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Module name Topics in Pharmaceutical Technology and Industry

Module level, if
Code, if applicable 248N1102
Subtitle, if applicable -
Courses, if applicable Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Semester(s) in which
the module is taught
Person responsible for
Prof. Dr. M. Natsir Djide, Apt.
the module
Prof. Dr. M. Natsir Djide, Apt.
Lecturer Dr. Herlina Rante, Apt.
Nana Juniart Natsir Djide, M.Si, Apt.
Language Bahasa
Relation curriculum Elective course for Bachelor degree in Pharmacy
Type of teaching, Lectures (2 hours)
contact hours Group Discussion (1 hour)
Contact hours: 16 weeks x 2 hours
Independent study: 15 weeks x 2 hours
Credit points 2 SKS OR 3.4 CP (ECTS)
Attendance policy: absences greater than 20% of the
according to the
material are not eligible for final
examination regulations
Completion of courses:
Microbiology and Virology
Microbiology Analysis
After the completion of this module, participants will gain
knowledge and skill as follows:
Participants will be able to:
1. Describe the scope, role and application of
2. Differentiate and contrast conventional and modern
3. Recognize common microorganism utilized in
biotechnology field and identify its role.
Module objectives
4. Describe fermentation methodology and distinguish
types of fermentation as well as the procedures and
factors that influence fermentation process.
5. Construct the process of gene regulation and
expression in organism including genetic materials and
enzyme involved in the process.
6. Identify and illustrate common technique used in
genetic engineering including enzymes used to modify
DNA, methods of isolation, amplification, detection
and sequencing of DNA.
7. Distinguish type of genome analysis used
microorganism identification and construct
phylogenetic tree of microorganism using biological
data (DNA, RNA, protein sequences)

Participants will be able to:
8. Demonstrate identification of bacterial species using
bioinformatics tools
9. Present their opinion/argument systematically based on
experimental relevant information.

10. After understanding the fundamental concepts of
biotechnology, participants can analyze, evaluate and
communicate application of biotechnology to solve
problem in various fields, particularly pharmaceutical
This module introduces some important aspects in
Biotechnology including: the scope of biotechnology
comprised of conventional and modern biotechnology; the
importance of microorganism in biotechnology; principle
of genetic engineering in organism and modification of
biological process in making beneficial product for living.

Topics covered may include:

• Scope and development of Biotechnology
• Conventional and Modern Biotechnology
• Microorganism as Backbone of Biotechnology
• Utilization of Fermentation Technology in
Content Biotechnology
• Regulation and Expression of Microbial Genes
• Genetic Engineering
• Restriction Enzymes
• Isolation and Extraction Techniques for DNA and
• Polymerize Chain Reaction (PCR)
• Gene Detection Technique: Electrophoresis
• Gene Sequencing Technique
• Gene Identification and Construction of Phylogenetic
• Application of Biotechnology in Pharmacy
Participants are marked based on their performance:
Study and examination • Final Exam (50%)
requirements and forms • Group paper, discussion, interaction and
of examination presentation (30%)
• Attendance (20%)
Media employed Lectures: slides, handouts, animation, white board
Group discussion: participants are divided in small groups
to address specific questions within the groups before
discussing them with the whole class. The process is
facilitated by lecturer(s).
Group presentation: participants are divided in small
groups and given specific topic to be presented using slides
in front of the class. The presentation is marked by peers
and lecturer(s).
Djide MN. Bioteknologi Farmasi. Penerbit Lephas.
Makssar. 2012.

Radji M. Rekayasa Genetika: Pengantar Untuk Profesi

Kesehatan. Sagung Seto. Jakarta. 2011. hal. 136-144.

Sudjadi. Bioteknologi Kesehatan. Kanisius. Yogyakarta.


Dinata I. Bioteknologi: Pemanfaatan Mikroorganisme &

Teknologi Bioproses. Penerbit EGC. Jakarta. 2009.
Reading list
Hugo WM and Russel AD. Pharmaceutical Microbiology.
8th Ed. Blackwell Science, Georg Thieme Verlag, UK.

Tortora GJ, Funke BR, Case CL. Microbiology: an

introduction. 11th Edition. Pearson. USA. 2013.

Engelkirk PG and Duben-Engelkirk J. Burton’s

Microbiology for The Health Sciences. 9th Edition.
Wolkers Kluwer Health. USA. 2011

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