BSBINN502: Build and Sustain An Innovative Work Environment

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Build and sustain an innovative work


Workplace Assessment Task

Unit Purpose
The assessment tasks within this unit provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of the
knowledge and skills required to create an environment that enables and supports the application of
innovative practice.

The following elements define the essential outcomes of this unit:

 Element 1 Lead innovation by example

 Element 2 Establish work practices that support innovation

 Element 3 Promote innovation

 Element 4 Create a physical environment which supports innovation

 Element 5 Provide learning opportunities

Assessment Requirements

 001: Innovation - Collaboration and Evaluation

Authenticity Requirements
Copying or passing off someone’s work as your own is a form plagiarism and may result in a participant’s
exclusion from a unit or the entire course.

The following activities will be considered plagiarism:

 Presenting any work by another individual as one's own intentionally or unintentionally

 Handing in work copied from another student.

 Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work.

 Handing in work without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including work
taken totally or in part from the internet.

You must PRINT AND SIGN this document

Assessment Instructions
Students are required to complete a range of assessment tasks throughout the training period to
demonstrate competency in each relevant unit. To facilitate the appropriate learning and practice of
developing skills ALL workplace assessment tasks MUST be completed within a regulated children's service.
Workplace supervisors must authenticate these tasks have been completed, under supervision and to an
acceptable workplace standard for organisation policies and procedures.

Attempting assessment tasks

Students are required to provide appropriate responses to the indicated questions for each task.

Assessment Outcomes
The Early Childhood Education and Care training packages are vocational qualifications that are competency
based. For each assessment undertaken you will be assessed as Satisfactory, Not Yet Satisfactory or
Incomplete. Where students are assessed as ‘Not Yet Satisfactory’ or ‘Incomplete’ the trainer/assessor will
provide the student with feedback and guidance regarding what needs to be completed for resubmission.

Student Appeals
Students have the right to appeal an unfavourable decision or finding during assessment. All student appeals
must be made in writing using the Appeals Form and specify the particulars of the decision or finding in
dispute. Appeals must be lodged within 28 days of the decision or finding.

Required Readings
In order to complete this unit of competency you are required to access the following key resources.


 Kearns, K. (2017). The Business of Child Care: Working in Early Childhood Education and Care
Series (4th ed.). Victoria: Cengage Learning Australia.

Additional Readings for this Unit

 Business Queensland, Types of innovation strategies Retrieved from
Logan.pd (Accessed January 2018)

 Corrigan L (2018) Environmental Influences on Innovation. Newcastle, NSW: ICCC

001 Innovation – Collaboration and Evaluation
BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment

Element 1 Lead innovation by example

Element 2 Establish work practices that support innovation

Element 3 Promote innovation

Element 4 Create a physical environment which supports innovation

Element 5 Provide learning opportunities

Performance Evidence

Knowledge Evidence

Activity 1
To complete this task refer to Chapter 4 of your textbook ‘The Business of Child Care’.

For this task you are required to reflect over a one week period about aspects of the service relating to
innovative practices. You will need to engage with other educators, seeking and recording their feedback
through a communication form of your choice. (E.g. Email, questionnaire, poster, survey, form in staff room,
display or verbal interactions.)

You are required to detail the form of communication you used and write a report on your findings from the
feedback sought.

Your feedback engagement must include the educators’ ideas and practices regarding how this currently
occurs in the service and ideas for improvement on the following key points:

 Educator collaboration.
 Building work arrangements.
 Learning formally and informally.
 Celebrating and promoting innovative ideas.
 Consulting with one another.
 Challenges and barriers to innovation.
 Respect, communication, sharing and evaluation of ideas and feedback.

When you have prepared the communication/feedback form you must have this approved by your workplace
supervisor before speaking to the other educators.

Complete the following:

a) Attach a copy/photo of the information - communication/feedback form you and the

educators have completed.
b) Write a ½ to 1 page report on your findings.
c) Offer suggestions for procedures and practices the service could adapt to foster further
d) Research/offer suggestions for formal and informal learning opportunities to help develop
skills for innovation.
e) Refer to the service philosophy in your suggestions.

Workplace Task 001 – Activity 1

Innovation – Collaboration and Evaluation Form

Communicate with Colleagues

 Communication evidence is attached

 Supervisor approval

Evaluation of findings (key points must be addressed).

With World growing rapidly, innovation at workplace has become necessary to meet the needs of people.
Collaboration can provide us with the ideas that we cannot think of alone. Brainstorming during a meeting
helps us a lot. there are certain barriers when it comes to innovation such as inability to cope with
technology. It is one of the workplace ethics to respect the views of your colleagues.

Suggestions for procedures/ practices service could adapt to foster further innovation.

 Invest in a system where parents can access and use phone application or internet to update
information and access centre’s news and updates.
 Implementing an app for parents to access child’s work or what they are doing in that day.

Offer suggestions for formal and informal learning opportunities to help develop skills for

 Formal: learning in courses or programs leading to nationally and internationally recognised

 Informal: reading books/magazines, navigating performance support materials and systems,
observing others, incidental skills practice, coaching or mentoring, seeking advice from peers, or
participation in an experience.

Supervisor Comment:

Activity 2
To complete this task refer to your reading:

 Types of innovation strategies.

Discuss with your workplace supervisor and choose one of the following four areas to make changes to the
workspace that will encourage innovation.

 Programming/study room.
 Staff room.
 Office area.
 Foyer.

You are required to take photographs before and after the ‘makeover’.

Evaluate the workspace, noting pros and cons and consider how it could be enhanced to support innovation
and collaboration.

Use a web to jot down all of your ideas and those of other educators, regarding changes to the workspace.
Try to think of new ways to reinvent the space such as using recycled materials, second hand pieces and
making items.

Use the feedback gained from Activity 1 to use as ideas for your space.

Include an area that will specifically promote innovation and collaboration such as a display, memory board,
staff praise area etc.

Once completed evaluate your design space and consider any feedback received.

When planning and evaluating you need to consider:

 Knowledge, celebration and promotion of innovation.

 Consultation with other educators and receptive of ideas.
 Ability to evaluate the space.
 Evaluate the impact of innovation.
 Consider potential for innovation in the selection of resources.
 Design, fit-out and decorate workspace to encourage creative mindsets, collaborative working and
the development of positive workplace relationships.

Workplace Task 001 – Activity 2

Innovative Workspace

Workspace to be innovated: Staff Room

Vision and Objective: To facilitate innovation in the workplace and encouraging staff to be innovative

Pros: Cons:

 Boost staff confidence, interaction,  Cost

socialising.  Finding an alternate room for staff breaks
 Staff will feel more comfortable and
while this room is being renovated
happier to be in the staff room.
 Creating timeout room for all.

Declutter the room.

Give room a comfortable chair.

Provide magazines and newspapers for staff to read

Provide fruits for staff to help themselves and eat.

Provide more for staff bring their bags and stuff Ideas for Innovation
Place phone chargers.

What changes will you make to the space to promote innovation?

 Make it as comfortable as possible.

 Make it brighter.
 Place sticky notes, coloured pens, make it more friendly and comfortable.
 Place bean bags, plants, nice pictures on the wall, self-help area.
 Placing fruit basket, cookie jar, soft drinks and juices, fridge with little snacks

Resources used.

All comfortable furniture and some funky design furniture

Large while board with and large sheets of paper
Big board on the wall
Lots of colourful stationary (e.g. markers, highlighters, post It Notes.

Evaluate the space (also consider the planning points).

Space was previously crowded and small for number of staff and volunteers.
Having all unnecessary furniture removed
Placing different mixes of art around the room.
Having seating arrangement that encourages conversation and interaction.
Keep it natural (home like) and clean and tidy

Reflect on your ideas of innovation.

My idea of innovation is to solve problems using uncoventional ways for the improvement.
Draw a design of what the room will look like.
Research different designs.
Discussions with all staff and director.
Feedback from staff and director
Goal to work towards.

Make it more comfortable room and encourage staff to interact and have good times while they rest.

Before photograph: After photograph:

Supervisor Comment:

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