Module 6 Assignment - Career Plan

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Running head: Module 6: CAREER PLAN 1

Career Plan

Alexander Scalisi


OGL 482: Pro-Seminar II

April 20, 2021

Module 6: CAREER PLAN 2

Career Plan

Section 1: Creating your BHAG

1) What is your BHAG?

To become a project executive and advisor for my company Snyder Langston. Growing to

become a leader at their organization, a change agent, and creating the culture within the

organization. All while maintaining a work-life balance.

2) Why is this your BHAG?

This is my BHAG because I am passionate about the work I do and aspire to become a leader

within my industry. The tools gathered from my degree in Organizational Leadership has helped

mold me and prepare for my BHAG. This BHAG is special to me because it will require me to

utilize everything I have learned about leadership and construction. I feel that this BHAG is

important as well as it will allow me to have a lasting effect on my organization, allowing us to

adjust in the changing construction market and also cultivate a positive environment and culture

within the organization. Lastly the importance of my BHAG is to also maintain a work-life

balance to be a leader at home and available for my family as well.

3) How does your BHAG align with your vision statement from Module 4?

Vision Statement

I pledge myself to utilize the leadership training I have learned over my studies of Organizational

Leadership. I pledged everyday to be an exemplary leader in every aspect of my life while

balancing a personal and professional life.

Module 6: CAREER PLAN 3

Alignment of my vision statement and my BHAG

The theme of my Vision Statement focuses on exemplary leadership and work-life balance.

There is a direct connection to my BHAG in my Vision statement. Exemplary leadership is

practicing leadership all the time. It means setting the standard of conduct and role modeling

behavior that will make both my organization and family proud. It also connects directly with the

realization that I must utilize the leadership training I have received to be the leader I desire to

achieve my BHAG.

4) How does your BHAG align with your mission statement from Module 4?

Mission Statement

I am focused on becoming the best leader I can be for my family and in my career. Ultimately

family comes first, and I believe that is reflected in the decisions I make. I believe that having a

proper work-life balance allows me to be involved with my family life while pursuing career

advancements. I am committed to progressing as a leader within my organization. I am going

achieve this goal by graduating from ASU and taking on new challenges at work, seek

innovative ways to solve problems, and manage projects. As I one day reflect on my life, I want

to be proud of the accomplishments that I have made both professionally and in my personal life.

Alignment of Mission Statement and BHAG

My BHAG builds on my mission statement and extends into my future. As I strive to become a

project executive and leader my family comes first for several reasons. First, this would allow

me to work the hours that I want to, making myself more available for my family. As a project

executive would also indicate that I completed my education studies and graduated. Graduating
Module 6: CAREER PLAN 4

would also allow me to be a role model for my family to show them the importance of higher

education and finishing goals. Lastly, my BHAG would force me to use innovative ways to solve

problems and be proud of my accomplishments both professionally and in my personal life with

the life I could provide for my family.

5) List your top five (5) obstacles in order from number 5 being least difficult and number

1 being most difficult you need to overcome in order to obtain your BHAG and explain the

relevance of each one.

Obstacle 1 – Promoted to Project Executive – most difficult – This is a very difficult position to

acquire at Snyder Langston. Currently our company only has three Project Executives out of

thousands of employees. To become a Project Executive, you must be an exemplary leader and

posses immense about of construction knowledge. As a Project Executive you oversee multiple

teams and projects. A Project Executives also is a part of board meetings to help make decision

for the company.

Obstacle 2 – Promoted to senior project manager – A senior project manager is also difficult to

achieve and also requires construction knowledge and leadership. As a senior project manager,

you are responsible for mentoring and helping team members grow while also managing the

biggest projects the company has.

Obstacle 3 – Promoted to Project manager – As a project manager at Snyder Langston you are

role within the company is to manage your team and project to success. As a project manager

you need to be able to manage a construction project on time and budget for the client.

Obstacle 4 – Becoming a leader within my organization – As I continue to build upon my

reputation at Snyder Langston, I need to establish myself as a leader within the organization in
Module 6: CAREER PLAN 5

order to achieve my goals and promotions. I am putting in the time and effort now to obtain my

goals later.

Obstacle 5 – Complete my bachelor’s degrees – least difficult – As a senior at ASU I need to

obtain my bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership. I am currently two semesters away

from achieve this goal and gaining the degree I need to purse my goals within commercial

construction at Snyder Langston.

Section 2: Career Vision

1) Analyze the type of career you want to have, in terms of an organizational career or a
protean career, make sure it is clear you understand the concepts as outlined in the
textbook. Why?

In analyzing the type of career that I want to have; I began with reflecting on what I am

currently doing. As a senior project engineer in commercial construction, I find my career to be

exciting and rewarding. As I progress and want to shift more into fully manage my own

construction projects. I realize that I am working in the type of career I have always wanted,

managing project and building. This is also supported through the self-assessments I have done.

In completing the Career and Life Orientation Index, it validated that I moderately protean

person, with an average score of 3.12. This means that I desire to move up in the organization

and be part of organization centered management. That being said I still value employee-

centered career planning. These results correlate exactly with my BHAG would further support

my protean needs. I would run help run my organization as a project executive, while maintain

the ideals I’ve learned along the way bringing more employee-centered career planning.
Module 6: CAREER PLAN 6

2) Analyze your career with an explanation as one that moves you up the organization or
one you develop seeking alternative career paths. If you see yourself taking an alternative
career path, which one(s) sound the most likely? Why?

Through analyzing my career now, where I want to go, and aligning it with obstacles that

I have identified, I am focusing on moving up in my organization at Snyder Langston. I am

working on learning what priorities for my boss are and how I can make them a reality. I work

collaboratively with my manager and help out in areas that he struggles with to ensure that

everything is done correctly and on-time. This is how I am working on managing-up to better my

upward growth (Harrington and Hall, 2007. Pg. 107). Also, I am working on increasing my

leadership experiences at my organization. Leadership will prepare me to become a project

manager and one day project executive. Part of my leadership practice is using the information

that I am learning from my Organizational Leadership experience to create new ways to lead

others in my organization.

3) Discuss and explain if you see yourself working an alternative or flexible work
schedule/arrangement? If so, which ones and why?

In working towards my BHAG, I do not see myself working an alternative or flexible

schedule other than the occasional late nights. My goal and career is centered around a Monday-

Friday and fulltime schedule. That is not to say I am not flexible and work weekends as well

sometimes. I do travel as well which changes my schedule sometimes. Overall to achieve my

BHAG I know that it will require some flexibility that I am willing to do. I just don’t see myself

working a completely open schedule that changes week to week.

Module 6: CAREER PLAN 7

4) Research and post current, or past, job postings from your local area, across the
country, or from around the world which illustrate how you might reach your BHAG. Be
sure to provide the Job Title, a small description and why it supports your BHAG when
you provide the URL. Websites such as CareerBuilder, Monster, or Indeed might be a good
place to begin. Also, career-specific websites such as or often have
job postings. Provide 2 listings for each of the following time periods:

a. 2 years from today

i. Project Engineer at Snyder Langston, a project engineer helps the project

team with processing information and assisting in the construction project.
This is a past role and first step towards my BHAG goal. This is an entry
level position in construction management.


Senior Project Engineer at Snyder Langston, a senior project engineer is

responsible for training other project engineers. A senior project engineer
is also assisting the team and helps manage the project to completion. I am
currently a recently promoted senior project engineer. This role builds on
the entry level project engineer and requires leadership that helps me
achieve my BHAG.

ii. (

b. 5 years from today

i. Project manager at Snyder Langston, a project manager is responsible for

managing the project team, budget, and schedule. The project manager
must be organized and well prepared to manage construction project. This
is a critical step towards achieving my BHAG as I will need to be a leader
within my company working towards upper management.


c. 10 years from today

i. Senior Project Manager, a senior project manager builds upon what they
have learned as a project manger to work on the biggest and most complex
of commercial construction project. A senior project manager is also
responsible for their project team and mentoring other. This is a massive
Module 6: CAREER PLAN 8

step towards achieving my BHAG as I would be able to separate myself as

a future leader within my company.


d. BHAG Achievement Year

i. Project Executive, a project executive is charged with overseeing many

construction project and teams. They are responsible for the culture of the
organization and project teams. A project executive is also responsible of
projects success by setting your team with all the required resources. This
would be the final step to achieve my BHAG.


Section 3: Long-Term Strategy

1) Critically think about and then list the interim steps or milestones you have laid out for
yourself that will aid you in reaching your BHAG (you should have at least 10 to earn a
rating of excellent and be referenced by time)

1. Graduate and finish my bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership. I will be completed

August 2021.

2. Develop and train other project engineers. Help train Maryam my coworker to be the best
project engineer. I will achieve this by June 2021

3. Gain experience as a senior project engineer, work to manage a small project on my own. Goal
will be to manage a small project by April 2022.

4. Get promoted to project manager. Become a leader within my company and manage
construction projects as a project manager at Snyder Langston. My timeline to achieve this goal
will be over the five years.

5. Manage construction projects successfully, always retaining the project fee. All construction
projects have a 3-10% fee on the total for our services. Due to schedule or budget issues, fee can
be used sometimes to fund and stabilize the construction project. My goal will be to manage my
project while capturing the full fee every time.
Module 6: CAREER PLAN 9

6. Get promoted to senior project manager, gaining trust of my organization to lead big projects
and teams as a senior project manager. This goal should be achieved by the next five to seven

7. Complete a project for the Irvine Company, our most important and largest clients. They are
one of the largest developers in California, and would like to build a project for them in the next
five to ten years.

8. Mentor and help other project managers. Helping create a culture that helps build others up.
As a senior project manager, I want to help develop and grow the other project managers.

9. Expand our company and attract more clients to use Snyder Langston for their construction

10. Get promoted to project executive, achieving my BHAG. My timeline for this goal is ten

2) In addition to career-related roles, consider your other life roles in relation to your
career goals. Revisit your responses to the Identities Exercise that you completed in Module
1 of the course. Based on your long-term strategy, what are the 3 most precious things you
are willing to sacrifice, besides time, to achieve your BHAG? Why?

Sacrifice 1 – My free time. this may seem extreme but I am dedicated to my BHAG and
achieving my goals. Although I do strive to be there for my family and have a work-life balance
this sacrifice pertains to my personal free time and not family time. This sacrifice means that I
will need to put my career, family and responsibilities above my own time for enjoyment.

Sacrifice 2 – Furthering my education. Although I love learning new things and my time at ASU
and how I have grown through my OGL program. I have also realized that my career is time
demanding at it has been hard to balance work, life, and school. Originally, I planned to get my
masters degree as well, but realize I can’t and need to focus on my career at Snyder Langston.

Sacrifice 3 – Traveling on vacation. I love to travel, although the recent pandemic has made it
more challenge. Before I started my career at Snyder Langston, I would love my summers off
school to travel and go on vacations. I have since realized how precious PTO is and how I need
to use it. I realize to achieve my BHAG I will no longer have three months off to travel from
June to August.
Module 6: CAREER PLAN 10

Section 4: The one to two year plan

1) What is your #1 Goal? (at least one of the following must be related to your BHAG)

My first goal that is related to my BHAG is becoming a project manager at Snyder

Langston. Achieving this goal will allow me to put my leadership skills to use and prepare to

advance towards achieving all of my BHAG. I break down how I am going to accomplish this

goal using the SMART system below.

Specific: I want to accomplish getting a promotion to be a project manager at Snyder Langston. I

am responsible for achieving this goal with support from my family. I will need the company to
see me as a leader. I want to accomplish this goal in 3-5 years. The reason this is a goal of mine
is that it will put me in a leadership position that will allow me authentic influence to do the right
thing for my organization.

Measurable: To measure this goal and know if I have successfully achieved it is by getting the
promotion to a project manager within the next 3-5 years.

Attainable: Obtaining the position of project manager at Snyder Langston is achievable. I will
have the skills and experience for this position in the few couple of years. The company tends to
promote project managers within and rarely hire employees as project managers.

Relevant: I am setting this goal for me because it will help me to achieve my highest goal of
reaching my BHAG. Become a leader and project manager is the first step into management for
construction. Along with the responsibility of this position, I would learn how to manage the
budget, Schule and team. All of these skills are relevant to my BHAG.

Time-Based: My ideal time-frame to complete this goal will be within the next 3-5 years.

2) What is your #2 Goal? (at least one of these must be related to your BHAG)

My first second goal that is related to my BHAG is becoming a father. Achieving this

goal will allow me to put my leadership skills to use and advance towards achieving all of my
Module 6: CAREER PLAN 11

BHAG with work-life balance. I break down how I am going to accomplish this goal using the

SMART system below.

Specific: My wife and I want to have a child after recently experiencing a miscarriage. This goal
will take both my wife and I to prepare. Most of this responsibility will be my wives to bear
through the pregnancy. The responsibility of the child will be equal between my wife and me. If
we cannot have a child we plan to adopt.

Measurable: This can be measured our ability to have a child or adopt if needed. Once we have a
child, we will be parents achieved the goal.

Attainable: This goal is obtainable and is something that will require my wife. This should be
achieved within the year or two.

Relevant: This is extremely relevant to my BHAG, as I want to be a father, leader and a family.


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