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pSemi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 10

Name: Mary Grace Jerna N. Cuadra Quarter: Third

Subject: Science 10 Date:
Most Essential Learning Competency
Describe how nervous system coordinates and regulates these feedback mechanisms to maintain
homeostasis (S10LTIIIc-36).

Learning Objectives:
The students should be able to:
1. identify the parts of the nervous system;
2. explain how nervous system works;
3. elaborate how the body processes are controlled through the nervous system
4. recognize the importance of homeostasis in the body
A. Content Standard 1. organisms as having feedback mechanisms, which are coordinated by the nervous and
endocrine systems
2. how these feedback mechanisms help the organism maintain homeostasis to reproduce
and survive
B. Performance Standard
C. Most Essential Learning Describe how nervous system coordinates and regulates these feedback mechanisms to
Competency maintain homeostasis (S10LTIIIc-36).
D. Specific Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
The students should be able to:
 identify the parts of the nervous system;
 explain how nervous system works;
 elaborate how the body processes are controlled through the nervous system
through simulation activity
 recognize the importance of homeostasis in the body
E. CONTENT Nervous System
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 288-292
2. Learner’s Material pages pp.412-414.
3. Textbook pages
B. Other Learning Learning Activity Sheet Quarter 3 Week 3
G. Materials Boxes, various types of food, Powerpoint presentation, Metacards, scotch tape, marker,

I. Procedures
 Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Recall
Motivation: What’s in my mouth: Mystery Box Edition!
Divide the group into two. One group will the EATER and the group will be the TOUCHER. They
will try to get the correct item inside the box by eating and touching the object. They will write their
answer in the metacard. There will be a box in front of them they will not be able to see what’s inside
the box. One will be a eater and one will check the box that will be feed to the eater. First group to have 3
correct item will be the winner.
Here is the rubrics for this activity.
All group member should participate to get the perfect score. The first group to post their output on the board
will also get the perfect score. If you all work quietly to get the perfect score for behavior. And if your area is
clean and the output you posted is clean you will get 5 for neatness.

Activity: Break it down!

What you need:
Glue, Meta Card, Manila Paper, Marker
What to do:
Using the given graphic organizer, fill within the missing parts to finish the whole concept
showing the structure of the nervous system.

5 4 3 2 1

Teamwork All members of 1 member of 2 members of the 3 members of 4 or more

the group the group did group did not the group did members of the
participated to not participate in the not participate group did not
the given task. participate in given task. in the given participate in the
the given task. given task.

Promptness The group The group The group The group The group
presents their presents their presented their presented presented their
work before the work on work after 5 their work work after 15
time. time. minutes of the after 10 minutes of the
time minutes of the time

Behavior All members 1 member of 2 member of the 3 member of 4 or more

works quietly the group is group is noisy. the group is member of the
noisy. noisy. group is noisy.
Neatness The presented The The presented The presented The presented
output and the presented output and the output and the output and the
station is free output and station has 4 or 5 station has 5 station is very
from debris. the station debris. or more messy.
has 1 or 2 debris.

Ask the following questions to analyze learning of the students:
1. How will you differentiate the Central Nervous system and the Peripheral Nervous system in
terms of their functions?
2. What might happen to the human body if one part of the nervous system fails to carry out its
function properly?
Discuss furtherly the major divisions and parts of the nervous system
Functions of the Nervous System
1. Sensory Function- Gathers information both inside and outside the body
2. Integration Function - Processes the information in the brain and spine
3 Motor Function - Sends information to the muscles, glands, and organs so they can respond
It controls and coordinates all essential functions of the body including all other body
systems allowing the body to maintain homeostasis or its delicate balance and transmits information
to the processing areas of the brain and spine

Major Divisions of Nervous System: Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Peripheral Nervous
System (PNS)
1. Central Nervous System(CNS)
The CNS serves as the processing center for the entire nervous system. It consists of the brain
and the spinal cord.
a. Brain
This is an organ located within the skull. It functions as organizer and distributor of
knowledge. It has three main parts-cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem

Cerebrum-large upper portion of the brain that controls activity and thought.
Cerebellum- part under the cerebrum which controls posture, balance and coordination.
Brain stem- connects the brain to the medulla spinalis and controls automatic functions
like breathing, digestion, pulse and vital sign.

b. Spinal Cord
This is a channel for signals between the brain and thus the rest of the body. It controls
simple musculoskeletal reflexes without input of the brain.

2. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

The PNS includes all the nerves and associated cells that connect the CNS to the rest of the
body. It has two main divisions the Somatic NS and Autonomic NS.
a. Somatic Nervous System
This system controls voluntary body movements. It has two main parts the spinal nerves
and cranial nerves.

Spinal Nerves-the nerves connected to the spinal cord that carry motor and sensory signals
between the spinal cord and the body.
Cranial Nerves-the nerve connected to the brain that transmit information into and out of the
brain stem
b. Automatic Nervous System
This system regulates involuntary body movements involved with maintaining homeostasis. It
consists of two distinct parts-the sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous

Sympathetic NS-dominates when the body is in a dynamic role or stress (e.g., heart rate and
breathing rate dilation of pupil, sweating, etc.)
Parasympathetic NS- has the opposite effects which maintain body functions and restores
the body to normal or relaxed mode.
How does a nervous system work?
A nervous system works with the aid of five sense organs-the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and
skin. These sense organs constantly receive information from the environment and send messages to
the brain. These senses aid in the survival of human beings. A stimulus is any factor that in the
environment that influences behavior. A response is a reaction to a stimulus. A stimulus is received
by the body and a response is made. An organism must be ready to answer a stimulus so as to survive.
When a receptor such as an organ detects stimulus, the impulse(message) is sent to the brain
by the sensory neurons, which then transmit information from one nerve cell to another. As the
message reaches the brain, it processes the information and commands the body to respond. The
message coming from the brain is sent through the motor neurons and reaches to its destination and a
reaction takes place.

Nervous System Working Together with Endocrine System to Maintain Homeostasis

Both the nervous system and endocrine system are important in enabling the body to take care
homeostasis. Homeostasis is that the state reached when each a part of the body functions in
equilibrium with other parts. This is attained through the regulation of the bodily functions by the
endocrine and nervous systems. Most body systems maintain homeostasis by using feedback
mechanisms. When the brain receives messages from the body about an indoor change in one among
its systems, it works to revive the system to its normal state. The levels of hormones within the body
are controlled by feedback. It is important that the amount of hormones in our body is kept at the right
level. To achieve homeostasis, the nervous and endocrine systems maintain a normal range of the
following variables:
• Body heat • Amount of water within the body
• Hormones in the blood • Amount of metabolic wastes in the cell

Application: A Nervous Trip

Using the same group, let students compete with each other. Among the member of the group let them
choose a brain, oragan, sensory neurons,and motor neurons. Have the “brain” stand at one end of the
classroom, and the ‘organ” at the other end near the blackboard. Let three to four members represent
the ‘sensory neurons and stand in between the brain and the organ facing the sensory neurons.
Written on the card:
1. Touching a hot stove
2. Smelling spoiled food
3. Stepping on a thumb tack
4. Hearing a loud bang
Guide Questions:
1. Based on the simulation activity, explain how information travels in the nervous system?
2. Why does the damage in the nervous system cause paralysis of the body?
Show picture of the pandemic and statistics on the number of stress and anxiety level due to COVID
Ask the students:
How did you cope up with stress and anxiety of COVID 19 during lock down?
The nervous system sends messages back and forth from the body so as for you to react. Number the
statements (1-6) below within the correct order to point out how you feeling pain once you stub your

The brain decodes the signal as sight, sound, smell, taste, touch or other sensation.
The message travels along the axon as an electrical impulse.
Messages from the brain through the nerves and bent the body.
A message enters the neuron through the dendrites and goes on to the cell body.
The message continues as an electrical impulse from one neuron to the other carrying the
message to the brain.
You feel in your toe.
Study the functions of the endocrine system
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Checked by:
Principal III

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