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Name: Aradillos Ma. Belinda C.

Section: BSP 2-F

1. Be able to identify at least one example of technical writing and explain how it could be
useful to you in your personal and professional life. Answer the activity in 50 words.
The software installation guide is an example of technical writing that will benefit both
my personal and professional life. My whole family knows how to run a computer, how to
build a database, and so on and so forth. Now that my profession is Psychology, I think it will
help that when I have a license someday. This software installation can be helpful to me to
accumulate and recognize data when I have a patient someday. Even, when I apply for
computer positions or work as a technician in a business, it would be highly helpful to me. I've
arranged ahead of time so that I'll be able to handle.
1. What are the skills that you will develop in the study of this course? Answer in 30
In this subject there are three skills that will help for me to develop my skill in technical
writing. First is the Audience analysis, in this skill it will enable you to understand how your
audience will perceive what you write and whether your document/content is relevant. Second
is know your style, I will know the set of standards for writing and designing content. It helps
maintain a consistent style, voice, and tone across your documentation. Lastly are the Grammar
and the simplicity. In this section you must have good command over the language you are
using. Be able to express yourself as clearly as possible. This skill requires a lot of practice but
it is very essential and beneficial.

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