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Group 2 :
1. Anisa Fitria (190210103077)
2. Andra Yan Pratama(190210103090)
Table of Contents

01 02 03
Definition Kind Form

04 05 06
Requirements Measurement Scale Arrangement of

Considerations in the

The test is a measuring tool for the collection process data where in providing
responses to questions in the instrument, participants are encouraged to demonstrate
maximum ability.


Learning achievement test is a tool to measure student learning outcomes. As we
know, the learning process is a continuous activity, which is carried out systematically
and takes place at different levels of time and ability. Therefore, at every level we must
know the level of ability of students. For this reason, the learning achievement test is
an effective way to find out.
Kinds of Learning Achievement Tests

01 03
Formative Test Summative Test
The formative test is used to Summative test is a test that is used
determine the extent the ability of to find out the students' mastery of
students after following the process all amounts material submitted in
learn how to teach. units of time certain

02 04
Diagnostic Tests Placement Test
Evaluation of learning outcomes has A placement test is a test of learning
a diagnostic function. outcomes which is done to place
learners in groups according to
ability or talent interest.
Form of Learning Achievement Tests


The essay test is a

a test form consisting OBJECTIVE TEST
of questions or ones
want answers in the
form of descriptions. Objective tests are
tests of overall
information required to
answer the tests as
they become available
Learning Achievement Test Requirements

Reliability Validity
The test of learning Valid is
achievement test has either defined by the terms
reliability or reliable. correct, correct,
Reliability is defined as authentic, valid.
constancy or stability.
Objective Practical
The test of learning The learning
achievement is said achievement test is said to
to be objective if the be practical if the test is
test is compiled and implemented simply and
implemented as is. does not require equipment
and difficult requirements
Planning of Learning Achievement Tests in the Learning
Tests Increase Student Motivation Tests Help Students to
Periodic tests can motivate students Understand Themselves
by providing short-term goals for The main purpose of learning is to help
learning and providing feedback based individuals understand themselves
on their effectiveness in learning. better, so they can make smarter
decisions and evaluate performance
more effectively.
Tests to Improve
Tests Provide Feedback on
Memory of Learning
Because tests tend to direct Learning Effectiveness
students to the learning The results of achievement tests can
objectives they want to be used to evaluate various aspects of
measure, they can be used as a the learning process. As in determining
tool to improve learning memory the extent to which learning objectives
are achieved.
Validity Test

Validity relates to the

ability to measure exactly what you
want to measure. The validity of the
test means the accuracy of the test
questions in measuring the
participant's ability students. Another
understanding is that, "Validity is the
extent to which an assessment
measure does the job for which it is
intended ”which means validity is the
extent to which a measure the
appraisal does the work intended.
Reliability Test
Reliability is related to trust
problems. A test can be said to have
a high level of confidence if the test
can provide consistent results. Then
the notion of test reliability is related
to the permanence of the results
, what

Pedoman Observasi : Skala Penilaian Kuantitatif

Komentar / kesimpulan :
, ....................
Observer : ........................
Keterangan : Rentangan setiap aspek yang diobservasi adalah berskala 1-10 artinya:
9-10 nilainya adalah 4, berarti alternatifnya selalu
7- 8 nilainya adalah 3, berarti alternatifnya sering
4 5 6 nilainya adalah 2, berarti alternatifnya jarang
1 2 3 nilainya adalah 1, berarti alternatifnya sangat kurang
Pedoman Observasi : Skala Penilaian Deskriptif

Komentar / kesimpulan : ...................................................................................

................................................................................................................. ...........
................., ......................
Observer : ............................
Pedoman observasi : skala penilaian grafis

1. Kehadiran siswa mengikuti pelajaran

1 2 3
Terlambat Sedikit terlambat Tepat waktu Sgt. Awal

2. Persiapan mengikuti pelajaran

1 2 3
Tidak siap Kurang siap Siap Sgt. Awal

3. Memperhatikan penjelasan guru

1 2 3
Tidak Kurang Memperhatikan Sgt.mperhatikan

4. Menanggapi keterangan guru

1 2 3
Tidak pernah Kadang-kadang Sering Selalu

5. Dan seterusnya ..................................................................................................

Komentar / kesimpulan : ........................................................................................

................., .......................
Observer : ............................
Arrangement of Instrument
Step 2 Step 4
determine the Choose the
reference instrument

01 02 03 04
Step 1 Step 3
Set a Goals Make a
Considerations in the Preparation of
Learning Achievement Tests

Instructional goals representative sample Relevance of

measuring item

conformance to the test High Reliability and Can increase

objectives Interpretation of the motivation to
results accordingly learn
1. Abdullah, S. 2012. Evaluasi Pembelajaran. Semarang: Pustaka Rizqi Putra.
2. Gronlund, N. E. 1982. Constructing Achievement Tests (Third Edition). USA: Library of Congress Cataloging in
Publication Data.
3. Mulyadi. 2010. Evaluasi Pendidikan. Malang: UIN Maliki Press.
4. Purwanto. 2009. Evaluasi Hasil Belajar. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
5. Surya, M. 2004. Psikologi Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran. Bandung: Pustaka Bumi Quraisy.
6. Widoyoko, E. P. 2009. Evaluasi Program Pembelajaran. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Does anyone have any questions?
+91 620 421 838

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