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ID : au-7-Data-Handling-Probability-Statistics [1]

Grade 7
Data Handling - Probability, Statistics
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Answer the questions

(1) From a deck of cards, George randomly withdraws a card. What is the probability that the card is a face
card (one of king, queen, or jack)?
(2) What is the average of 9 consecutive integers starting from 13?
(3) A group of students from a British school are selected for a study. The color of the eyes of the students
are noted as below:
Color of Eyes Number of Students
black 5
green 7
blue 10
brown 6
grey 4

What is the probability that the color of a student's eyes, chosen randomly, is brown?

(4) The given figure shows some fruits in a basket. David is getting late for school and just picks up a fruit
from the basket without looking at it. Which fruit is most likely to be picked?

(5) Find the mean of all the internal angles of a pentagon.

(6) Given are the marks obtained by 36 students in History.
Marks Tally Marks Number of students
2 | || || || || || || || || | 9
3 | || || || || | 5
4 | || | 2
5 | || || || | 4
6 | || || || || | 5
7 | || || || | 4
8 | || || || | 4
9 | || || | 3

What is the median of their scores?

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ID : au-7-Data-Handling-Probability-Statistics [2]
(7) If 85C - 340A = 387, and 425A + 85B = 633, then what is the average of A, B and C?
(8) The given table shows the marks of 12 college students in the Science exam.
Name Marks (Out of 100) Name Marks (Out of 100)
Jeff 20 Kenneth 52
Nancy 96 John 70
William 95 Helen 92
Donald 36 George 40
Karen 36 Mark 81
Deborah 49 Barbara 65

What is the average score of the class?

(9) A ship docks at the port on 5 different days at 7:45 AM, 5:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 10:00 AM and 6:00 AM.
What is the average time it docks?

(10) The average of Jeff's marks in 6 subjects is 85. He got 50 marks in the 7 th subject. What is his average
in all 7 subjects?
(11) David tosses a dice twice. What is the probability that the sum of the values obtained in the throws is 8?
(12) Barbara measures the height of 10 of her friends as follows (in centimeters):
117, 113, 144, 137, 145, 113, 133, 105, 118 and 140
What is the average of their heights?
(13) Kenneth throws a dice. What is the probability that he will get an even number?
(14) The given table shows the marks of 12 college students in the English exam.
Name Marks (Out of 60) Name Marks (Out of 60)
Linda 26 Ruth 13
Kenneth 34 Kevin 23
Sharon 21 Ronald 36
Michelle 59 Betty 39
Elizabeth 18 Michael 25
Patricia 34 Sarah 18

What is the probability that the marks of a student chosen randomly are greater than 32?

Choose correct answer(s) from the given choices

(15) The average of any four consecutive odd integers is always

a. even b. odd
c. a proper fraction d. a decimal number

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ID : au-7-Data-Handling-Probability-Statistics [3]



Step 1
We know that George randomly withdrew a card from a deck of cards.
Total number of cards in the deck = 52 cards
Number of face cards in the deck of cards = 12 cards

Step 2
Number of face cards
Probability that the card is a face card =
Total number of cards

Step 3
Hence, the probability that the card is a face card is .

(2) 17

Step 1
If we look at the question carefully, we notice that the 9 consecutive integers starting from 13 = 13
, 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21
Sum of 9 consecutive integers = 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21
= 153

Step 2
Sum of 9 consecutive integers
Average of 9 consecutive integers starting from 13 =
Total number of consecutive integers
= 17

Step 3
Hence, the average of 9 consecutive integers starting from 13 is 17 .

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ID : au-7-Data-Handling-Probability-Statistics [4]


Step 1
If we look at the question carefully, we notice that the color of the eyes of the students are noted
as below:
Color of Eyes Number of Students
black 5
green 7
blue 10
brown 6
grey 4

Total number of students = 5 + 7 + 10 + 6 + 4 = 32

Number of students with brown eyes = 6
Probability that the color of the student's eyes chosen randomly is green =
Number of students with brown eyes
Total number of students

Step 2
Hence, the probability that the color of the student's eyes, chosen randomly, is green = .

(4) Pear

Step 1
Total number of fruits in the basket = 18
Number of pears in the basket = 7
Number of pomegranates in the basket = 5
Number of oranges in the basket = 6

Step 2
As, the number of pears is the maximum. Hence, pear is most likely to be picked from the basket.

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(5) 108°

Step 1
We know that the sum of all the five internal angles of a pentagon must be 540°.
Thus, the mean of all the internal angles of a pentagon = = 108

Step 2
Hence, the mean of all the internal angles of a pentagon is 108°

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(6) 5

Step 1
Marks Tally Marks Number of students
2 | || || || || || || || || | 9
3 | || || || || | 5
4 | || | 2
5 | || || || | 4
6 | || || || || | 5
7 | || || || | 4
8 | || || || | 4
9 | || || | 3

If we look at the given table from top to bottom carefully, we notice that the marks obtained by 36
students in History are arranged in ascending order.

Step 2
Total number of students are 36 which is an even number.
n n
So, the median is equal to the average of ( ) th and ( +1) th student's marks in History, where
2 2
n is the number of students.
n 36
( ) th = ( ) th = 18 th
2 2
n 36
( +1) th = ( + 1)th = 19 th
2 2
If we count the number of students in the tally marks column of the table, we notice that the marks
obtained by 18th and 19th students in History are 5 and 5, respectively.
Median =

Step 3
Hence, the median of the scores of 36 students in History is 5.

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(7) 4

Step 1
According to the question,
85C - 340A = 387 -----(1),
425A + 85B = 633 -----(2)

Step 2
By adding equation (1) and (2), we get:
85C + 425A -340A + 85B = 1020
⇒ 85C + 85A + 85B = 1020
⇒ 85(C + A + B) = 1020
⇒ C + A + B = 1020/85
⇒ A + B + C = 12

Step 3
Now, the average of A, B, C =

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(8) 61

Step 1
If we look at the question carefully, we notice that the given table shows the marks of 12 college
students in the Science exam.
Name Marks (Out of 100) Name Marks (Out of 100)
Jeff 20 Kenneth 52
Nancy 96 John 70
William 95 Helen 92
Donald 36 George 40
Karen 36 Mark 81
Deborah 49 Barbara 65

Sum of the marks obtained by the college students = 732

Total number of students = 12

Step 2
Sum of the marks obtained by the college students
Average score of the class =
Total number of students
= 61

Step 3
Hence, the average score of the class is 61 .

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(9) 8:03 AM

Step 1
Since all the times are in AM, we can just add the hours in minutes form and find out the average.
We take a time as the minutes past midnight.
So, 7:45 AM = 7 × 60 + 45 = 465
5:00 AM = 5 × 60 + 0 = 300
11:30 AM = 11 × 60 + 30 = 690
10:00 AM = 10 × 60 + 0 = 600
6:00 AM = 6 × 60 + 0 = 360

Step 2
To find the average:
465 + 300 + 690 + 600 + 360 2415
= = 483
5 5

Step 3
To convert it back to the hh:mm format we divide by 60. The quotient is the hours, and the
remainder is the minutes.
= 8R3
Average time of docking = 8:03 AM.

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(10) 80

Step 1
Sum of the marks in all the subjects
We know that the average of marks in all the subjects = .
Total number of subjects
Sum of the marks in 6 subjects
The average of Jeff's marks in 6 subjects = = 85
⇒ Sum of the marks in 6 subjects = 6 × 85
= 510

Step 2

Since, Jeff got 50 marks in the 7 th subject, the average of Jeff's marks in 7 subjects =
Sum of the marks in 7 subjects

Sum of the marks in 6 subjects + Marks in the 7 th subject

510 + 50
= 80

Step 3
Therefore, Jeff's average in all the 7 subjects is 80.

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ID : au-7-Data-Handling-Probability-Statistics [11]


Step 1
Let us assume that S, E and P are the sample space, event, and probability, respectively, of
getting the sum of the values obtained in the throws is 8 by tossing a dice twice.

S = { (1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5),(1,6),
(6,1),(6,2),(6,3),(6,4),(6,5),(6,6) }

E = {(2,6),(3,5),(4,4),(5,3),(6,2)}

Step 2
P(E) =
(Since, P(E) is the probability of getting an event E, n(E) is the number of elements in the event E,
and n(S) is the number of elements in the sample space S )
P(E) =

Step 3
Hence, the probability that the sum of the values obtained in the throws is 8 by tossing the dice
twice is

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(12) 126.5

Step 1
According to the question, Barbara measures the height of 10 of her friends as follows (in
117, 113, 144, 137, 145, 113, 133, 105, 118 and 140
Sum of heights of Barbara's friends = 117 + 113 + 144 + 137 + 145 + 113 + 133 + 105 + 118 + 140
= 1265
Total number of Barbara's friends = 10

Step 2
Sum of the heights of her friends
Average height of Barbara's friends =
Total number of her friends
= 126.5

Step 3
Hence, the average height of Barbara's friends is 126.5 .


Step 1
Let us assume S, E, and P are the Sample Space, Event and Probability of getting an even
number by throwing the dice, respectively.
S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6}
E = {2, 4, 6}

Step 2
P(E) =
(Since, P(E) is the probability of getting an event E, n(E) is the number of elements in the event E
and n(S) is the number of elements in the sample space S )
P(E) =

Step 3
Hence, the probability of getting an even number is .

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Step 1
If we look at the table carefully, we notice that the total number of college students are 12, out of
which 5 students have more than 32 marks.

Step 2
Thus, the probability that the marks of the student chosen randomly are greater than 32 =
Number of college students who have more than 32 marks
Total number of college students

(15) a. even

Step 1
The average of any four consecutive odd integers is always even.
For example : 1, 3, 5, and 7 are four consecutive odd integers.
Average of 1, 3, 5, and 7 =
, which is an even number.

Step 2
Therefore, we can say that the average of any four consecutive odd integers is always even.

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