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Darasin, Almira L.


The Bridge of Madison Country

1. What is the significance of the movie with regards of moral agent and
development of moral character?

The significance of the movie is we need to know the consequences of having an affair
with someone else. And to know that you are held accountable to your actions, because
we already know what is right and what is wrong. This movie show that having an affair
is not worth it and it’s not right. The importance of this movie is that it gives you lessons
and samples in life that your love ones will be hurt if you've done this.

2. Would you consider the decision of Francesca morally bad or good?

No, because for me having an affair with someone else is bad. Once you’re
committed with someone you need to know how to distance yourself even though you’re
not happy with your relationship you need to know how to be contented because you
settled with that marriage. There’s nothing wrong with falling in love with someone, but
when you’re committed you need to know that you need to distance yourself to others
because you can be tempted.

3. What is the moral lesson of the movie?

The moral lesson of this movie is that you need to be contented on what you have
and love without hesitation. Once you’re committed you need to know your limitations
and you need to give importance on your marriage. Never settle if you’re not ready to be
committed with someone because time will come it can cause divorce. You need to
think twice before doing such things that you might regret in the future. We need to
make sure we listen to our hearts and not our egos which might be just trying to escape.
We must do so responsibly by facing our current partners as well as the issues
surrounding our relationship with them all of which takes courage. Because once you're
satisfied, it's good to live without hiding. And learn to think first about the decisions we
will make in life, whether it is right or wrong. And love family more.

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