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Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |1



Millions of years have passed. The evolution of technologies has been developed

and become advanced. These resulted in different machines, appliances, and gadgets with

unique features. Gadgets, which is the most prominent and popular among millennial

consists of applications and one of these is the mobile games highly played by students

and also millennial worldwide.

Mobile game is a video game played on a feature phone, smartphone/tablet, smart

watch, PDA, portable media player or graphing calculator. In 1994, Hagenuk MT-2000

played their earliest known game on a mobile phone which is Tetris Variant. Moreover in

1997, Nokia launched the very successful snake.

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) estimated that there were more

than six billion mobile phone subscriptions in the world in 2016. The expansion of

mobile gaming is not worthy also in terms of quality, as mobile games have become a

site for innovative, new play and game design practices.

Literature on mobile games is often technically focused and generally moves

directly to discuss the implementation of games for mobile phones and other mobile

devices without necessarily clarifying the key concept itself (Hamer, 2007). Despite

being a common enough term and phenomenon in today’s technologically intense

societies, it is not necessarily self-evident what exactly constitutes and defines a “mobile

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |2

The early history of mobile games does not start with the introduction of the first

handheld electronic games in the late 1970s; there is continuity from the early simple

electronic gaming devices such as the Merlin by Parker Brothers in 1978 and the

evidences of traveling dice and board games being used by the Roman Emperor Claudius.

Since 1970s and 1980s, there have been many different mobile phone

manufacturers in the market, each regularly releasing phone models that support diverse

feature sets. Such key factors as the screen size, keyboard, memory, processor, operating

system, as well as the wireless capabilities all differ, making game development for

mobile phone ecosystems a rather challenging undertaking.

According to Statista, there was an average of 2.8 billion monthly active users of

mobile games worldwide in the end of 2016 and 2.7 billion users in the last quarter of


Due to the increasing cases of excessive use of mobile games, student who are

prone to mobile game suffer the descend level of academic performance in school.
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |3

Theoretical Framework

In recent years, gaming addiction (computer game addiction, console gaming

addiction, or even excessive play on portable systems) has received increased attention

not only from the media, but also from the psychologist, psychiatrists, mental health

organizations, and gamers themselves.

Gaming addiction is not yet classified as a mental health disorders or “true”

addiction like gambling or alcohol addiction. However, some gamers clearly struggle to

keep their playing habits under control and may place more importance on their gaming

accomplishments than their happiness and success in the real world.

According to the University of New Mexico, recent studies suggest that 6 to 15

percent of all gamers exhibit signs that could be characterized as addiction.

There is no definition or criterion of game addiction in the Diagnostic and

Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association

[APA], 2000) or The International Classification of Diseases ICD 10(World Health

Organization [WHO], 1992).Although is possible to see plenty of academic studies, as

Petry (2011) argued, there is no consensus on the operational definition of game

addiction. But typically, game addiction can be described as excessive and compulsive

use of games that hinders the daily life of players (Weinstein,2010).Wood (2008),based

on four case studies, puts forward that the reason why people spend too much time on

games is not games’ addictive features but ineffective time management or people’

symptomatic reactions to some underlying problems.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |4

Game addiction may be considered as a serious social issue (Park &

Ahn,2010).Game addiction, with the behaviour of excessive game playing, may lead to

some social (Sun et al., 2008),familial (Lee et al., 2007) and physical (Porter, Starcevic,

Berle, & Fenech,2010),problems and excessive game playing can be associated with

certain problematic aspects of individuals’ personalities, social live (Festl, Scharkow, &

Quandt,2012) and numerous medical problems (Griffiths,2008).

In addition to these, from an educational point of view, students may neglect

their lessons because of computer and mobile games. The relationship between different

kinds of computer, video and internet game playing and academic achievement has been

well established ( Anand, 2007; Ip, Jacobs & Watkins,2008).

Today, students play games not only in their houses or Internet cafes, but also

in educational environments with their portable electronic devices.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |5


II Dependent
Independent Intervening
(Input) Students’ Profile
Excessive Use of  Age Performance
Mobile Games In
 Gender  Quarterly
 Name
 Recitation
 Social
Economic  Quizzes
 Projects

 Assignments

The illustration shows the relationship between the independent, intervening and

dependent variable in this study. The independent variable is the excessive use of mobile

games that can affect the dependent variable which is the academic performance such as

quarterly exam, recitation, quizzes, projects, and assignments. The intervening of this

study is the Student’s Profile like Age, Gender, Name, and Social Economic Status.

Surveys and questionnaire was used to determine the effect of excessive use of

mobile games in the academic performance of Grade 10 students.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |6


This study aims to know whether excessive use of mobile games affect students’

academic performance, specifically it aims to answer the following questions.

1. What is the students’ profile in terms of:

a. Gender

b. Age

2. What is the students’ level of academic performance before playing mobile games?

3. What is the students’ level of academic performance during playing mobile games?

4. What is the effect of excessive use of mobile games to the students’ academic


5. Is there a significant relationship between excessive use of mobile games and students’

academic performance?


There is no significant relationship between excessive use of mobile games and

students’ academic performance.


This study is only limited in the Grade 10 students who are excessively using

mobile games which can affect their academic performance.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |7

In this study, 25 respondents from class of Grade 10 students were needed. There

were 15 boys and 10 girls and it was conducted in NNHS. Data that were collected were

mainly the respondents’ perceptions about the effects of excessive use of mobile games,

as well as their interpretation for questions asked in the questionnaire.


The result of this study was a great help to both students and teachers, and for the

readers also. For the students, they can gain information about the effects of excessive

use of mobile games so they can give more focus with their study. They may be able to

increase their performance in school and can actively participate in class discussion.

Also, they can be able to lessen the time taken by playing mobile games. For the teachers,

they may be able to coordinate their students regarding with the excessive use of mobile

games and its effect in the academic performance of students. For the readers, they can

have an understanding about the effect of excessive use of mobile games in academic



The term used were either defined operationally and conceptually as follows:

Mobile games- video game played on a feature phone, smart phone/tablet, smart watch,

PDA, portable media player or graphing calculator

Excessive- exceeding what is usual, proper, necessary or normal

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |8

Technology- science underlying industrial arts

Academic performance- the outcome of education that extend to which a student has

achieved their educational goal

Performance- the action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task, and

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |9




Foreign Literature

The literature on mobile games is often technically focused and generally moves

directly to discuss the implementation of games for mobile phones and other mobile

devices without necessarily clarifying the key concept itself. (Hamer, 2007).

Jane McGonigal, author of the “Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and

How They Change the World” said in an interview in National Public Radio,2011 “Well,

games seem to tap into the psychological state called eustress or positive stress. You

know, normally we think about stress as very negative. It makes us anxious or frustrated

or burnt out. But it turns out that if we have chosen a goal for ourselves and if we feel in

control of the work that we’re doing, that stress is experienced very positively”. However

McGonigal still encourages everyone to play games due to its convincing benefits but

also insists that people should only play on controlled number of hours.

According Chis Rowan, 2013, Effects of Android Game, Today’s families are

different. Technology’s impact on the 21st century family is fracturing its very foundation

and causing a disintegration of core values that long ago were the fabric that held families


According to Rob Cover who studied Gaming (Ad) diction: Discourse, Identity,

Time and Play in the Production of the Gamer Addiction Myth. He focuses to the
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |10

production of an illusory dichotomy between the real and the virtual and continuing

cultural apprehension for activities and entertainments which are not viewed merely as

the new but as dangerous virtue of their representation as virtual.

Mccarthy, Li, and Tiu (2013) reported a positive impact on maths comprehension

after using a mobile game specifically designed for maths learning. The early mathematic

skills of pre-schoolers were improved after playing the game at home with the support of

their parents.
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |11


In this study, addiction to mobile games was defined as a kind of phenomenon that

users strongly rely on mobile games and cannot help playing mobile games repeatedly in

a comparative long period of time. As such behaviour may cause notable physical, mental

and social damage to individuals, we select the eight criteria for game addiction made by

Griffiths (1998) based on diagnosis of pathological gambling as our measurement items.

On one hand, previous studies have demonstrated that flow has a positive impact

upon game addiction. Chou et al.(2003) suggested that flow experience shows a strong

positive impact upon addiction, which means that online game players who have

experienced flow are much more likely to get into addiction. Wan and Chiou (2006)

investigated the relationship between players’ flow state and their online games

addiction. Seah and Cairns (2007) found that the experience of flow and ingame

immersion was associated with addiction. Flow experience has been acknowledgement as

an important predictor of game addictions which include mobile game addiction.

It is worth nothing that researchers didn’t reach an agreement on the terminology to

describe the media or internet addiction behaviour. Specifically, a variety of terms

including problematic Internet use (Shapira et al.2000), pathological Internet use (Davis

2001),unregulated media usage (Robert et al.2003),or Internet Addiction(Brenner

1997;Greenberg et al.1999;Griffiths 2000;Hall et al.2001) have been used in prior

literature. Even though such media consumption behaviours are termed differently, they

are essentially the same given the key concepts in descriptions.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |12

Despite being a common enough term and phenomenon in today’s technologically

intense societies, it is not necessarily self-evident what exactly constitutes and defines

“mobile games”.
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |13



In this part, the process used to collect the data and information needed and the

techniques used by the researcher was showed.

Research Design

This chapter presents the research methods, respondents of the study,

instrumentation, scaling and quantification, data gathering procedures, reliability of the

instrument and the statistical treatment of data.

Research Method

This research employed a Descriptive Method or Data Collection Method of

research in order to know easily the effects and impact of excessively playing mobile

games in academic performance.

Respondents of the study

The student-respondents of this study were the randomly selected Grade 10

students. Each was given questionnaire wherein they answered the questions

corresponding to the impact of mobile games in their learning attitudes in school or in

class. The questionnaires are answered in an allotted time. Results are based from the

responses of the selected respondents.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |14

Research Instrument

The researcher used questionnaire as a means for gathering data needed in this

study. The questionnaire consisted of questions related to the difficult variables used in

the study.

Reliability of the Instrument

Questionnaires were done to determine the reliability of instrument to the

twenty five (25) respondents from Grade 10.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher approached her respondents and requested them to answer the

questions as truthful as possible. The researcher explained well the contents of the

questionnaire for the appropriate responses from the respondent.

The responses from the respondents are collected and checked well by the

researcher. Eventually, all of the answers were anatomized and tabulated.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researcher used descriptive and inferential statistics in analyzing the

results. Descriptive statistics include the use of computation, percentage, and rank.

Percentage was used to determine the percent (%) of the total observations

and data belong under a given category.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |15


P = sample problem

f = frequency

n = sample space

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |16


This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data that was gathered from

the Grade 10 students of Nabuslot National High School in determining the effect of

excessive use of mobile games in the academic performance.

Table 1.1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Profile of Grade 10 students

according to Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 18 72%
Female 7 28%
Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of Grade 10 students in

relation to their gender wherein 18 out of 25 respondents are under the gender which is

male and 7 out of 25 respondents are under the gender which is female.

The data that were obtained implies that there are more male selected students

who are excessively playing mobile games because its frequency is 18 which are the

highest. On the other hand, female selected students’ who are using mobile games has a

frequency of only 7.

Table 1.2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Profile of Grade 10 students

according to Age
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |17

Age Frequency Percentage

12-14 1 4%
15-16 22 88%
17-19 2 8%
Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of Grade 10 students in

relation to their age wherein 22 students out of 25 respondents are under the age of 15-

16, 22 students out of 25 respondents are under the age of 17-19 and 1 student out of 25

respondents are under the age of 12-14.

The data that were obtained implies that there are more selected students who are

using mobile games in the age of 15-16 years old because its frequency is 22 which is the

highest, while in the age of 17-19 years old its frequency is 2 which is second to the

highest and in the age of 12-14 years old its frequency is 1 which is the lowest.

Table 1.3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of how often the respondents play

mobile games
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |18

How often do you play Frequency Percentage

mobile games?
Always 12 48%
Often 2 8%
Sometimes 10 40%
Seldom 1 4%
Never 0 0%
Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.3 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of how often the

respondents play mobile games. Always playing mobile game has a frequency of 12 and

has a percentage of 48%; sometimes playing mobile game has a frequency of 10 and a

percentage of 40%. Often playing mobile games has a frequency of 2 and has a

percentage of 8%, seldom playing mobile game has a frequency of 1 and a percentage of

4% while never playing mobile games has zero frequency and zero percentage.

The data that were obtained implies that the student is always playing mobile games

because always has the highest frequency which is 12. Also, it has the highest percentage

which is 48%.

Table 1.4 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of how long the respondents

spend time playing mobile games in a day

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |19

How long do you spend Frequency Percentage

your time playing mobile
games in a day?
Less than 1 hour 5 20%
2-4 hours 1 4%
1-3 hours 10 40%
More than 4 hours 9 36%
Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.4 showed the frequency and percentage distribution of how long the

respondent spend time playing mobile games in a day. 1-3 hours of playing mobile games

has a frequency of 10 and a percentage of 40% while more than 4 hours of playing

mobile games has a frequency of 9 and a percentage of 36%. Moreover, less than 1 hour

of playing mobile game has a frequency of 5 and a percentage of 20% and 2-4 hours of

playing mobile game has a frequency of 1 and a percentage of 4%.

The data obtained indicates that the student spend 1-3 hours’ time playing mobile

games in a day because it has the highest frequency which is 10 out of 25 respondents

and highest percentage which is 40% among the others.

Table 1.5 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Mobile Games played by the


Mobile Games Frequency Percentage

Clash of Clans 1 4%
Rules of Survival 3 12%
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |20

Mini Militia 0 0%
Mobile Legends 21 84%
Others 0 0%
Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.5 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of mobile games played

by the respondent. Mobile Legends (ML), as a game played by respondents has a

frequency of 21 out of 25 respondents and has a percentage of 84%. Rules of Survival, a

kind of mobile game has a frequency of 3 out of 25 respondents and has a percentage of

12% while Clash of Clans (COC), another type of mobile game has 1 frequency and a

percentage of 4%. Mini Militia and other type of mobile games have zero frequency and

zero percentage.

The data obtained shows that most students were playing Mobile Legends or ML,

a type of mobile game because out of 25 respondents, it has a frequency of 21 which is

the highest the same with the highest percentage which is 84%.

Table 1.6 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the respondents if they like to

play mobile games

Do you like to play mobile Frequency Percentage

Very much 21 84%
Somewhat 2 8%
Not really 2 8%
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |21

Not at all 0 0%
Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.6 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents if

they like to play mobile games. Very much like when it comes to playing mobile games

has a frequency of 21 out of 25 respondents and has a percentage of 84% while

somewhat, level of interest in playing mobile games has a frequency of 2 out of 25

respondents and has a percentage of 8% the same with not really, level of interest in

playing mobile games. Not at all, level of interest in playing mobile games has zero

frequency out of 25 respondents and has zero percentage.

The data obtained implies that students are very much like to play mobile games

because it has the highest frequency of 21 out of 25 selected respondents. Also, it has the

highest percentage of 84 %.

Table 1.7 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of 3 most type of mobile games

played by respondents

Type of Mobile Games Frequency Percentage

Action 21 28%
Adventure 6 8%
Sports 18 24%
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |22

Simulation 12 16%
Strategy 18 24%
Others 0 0%
Total 75 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.7 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of three most type of

mobile games played by respondents. Action, as a type of mobile games has a frequency

of 21 and a percentage of 28% while Sports, also a type of mobile games has a frequency

of 18 and a percentage of 24% the same with Strategy, a type of mobile games.

Simulation, another type of mobile games has a frequency of 12 and a percentage of 16%

while Adventure, a type of mobile games has a frequency of 6 and a percentage of 8%.

Other type of mobile games has zero frequency and zero percentage.

The data obtained indicates that the three most type of mobile games played by

respondents is: Action, Strategy and Sports, and Simulation. These three games have the

highest frequency and highest percentage.

Table 1.8 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of 3 most reasons to play mobile


Why do you play mobile Frequency Percentage

Because of the graphics 7 9%
It gives relaxation or 12 16%
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |23

It improves my hand-eye 5 7%
It challenges my mind 13 17%
It’s such a great feeling to 18 24%
master or finish a game
I’ll play anything when 20 27%
I’m bored
Others 0 0%
Total 75 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.8 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the three most

reason why students play mobile games. The first reason which is I’ll play anything when

I’m bored has a frequency of 20 and a percentage of 27%. The second reason, It such a

great feeling to master or finish a game has a frequency of 18 and has a percentage of

24%.The third reason, It challenges my mind has a frequency 13 and a percentage of

17%. The fourth reason, it gives relaxation or recreation has a frequency of 12 and a

percentage of 16%. The fifth reason which is because of the graphics has a frequency of 7

and a percentage of 9%.Then the last reason which is it improves my hand-eye

coordination has a frequency of 5 and a percentage of 7%.Other reason has zero

frequency and zero percentage.

The data obtained implies that the three most reasons why students play mobile

games are: I’ll play anything when I’m bored, it’s such a great feeling to master or finish

a game, and It challenges my mind. The said reason has the highest number of frequency

and highest percentage.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |24

Table 1.9 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the respondents 3 most reason

to dislike playing mobile games

What don’t you like about Frequency Percentage

playing mobile games?
It takes up too much time 16 21%
It’s frustrating 9 12%
It’s lonely 6 8%
Too many rules to learn 12 16%
Costs too much 18 24%
Boring 9 12%
Pointless 5 7%
Others 0 0%
Total 75 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.9 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents three

most reason to dislike playing mobile games. The first reason which is cost too much has

a frequency of 18 and a percentage of 24%. The second reason which is it takes up too

much time has a frequency of 16 and a percentage of 21%. The third reason which is too

many rules to learn has a frequency of 12 and a percentage of 16%. The fourth reason is

which is It’s frustrating to has a frequency of 9 and a percentage 12% the same with

reason, Boring. The fifth reason which is its lonely has a frequency of 6 and a percentage
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |25

of 8%. Pointless, the sixth reason has a frequency of 5 and a percentage of 7%. Others

have zero frequency and percentage.

The data obtained implies that the three most reason why students dislike playing

mobile games is: Costs too much, It takes up too much time and Too many rules to learn.

The said reason has the highest number of frequency and highest percentage also.

Table 1.10 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the respondents in how they

consider playing mobile games

In your opinion, how do Frequency Percentage

you consider playing
mobile games?
Must-do activity 5 20%
Should-do activity 7 28%
Can-do activity 6 24%
Not-necessary activity 7 28%
Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.10 showed the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents

in how they consider playing mobile games. Should-do activity to consider mobile games

has a frequency of 7 out of 25 respondents and has a percentage of 28% the same with

Not-necessary activity to consider mobile games. Can-do activity to consider mobile

games has a frequency of 6 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 24%. While Must-

do activity to consider a mobile game has a frequency of 5 out of 25 respondents and a

percentage of 20%.
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |26

The data obtained shows that the students considered playing mobile games as a

should-do activity and not-necessary activity because they have the same frequency

which is 7 and the same percentage which is 28%.

Table 1.11 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the 2 worst effects of playing

mobile games that happens to respondents

Any bad effects of playing Frequency Percentage

mobile games that have
happened to you?
Not enough sleep, always 21 42%
feeling tired
Having aggressive 16 32%
behaviours ,feeling or
Cannot be concentrated 12 24%
regarding to studies
Blurred Vision 1 2%
Others 0 0%
Total 50 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.11 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the two worst

effects of playing mobile games that happens to respondents. Not enough sleep, always

feeling tired, as an effect has a frequency of 21 and a percentage of 42%. Another effect,

Having aggressive behaviours, feeling or thoughts has a frequency of 16 and a percentage

of 32%. Another effect, Cannot be concentrated regarding to studies has a frequency of

12 and a percentage of 24%. Lastly, Blurred vision, another effect of playing mobile

games has a frequency of 1 and a percentage of 2%.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |27

The data obtained implies that the two worst effects of playing mobile games

that happens to the respondents are: Not enough sleep, always feeling tired because it has

the highest frequency which is 21 and highest percentage which is 42% the same with

Having aggressive behaviours, feeling or thoughts because it is second to the highest

frequency which is 16 and percentage which is 32%.

Table 1.12 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the student quarterly average

if they excessively play mobile games

Quarterly Average Description Frequency Percentage

80 below Very 5 20%
81-85 Unsatisfactory 9 36%
86-90 Satisfactory 8 32%
90-95 Very Satisfactory 3 12%
90 below Outstanding 0 0%
Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.12 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the student quarterly

average if they excessively play mobile games. Students who has an average of 81-85

has a frequency of 9 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 36%.Students who has an

average of 86-90 has a frequency of 8 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 32%.

Students who are 80 below have a frequency of 5 out of 25 respondents and a percentage

of 20%. Student who has an average of 90-95 has a frequency 3 out of 25 respondents
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |28

and a percentage of 12%. While students who got an average of 95 below have zero

frequency and zero percentage.

The data obtained implies that the quarterly average of the student if they

excessively play mobile games is 81-85 because it has the highest frequency which is 9

out of 25 respondents and highest percentage which is 36%. This result implies that the

performance is Unsatisfactory.

Table 1.13 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the respondent if they feel

relax when they play mobile games

When I play mobile Frequency Percentage

games, I feel relax
Strongly Agree 1 4%
Agree 21 84%
Disagree 3 12%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.13 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents if

they feel relax when they play mobile games. 21 out of 25 respondents agree that they

feel relax when they play mobile games which has 84%. 3 out of 21 respondents Disagree

that they feel relax when they play a mobile game which has 12%. On the other hand, 1

out of 25 respondents Strongly Agree that when they play mobile games, they feel relax

which receive 4%.While 0 out of 25 respondents Strongly Disagree that they feel relax

when they play mobile games.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |29

The data obtained discuss that the students agree that when they play mobile games,

they feel relax because it has the highest frequency which is 21 out of 25 respondents and

a percentage of 84%.

Table 1.14 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the respondents if they can

participate well in class when they play mobile games

When I play mobile Frequency Percentage

games, I can participate
well in class
Strongly agree 2 8%
Agree 10 40%
Disagree 12 48%
Strongly disagree 1 4%
Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.14 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents if

they can participate well in class when they play mobile games.12 out of 25 respondents

Disagree that they can participate well in class when they play mobile games which has

48%; 10 out of 25 respondents Agree that they can participate well in class when they

play mobile games which has 40%. Moreover, 2 out of 25 respondents strongly agree that

they can participate well in class discussion which has % while 1 out of 25 respondents

Strongly Disagree that they can participate well in class when they play mobile games

and receives 4%.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |30

The data obtained suggest that the students disagree that when they play mobile

games, they can participate well in class discussion because it has the highest frequency

which is 12 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 48%.

Table 1.15 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the respondents if they feel

the happiness and joy when they play mobile games

When I play mobile Frequency Percentage

games, I feel the happiness
and joy
Strongly agree 8 32%
Agree 15 60%
Disagree 2 8%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.15 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents if

they feel the happiness and joy when they play mobile games. It is calculated that 15 out

of 25 students agree that they feel the happiness and joy when they play mobile games

which resulted to 60%. 8 out of 25 respondents strongly agree that playing mobile games

can bring joy and happiness which has 32%. 2 out of 25 respondents Disagree that

playing mobile games can bring happiness and joy which has 8%. Last, 0 out of 25

respondents strongly disagree that they feel the happiness and joy when they play mobile

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |31

The data obtained shows that the students agree that when they play mobile

games, they can feel the happiness and joy because overall, it has the highest frequency

which is 15 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 60%.

Table 1.16 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the respondents if they can

solve their emotional problems when they play mobile games

When I play mobile Frequency Percentage

games, I can solve my
emotional problems
Strongly agree 1 4%
Agree 17 68%
Disagree 7 28%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.16 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents if

they can solve their emotional problem when they play mobile games. 17 students agree

that they can solve their emotional problem by the help of mobile games which has

calculated percentage of 68%. 7 out of 25 respondents disagree that they can solve their

emotional problem when they play mobile games and receive a percentage of 28%. On

the other hand, 1 out of 25 respondents strongly agree that by playing mobile games, we

can solve our emotional problem and has a 4%. Lastly, 0 out of 25 respondents strongly

agree that due to mobile games we can solve our emotional problem.
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |32

The data obtained shows that the students agree that when they play mobile games,

they can solve their emotional problems because overall, it has the highest frequency

which is 17 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 68%.

Table 1.17 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the respondents if they excel

in class when they play mobile games

When I play mobile Frequency Percentage

games, I excel in class

Strongly agree 0 0%

Agree 7 28%

Disagree 16 64%

Strongly disagree 2 8%

Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.17 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents if

they excel in class when they play mobile games. 16 students disagree that they excel in

class when they play mobile games and receives 64%. 7 out of 25 respondents agree that

they excel in class when they play mobile games and resulted with a percentage of

28%.Moreover, 2 out of 25 respondents strongly disagree that playing mobile games can
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |33

help to excel in class thus, it gains 8%. 0 out of 25 respondents strongly agree that

playing mobile game is a key to excel in class.

The data obtained suggest that students disagree that when they play mobile games,

they excel in class because it has the overall calculated frequency which is 16 out of 25

respondents which is the highest and a percentage of 64% which is also the highest.

Table 1.18 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the respondents if they can

get good grades when they play mobile games

When I play mobile Frequency Percentage

games, I can get good

Strongly agree 2 8%

Agree 11 44%

Disagree 9 36%

Strongly disagree 3 12%

Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.18 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents if

they can get good grades when they play mobile games. It is calculated that 11 students
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |34

out of 25 Agree that they can get good grades when they play mobile games so it has

44%.9 out of 25 respondents disagree that through playing mobile games we can get

good grades and has 36%. 3 out of 25 respondents strongly disagree that playing mobile

games is a big help to gain good grades and has a computed average of 12%. 2 out of 25

respondents strongly disagree that they can get good grades when they play mobile

games and have 8%.

The data obtained implies that the students agree that when they play mobile games,

they can get good grades because it has the highest frequency which is 11 out of 25

respondents and a percentage of 44%.

Table 1.19 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the respondents if they can

get high score in quizzes and written works when they play mobile games

When I play mobile Frequency Percentage

games, I can get high
score in quizzes and
written works

Strongly agree 3 12%

Agree 9 36%

Disagree 9 36%

Strongly disagree 4 16%

Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |35

Table 1.19 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents if

they can get high score in quizzes and written works when they play mobile games. 9 out

of 25 respondents agree at the same time disagree that playing mobile games is a big help

to get high score in quizzes and written works and receive 36%. 4 out of 25 respondents

strongly disagree that we can get high score in quizzes and written works if we play

mobile games. It has a percentage of 16%. Lastly, 3 out of 25 respondents strongly agree

that playing mobile games can be a useful thing to get high score in quizzes and also in

written works.

The data obtained shows that the students agree either disagree that when they play

mobile games, they can get high score in quizzes and written works because they have

the same frequency which is 9 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 36%.

Table 1.20 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the respondents if they can

relieve their stress in home and school when they play mobile games

When I play mobile Frequency Percentage

games, I can relieve my
stress in home and school

Strongly agree 4 16%

Agree 19 76%

Disagree 2 8%

Strongly disagree 0 0%

Total 25 100%
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |36

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.20 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents if

they can relieve their stress in home and school when they play mobile games. 19

students Agree out of 25 respondents that playing mobile game is a key to relieve stress.

It has 76%.On the other hand,4 out of 25 respondents strongly agree that they can relieve

stress by playing mobile games. 2 out of 25 respondents disagree that relieving stress is

just playing mobile games. And last, 0 out of 25 respondents strongly disagree that

playing mobile games can help to relieve stress in home and in school.

The data obtained shows that the students agree that when they play mobile games,

they can relieve their stress in home and school because it has the highest frequency

which is 19 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 76%.

Table 1.21 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the respondents if they feel

refresh and contented with their life when they play mobile games

When I play mobile Frequency Percentage

games, I feel refresh and
contented with my life

Strongly agree 6 24%

Agree 11 44%

Disagree 8 32%

Strongly disagree 0 0%
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |37

Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.21 showed the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents if

they feel refresh and contented with their life when they play mobile games. It is

tabulated that 11 out of 25 respondents agree that they feel refresh and contented when

they play mobile games which has also a 44%. 8 students where disagree to the said

statement. On the other hand, 6 out of 25 respondents strongly agree that the best way to

refresh and feel contented with life is by playing mobile games while 0 out of 25

respondents strongly disagree to this statement.

The data obtained says that the students agree that when they play mobile games,

they feel refresh and contented with their life because it has the highest frequency which

is 11 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 44%.

Table 1.22 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the respondents if their brain

works fast in class discussion when they play mobile games

When I play mobile Frequency Percentage

games, I feel refresh and
contented with my life

Strongly agree 0 0%

Agree 9 36%

Disagree 12 48%
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |38

Strongly disagree 4 16%

Total 25 100%

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1.22 showed the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents if

their brain works fast in class discussion when they play mobile games.12 out of 25

respondents disagree that their brain works fast in class discussion when they play mobile

games, it has 48%.9 out of 25 respondents where agree that when they play mobile

games, their brain works fast. It has a percentage of 36%.4 out of 25 respondents strongly

disagree to the said statement. Lastly, 0 out of 25 respondents strongly agree to this


The data obtained suggest that the students disagree that when they play mobile

games, their brain works fast in class discussion because it has the highest frequency

which is 12 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 48%.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |39




Generally, this study identified that excessive use of mobile games can affect

the academic performance of Grade 10 students.

Statement of the Problem:

1. What is the students’ profile in terms of:

a. Gender

b. Age

2. What is the students’ level of academic performance before playing mobile games?

3. What is the students’ level of academic performance during playing mobile games?

4. What is the effect of excessive use of mobile games to the students’ academic


5. Is there a significant relationship between excessive use of mobile games and students’

academic performance?
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |40


The findings of this study are based on the analysis gathered and the computation of data.

1. Results that were obtained imply that there are more male selected students who

are excessively playing mobile games because its frequency is 18 which are the

highest. On the other hand, female selected students’ who are using mobile games

has a frequency of only 7.

2. The calculated data suggest that there are more selected students who are using

mobile games in the age of 15-16 years old because its frequency is 22 which are

the highest.

3. Students are always playing mobile games because it has the highest frequency

which is 12. Also, it has the highest percentage which is 48%.

4. The verified result says that student spend 1-3 hours’ time playing mobile games

in a day because it has the highest frequency which is 10 out of 25 respondents and

highest percentage which is 40% among the others.

5. As a result, most students were playing Mobile Legends or ML, a type of mobile

game because out of 25 respondents, it has a frequency of 21 which is the highest

the same with the highest percentage which is 84%.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |41

6. The data obtained implies that students are very much like to play mobile games

because it has the highest frequency of 21 out of 25 selected respondents. Also, it

has the highest percentage of 84 %.

7. Results indicate that the three most type of mobile games played by respondents is:

Action, Strategy and Sports, and Simulation. These three games has the highest

frequency and highest percentage.

8. The results obtained implies that the three most reasons why students play mobile

games are: I’ll play anything when I’m bored, it’s such a great feeling to master or

finish a game, and It challenges my mind. The said reason has the highest number

of frequency and highest percentage.

9. Result implies that the three most reason why students dislike playing mobile

games is: Costs too much, It takes up too much time and Too many rules to learn.

The said reason has the highest number of frequency and highest percentage also.

10. The computed data shows that the students considered playing mobile games as a

should-do activity and not-necessary activity because they have the same

frequency which is 7 and the same percentage which is 28%.

11. It is computed that the two worst effects of playing mobile games that happens to

the respondents are: Not enough sleep, always feeling tired because it has the

highest frequency which is 21 and highest percentage which is 42% the same with

Having aggressive behaviours, feeling or thoughts because it is second to the

highest frequency which is 16 and percentage which is 32%.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |42

12. Result indicates that the quarterly average of the student if they excessively play

mobile games is 81-85 because it has the highest frequency which is 9 out of 25

respondents and highest percentage which is 36%. This result implies that the

performance is Unsatisfactory.

13. The data obtained discuss that the students agree that when they play mobile

games, they feel relax because it has the highest frequency which is 21 out of 25

respondents and a percentage of 84%.

14. Results suggest that the students disagree that when they play mobile games, they

can participate well in class discussion because it has the highest frequency which

is 12 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 48%.

15. Results shows that the students agree that when they play mobile games, they can

feel the happiness and joy because overall, it has the highest frequency which is 15

out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 60%.

16. The tabulated data shows that the students agree that when they play mobile

games, they can solve their emotional problems because overall, it has the highest

frequency which is 17 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 68%.

17. The data obtained suggest that students disagree that when they play mobile

games, they excel in class because it has the overall calculated frequency which is

16 out of 25 respondents which is the highest and a percentage of 64% which is

also the highest

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |43

18. The data implies that the students agree that when they play mobile games, they

can get good grades because it has the highest frequency which is 11 out of 25

respondents and a percentage of 44%.

19. Results gathered shows that the students agree either disagree that when they play

mobile games, they can get high score in quizzes and written works because they

have the same frequency which is 9 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of


20. It is computed that the students agree that when they play mobile games, they can

relieve their stress in home and school because it has the highest frequency which

is 19 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 76%.

21. Data obtained says that the students agree that when they play mobile games, they

feel refresh and contented with their life because it has the highest frequency

which is 11 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 44%.

22. The data obtained suggest that the students disagree that when they play mobile

games, their brain works fast in class discussion because it has the highest

frequency which is 12 out of 25 respondents and a percentage of 48%.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |44


With respect to the relation with the findings that enumerated, the following

conclusions were drawn below:

1. As a result, there are more male students who are excessively using mobile games

with a frequency of 18 and a percentage of 72%.

2. Results showed that there are more students at the age of 15-16 who are actively

engage in using mobile games with a frequency of 22 and a percentage of 88%.

3. The calculated result implies that students are always playing mobile games with

a frequency of 13 and a percentage of 48%. On the other hand, they consume 1-3

hours of using mobile games with a frequency of 10 and a percentage of 40%.

4. Mobile Legends is a kind of mobile games that mostly students’ play. While the

type of mobile game they usually play is Action.

Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |45

5. The computed result suggest that the most reason while students play mobile

games are: it can be play anything when you are bored, it’s such a great feeling to

master or finish a game, and it gives relaxation or recreation.

6. Students consider playing mobile game as a should-do activity at the same time, a

not-necessary activity.

7. Students are very much like to play mobile games because it has a frequency of

21 and a percentage of 84%.

8. It is verified that the worst effects of playing mobile games are: not enough sleep,

always feeling tired and having aggressive behaviours, feeling or thoughts.

9. The computed result implies that the students agree that they can get good grades

when they play mobile games with a frequency of 11 and a percentage of 44%.

10. The quarterly average of the students who are prone to mobile games is 81-85

with a frequency of 9 and a percentage of 36%. Thus, the academic performance

is unsatisfactory.
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |46


1. The students must balance their time on playing mobile games and time for study.

2. This study recommends that teachers must coordinate with their students

regarding with the effects of excessive game playing.

3. The future researchers must conduct more study and more improve observations

to solved problems regarding excessive use of mobile games and its effect on the

academic performance.
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |47







Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |48


Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students


Name: _________________________ Adviser:_________________________

Direction: Blocken the circle that corresponds to your answer.

Gender: Ο Male Ο Female
Age: Ο 12-14 Ο15-16 Ο17-19
1. How often do you play mobile games?
Ο 5-always Ο 3-sometimes Ο 1-never
Ο 4-often Ο 2-seldom

2. How long do you spend your time playing mobile games in a day?
Ο Less than 1 hour Ο 1-3 hours
Ο 2-4 hours Ο More than 4 hours

3. What mobile game do you play?

Ο Clash of Clans Ο Mini Militia
Ο Rules of Survival Ο
Mobile Legends
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |49

4. Do you like to play mobile games?

Ο Very much Ο Not really
Ο Somewhat Ο Not at all

5. What type of mobile game do you play (Choose at most 3)

Ο Action Ο Sports Ο Strategy
Ο Adventure Ο Simulation Other/s:____________

6. Why do you play mobile games? (Choose at most 3)

Ο Because of the graphics
Ο It gives relaxation or recreation
Ο It improves my hand-eye coordination
Ο It challenges my mind
Ο It’s such a great feeling to master or finish a game
Ο I’ll play anything when I’m bored

7. What don’t you like about playing mobile game? (Choose at most 3)
Ο It takes up too much time Ο It’s lonely Ο Costs too much
Ο Pointless Ο It’s frustrating Ο Too many rules to learn
Ο Boring

8. In your opinion, how do you consider playing mobile games?

Ο Must-do activity Ο Should-do activity
Ο Can-do activity Ο Not-necessary activity
9.Any bad effects of playing mobile games that have happened to you?(Choose at most2)
Ο Not enough sleep, always feeling tired
Ο Cannot be concentrated regarding to studies
Ο Having aggressive behaviours, feeling or thoughts
Ο Blurred vision

10. What is the student quarterly average if they excessively play mobile games?
Ο 80 below Ο 86-90 Ο 95 below
Excessive Use of Mobile Games and Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students |50

Ο 81-85 Ο 90-95
Direction: Indicate how true the statement is for you. Put a check () in your chosen

1. When I play mobile games, I feel relax.

□ Strongly agree □ Agree □ Disagree □ Strongly disagree

2. When I play mobile games, I can participate well in class.

□ Strongly agree □ Agree □ Disagree □ Strongly disagree

3. When I play mobile games, I feel the happiness and joy.

□ Strongly agree □ Agree □ Disagree □ Strongly disagree

4. When I play mobile games, I can solve my emotional problems.

□ Strongly agree □ Agree □ Disagree □ Strongly disagree

5. When I play mobile games, I excel in class.

□Strongly agree □ Agree □

Disagree □ Strongly disagree
6. When I play mobile games, I can get good grades.

□Strongly agree □ Agree □Disagree □Strongly disagree

7.When I play mobile games, I can get high score in quizzes and written works.

□Strongly agree □Agree □Disagree □Strongly disagree

8.When I play mobile games, I can relieve my stress in home and school.

□Strongly agree □Agree □Disagree □Strongly disagree

9.When I play mobile games, I feel refresh and contented with my life.

□Strongly agree □Agree □Disagree □Strongly disagree

10.When I play mobile games, my brain works fast in class discussion.

□Strongly agree □Agree □Disagree □Strongly disagree

Prepared by: Jidiah Bianca Naling

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