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NIM : 1201111024

Exercise 1

Construct sentences with the following prepositions:

above up to according to following on the floor
behind into in the middle concerning on time
below upon of during before the
for unto in addition to provided by next class
under from in spite of frustrated at in the middle
within in regard to of
respect to
Answer :
1. Above : The birds were flying high above the trees.
2. Behind : The car behind us was flashing its lights.
3. Below : The lake is almost 900 feet below sea level.
4. For : I bought some flowers for Chloe. Wait there for a while.
5. Under : There are piles of books under my desk. The total cost of the project is just
under £2.2 million. The technology has been under development since the early 1980s.
6. Up to : He climbed up to the steps. I set off to up the road.
7. Into : She got into her car and drove away.
8. Upon : Shadows were flickering upon the srudio floor.
9. Unto : This is the British English definition of unto.
10. From within : Can you complete the work for within a month?
11. According to : We should try to play the game according to the rules.
12. In the missle of : The car broke down in the middle of nowhere.
13. In addition to : In addition to the twins, Jason has another child by his first wife.
14. In spite of : In spite of feeling tired, we decided to go out.
15. In regard to : A change in the laws with regard to food safety.
16. Following : Following months of uncertainty, the government has finally announced its
17. Concerning : A newspaper article concerning the problems of overcrowded cities.
18. During : During his visit to South Africa, the president met Archbishop Tutu.
19. Provided by : The food will be provided by the party palnners.
20. Frustrated at : He gets so frustrated at not being able to do things for himself any more.
21. On the floor : Jobs have been lost not just on the factory floor but throughout the business.
22. On time : The train was on time.
23. Before the next class : I will have read the book before the next class.
24. In the middle of : The car broke down in the middle of nowhere.
25. Respect to : The two groups are very similar with respect to age.

Reading Passage 1
Kesenjangan Digital
Istilah kesenjangan digital mengacu pada kesenjangan antara mereka yang memiliki akses siap
pakai ke komputer dan Internet, dan mereka yang tidak. Lebih tepatnya, ini adalah
ketidaksetaraan ekonomi dan sosial sehubungan dengan akses ke, penggunaan, atau dampak
teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK). Definisi ini termasuk keterampilan untuk
menggunakan TIK sebagai elemen penting. Penelitian menunjukkan itu kesenjangan digital
lebih dari sekedar masalah akses dan tidak dapat diatasi hanya dengan menyediakan peralatan
yang diperlukan. Lebih dari sekedar aksesibilitas, individu perlu mengetahui bagaimana
menggunakan informasi dan alat komunikasi begitu mereka ada dalam komunitas.
Kesenjangan digital mungkin ada di negara yang sama atau di antara negara yang berbeda
negara atau wilayah di dunia. Faktanya, di banyak negara termasuk industri, ada
ketidaksetaraan antara individu, rumah tangga, bisnis, atau wilayah geografis, biasanya pada
tingkat sosial ekonomi yang berbeda. Misalnya, anggota masyarakat yang terpinggirkan,
seperti orang miskin, pedesaan, bagian populasi lansia, dan penyandang cacat tidak memiliki
akses ke komputer atau internet. Namun, penduduk kelas menengah dan kaya mereka yang
tinggal di daerah perkotaan lebih beruntung menjadi anggota yang aktif secara digital
Di tingkat global, kesenjangan digital dapat merujuk pada kesenjangan antara perbedaan
negara atau wilayah di dunia. Kesenjangan ini juga disebut digital global membagi dan itu
terjadi terutama antara negara berkembang dan negara maju di skala internasional. Faktanya,
negara berkembang kehilangan sebuah sejarah kesempatan untuk mengambil lompatan
kuantum ke depan untuk mengembangkan produksinya sendiri dan kapasitas kreatif, dan
menjadi terintegrasi ke dalam dunia maya global ekonomi. Diyakini bahwa negara-negara
yang kurang berkembang dapat memperoleh akses cepat pertumbuhan ekonomi jika
infrastruktur informasi akan dikembangkan dan digunakan dengan baik. Dengan
meningkatkan teknologi terbaru, negara tertentu dan industri dapat memperoleh keunggulan
Akhirnya, dianggap memprovokasi untuk melihat interaksi antara manusia dan komputer
telah meningkat pesat saat kita memasuki abad kedua puluh satu. Digital keaksaraan telah
menjadi hal terpenting bagi orang-orang yang ingin menjadi bagian dari masyarakat dan
ekonomi global.
Exercise 4
Based on the reading passage answer these questions!
1. Using your own define the digital divide, based on your understanding on the reading!
2. Why is there a digital divide in the same country?
3. How the digital technologies help developing countries to be better? Give an example!

Answer :
1. In my opinion, the digital divide is a condition where there is a gap in society regarding knowledge
and also the ability to access all forms of information and communication technology. The digital
divide remains a problem even though in developed countries where the majority of people already
understand the use and utilization of technology.
2. Because, within many countries including the industrialized ones, there are inequalities between
individuals, households, businesses, or geographic areas, usually at different socioeconomic levels.
For instance, the marginalized members of society, like the poor, rural, elderly, and handicapped
portion of the population do not have access to computers or the internet.
3. The more sophisticated digital technology today is making big changes to world, the birth of various
kinds of digital technology which is increasingly advanced sprung up. Various groups have facilitated
access to information through many ways, and can enjoy the facilities of digital technology freely
and under control. For example digital technology can communicate remotely.

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