ratio and Re-Os isotope systematics.
and OIB argue against significant exchange of mass It is well established that OIB have systematically
between the mantle and core. Thus addition of core higher 187Os//188Os ratios than the abyssal peri-
material is an unlikely explanation for the elevated dotites which are the end product of MORB genera-
187Os//188Os ratios which are nearly ubiquitous in tion (Martin, 1991; Hauri and Hart, 1993; Reisberg
OIB (Hauri and Hart, 1993; Reisberg et al., 1993; et al., 1993; Snow and Reisberg, 1995). In light of
Marcantonio et al., 1995; Roy-Barman and Allbgre, this observation, it is perhaps surprising that MORB
1995). and OIB have very similar R e / Y b ratios (Fig. 6);
one might expect OIB to have higher R e / Y b than
MORB. However, because Re is only moderately
6. Estimating the Re abundance of mantle sources incompatible, melt generation and metasomatic pro-
cesses are largely incapable of producing selective
Mention should be made here of the effects of enrichment of Re over other incompatible trace ele-
partial melting on the Re/Yb ratio. For ratios of ments. In fact, most highly alkaline lavas such as
highly incompatible elements such as Th/U, N b / U lamproites and kimberlites have Re abundances and
and Ce/Pb in basalts, such ratios can be used reli- Re/Yb ratios which are broadly similar to OIB and
ably as source indicators; this is because the degree MORB, while Re abundances and 187Os//188Os ra-
of melting is usually larger than the bulk partition tios are uniformly low in peridotite xenoliths which
coefficients of these elements and they are largely are highly metasomatized and demonstrably ancient
partitioned into the melt (Hofmann and White, 1982; (Walker et al., 1989; Carlson and Irving, 1989;
Newsom et al., 1986; Hofmann et al., 1986). How- Pearson et al., 1995; R.W. Carlson, pers. commun.,
ever, such a magma-source relationship is much 1996).
more difficult to apply to the ratio of two moderately The above observations demonstrate the difficulty
incompatible elements such as Re and Yb. This is of producing large enrichments of Re over other
partly due to the limited degree of variability of moderately incompatible elements during melting and
moderately incompatible elements; precise data are melt generation. Yet mantle reservoirs with high
required to distinguish the relative incompatibility of 187Os/188Os ratios do exist, requiring the existence
such elements. Another uncertainty is in identifying in the convecting mantle of regions with elevated
the phases which control partitioning during melting. Re/Os ratios. Preferential depletion of Os (or en-
If the partitioning of Re and Yb are controlled by richment in 187Os) in these regions (e.g by core-
different phases (e.g. sulfide for Re and garnet + cpx mantle interaction) is considered unlikely, because
for Yb), Re and Yb may be fractionated from each such a process would not produce the correlated
other even if their bulk partition coefficients (at the variations of 187Os//188Os with other isotopes which
onset of melting) are identical, due to the non-modal are common in OIB (Hauri and Hart, 1993; Marcan-
contribution of different phases to the melt and tonio et al., 1995; Hauri et al., 1996; Widom and
consequent changes in bulk partition coefficients with Shirey, 1996). Furthermore, these regions of the
increasing extents of melting. Given the uncertainty mantle have 187Os/lSaOs ratios which are higher
in the partitioning behavior of rhenium, any melting than chondritic meteorites; thus the high-
calculation would be speculative at best. It should be 187Os/188Os OIB reservoirs must be enriched in Re.
repeated that our choice of Yb as a lithophile ana- Magmas which produce oceanic and continental
logue for Re is dictated partly by the availability of crusts are the only widespread rock types which have
E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart~Chemical Geology 139 (1997) 185-205 199

the required high Re/Os ratios, and so the most R e / Y b ratios of these reservoirs and comparing
straightforward way of creating the high- them to R e / Y b ratios measured in derivative lavas.
lS7Os/lSSOs OIB reservoirs is to mix these materials The lSYOs/lSSOs ratio of the primitive upper
(as partial melts or recycled crust) into the peridotitic mantle (PUM) has been estimated at 0.1268 by Luck
mantle. and All~gre (1992), a result which is consistent with
There are two important aspects of this process the PUM Re and Os abundances of 260 ppt and 3100
which should be highlighted. First, oceanic and con- ppt, respectively, as estimated by Morgan (1986).
tinental crusts have high Re/Os due to low concen- Hart and Zindler (1986) estimate the PUM Yb abun-
trations of the compatible Os; furthermore, because dance at 0.414 ppm, resulting in a Re/Yb ratio of
Re is only moderately incompatible, the Re concen- 627 (ppt/ppm) for PUM. Assuming a mean age for
trations of crustal materials do not vary widely. As a the depleted MORB mantle (DMM) of 1.8 Ga, the
result, the R e / O s ratio of any crust-peridotite mix- Re abundance of DMM can be estimated from the
ture is a first-order measure of the crust/peridotite average and most-depleted 187Os/lSSOs ratios for
ratio, since crust has little Os and peridotite has little abyssal peridotites (0.1246 and 0.1221, respectively)
Re. Second, because Re is only moderately incom- (Martin, 1991; Roy-Barman and All~gre, 1994; Snow
patible, Re is only mildly enriched in magmas com- and Reisberg, 1995). The resulting DMM Re abun-
pared to their mantle sources. The important implica- dances are 177 ppt (average abyssal peridotite) and
tion of these two observations is that the creation of 122 ppt (most-depleted abyssal peridotite). Assuming
a high-187Os//188Os reservoir in the peridotitic man- that DMM is 10% depleted in Yb (DMM-Yb = 0.373
tie requires an admixture of partial melt or recycled ppm), the Re/Yb ratio of DMM is estimated to be in
crust in substantial amounts, at least 10% (Hauri and the range of 327-475 (ppt/ppm). The DMM Re/Yb
Hart, 1993; Reisberg et al., 1993; Hauri et al., 1996). estimate is consistent with the peridotite data (BVSP,
We stress that because Re is only moderately 1981; Morgan, 1986), but is higher than the average
incompatible, the resulting limited variations in ra- MORB value (280, ppt/ppm), suggesting some frac-
tios of Re to HREE ~md major elements requires that tionation of MORB Re/Yb from the source value
the addition of Re to a mantle source (in the form of during partial melting. The Re/Yb of the continental
partial melt or recycled crust) must be accompanied crust is similarly estimated at 200 (ppt/ppm) from
by a substantial mass of other elements, particularly the crustal estimates of Esser (1991) (CC-Re = 400
major elements. Correlated variations in lS7Os/18SOs ppt) and Rudnick and Fountain (1995) (CC-Yb = 2.0
and major elements provide strong support for the ppm).
incorporation of recycled crustal material into OIB A feature of the data which is immediately appar-
sources (Hauri, 1996). In this context, it is not ent is that the Re/Yb estimates for DMM and the
surprising that OIB and MORB have very similar continental crust are not complementary; both would
R e / Y b ratios despite large variations in appear to be lower than the primitive mantle value
187Os/mOs, particularly if the high lSTOs/188Os (Fig. 6). This feature of the Re data was also noted
ratios of OIB are due to the presence of large by Martin et al. (1991). Assuming that DMM makes
amounts of recycled MORB in their mantle sources. up 40-82% of the mass of the mantle (Hart and
Zindler, 1986), and if indeed DMM is depleted in Re
to the extent estimated from abyssal peridotites
7. Mass balance of rhenium in the earth (122-177 ppt), the amount of Re removed from
DMM is calculated to be 1.36 - 4.62 × 1017 g, which
With this first-order examination of Re abun- amounts to 12-42% of the PUM inventory of Re.
dances in hand, it is instructive to calculate a mass This is surprisingly high given the moderately in-
balance for Re in vmious Earth reservoirs. The mass compatible nature of Re.
balance calculation is constrained mainly by the As a preferred estimate, we use the Re abundance
Re-Os isotope systematics of Earth's reservoirs, but of DMM implied by average abyssal peridotite (177
independent estimates for the Yb abundances in these ppt) and a mass for DMM of 50% of the mantle to
same reservoirs provide a basis for calculating the calculate a DMM Re depletion of 1.7 × 1017 g.
200 E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart/Chemical Geology 139 (1997) 185-205

Using Esser's (1991) crustal estimate of 400 ppt Re, role of black shales in controlling the continental
at first glance the continental crust would appear to crustal abundance of Re. Black shales and anoxic
contain only 1.04 X 1016 g of Re, or less than 10% sediments have a median Re abundance of 100 ppb,
of the PUM inventory. Thus, Esser's Re inventory of and assuming a DMM mass of 40-82% of the
continental crust appears to be insufficient (by at mantle, then 1.36 - 4.62 × 1024 g of these rocks are
least a factor of ten) to balance the Re depletion of required to balance the DMM Re depletion. This
the upper mantle inferred from abyssal peridotites. would translate into a crustal abundance for anoxic
If the bulk silicate Earth formed with a homoge- sediments and black shales of 5-18% by weight, and
neous R e / O s distribution, and the Re depletion of a crustal Re abundance of 5.2-17.8 ppm. However,
DMM is accurately represented by abyssal peri- black shales and anoxic sediments are also notable
dotites, then it would appear that a reservoir with for their very high concentrations of U; with a
high R e / Y b has not been accounted for. There are median black shale/anoxic sediment value of 30
two possibilities to account for this 'missing Re'. ppm for U (Vine and Tourtelot, 1970), a crustal
Martin et al. (1991) attributed the missing Re to abundance of 6.5 wt% (1.69 X 1024 g) of these rocks
subducted oceanic crust stored in the deep mantle. would contain 5.07 X 1019 g of U, or 62% of the
This is an appealing possibility considering the ele- PUM inventory of U. The crustal U abundance
vated Os isotope ratios of many mantle plumes (e.g. estimated in this way (3.27 ppm) is more than a
Hauri and Hart, 1993). A second possibility is that factor of two higher than previous estimates, and as
the crustal abundance of Re has been underesti- such it is probably wrong. Such a high crustal abun-
mated. dance of U would violate many geochemical and
heat flow constraints. For example, the K / U , N b / U ,
and U / P b ratios of the depleted mantle would need
8. Where is the missing rhenium? to be shifted by more than a factor of two, in clear
violation of the trace element and isotope data for
MORB. In addition, such a crustal U estimate would
8. I. Re and U in the continental crust suggest that very little U remains in the mantle to
drive convection, and that crustal heat flow estimates
Let us first examine the Re systematics of the are low by approximately a factor of two. As a
continental crust. The analyses of Re in river sedi- result, it is likely that the 'missing Re' is located not
ments and glacial loess deposits reported by Esser in the continental crust, but is stored in the Earth's
(1991) probably give an accurate estimate for the Re mantle.
abundance in the felsic portion of the upper conti-
nental crust. To the extent that the lower continental
crust is approximately basaltic (Rudnick and Foun- 8.2. Recycled oceanic crust and the mass of the OIB
tain, 1995), then its Re abundance is probably within reservoirs
the factor-of-two range in the average Re abun-
dances of MORB, OIB, and upper continental crust. The location of the budget of rhenium missing
However, an additional important crustal reservoir from the upper mantle has potentially important im-
has not been incorporated into the crustal Re esti- plications for the style of convection in the Earth's
mate, namely anoxic marine sediments and their interior, and the residence time of recycled litho-
metamorphic equivalents, black shales. These rocks spheric slabs in the convecting mantle. Our intention
are extremely enriched in Re (and also U); measured here is to propose a basic model for the total size of
Re abundances are in the range of 10-1000 ppb the OIB reservoirs and a corresponding average slab
(Vine and Tourtelot, 1970; Poplavko et al., 1978; residence time, with the hope that future investiga-
Ravizza and Turekian, 1989, 1992; Ravizza et al., tions will result in further constraints on these issues.
1991), a factor of 10-2000 higher than oceanic The storage of Re in the deep mantle, in the form
basalts and felsic continental crust. of recycled oceanic crust, was first proposed by
It is instructive to consider more explicitly the Martin et al. (1991). This scenario is appealing, as it
E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart~ChemicalGeology139 (1997) 185-205 201

is consistent with the high 187Os//188Os ratiOS of than sufficient to account for the required mass of
OIB. Extrapolating the present mean rate of subduc- recycled oceanic crust.
tion, the total mass of oceanic crust subducted over With a recycled oceanic crust mass estimate in
4.5 Ga is approximately ten times the mass of the hand, there are two ways to estimate the total size of
continental crust, or 2,6 × 10 26 g. If this mass of the OIB reservoirs, which differ depending on the
crust were to remain stored in the deep mantle and nature of the low-187Os/188Os component(s) in
not mixed back into DMM, then it would need a mantle plumes. If the low-187Os/188Os component(s)
mean Re concentration of 650 ppt to balance the Re in OIB are attributed to the upper mantle (Roy-Bar-
depletion of DMM. This is well within the range of man and All~gre, 1994) a n d / o r the lower mantle
typical MORB. (Hauri et al., 1996), then the total mass of the OIB
We agree with the assessment of Martin et al. reservoirs is simply the mass of recycled oceanic
(1991) that the Re depletion of DMM is balanced by crust estimated above (1.8 × 10 26 g, 4.4% of mantle).
subducted oceanic crust. Furthermore, we propose The 'external' choice for the IOW-187Os//188Os com-
that the high lS7Os/18SOs ratios of OIB are a ubiqui- ponent(s) requires a physical separation of the recy-
tous feature of mantle plumes, and that Os isotopes cled oceanic crust from its residual mantle litho-
are a direct reflection of the presence of recycled sphere during convection.
oceanic crust in plumes (see also Hauri and Hart, If the low-187Os/188Os component(s) in OIB are
1993). With the exception of lavas which carry assumed to be intrinsic to OIB sources (e.g. if the
lithospheric mantle xenoliths (Widom and Shirey, oceanic crust and mantle lithosphere remain physi-
1996), there are very few OIB which have cally coherent), then another estimate emerges as
187Os/laSOs as low as DMM (0.1247) or PUM follows. The highest 187Os//188Os ratios recorded
(0.1268). Thus, the most straightforward mechanism from individual hotspots (excluding crustally con-
for creating elevated 187Os//188Os in the convecting taminated samples) average around 0.145; according
mantle is by addition of recycled oceanic crust. Such to the mixing model of Hauri et al. (1996), this
a mechanism suggests separation of the oceanic crust amount of radiogenic 187Os requires a minimum of
from its residual lithospheric mantle, lithologic 20% crust with a Re abundance of 927 ppt. Thus, if
preservation of the crustal portion of the lithospheric mantle plumes contain on average 20% recycled
slab (Hauri, 1996), o:r a preferential incorporation of oceanic crust, the mass of the OIB reservoir is
recycled MORB crust in mantle plumes. In addition estimated at 9 X 1026 g (22% of the mantle). Thus
to Os isotope constraints, the recycled oceanic crust we obtain estimates of the total size of the OIB
model has substantial support from the systematics sources ranging from 1.8 to 9 × 1026 g (4.4% to
of Pb isotopes and major elements in OIB (Hofmann 22% of the mantle mass).
and White, 1982; Hauri and Hart, 1993; Hauri, 1996).
The combination of the Os isotope signatures of 8.3. Residence time of slabs in the convecting mantle
OIB, the depletion of Re in DMM, and the storage of
this Re in recycled oc,eanic crust allow us to estimate By taking the OIB source mass estimates and
the size of the OIB reservoir in a simple manner. dividing by the present plume mass flux of 2.56 X
First, let us assume that the recycled crustal compo- 1017 g / y r (Sleep, 1990), the average residence time
nents of the OIB reservoirs have a Re abundance of recycled crust in the mantle is estimated at 700-
identical to the MORB average (927 ppt). The Re 3500 million years. If the average plume flux over
depletion of DMM (:l.7 X 1017 g of Re) indicates a the age of the Earth is higher than at present, as
total mass of 1.8 X 10 26 g for the recycled crustal seems likely, then the slab residence time is reduced
components. The recycled crustal component thus by a corresponding amount. The slab residence times
calculated amounts to 4.4% of the mantle mass, and thus estimated can be compared to the 0.6-1.4 Ga
implies that at least: 22-44% of the mantle has residence times estimated for plume material in the
melted to produce this crust (assuming 10-20% par- upper mantle (Galer and O'Nions, 1985; Kellogg and
tial melting); the mass of the depleted mantle (40- Wasserburg, 1990; White, 1993; O'Nions and Tol-
82%) estimated by Zindler and Hart (1986) is more stikhin, 1994; Porcelli and Wasserburg, 1995). To
202 E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart/Chemical Geology 139 (1997) 185-205

the extent that residence time is a measure of the age R e / Y b ratios in MORB, OIB, and the continen-
vigor of convection, the 700-Ma estimate implies a tal crust are within 50% of each other. However, the
convective regime similar to that estimated for the moderately incompatible nature of Re and Yb make
upper mantle, while the 3500-Ma estimate might the R e / Y b ratio strongly susceptible to fractionation
reflect a more sluggish convective regime, perhaps in during partial melting, and thus the R e / Y b ratios of
the lower mantle. mantle-derived magmas are a poor measure of their
The choice of a short (700 Ma) or long (3500 Ma) source ratio.
average residence time for slabs depends fundamen- A Re mass balance calculation between the conti-
tally on the origin of the IOW-187Os//188Os compo- nental crust, depleted mantle, and primitive mantle
nent(s) in plumes (external or intrinsic, respectively), indicates that the estimated Re abundance of the
and does not depend at all on the choice of upper or continental crust (Esser, 1991) is too low by a factor
lower mantle for the low-187Os/188Os component in of ten to balance the Re depletion of DMM. In the
OIB. Conversely, the choice of layered or whole- continental crust, Re is strongly concentrated into
mantle convection depends strongly on whether the anoxic marine sediments and black shales, but the
low-187Os/188Os component in OIB is upper mantle abundance of these rocks in the crust cannot be
or lower mantle material. In our view, it is likely that increased without seriously disturbing the crustal U
a range of slab residence times is reflected in the abundance. Thus, this 'missing Re' is likely present
Re-Os systematics of individual mantle plumes. As in recycled ocean crust which is stored in the Earth's
an example, the Pb-Pb age of the recycled crustal deep interior. Based on the depletion of Re in the
component in lavas from the HIMU islands of Tubuai depleted mantle, the mass of currently stored recy-
and Mangala was estimated at 1800 Ma by Hauri cled oceanic crust is estimated at 4.4% of the mantle
and Hart (1993), which would correspond directly to mass.
the residence time of this particular slab in the We propose that elevated Os isotope ratios in OIB
convecting mantle. Although we have proposed that are a direct measure of the presence of a ubiquitous
such recycled crustal material is present in all plumes component of recycled MORB crust in mantle
which exhibit high 187Os/188Os, we would expect plumes. The OIB sources are estimated to make up
slab residence times to be different for different 4.4-22% of the mantle mass, depending on whether
mantle plumes. In this context, the tendency of the the low-187Os/188Os component(s) in OIB sources
low-187Os/188Os component(s) in plumes to exhibit are external or intrinsic, respectively. Assuming a
high 3 H e / 4 H e ratios (Hauri et al., 1994, 1996; the reasonable plume flux (Sleep, 1990), the average
FOZO component of Hart et al., 1992), in our opin- residence time of lithospheric slabs in the OIB reser-
ion, favors an 'external' origin for the low- voirs is thus estimated at 700-3500 Ma. We propose
187Os/188Os component(s) in plumes, namely the that the average slab residence time is within the
lower mantle. This choice favors a whole-mantle shorter half of this range, with the upper bound
convective regime which allows transport of slabs constrained by the oldest apparent Pb-Pb ages in
into the lower mantle, and their subsequent entrain- mantle plumes (1800 Ma for HIMU plumes).
ment in mantle plumes, on timescales of 700-1800 The abundance systematics of Re in oceanic
million years. basalts suggests minimal exchange of mass between
the mantle and core. Incorporation of metallic core
material into mantle plumes would result in R e / Y b
9. Conclusions ratios in OIB enhanced by a factor of 5-24 over
those in MORB. The similarity in R e / Y b ratios in
Rhenium abundances in oceanic basalts show lim- MORB and OIB is inconsistent with the incorpora-
ited variability, and indicate that Re behaves as a tion of core metal into mantle plumes and isolation
slightly incompatible element during partial melting of the upper mantle from the core. The amount of
and low-pressure differentiation. Based on a limited core material in mantle plumes must be less than 0.2
data set, Re appears to show a mantle/melt parti- wt% in order to be consistent with the Re data in
tioning behavior similar to HREE such as Yb. Aver- oceanic basalts.
E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart~Chemical Geology 139 (1997) 185-205 203

Acknowledgements, pcratures and pressures. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 119, 197-

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