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Good morning ladies & gentle man, Good morning mr Hendy.

Welcome to university Trilogi, welcome to jakarta, Indonesia.

My name is Mutiya and my friends are Rania and Halimah.

We’re speaking as the delegate of university trilogi. // before we started I would like to thank to rector
university trilogi for giving the oprtunity to speak// now lets start by getting to know more about me.

My name is Mutiyaludin you can call me mutiya, I’m From Jakarta, I have 3 sibling, and I’m the last
member in my family. I’m Major accounting here, and also work in a company In Jakarta as a finance.

So let’s we talk about Jakarta// Jakarta, officially the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, is the capital and
most populous city of the Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta Has population density over 30 million people in
2020. And the reason why people have to go to jakarta is first because the weather, Indonesia is one of
those fabulous destinations where stays relatively warm all year round. Jakarta has two distinct seasons,
wet and dry. The dry season (June to September) is a popular time to travel because it’s more
comfortable. And the second reason because the food. Indonesia have a lot of food, and jakarta have
soto betawi.

Soto Betawi is a soup made with beef, offals, fried potato, and tomato that’s cooked in a cow’s milk or
coconut milk broth.

And next is kerak telor

Kerak telor is a spicy omelette. Back in the colonial kerak telor was considered a privileged food that was
only served to the colonial government.

And last but not least the reason why people have to come to jakarta because the place.

First there is a national monument or we can call monas.

The towering at 115 meters high, the building is also majestic to see from the outside, and topped with a
flame-shaped gold foil.

Next there is a taman mini indonesia

This is a great place to come and it gives you a whistle-stop tour of the country if you don’t have time to
actually visit each province in person.
And the last is Ancol Beach

You might not imagine that a bis city like jakarta has a beach. There are a number of swimming pools
along the shore line and you can enjoy the relaxed atmosphere outside of the city center.

So ya that all about me and jakarta, now my friend rania will continue by introducing her self.


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